In the morning, Claire, who had left the camp, and the others led the soldiers to follow Yoyo's guidance and moved forward slowly.

Their actions this time have to remain concealed while ensuring speed.

Marshmallow has also been following them in the sky, and Metzker is always observing the surrounding situation.

He has to report the large troops he sees to Yoyo so that Yoyo can reroute them to avoid the opposing soldiers.

Reach outside the enemy's camp safely and stealthily.

"I saw the enemy. About 4 kilometers ahead of us, there are more than 2,000 people."

Hearing Metzker's report, Yoyo paused for a while.

Then he re-planned the route at this moment.

"Go here."

Last night, Yoyo went down and walked around.

Claire and the others followed closely with their soldiers. Although they had a lot of cavalry, they had been controlling their horses to move softly and walked slowly.

Under the guidance of Metzker and Yoyo's route planning, they successfully avoided all the enemy troops, and when the afternoon was approaching, they successfully reached the most marginal camp.

At this time, more than half of the soldiers and their generals in the camp had already left in the morning.

Among the gray clouds, a white cloud appeared hidden above the camp.

There is a blue eyeball below the cloud, and the pupil is like an eagle, looking around here.

Metzker was carefully observing the number of soldiers in the camp and their strength.

"There are still about 2,200 people in the camp, of which 400 belong to the ranks of ordinary people, and 1,800 are soldiers. Their strength is at the bronze level, and there is not a single silver one."

Claire and the others were ambushing 1 kilometer outside the camp with the soldiers.

A group of patrolling soldiers was walking in their direction.

After listening to Metzker's report, Claire nodded, and finally said to Li Lulu, "Li Lulu killed that team of patrolmen without knowing it, don't disturb the others."

Hearing Claire's words, Lilulu nodded, and then a flash disappeared.

The patrolling soldiers not far away were hit by several rainbow-colored beams and began to change and shrink. They wanted to shout something, but found that they could not make any sound.

Then one after another, five-pointed stars shimmering in rainbow colors crashed against them.

In this way, the patrolmen didn't make any sound, and the enemy didn't even notice them, so they disappeared and turned into dust all over the ground.

At this time, Claire had already dispersed the crossbowmen and melee soldiers, and surrounded the entire camp, not letting anyone escape from the camp.

Then she got up, and 30 ghost centaur cavalrymen who were exactly the same size as her appeared beside her.

Following her movement, the remaining cavalry behind her stood up one after another.

Claire directly pulled out the long sword with the flying wings and the sword combined, and shouted at the camp in front: "Attack."

This is both an order and a command.

All the soldiers felt their physical fitness improved and their speed increased.

The figures of the knights charging, and the loud noise when they ran, alerted the soldiers in the camp.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Although the soldiers in the camp were a little flustered, they gathered quickly.

In front of Claire's charge was a wooden wall and a horse.

A grey stone giant more than 5 meters high fell from the sky and hit the wooden wall.

His hands were like chimpanzee arms, huge that didn't match his body shape, and he waved a toy-like weapon in his hand, destroying the wooden wall and the horses blocking Claire and the others.

Claire and the others were also on the road cleared by Lombe, and charged quickly and rushed directly into the camp.

The heavy cavalry and light cavalry instantly harvested the lives of the surrounding soldiers, and the archers behind them kept shooting arrows at the enemy.

Claire led her ghost soldiers to rampage through the entire military camp, none of the soldiers could harm them, and the soldiers who could harm them had already been taken away to attack the fortress.

Of course, a few soldiers escaped from the camp, and they were about to rush to the front team to report the attack on the camp at the back.

However, the entire camp had been surrounded for a long time. They had just escaped from the camp when they were killed by the arrows shot from the surrounding woods.

Not a single soldier escaped.

No one survived.

The camp also began to transform at this time.

"Those who are idle now immediately start collecting the spoils. After collecting the spoils, they rest in place. When the camp is completed, we will immediately rush to the next enemy camp."

Hearing Claire's order, all the soldiers moved.

Lombe and Lilulu also started collecting loot.

Metzker will treat the wounded soldiers.

Everyone is doing their own thing, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

In order to save time, Claire asked Lombe to lead the infantry and rush to the next camp.

After Claire and the others have completely occupied the camp, they will quickly follow with cavalry.

When the first captured camp was completely converted to red and white, it took less than two hours in total.

It's only now in the afternoon when it's entering dusk.

At this time, the team attacking the fortress may have just assembled.

Little did they know that the camp behind them had lost one.

I don't know which unlucky one is.

Claire took the remaining cavalry and quickly followed the traces of Lombe and rushed over.

At dusk, Claire and the others had already arrived at the second camp.

They repeated their old tricks, repeating the previous attack on the camp.

Facts have proved that for these similar camps, such a routine can be completely replicated.

This time, under the sudden attack, it was still a one-sided massacre.

After the entire camp was occupied, Claire did not rashly let Lombe continue to advance, but rested in place and distributed the supplies in the space equipment.

Eat and recover before moving on to the next battle.

And the first 600 soldiers who followed Claire and the others had completely entered the silver level.

The newly recruited soldiers also received a certain promotion.

When the entire camp was converted to red and white, it didn't take long for Claire and the others to destroy the food in their hands, and their physical strength as soldiers also recovered a lot.

"The whole team moves forward and continues to attack the next camp."

Following Claire's order, the team set off again.

There will be no more soldiers to block on the road, and they no longer need to move forward stealthily, and swagger straight to the next camp.

At this time, the blue team that attacked Kane should still be manufacturing engineering equipment.

Using the previous two routines again, they quickly captured the camp.

There are more than 2,000 soldiers in this camp, and there are 100 silver-level soldiers.

It seems that the generals of this camp have not hollowed out their strength.

It may be underestimating the enemy, and of course it may be reluctance.

But even if there are one or two hundred more soldiers and 100 silver-level soldiers, it still cannot change the fact that they failed.

But it just slowed down Claire and the others a little bit, and this little bit of time was harmless for the entire battle.

But after three battles, even with the strength bonus of Claire and the others, there are still soldiers injured.

Most of the soldiers also inevitably fell into exhaustion.

Claire had to spend more time resting.

The entire sky was darkened, and the camp had turned red and white for a long time.

Realizing that it was almost over, Claire stood up and said to the soldiers behind her, "Soldiers and the last two enemy camps, we will be able to win, and glory is waiting for us."

Wei Wei cheered the soldiers behind her, and then Claire led the soldiers to regroup and quickly headed towards the remaining two camps.

When the last camp also turned red and white, the five camps in the back all fell into the hands of Kane and the others.

In the camp, Claire and the soldiers were resting.

As for Claire and the others, it doesn't matter, the intensity of the battle will not make them overworked.

The sky also began to light up slightly.

Claire began to communicate to Kane through the ruby ​​clip on her collar: "Kane, our mission has been completed, and we have taken all five enemy camps."

At this time, there were still thunderous shouts from Kane and the others, and explosions could be heard from time to time.

This is because the blue side once again organized a siege.

This time they want to pile up with soldiers' lives and see if they can rush up.

"Well done, we don't have any big problems here. You can rest for a while, and then come over quickly when the time comes. We will attack back and forth to destroy all the remaining enemies."

After the discussion, Kane hung up and continued to control the fire platform beside him, tilting the bullets downward.

Those soldiers who wanted to rush up were constantly being cut under the suppression of Kane's bullet storm.

Watching the crazy death of their own soldiers, the horn of retreat was sounded again.

However, Kane showed no mercy to these retreating soldiers and continued to spend magic power.

The firepower platform around him is still constantly attacking.

"Earth! Rise up!"

With the chant of an enemy general.

A stone wall rises directly from the ground, and the height of this stone wall is about 10 meters high.

Successfully blocked Kane's bullets and artillery fire, and bought a lot of time for the retreating soldiers below.

Under the suppression of Cainde's firepower and guarded by more than 4,000 soldiers, the blue side succeeded and failed.

But this time, Kane did not take away too much of the enemy's living strength.

The magic that raised the stone wall really weakened Kane's ability to harvest at that time.

Seeing that all the enemy troops had withdrawn to the barracks, the soldiers who had been attacking on the city wall finally breathed a sigh of relief, and some even sat directly on the ground.

Kane also sat down and took out the magic potion from the space equipment.

The two waves of attack and the previous artillery fire to destroy the enemy's engineering equipment cost Kane too much magic power.

Because the enemy seems to have a magician in the shield, plus the general's magic.

Although Kane has cut down a lot of the enemy's living strength, it is still far from the ideal data.

After a short rest, Kane said to Horn next to him: "Captain Horn, my teammates have occupied all 5 camps behind the enemy."

"So soon!" Horn's voice was a little surprised. He thought they would have to defend for another day and night before hearing the good news from Claire and the others.

Didn't expect it so fast.

"Captain Kane's partner is also outrageously strong."

Kane nodded, without being modest this time, and continued: "I have discussed it with them. When they rest, we will rush out of the fortress to attack and annihilate all the enemies here."

"No problem, I'll issue the order and let them get ready." They have already discussed this plan, and there are no problems.

After Horn and Kane discussed it, they immediately walked to his own subordinates.

The Blue Fang military camp not far away is still recovering its physical strength, and their craftsmen are still building more engineering equipment, preparing for the next offensive.

They don't know, there is no chance for the next siege.

There's not even a way out.

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