The camps that Kane and the others captured have all changed to red and white colors, and the craftsmen inside have also come out one after another and began to repair the camp.

An unknown red general also came out and began to recruit soldiers in the camp.

However, if you look closely, you will find that Kane and Claire are missing from the camp.

But many of their soldiers were still resting in the camp.

Looking into the distance, I could just see the silhouettes of Kane and Claire, followed by more than 200 arch riders.

At this moment, Kane was holding the ruby ​​clip on his collar and talking to Lombe and the others.

"Lombet, have you attacked the camp over there?"

After a pause, Lombé's voice came from the lavalier.

"Ah, it's Kane, we just knocked down the camp, and now the camp is changing. Speaking of which, these soldiers have really been strengthened. We lost a lot of subordinates. If it wasn't for Metzker, we might have lost. more, but ah…”

Before Kane said anything, Lombe began to ramble on the channel and complain.

"Stop, stop, I know all this, I have other things to tell you."

Kane hurriedly interrupted, otherwise, Lombe would keep talking there again.

Suddenly interrupted by Kane, Lombeca said after a moment, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Many soldiers under your command have reached the bottleneck. Do you want to take us to the altar for promotion first?"


"Can soldiers be upgraded?"

Hearing Lombe's words from the ruby ​​lapel, Kane sighed helplessly.

"Li Lulu knows that it can be upgraded, but Longbei doesn't know, really! Yes! A stone! Head! Hahaha."

Li Lulu's voice suddenly appeared in the channel, and then hung up quickly, not giving Longbei a chance to refute.

"Hey, Lombe, didn't you let you take a good look at those materials?"

"Oh, there are so many words, I can't remember it at all." Even if it was upgraded to silver, it still didn't brighten Longbei's head.

Kane no longer struggled with this matter: "Okay, let's not talk about this, you are about to take the long-range soldiers who have reached the bottleneck stage to the promotion altar of the long-range soldiers about 40 kilometers away from your current position, which is farther away from us, When your camps are switched over, we will almost arrive together."

"Oh oh ok, no problem, we'll be there later."

After speaking, Lombe hung up.

Kane continued to lead Claire towards the location on the map.

At this time, Claire suddenly said faintly: "Are you sure that Lombe knows what you are talking about? He may not even know what the altar's sign looks like? Maybe there is no map attached to the document at all."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane patted his head: "Yes, I forgot."

Kane was about to contact him through the ruby ​​lavalier, but he put it down suddenly, smiled and said, "It's alright."

On the other hand, after hanging up, Lombe remembered that he didn't know what the hell Kane said about the altar of soldier promotion. He didn't even know that soldiers could be promoted. How could he know this stuff.

Just when he was about to contact Kane through the ruby ​​lavalier, he found a map handed over beside him.

Taking the map and looking at it, the place to be promoted to the altar has been marked with a circle, and even their current location has been marked.

Even if he was afraid that he would not understand it, the two places were carefully marked with words on it, and the past route was also drawn.

Lombe turned his head to look, and Mezick, who handed him the map, was already walking towards the other wounded.

He also knew through the ruby ​​lavalier, what Kane said.

"Thanks! Good man," shouted Lombe.

What I received was the back of Metzker reaching out and waving.

After several hours of rushing.

Kane has reached the location marked on the map.

At this moment, in front of him was a majestic slender mountain, which looked like a huge sword hilt stuck straight into the ground.

The four sides of the entire mountain are almost completely vertical, with lush plants and trees of varying heights.

This place looks pretty tasty.

Kane turned his head and said to Claire: "The foot of the mountain is not spacious, we two wrap around to see where the altar is."

"no problem."

The two of them each took more than 100 soldiers and ran to both sides.

However, when the two of them met on the other side, they each shook their heads.

Kane frowned, rubbed his chin and said, "What happened? Why didn't I find it? It should be this position."

After speaking, he turned to look at Yoyo who was at his feet and asked, "You are sure that this is the place, you didn't lead the wrong way."

"No master, the place marked on the map is here." Youyou shook her head and said.

"That's weird."

Claire said from the side, "Could it be that this dungeon was desperate, so these altars were destroyed or hidden."

"It is indeed possible." Kane nodded.

"But don't worry, look for it first." Kane opened the [Book of Adventure] and changed his skills.

Magic poured out of his hands, and a silver compass was constructed.

Skills like this are really not needed most of the time, but they can really play an important role at critical times.

Kane thought about it, described the appearance of the altar in the data, and marked it as being used for remote upgrades.

Then I saw that the needle on the compass began to turn, but the direction was not fixed, and it turned right and left.

This shows that Kane's goals have many points.

Kane frowned, and the compass was turning, which showed that there was indeed an altar for soldier promotion in the dungeon. Looking at the frequency of rotation, it showed that there was more than one place and it was not destroyed.

It is possible that the location has changed, or it is hidden.

Kane constructed it in his mind again, and described the single bee like the hilt of a sword in front of him.

This time, the pointer finally stopped moving and pointed straight ahead of Kane and the others.

"Come on with us."

Saying that, Kane moved in the direction of the pointer.

However, they did not walk a few hundred meters, and the pointer suddenly turned backwards.

"Just under your feet?"

That means that the altar is indeed hidden.

Claire also knew about this situation, and carefully observed the surroundings with Kane.

How is it hidden? I walked over and didn't find anything strange under my feet. Is there anything strange around?

There was no magic reaction either.

Kane couldn't see around, so he started to look up.


He suddenly found that looking up the mountain from his direction, he could see that the leaves and fruit of several trees formed a shape similar to a round target.

Right in the middle is a red apple.

when he found out.

A small circle appeared under his feet, just where a person was standing.

"What's wrong?" Claire asked, looking at the ring that suddenly appeared under Kane's feet.

Looking at the ring under his feet, he was looking at the naturally formed archery target that he looked up at.


Kane turned to Claire and said, "It's okay, I found a little decryption."

Said that a longbow was condensed in his hands.

Kane looked at the longbow in his hand, it's been a long time.

Then an arrow condensed in the left hand. With the influx of magic power, the arrow became more and more solid, and finally turned into reality.

Kane took a bow and aimed at the red fruit in the center of the target.

"call out!"

The arrow flew straight past.

Hit the fruit and shoot it down.


Kane's feet trembled.

After a few quick jumps, Kane dodged to the side, and the others quickly backed away.

At the position where Kane stood before, a huge circular stone platform began to vibrate on the ground and slowly rose.

As the stone platform rose, the surrounding sand began to converge towards the middle.

Not long after, a sculpture of a half-kneeling long-range soldier with a bow and arrow condensed in the center.

However, this information was not written on the information, and such important information could not be deliberately concealed, indicating that this was a unique case that Kane and the others encountered.

Kane took this to heart.

"The altar has also appeared, haven't Lombe and the others arrived yet?" Kane asked.

Claire shook her head and said, "Although they are closer to the altar than us, but after all, the soldiers we carry are all cavalry, and their long-range soldiers are all infantry, so they must move slower."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane also nodded, but he forgot about this.

Then he began to wait patiently.

But they didn't wait long when they heard Lombe's voice in the distance.

"Ah~ good brother, here I come."

Before the figure could be seen clearly, the voice came first.

In the distance Lombe was trotting over with soldiers and Metzker.

The moment he came, Lombe started to look around the altar.

He also touched his hand and asked Kane, "My dear brother, is this the altar for the promotion of the soldier you said? Look how broken it looks."

Kane said angrily: "You don't care what he looks like, as long as it's easy to use, and it's not for you."

"Hey, that's right."

Lombe said with a smirk while clasping the back of his head.

Then he waved at the bowmen behind him and said, "Come on, brothers, board this altar and upgrade you."

Kane looked at Lombe as if he was going to try it first, and didn't stop him.

It's the same regardless of who is in front and who is behind.

Kane looked at the soldiers behind Lombe, and saw that there were 300 soldiers, and they were a mix of ordinary crossbowmen and repeating crossbowmen.

These soldiers stood on the altar one after another, greeted by Lombe.

They stood in layers around the statue in the middle facing out.

The area of ​​this altar is not small, and 300 soldiers can easily stand on it.

"Hey, why isn't there a response? How do I level up?" Lombe asked.

"I'm coming." Metzker next to him said.

The rank badge on his chest was gleaming slightly.

I saw him stretch out his hand and click on his badge.

The altar was completely shrouded in a sky-high light. If there were enemies around this light, they would definitely come over.

After the light rose, it dissipated after about twenty or thirty seconds.

And the bowmen on the platform have completely changed their appearance.

Since the promoted soldiers are ordinary crossbowmen and repeating crossbowmen, the soldiers above have two different outfits.

First of all, he was wearing shiny light armor, holding a huge crossbow machine in his hand. The size of the crossbow was almost as high as the upper body of a soldier.

Behind them are no longer quivers, but rows of crossbow arrows like short spears.

A slender dagger is attached to his waist.

The other arm is a hand crossbow with two arms, and the armor of the whole body is thicker than the one next to it.

There is also a goggle-like equipment on the helmet on the head.

Two quivers are crossed on his back, and two crossbow quivers are also hanging from his waist.

And the two arm-length crossbows in his hands still have magazines.

So don't think too much, this soldier must be upgraded from the Repeater.

"Come down quickly and let me take a good look." Lombe said impatiently.

After watching these soldiers come down, Kane also quickly let his soldiers board.

He also couldn't wait to see what his soldiers looked like when they were upgraded.

After all the cavalry archers led their horses to the altar, since they each carried a horse, the entire altar seemed crowded.

Looking at the slightly shining badge on his chest, Kane nodded on it.

A message came to mind.

To upgrade the archers, each cost 4 points.

This is equivalent to the cost of recruiting arch riders, but Kane has just finished two battles, and he has a lot of military exploits, so he chose to use it directly.

The sky-high light also rose.

Kane waited expectantly, the soldiers under his command were upgraded, and this feeling was inexplicably very looking forward to.

Seems like some kind of childhood dream?

In Kane's expectation, the beam of light lasted for about a minute before it subsided.

Do units with higher base costs take more time?

However, those bowmen seem to be mixed together, and they also have five mana like a continuous crossbow.

However, Kane hadn't had time to check the soldiers.

I was swiped by the [Book of Adventure] in front of me.

【Links with Abby】

【Links with Mark】

【Links with Crowe】

【Links with Rob】


[Conditions are met, new information to be viewed]

There are dense links and fetters prompts, and the last one is still unseen.

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