The noon light shone down from the hole in the sky.

These rays of light projected from top to bottom are like pillars of light in the strangely colored sky and the surrounding dark clouds.

In these light beams, a faint blue shimmer can also be seen drifting upwards.

Looking in the direction of these blue shimmers, a blue and white camp has been destroyed more than half.

Broken and collapsed wooden walls, tents lit in flames.

And in the middle of the camp, on the flagpole with the blue and white flag hanging, the flying flag has disappeared, and only a black mass is left attached to it.

There were no shouts of killing in the camp, only the crackling of flames.

You can see piles of dust on the ground.

In the dust there are gold coins that shimmer with golden light, as well as various magical equipment that exudes magical light.

A palm wearing red and white armor color matching, pushed aside the dust and took out the gold coins and a small glove.

Looking at the gold coins and gloves in his hands, the soldier with a curved bow was a little dazed.

"What's wrong? Mark, why are you in a daze?"

Mark turned his head, and the person who came was a teammate of the same team as him.

"I was just thinking, if I had died before, would something like this have happened?"

"I don't know, we are still alive now, we should become a point of light and rise into the sky."

After he finished speaking, he also pointed to the blue light spots in the air that were rising towards the sky.

These are the corpses of the soldiers on their side after they died.

As for the enemy, the dust under their feet is.

The entire camp also began to change from blue and white to red and white. In the camp, Kane was counting the soldiers in front of him. If he opened his eagle eyes, he would find that the strength of these soldiers was approaching the bottleneck.

There is a group of soldiers not far away. Those soldiers have reached the bottleneck, but now Claire is leading them temporarily.

"Come with me now." After Kane said, he rode on the mechanical warhorse beside him and walked out of the camp with the thirty or so arch riders behind him.

And Claire was in command in the camp.

They have already attacked the camp in front of them, but because they were afraid that their soldiers would lose too much again, Kane directly carried out saturation bombing.

It took almost all the magic power to blow up the camp directly, and then rushed in with his own soldiers, and of course he won a great victory.

However, only 20 soldiers were upgraded to the silver bottleneck period, and more soldiers were close to the limit.

There are still 25 of them, so Kane is now taking the thirty or so cavalry archers, who are about to reach their limit, to the place of Longbei to support.

Through the communication between the ruby ​​lavalier and Lombe, they are also about to reach the front of the camp.

Kane is also a little impatient now.

He really wanted to see what the real guild system was like and what kind of functions it had.

A quick rush is required.

In order to prevent the soldiers behind him from being exhausted before reaching the enemy's camp, Kane built a big truck, and let the thirty or so soldiers behind him board the big truck with their horses.

Yoyo is controlling the big truck and flying on the flat ground.

Near dusk.

Lombe and Metzker are crouching in the bushes with their soldiers.

He heard the sound of the rushing water of the big river.

Just 1 kilometer away from them, a blue camp stands on the shore.

They've been waiting here for an hour or two.

Suddenly, a huge roar came from behind them.

The sound of full horsepower traveled far.

Lombe and Metzker smiled when they heard the sound, a sound that only Kane's mechanical creation can make in their memory.

And there are no mechanical properties in this dungeon. Needless to say, Kane must be here.

They stood up and looked into the distance.

I saw a huge vehicle constructed of black matte metal, rushing towards them quickly.

"What do you mean by constructing such a large vehicle? Is there anything in the back?" Lombe asked suspiciously at Metzker beside him.

In exchange, Metzker shook his head lightly.

I saw that huge vehicle drifted at a speed that did not match his size and stopped not far from them.

At this time, the things carried on the vehicle also entered Longbei's eyes.

It turned out to be war horses and soldiers.

But why come by car? Wouldn't it be nice to come here on a horse?

Kane got out of the car and did not directly wave away the vehicle as before.

After all, the soldiers behind him are not used to it, so open the gate honestly and let them walk down one by one.

However, looking at the pale faces of these soldiers, the rush to come this way made them uncomfortable.

After Kane let them rest for a while, he came to Lombé and the others.

"Are you bringing so many soldiers to support us?" Lombe asked suspiciously.

He thought that the support that Kane said was to bring many soldiers, but unexpectedly he brought more than 30 archers.

Hearing Lombe's question, Kane said: "I brought them here because they are about to reach the bottleneck period, and they are still one last victory away."

After hearing Kane's explanation, Longbei nodded. It turned out to be bringing soldiers to gain experience.

He also knew that Kane's soldiers would become spirits of freedom after they were upgraded, and he thought that Kane was trying to free his soldiers quickly.

"Is that the enemy's camp?" Kane asked.

"Yes, that's it. Our final destination, we were going to come back tomorrow, but I didn't expect you to be in such a hurry."

"Don't worry, I'll know tomorrow, I'll give you a surprise."

After speaking, Kane turned to look at Lombe and asked, "How is it? Is there any strategy for attacking the camp?"

"Strategy? What strategy? Are you going to put it in directly?" Lombe asked in confusion.

"Okay, what about the attack?"

As soon as Kane finished speaking, Lombe stood up directly and shouted loudly: "Brothers, attack!"

After saying that, he rushed out.

The marshmallows also floated down from the sky, letting Lombe step on his body and carry him towards the sky above the camp.

Metzker swayed the particle bottle in his hand.


Should it be a particle bucket?

Because Metzker was holding a large glass bottle in his hand, like a small bucket.

The color inside is still half red and half khaki.

The middle is separated by a partition.

He first held the glass head and swayed it, and scattered the particles of the two colors inside. These particles were evenly sprinkled on the soldiers who were charging with Longbei and attached to them.

The khaki is to strengthen their defenses.

And the red particles formed streamers floating around them, waiting for them to be injured.

It seems that Metzker also made an effort to reduce the damage to the soldiers.

Kane didn't say a word, and a large mecha was built directly beside him. It was the ruin maker, who took off and rushed towards the enemy camp against the spout under his feet.

The more than 30 bow riders he brought over immediately followed.

It was Lombe who was the first to reach the enemy camp. He jumped directly from Marshmallow's body, and his body became a 5-meter-high gray giant in the air. His hands and feet were multiplied.

So the way he looks now is kind of funny, but it does make him bigger.

He landed directly inside the enemy's camp, waving his weapon and shield directly at the surrounding soldiers.

I can only see screams coming from the inside of the enemy's camp, and the scene where several soldiers are thrown out of the camp from time to time.

Only Longbei dared to do this because of his strong physical defense.

Those archers who were about to shoot arrows did not dare to shoot in this direction, and turned to attack Lombe in the camp.

Kane has also driven the Ruin Maker and rushed in front of the enemy.

It is still the familiar magic rune with magic shield.

But it was no different from what Kane encountered, he directly opened a breach and rushed in.

Then came the classic picture.

A mechanical giant and a grey stone giant were rampaging wildly in the camp, and every blow caused huge casualties.

There are soldiers and crossbowmen frantic reapers next to the lives of soldiers who didn't die.

As soon as these people are injured, they are healed by the red particles that surround them.

With such cooperation, the entire camp was wiped out within 10 minutes.

Kane immediately fell to the ground and scattered the machinery, and summoned the bow riders.

"Well, no one was hurt."

A smile appeared on Kane's face. The most important thing was that the 35 archers he brought over had all reached the bottleneck of his strength.

Add in the 20 in the camp, and that's enough.

"Go! Get in the car!"

Kane built the previous big truck directly on the spot and let the soldiers board it.

The bow riders began to turn pale when they saw the truck, but they had to get on board due to Kane's orders.

"Good brother, are you leaving so soon?" asked Longbei next to him.

This is too urgent. Just after the camp was knocked down, Kane hurriedly wanted to leave.

The truck started and rushed out of the camp at a speed that did not match his size.

There was also the sound of Kane saying goodbye to them in the distance.

"Don't miss this opportunity, time waits for no one, see you later."

Lombe looked at the vehicle that had gone away, and he was already looking forward to it in his heart.

Something that can make Kane in such a hurry must be an important thing. I have never seen Kane in such a hurry.

"Good buddy, guess what?" Lombe turned to Metzker beside him and asked.

What I received was the background of Mezick shaking his head and leaving.

It was night when Kane helped Lombe and the others attack the camp.

When Kane returned to the previous camp again, the genius was dimly lit, but it was still pitch black.

Through the ruby ​​lavalier, Kane had notified Claire that he was about to return.

At this time, outside the camp, Claire was waiting for a long time with the 20 arch riders.



In Kane's words, the excited voice could not be hidden at all.

Hearing the excitement in Kane's words, Claire smiled and then said, "Let's go quickly then."


Since there are now 55 archers, it is impossible for Kane's vehicle to hold them, and since these archers are rested enough, they directly mount their horses and run towards the altar quickly.

Claire was also by Kane's side.

At noon, the sky is bright.

Kane and the others have also reached the remote altar.

"Come on up quickly."

Under Kane's order, the 55 archers stood directly on the altar.

The altar is still very spacious. After more than 50 archers and their horses boarded it, it still looks a bit empty.

And the badge on Kane's chest was already flashing slightly.

Reach out and knock.

Soaring beams shrouded the altar.

It was just the last step. Kane, who had been impatient for two days, calmed down instead.

Time passed slowly.

50 minutes passed in no time.

Finally, the light faded.

What was greeted was another screen refresh of [Book of Adventures].

【Link with Ake】

【Link bond with Patch】

【Link with Skull】


[A new chapter is being written]

【Writing completed】

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【I wish you a happy adventure】

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