The standing spear tilted slowly

When the whole spear fell, the direction of the spear head was slightly to the left.

"Then take the road on the left"

At this time, there is really no good way. Since the spear has given the direction, it is enough to move forward bravely.

Fortunately, there is insurance.

"Yoyou record the route."

"Okay, Master"

Entering this kind of labyrinth and desperately needing a map, Kane fully felt why Yoyo was so precious.

This time, the centaurs and the dwarves were still standing at the front and back of the team, so that the distance in the middle could be fully protected.

Although Kane is obviously the one who does not need protection, the kindness of his teammates cannot be refused until his position has not changed.

A gust of cold wind blew from the road ahead, biting and gloomy.

On the surrounding labyrinth walls, the orange flames were gradually replaced by dark blue flames as Kane and the others walked.

Lombe walked forward, feeling the changes around him, sniffing the air with his nose.

"The smell of skeletons, the theme of this layer seems to be the undead."

It is very normal for skeletons to appear in dungeons. The main monsters in many dungeons are not undead, but there are still skeletons.

Skeletons, Goblins, and Slimes are known as the three major miscellaneous monsters in dungeons, and one of these three types can be found in 80% of dungeons.

Among them, skeletons are the most important, because most of the intelligent creatures in the native world of dungeons are flesh and blood creatures.

But the undead were different, the dark blue flames, the skeletons in the corners, and the cold wind combined with the faint stench in the air.

Undoubtedly undead.

Kane and the others were on their way, and there were two more intersections ahead.

"Be careful"

The team stopped instantly, and each of them became alert.

This warning was reminded by Metzker, and everyone looked at him.

He pointed to the floor in the middle of the fork in front of him.

"where is wrong"

Hearing him say that, Kane walked over.

Standing in front of the team, squeeze out a transparent block to increase the quality of the block.

The dwarf just watched him with air in his hand, and smashed towards the intersection.

Metzker stared at Kane's hand, and he saw the magic square.

"Kane, what are you doing? Warming up?"

Looking at his actions, Lombe finally couldn't help asking questions.

Claire came over and said, "Kane's skill is to create invisible creations for attack or other purposes."

"Oh, I see"

Lombe has seen many explorer skills, so he is not too surprised by Kane's skills.

As Kane smashed the block out, some kind of trap in the middle of the fork was triggered.

This is a trap, and a big hole appears directly at the intersection.

Looking towards the opening of the moving hole, it is full of dense thorns, and it is almost impossible to fall down and die.

Now the trap is no longer a problem, the question is which one to choose.

Looking at their teammates, the other three shook their heads neatly.

Kane held his head and sighed, "Then go to the left."

Walking towards the chosen road, after passing a few corners, I ran into a dead end without any accident.

Looking at the high wall in front of him, he sighed.

Lombe came over and said, "This is normal, it's impossible for the maze not to hit the wall."

Continue back on the same road, and return to the place where there was a trap before.

This time on the right, go.


If you don't get to 2 steps, it's a dead end again.

Continue back on the road, this time directly back to the first 3 forks.

This time Kane tried to discuss with his teammates, but they still firmly let him choose.

"This time we're going to the right, and I think this may be the right way."

An hour later, Kane and the others returned to their original places.

At this time, he was standing at the intersection, looking at the road in the middle, his whole body was gray.

"Maze, it's like this"

Lombe once again consoled himself with his experience.

"let's go"

After all the wrong paths are eliminated, the only one left is the right path, which is great.

As soon as he walked to the first corner, Kane saw three more skeleton soldiers, this time they were against the wall, waiting for them to pass, giving a surprise.

Kane stopped directly, made a 3 gesture to the dwarf, and waved forward.

Lombe nodded and followed Kane to touch it.

Turning a jab, then swiping to the right, dispersing the skeleton, and Lombe kicked it up.

This labyrinth is full of insidiousness, either there are monsters hidden in the corners, or there are hidden organs everywhere.

The subsidence, the arrow holes on the left and right, if the ordinary team came, maybe it was really clear.

"On the right path, there will be monsters" Kane has already noticed.

Hearing the captain's words, Claire and the others thought for a while, and it seemed like this was the case.

In the section where Yoyo had a map before, the monster appeared on the right path.

On the road without a map, Kane and the others went through all the wrong roads at the first fork, and did not encounter a single monster. At best, it was just some traps.

But as soon as you get on the right path, a monster appears around the first corner.

For a while, I didn't know whether to call this dungeon insidious or benevolent.

After avoiding several traps again, we came to the fork in the road again, this time there are only 2 intersections to choose from.

Half of the correct rate, "Clea, this time you come."

The captain said so, and Claire had to bite the bullet.

Without further ado, I took the team and walked to the intersection on the right.

Then, zigzag around.

"We just came here." Kane looked at a gap in the wall, which was a mark he had made earlier.

"Ah? Is there any?" Claire's eyes were full of confusion.

Yunyou directly projected the map into the air, which showed that Kane and the others really circled.

"Haha, haha." Claire buttoned her face, slightly reddened.

Metzker suddenly said, "Why don't we let Yoyo lead the way?"

Yes, why?

Kane picked up Yoyo and asked, "Can you identify the right way?"

"No, but Yoyo can scan the surrounding space and roughly calculate which one is correct."

"Then why didn't you just say it?"

"Ah? Do you have to say this yourself?"

"Next time, if Yoyo has a solution, be sure to say it yourself."

"Okay, Master, Yoyo wrote it down"

Yunyou flew up with a propeller and started scanning.

"go this way"

Follow Yoyo and start moving. Every time it reaches an intersection, it will scan it again and choose a road.

"The road ahead is flawed"

It means traps. Metzker can only find the traps on the ground, but he can't find the traps on the surrounding walls.

Now Yoyo has the function of finding traps again.

Sure enough, all of my luck during this period of time was consumed by Yoyo's body, and I couldn't help feeling a little fortunate when I thought about it.

Even if it's just an excuse.

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