Thousands of soldiers were ambushed around a plain surrounded by sparse trees and mountain rubble from nowhere.

They were distributed a few hundred meters apart on both sides, standing face to face.

There is absolutely nothing to hide.

On the road ahead, there are still some hidden and deep traps.

A cavalry horse snorted slightly.

The knight immediately appeased, but now is the time to wait quietly.

Light shines from the sky.

Looking from a distance, it can be seen that there are no soldiers in the entire small plain.

The soldier who seemed to be in ambush here a moment ago suddenly disappeared.

An ordinary man with long gray hair, holding a staff of the same height, and wearing more delicate light armor.

The gems on the staff shone slightly.

These rays of light draw the surrounding magic power to the surface of many soldiers and soldiers.

Make them blend in with their surroundings.

Coupled with the light in the sky at this time, people's eyes are a little white, so if you don't check the surrounding environment carefully, you can't find anything strange.

It's not that the general of the blue side doesn't want to use higher magic, but this kind of magic is enough.

Simple and practical, the most important thing is that it is extremely concealed, and it is difficult to feel the fluctuation of magic power, which is suitable for ambush.

If it weren't for the dark servants who were transformed into creatures similar to half-undead, with keen awareness of living creatures, they would have been deceived by them.

He heard the violent sound of hoofs in the distance.

"Come on, prepare for battle, pay attention to concealment."

As the voice of the general reached the ears of each soldier softly and clearly, all the soldiers clenched their weapons tightly and remained motionless.

Waiting for the enemy to fall into their trap.

Surprised by the enemies who suddenly appeared around, the surprise and panic on the faces of the enemies seemed to have surfaced in front of them.

In the team, Claire and Kane rushed to the front.

And Kane's eyes have long since become eagle-like pupils.

Those soldiers who hid with concealment magic were like a child who was deceived and said that he had taken invisibility medicine and dangled in front of adults.

The gun barrels around the warhorse under Kane began to expand from his body, and the magic in Kane's hands began to dissipate, and more artillery fire began to be installed on the warhorse.

In this way, the mechanical warhorse quickly expanded into a mobile firepower platform.

A blood-red phantom of the Lion King also appeared on Claire's body, and the halo beneath her feet began to spread around.

All the soldiers had lion's paw-like marks on their bodies.

Raging power poured out of them.

However, Claire still did not call out that magical offensive word.

She was waiting for Kane.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A loud bang came from beside him, it was Kane's fire platform, and it began to spit and kill.

The enemy army, like playing a game of wooden figures, was blown up and knocked down by the sudden explosion of artillery shells around him.

The terrified faces of the enemy did not wait, but their own faces showed that expression.

The general who found such a situation immediately withdrew his mana and shouted loudly: "Our ambush failed, attack!"

Picking up his staff and swiping it in front of him, a giant magic ripple spread out to isolate the sky, and the ensuing artillery fire was intercepted like this.

The flames and smoke of the explosion sounded like this in the air.

The ripples of magic power also began to vibrate violently.

However, even so, it was still not damaged, and the general continued to sway his magic power and persisted.

And Kane's first wave of surprise attacks didn't yield much.

Except for the soldiers who were very close to the explosion, the soldiers who were a little further away were bombed, and they got up immediately after falling down and suffered little damage.

However, Kane had expected such a situation, because the difficulty has been raised long ago, and all the enemies have been strengthened.

It is no longer possible to destroy the enemy army as quickly as in the previous battle, like cutting leeks.

And don't think about it, these generals must have also been strengthened, otherwise it is impossible to really protect so many shells with magic.

As expected of the dungeon's life-threatening blow.

It's really not to be underestimated.


Claire also gave the order to attack, and the last wave of reinforcements was attached to all the soldiers.

They, who were already moving fast, charged with their warhorses in an instant.

Claire turned into a white ghost shape, flame blue flames spread from her body, 8 ghost maids and 30 ghost riders appeared from his side.

After the white ghost maid emerged from Claire's body, the blue flame was also attached.

Like evil spirits in the sky, they began to invade the enemy army.

A white mist appeared on their hands, and floated towards the enemy troops rushing down here.

And all the soldiers who inhaled the mist began to slow down, their expressions became dazed, and finally even their weapons fell to the ground.

"Go to sleep! You are very tired, go to sleep!"

A lot of soldiers finally fell to the ground, but they didn't seem to be dead, but at least they had lost their combat effectiveness.

What greeted them was the first wave of arrows.

Finally, the two sides directly confronted each other and rushed to kill together.

And Kane also stopped in place, and the warhorse directly spread the firepower platform even more.

The muzzle of the gun around him began to spew blue magical flames non-stop. Since there were too many weapons to control, Yunyou also sat on the platform and began to relieve the pressure on Kane.

Beside Kane, five dark servants guard him.

All the rest rushed into the enemy army.

These girls with pure white masks are like the lotus of death on the battlefield, blooming everywhere.

They roamed the battlefield like dead elves. Wherever they passed, there was blood, and all that was left were fragments of stumps, which were then turned into ashes.

As assassins, they have precise killing skills on the battlefield.

Plus their flexible posture.

A real killing machine.

The enemies killed by the 15 dark servants are almost catching up with the two or three hundred ordinary knights.

You know, these two or three hundred people are talking about the kind of veterans who have fought a few victories and upgraded to silver.

These dark servants are bronze rank.

Sure enough, as the information said, don't be stingy when you encounter soldiers recruited by field camps, you must recruit them.

It really didn't disappoint them, and just like their efficiency, they made a return in just a few times.

Not to mention that the ghost maid in the sky immediately began to rampage in the enemy army.

The speed is even faster than the ghost trooper whose body is based on Claire.

Every time there is more than one death, there are several soldiers around.

Seeing such efficiency, Kane wanted to let the 5 dark messengers guarding around him also attack freely.

But thinking that they never wanted to listen to their own safety in the face of their own safety, they gave up.

Forget it, let's attack well.

Kane was sitting on a half-open mecha at this time, with a total of 6 rotating muzzles on both sides spinning non-stop, spewing bullets to form a death barrage.

Kane keenly felt that even with the aid of the caliper, those soldiers who were hit by bullets could get up and continue to fight because of their strengthened physique.

And their soldiers, in one-on-one action, were almost on par with the enemy.

You must know that the soldiers under their command have been strengthened by Claire's various auras and offensive orders.

If these reinforcements disappear after ten minutes, then their soldiers will definitely be slaughtered one-sidedly without thinking too much.

Compared with before, these soldiers are indeed much stronger, almost visible to the naked eye.

Kane looked at these hot weapons on the fire platform, and it seemed that he really had to study the new weapons.

Otherwise, the following battles will become more difficult.

The higher the weapon is, the harder it is to deal high damage.

This is also something that can't be helped. After all, this is a problem that the Machinery Association is now thinking about how to break through, especially at the gold level.

Almost gold-level explorers have given up the use of magic-powered weapons. Of course, this is limited to magic-powered weapons that are constructed from the outside rather than bursting out of the fog.

The magic power weapons that burst out of the fog are almost all very easy to use, but the corresponding price will be raised many times.

Although Kane is thinking, he controls the firepower, and the platform still does not mean to stop.

If one or two bullets can't kill you, then you can shoot a few more rounds, and then go down and grind the soldiers directly into powder.

"Retreat! Back to camp."

The voice of the enemy general came from a distance.

Hearing the retreating sound of their generals, those soldiers did not hesitate to give up the enemy in their hands and turned and ran, even if they took a knife or two, they would not look back.

It disappeared like a tide in an instant.

There is a place left in the middle, three or four meters apart.

This interval was the enemy's life-saving place. The ground suddenly bulged, and a huge mud wall blocked in front of Kane and the others, briefly preventing them from chasing.

The front earth wall was very fragile, and the soldiers attacked with their weapons a few times, and then they shattered them and knocked out a big hole.

But the enemy had already run a few hundred meters away, and if you looked carefully, you could find a green magic wind entwined under their feet.

"Ah, magic generals are really annoying!" Kane said.

However, just as his words landed, Bonona jumped directly onto the mud wall seven or eight meters high.

Then she jumped into the sky again, and green wind magic appeared on her feet, which made her hit a position nearly 20 meters high.

The longbow in his hand suddenly became gorgeous, and the arrow made of magic power appeared on his bow, and then shot out.

"call out!"

Like a teleportation, the magic arrow disappeared into the air instantly, and the sound of pulling it out was extremely harsh.

The general who was already a few hundred meters away suddenly realized that he wanted to turn his head to cast magic, but compared to his behavior, the arrows that attacked him were obviously faster.

The magic arrow directly penetrated his chest, and the huge force took him more than ten meters away, and pinned him to the ground fiercely.


Even so, he was shouting at the soldiers who were running towards him trying to rescue him.

The soldiers who had stopped before speeded up their pace again and ran towards the distance.

When Kane and the others rushed over, they only found a magic arrow stuck in the dust.

There are also glittering loot in the dust pile.

Kane walked over to pick up the dust and picked up the gold coins and trophies inside.

Just checked it out.

Yo! It's still a magic jewelry, and its attributes are still a bit small.

It doesn't take much to know that this must be the magic general.

Kane turned his head to look at Bonona and said, "It's amazing, Bonona, I didn't expect you to have such skills."

To be honest, Bonona's arrow just now seemed very powerful to outsiders, and Kane, a person who could use bows and arrows, seemed to be equally powerful.

At least he can't shoot such an arrow, after all, his archery skills and supporting skills are still at the bronze level.

Hearing Kane's praise, Bonona said with a smile: "Thank you for the praise, but it's not a very strong skill, I'll let you see it in the future."

"Hahahaha, then I'll wait and see."

After quickly cleaning the battlefield and collecting the spoils, Kane and the others poured out a few bottles of healing particles prepared by Metzker to treat the wounded soldiers.

As for the soldiers who were too seriously injured or died directly, there was nothing they could do, and they could only watch their bodies turn into blue magic shimmers and float toward the sky.

If you want to treat such an injury, you have to have Metzker by your side.

"Okay, continue to pursue until the camp ahead is taken down."

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