In front of the fortress, on the large battlefield, blue and white shimmering lights were rising from the ground in pieces.

These shimmers are like luminous microorganisms, and they fly towards the sky in clusters.

Follow these shimmering lights towards the ground.

It was the enemies who fell to the ground wearing blue and white armor that produced these shimmers.

The enemies killed by Horn's soldiers will turn into blue-white light spots and return to the embrace of the world.

The enemies killed by Kane and their soldiers could only sink to the ground, leaving behind the gray dust that represented their existence.

Perhaps, they will also leave their precious wealth in the dust.

Kane looked at Claire and Lombe who were walking towards him.


Opened his arms and hugged Claire: "Thank you for your hard work, a big victory."

The soldiers under their command collected trophies from all over the battlefield.

"By the way, let's identify the previous spoils together."

Watching these soldiers keep coming over and placing the collected spoils next to them.

Claire also took out the spoils of the five camps they had captured in one day and one night from her space equipment, took them all out, and piled them up in front of Kane.

Kane looked at the loot piled up in front of him and the magic equipment that was still being delivered, showing a happy wry smile.

I don't know if the self last year could have imagined that one day I would appraise the equipment and vomit.

However, these complaints are complaints, and the identification is still to be identified.

Horn sat directly on the spot, and went back and appraised the spoils behind him.

"Trash." After speaking, Horn threw a copper-colored leggings in front of him.

Lu Yuanhou, who was in front of him, caught it, and threw the piece of equipment out of the space where the equipment was stored for centralized processing.

Lilulu stopped and Yoyo received the gold coins collected by the soldiers.

Claire was naturally retreating from her own job, retreating and treating these wounded soldiers.

Kane put away these superb equipment beside him.

Everyone divides the labor and cooperates to form a slow artificial assembly line, which slowly divides and organizes the accumulated equipment.

Time went on like that until the sun was about to set on the mountain.

The already orange-yellow sky, at this time, the red-yellow whole sky seemed to be on fire.

Horn, we have finally collected all the spoils we have.

We attacked 5 camps one after another in Metzker, and there were no less than 10,000 garrison soldiers in those 5 camps.

In the frontal battlefield, due to the small number of soldiers in Lombe, Horn and our soldiers together, we only eliminated nearly 4,000 people in total.

That time our harvest has reached a huge level.

The best copper-colored equipment is too lazy to count, anyway, it is definitely enough, and the difference is less than a hundred pieces.

Even the best silver equipment does not have more than a dozen pieces.

Yes, it's all great, is there a piece of equipment that can replace Metzker's current equipment.

Copper-colored materials are countless.

I only saw a small pile of copper-colored materials around, with blank magic stones inserted under them, extracting energy.

Next is the silver material.

Horn made a complicated calculation, and Xiaozhi was able to provide me with 6 silver magic stones.

I just used 5 silver magic stones yesterday, and I have 6 more today.

They all know what skills are missing.

I know that it can be regarded as a happy trouble.

The first is the mist gift coins, and seeing how Li Lulu has been rolling around on the ground, you know that the number must be very considerable.

A total of 400 pieces were obtained.

Seeing such a small pile of coins bestowed by the mist, Lu Yuan's mood was also excited.

Now it is a question of whether the wallet is drum or not, and the wallet is slowly exploding.

The harvest of the dungeon was less exaggerated than Horn imagined.

After finally counting all the gains, Horn stood up and stretched: "Finally done, so tired."

"The equipment is going to be collected and vomited." Kane said restrainedly.

Yes, I didn't immediately add: "You get used to it when you spit and vomit. That feeling is pretty good. It is recommended to use less. You want to see your own limits."

Everyone ignored Kane, got up and walked towards the fortress.

I could see the soldiers around me, so I ended up patrolling the surroundings in a group system.

At this time, the eight generals in Lombe's hands also brought a team of 1,000 people each to the five camps that had been occupied.

We need to recruit all the soldiers of each camp and arrange the generals of each camp.

As for Horn, our soldiers have been disbanded to rest.

Looking at Horn, we finally finished our work, and Captain Lu Yuan, who had been waiting for a while at the gate of the fortress, greeted him.

"Captain Horn, thank them for their efforts. Although it's insignificant, I asked them to accept the gift." Lombe said, took out a large piece of iron from his hand and handed it to Horn.

"What is that thing?" Horn asked, looking at the iron piece in his hand.

That piece of iron was an octagon made of a well-known metal, with a simple symbol on it.

Facing Horn's question, Lu Yuan didn't have any explanation, but continued: "Now that you have established a firm foothold, you can spread inward, Captain Horn, you can lead the soldiers freely now. Go and attack the camp under the map."

Before he finished speaking, he quietly came to Horn's ear and whispered, "That thing is the guidance token of the camp in the wild. Just input the magic power and follow it. It is guaranteed to disappoint him."

"You don't have a lot of important things to deal with, so let's say goodbye."

After saying that, Lombe waved his hand and walked towards the headquarters of the fortress with the two messengers beside him.

Looking at the back of Lombe leaving, Horn picked up the octagonal iron piece in his hand and looked at it carelessly.

Kane, who was next to him, came over and asked curiously, "What is that thing?"

"Recruiting props."

"Recruiting props?"


Although Horn returned to my question, Kane understood.

On the other hand, Metzke, who was next to him, thought of something and asked, "The camp in the wild?"


Wild camps are recruitment camps hidden outside the dungeon. From those camps, you can recruit some troops that are no different from common sense. Those troops are either very weak or have no ordinary functions.

It wouldn't hurt to be able to help Horne in our war anyway.

"Will Captain Lombe provide that kind of props?" Metzker asked suspiciously.

Metzker himself read the information outside the dungeon repeatedly.

The information provided by my mother is very detailed.

If you stand firm and can get a token to go to the camp in the wild, it may be written under the information.

Not to mention that campsites are very rare.

The area of ​​the dungeon is very small, and whether or not this explorer will be brainstorming and explore the next step in the entire dungeon.

Every time the camp in the wild has no fixed location, it is randomly distributed.

I only know that recruiting soldiers in the wild camp is only for military merit, and it also needs fog coins.

It is worth every penny, and it is vaguely written under the information that once you encounter a camp in the wild, you have to let it go, and the recruitment will definitely suffer.

And if Lombe would provide such props information, it might be written, after all, that is very important.

That is to say, there are so few explorers, and after clearing the dungeon, have you encountered a camp in the wild.

"Yes, maybe a certain condition has been reached." Horn also knew the problem, so he could only think that way.

"Okay, don't worry about that anymore, it's a bad thing anyway, walk slowly, you're exhausted." Kane reminded Xiaojia in a low voice beside him.

Horn, we returned to our residence, and the soldiers around have arranged their own patrols and stand guards, so we need to worry too much.

Lu Yuan sat at the table and looked in from the window next to him. He saw that the entire fortress was brightly lit, and it was less quiet than last night today.

Since there was no place to cook in that room, Horn and we also wanted to go to the soldiers' cafeteria to eat small pots of rice.

So Metzker took out the cooked food that had been stored straight from the gold pocket.

It's quick and easy, and there's no loss of deliciousness.

Before eating.

Lu Yuan sat under the chair and asked, "Is the number of camps you occupy now enough? The tavern should also be open."

It seemed that he was asking everyone who was present, but in fact he was just asking Lu Yuanhou.

Only the two of us will seriously read all the information about the dungeon and remember it in our minds.

That's right, Claire will also read it carefully, remember that in her mind, it is because of Claire's character that after reading it, she will give too few opinions.

Well, Lu Yuan, occasionally only half or only the key points.

As for Li Lulu, that's what to count on.

Maybe Li Lulu saw it and remembered it in her mind, but as long as you think about it, you remember it.

Speaking of which, it seems that Kane is the only one who remembers it.

Forget it, Stone Head, that aspect does not have too low requirements on me.

Facing Horn's question, Metzker nodded.

"According to the size of the area occupied now, the tavern should have already been built."

Hearing Metzker's words, Lu Yuan, who was sleepy at first, opened his eyes instantly and asked, "Tavern? Where is there no tavern?"

Looking at me, Horn shook his head and threw the information of the dungeon to me directly from outside the space equipment: "See for yourself, let them read the information seriously, they are always lazy."

The so-called tavern is just like the game Horn once played. It is used to recruit low-level generals or heroes, and can help us manage soldiers.

After all, every explorer will lead soldiers. It is a mistake for a small number of explorers to manage their own brigade, and it is a feat to even manage themselves.

Those characters will appear in the taverns in various camps and gathering places, and we can recruit us with military exploits and coins.

In addition to being able to lead the soldiers, those generals and heroes have no right or wrong strength.

"Are you going to recruit some subordinates?" Horn was also quite sure.

"Let's recruit, your troops will definitely be less and less ahead, and it will be a good command at that time."

Hearing Metzker's words, Horn nodded. After all, it was Metzker's responsibility to lead the troops.

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