Shouting to kill, from the battlefield spread throughout the area.

The blue dots of light all over the sky drifted towards the white mist in the sky.

There was a thick layer of dust on the ground.

Inexplicably, huge colorful stars appeared one after another in the sky, smashing towards the piled up enemy soldiers below.

All the smashed soldiers shattered like a tin can filled with ribbons.

Fragments and blood residues in the body turned into festive ribbons and sprayed out, and then became part of the dust on the ground.

After Li Lulu finished this move, she had to go back to the city wall.

"I'm exhausted Lilulu." Lilulu muttered to herself, then took out a magic potion and drank it.

Feeling that the magic power that was about to be consumed in her body was quickly recovering, Li Lulu took a few breaths and prepared to stand up and continue to attack the enemy below the city wall.

Li Lulu is in charge of the city wall behind the fortress, and is responsible for attacking the enemy on this side. Compared with other areas, the long-range troops are much less, but there are many stupid big men who are not good enough.

And all the soldiers Li Lulu brought were mages.

Various fireballs, ice arrows, and Olympic missiles flew downwards.

Although these mages are intermediate arms, there are too few means of attack.

It's just these few skills over and over, nothing new, and nothing special.

But mixed in with these attacks are some blazingly fast colored stars, trailing rainbow-colored trails, swiftly hitting enemy after enemy.

Each hit can take away an enemy army.

Take a closer look at the costumes of these mages, which are not the same as the ordinary mages around them.

Ordinary mages are wearing red and white cloth robes, and a few pieces of light armor on the upper body to protect important parts.

However, the color of the robes on these mages changed from red and white to pink and white, and some gorgeous patterns were embroidered on the robes.

The staff in his hand has also changed from the original wooden staff and steel staff to a huge candy cane with bright colors.

He was holding a giant lollipop in his hand.

This kind of dress does not need too much introduction at all, it is known that it is the result of being completely infected by Li Lulu's fairy tale elements.

They have completely turned into fairy-tale magicians.

As for the robes of the mages who were not completely assimilated, the red color began to fade, and some patterns appeared on the clothes.

If you don't look closely at the exterior, you can't see anything.

It is precisely with the addition of these mages in pink and white robes that the defense at the rear is slightly easier than in other directions.

So far, not a single soldier has climbed the rear wall, and more or less soldiers in other directions have already climbed the wall.

But the situation here is not optimistic.

When Li Lulu was resting, she kept observing the whole situation.

In a few minutes, the enemy troops should have rushed to the city wall.

Fortunately, her mage troops are all in the back row, and there are countless melee soldiers in front of them guarding their safety.

Even if they rush up, it is unlikely to threaten their safety, but once soldiers start rushing up, their safety cannot be guaranteed.

And these ordinary soldiers simply can't expect too much.

There is no other way but this, Li Lulu thought.

Then a huge rainbow-colored portal opened beside her.

An eagle with a silver energy reaction flew out.

He was also wearing a white flight suit and an Air Force cap on his head.

He flew directly in front of Li Lulu, his wings were in a way that an ordinary eagle couldn't do, and he said like a salute.

"Captain of the Air Force reports to the Queen!"

Li Lulu nodded, a candy crown appeared on her head at some point.

"Bring your troops to attack all enemies in blue and white armor."


After the eagle finished speaking, he immediately let out a hawk cry.

Straight up into the sky, all kinds of birds flew out from the portal behind him.

These birds come in all varieties, large and small. There are also many varieties of Warcraft, as well as some caught in the sky in the world restaurant.

These birds, without exception, are all wearing white flight suits and air force caps on their heads.

They hovered directly over the enemy army.

Items like candy condensed from the claws fell down one after another.

The soldier below who was attacking the city suddenly felt something hit his head and just caught it with his hand.


The soldier looked at the beautifully packaged candy in his hand and became puzzled for a moment.


A huge explosion sounded, and the special effect of the explosion was still colored smoke, and there were colored colored papers bursting out beside it.

When the smoke cleared, the soldier had fallen to the ground, his hands were broken and disappeared.

Although he didn't kill him at once, he had lost his ability to fight. If the candy bomb exploded on the head or some more important parts, there would be no problem in killing him with one blow.

And the birds in the sky are constantly condensing similar candies in their claws and throwing them down.

Some triggers are extremely sensitive, and explode immediately upon contact.

The sensitivity of these candy bombs varies depending on how much control each bird has.

If Kane was there, he would be able to see that these candy bombs were actually designed by him for Li Lulu.

Li Lulu approached him a long time ago and asked him to help design a kind of bomb that must be beautiful in appearance.

And this bomb must be made of pure energy, which means that it can be made with magic, like a skill.

So Kane made her such a candy bomb.

The sensitivity is extremely high. Generally, an explosion occurs after a collision. It is composed of pure mana, and the explosive power increases with the input magic power.

And the internal structure is extremely simple, very easy to use.

Unexpectedly, this skill is actually prepared for these bird air forces.

With the help of this group of bombing chickens, the momentum of the siege was slowed down again.

Among the four walls, the one with the heaviest defensive pressure is on the left.

Because none of Kane and the others were in charge of the defense there, the sole responsibility was given to the Lantern Knights and several generals.

Lombe and Metzker's troops are also defending here in coordination.

But after all, there is no such high combat power as Kane and the others, so it is difficult for them to defend here.

Even this direction was bombed by Kane as soon as the war started.

However, since the use of magic shields in this direction is very small, they can at least defend it, and there will be no one-sided trend.

Bonona shot arrows with a large group of long-range shooters behind her.

Long-range shooters led by Bonona, their attacks have been enhanced. Even ordinary archers shoot arrows with blue wind element magic attached to them.

In addition, Bonona's timing of each command to launch an attack is very precise, making each wave of their arrow rain the most painful time for the enemy.

Bonona squatted down slightly, then took off, and her body jumped to a height of seven or eight meters.

The bow and arrow in his hand condensed a blue energy arrow out of thin air, and the wind element system on it was tightly condensed and entangled.

"call out!"

This arrow is extremely fast.

In an instant, it hit a mage-type general who was constantly manipulating magic to attack them in the back.

The magic shield on the mage's body was directly penetrated by this arrow, and the arrow that penetrated the magic shield remained undiminished. exhausted.

And a huge hole appeared in the mage's body, and fell to the ground tremblingly, turning into a piece of flying ashes.

Um? , Why is the power of this blow so exaggerated?

Bonona was a little puzzled, because she felt that her arrow could not cause such exaggerated damage.

As if thinking of something, he looked at the green guild seal on his shoulder.

Triggered a fatal blow.

The fatal blow at this stage has been upgraded to the second stage by Kane a few days ago.

Each attack has a 20% chance to deal 160% damage.

This upgrade cost Kane 3 Silver Magic Stones.

The improvement of the three attributes requires a golden magic stone for each item.

It seems that the enhancement gains of these three attributes cannot be improved for a long time.

At this time, several soldiers wanted to climb the city wall along the siege ladder.

However, as soon as they stood on the city wall, they were directly smashed by a log.

And the appearance of this piece of wood is the same as an arm, and its owner is a huge tree man with a height of six or seven meters.

The tree roots under his feet are rooted on the city wall, and all enemy troops who want to climb the city wall from the range he guards will be mercilessly knocked down by his tree body.

And there are 4 such tree people in the whole section of the city wall.

Their summoners were the two tauren with long brown hair on the city wall, both of whom were entwined with vines. Several small flowers bloom from the vines, adorn their bodies.

In his hand is a cane of cane covered with flowers.

These two are the younger brothers of Iron Hoof, the two Druids.

While they summoned the treants to defend the city walls, they were still healing some soldiers with the healing spells in their hands.

In addition to the tree people on the city wall, three fire elements can be seen throwing fireballs towards the bottom of the city wall.

And a huge wooden totem, which is applying a buff to all allies around it.

And their summoner is the white long-haired tauren, and she is the elder sister of Iron Hoof.

She is a tauren shaman.

These three siblings all belonged to Li Lulu's generals, who were also responsible for defending the city wall.

However, even this still cannot prevent soldiers from climbing the city wall from time to time, after all, they do not have high combat power.

These fire element treemen can only play a certain defense, and can't play a final role.

At this time, soldiers have been climbing on the city wall. In the face of these enemy soldiers, their subordinates, except the Lantern Knights and a few advanced arms, have almost no means of fighting back, and even dragging them has become a problem. A luxury.

Ordinary soldiers are falling in large swaths.

"Holy Light! Come on!"

A ray of light fell on the city wall, and those soldiers who had been exhausted felt that their bodies were full of strength again, and some minor injuries on their bodies were instantly healed.

And the releaser of this holy light was Finalis who happened to be riding a marshmallow and passed over their heads.

This holy light spell finally reduced the pressure on the city wall in an instant, allowing them to kill the soldiers who rushed up on the city wall.


A loud bang came from below.

Those members of the Lantern Knights who didn't have a good long-range attack have been waiting below for a long time.

They fought together with the enemy troops that rushed in from the gap in the city wall.

With this loud noise, even the number of soldiers who climbed the city wall decreased a lot.

Bonona immediately shouted: "The crossbowman hangs his head and attacks the soldiers who are attacking from behind."

The city wall on the left does not have a city gate, but the thick city wall was knocked on by a siege vehicle with a huge gap.

The enemy army is pouring into the fortress frantically from this gap.

It seems like a chain reaction, the city gates or city walls in other directions are also smashed open one by one.

After most of the day's defense, the fortress finally fell.

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