At this time in the guild hall.

Kane was sitting at the table and chair, and he still had 6 silver magic stones in his hand.

However, on the [Book of Adventure] that was opened, the + in the Guild column was highlighted again.

Needless to say, it must be because Kane has made an upgrade to the buff, and the newly unlocked expansion column.

After clicking on it, there is only a new extension column.

[Benefit-Critical Strike]

Unlock new buffs for just one Silver Magic Stone.

The effect is to make members in the guild have a 10% chance to trigger a critical strike, which is the so-called crit, causing 150% damage.

It is also an improvement, and this improvement is also useful for Kane and the others.

A silver magic stone is indeed worth the cost.

Kane spends directly.

And saw this gain effect in the gain column, and directly lighted him.

There was a slight heat flow from the position of the seal on the body, but there was nothing obvious about it.

This gain effect can also be upgraded, but the next stage requires 3 silver magic stones, and the chance becomes 20%.

In the end there were only 5 magic stones left.

And there are many extension columns that need to be unlocked.

But at this stage, most of them are not very useful.

Even the most important, four samples about the magic stone output.

The most important thing at this stage is to improve the strength of the guild members, that is, the strength of those soldiers, so that they can have a greater advantage in the dungeon.

The cracks in the sky are getting bigger and bigger, and more small holes are appearing in the sky.

Every day, you can see the red light spots floating out of the cracks and holes, which means that the strength of the enemy is increasing every day.

However, due to the fact that the power needs to be expanded step by step, Kane and the others have no good way, they can only do it one step at a time.

Therefore, those spirits of freedom who newly joined the guild really need to improve their strength, which is to help them better conquer dungeons and better protect their own lives.

In such a special situation now, if you die, you are really dead, you can't be a little sloppy.

Kane carefully screened among these extended columns.

In the end, it was found that only the [Guardian Army] could rapidly increase the strength of soldiers under the current circumstances.

Because the column itself is tailored to these soldiers who became spirits of freedom.

If you don't take a trip to this dungeon, it's almost impossible to unlock this column for a lifetime.

And the magic stone spent is exactly the remaining 5 silver magic stones.

There is nothing to say, since it is decided, just unlock it directly.

A new column appears below the guild.

Kane clicked directly in.

The style of the entire column on the Guardian's page is different from other columns.

Gives an inexplicable iron-blooded wind.

First of all, the name of the escort army was decided directly, and it was called the Knights of the Lantern.

From the name, you can tell that it was specially customized for their guild.

The first is the number of positions in the Knights, and the qualifications to join.

The qualifications to join are very simple, as long as you remain loyal and loyal to either the guild or the president.

But there is a very strict rule. After joining the knights, you cannot leave the guild unless you die, or you are willing to become ordinary people.

Moreover, such information will be prompted in the mind of the joiner when joining, and if the joiner has a forced or involuntary behavior, he will fail to join.

There is no limit to the number of these knights, and all guild members who join can get equipment and skills that are matched according to their occupation.

There are many matching suits to choose from, and they are not very good equipment, but they must be perfectly matched.

In the outside world, it can be regarded as a set of standard equipment used by explorers.

These equipment, according to the characteristics, can be roughly divided into melee, long-range and magic.

For example, the knight's equipment has various knight equipment for melee combat, as well as long-range knight equipment and magic riding equipment.

Occupation matching will also be carried out according to the guild members who join in, and some knightly skills will be given according to the degree of matching.

In this way, it is more like a career transfer than a special military service.

It is equivalent to providing a certain channel of strength to those guild members with poor qualifications.

It is also equivalent to a benefit for the members of the guild who are willing to join the Guardian Army. After all, everyone is regarded as working for the guild.

Kane directly dragged all the soldiers who joined the guild, the Spirit of Freedom, into the Guardian Army.

The soldiers of the Spirit of Freedom who were training and patrolling outside received information from the guild through the guild seal printed on their bodies.

The information in their minds, asking them if they would like to join the guild's apology, and there are various prompts and instructions.

They agreed without hesitation.

Kane also saw it. In the column of the Guardian Army, a large number of information lists poured into it in an instant.

This is not the only situation that has occurred, and there is also something strange in the guild hall where he is now.

A spiral doorway appeared in one wall.

Kane quickly checked the information in the guild hall. Inexplicably, there was more space in the guild hall.

This space is known as the Apocrypha garrison.

The link is the guild hall.

Seeing such a situation, Kane thought about it, so the guild hall will add more areas according to the unlocked columns?

And what he didn't expect at all was that this kind of space in the Guardian Army's garrison would be given to him for free.

According to the style of the guild system, if he doesn't spend money, it makes him very uncomfortable to use it.

But Kane also saw that there are hard requirements to enter this space.

You must be a member of the Guardian Army to enter, and Kane is automatically named on the Guardian Army.

"Kane, is this something you made new?" Lombé and the others appeared beside the doorway to ask questions.

Kane walked over and nodded, and said, "It's the station of those soldiers, but you can't go in. Only those soldiers and me can go in as a rigid requirement of this space."

In exchange for these words, Lombé and the others sighed regretfully.

Kane replaced the doorway with a double wooden door.

Then pushed the door and walked in.

The area of ​​this space is dozens of times larger than the adjacent guild hall.

And it will be expanded according to the number of escorts, and these expansions do not require Kane to spend.

This space is similar to a flat ground, with stone houses, stables, and training grounds one after another.

In particular, the training ground covers an extremely large area, and the facilities inside are also very comprehensive.

This space hardly requires Kane to spend any money, and it can be done in one step.

The most prominent location is a building similar to a church.

All the escorts need to go inside and gain different skills depending on the match.

The largest building in this space is the storage warehouse for equipment.

Kane went in and looked around. There were all kinds of equipment stored in it for the escort army to choose and use.

And just like Kane thought, there are two different colors of copper and silver.

Attributes are almost always at the same level in the current level, which is very moderate.

But it's all free.

Then there is a lantern-like sculpture in the center of the whole space.

The position of the fire in the middle of the sculpture is still radiating light.

And this is the core of the whole space.

And Kane needs to spend magic stones into the middle of the sculpture to maintain various consumption of the entire space.

Including the granting of escort skills, the repair and creation of equipment.

Of course, the cost is not too exaggerated, and it can be replaced by magic stones of various colors.

That's one of Kane's favorite things.

Just take out 50 copper-colored magic stones and throw them in first. These magic stones can be used by Kane for a long time.

Kane came to a nearby bronze bell and struck.

A crisp sound began to appear in this space, and then spread out to the outside of the space.

One after another figure appeared in the knight's station.

After a while, all the spirits of freedom that Kane had drawn into the Guardian Army appeared in the knight's garrison.

This bronze bell is similar to a kind of collective command that all members of the escort can hear, no matter what space they are in.

Looking at the soldier who was a little overwhelmed.

"Abby, Mark, come here."

Kane called the leader of these soldiers first.


The two came to Kane, immediately stood at attention, and saluted.

Kane nodded, and then pulled the positions of the two into the only head and deputy head of the Guardian Army.

This is the only position in the Guardian Army at this stage.

More positions require more entrants to appear, there is no special attribute bonus, only some rights to the knight's station.

It is equivalent to helping Kane manage the Guardian Army.

In particular, the position of the head of the group is equivalent to the vice-chairman of the guild in the Guardian Army.

It's not an analogy, but because other than the guild leader, other guild members have no right to intervene in the escort army.

This restriction, even by Kane, cannot change his rights.

All he can change is the power of these positions in the Knights, which is equivalent to internal reform.

After Abby and Mark were promoted to the positions of commander and deputy commander, the use and function of these various buildings in the knight's station also appeared in their minds.

Kane patted the two on the shoulders and said, "I'll leave the rest to you, don't let me down."

After getting the affirmative answer from the two, Kane pushed open the wooden door not far away and returned to the guild hall.

With the strengthening of the guardian army, the soldiers of the spirit of freedom that they swayed finally had the ability to protect themselves.

It can be regarded as an end to his worries.

Not far away, Li Lulu and Longbei saw Kane returning, and immediately came over and asked about the knight's station.

Since they can't go in, they can't be curious about the space over there.

The unknown is the most interesting.

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