On the offensive and defensive battlefield of the entire fortress.

The city gates or city walls on all sides have been broken, and countless enemies have poured into the fortress along the gap.

Whether it is the city wall of the fortress or the city gate, there is no red and white figure.

They were fighting inside the fortress, relying on various buildings.

By virtue of their familiarity with the surrounding terrain.

The only difference is the front.

Under the two large-scale attacks from Lombe and Kane, the frontal enemy suffered heavy casualties.

The remaining enemies on the front were finally wiped out under the siege of Kane and the troops supported by the rear.

The leader who led them also died under Kane's spear.

The friendly troops who are now continuously supporting are pouring into the fortress from the front gate to support the friendly troops inside. Constantly delivering fresh blood.

Lombe was completely disengaged from the previous blow, and he didn't look scarred on the outside, but his internal injuries were somewhat serious, and he was being treated in the central treatment camp at this time.

And Kane is at the main entrance, preventing the enemies on both sides from attacking the main entrance and blocking the support line.

At this time, in the center of the fortress, the place where the camp was healed.

Outside the tent area.

Countless soldiers are stopping the enemy's attack. Several enemy generals had discovered that the wounded soldiers of the red side had been sent to the middle of the fortress.

So as soon as they came together, they united and launched an attack on the center of the fortress.

The individual strength is much stronger than the enemy, allowing them to easily kill them along the way.

At this point, it was time to enter the treatment camp.

In the large tent in the middle, Metzker was controlling the red particles to heal the soldiers in front of him.

Each of his 4 hands treats different soldiers, and there are also 4 magic palms that are already treating other wounded soldiers.

In the entire camp, there are many lantern knights who are treating the soldiers in front of them.

I heard the noise outside, and even the sound of fighting was getting closer.

The members of the Lantern Knights in the camp treated the soldiers in their hands and said, "Sir Metzker, let's go out and stop the enemy first."

"Wait, you continue."

After speaking, Metzker treated the soldiers he was in charge of, wiped his hands and walked out.

The remaining lantern knight members looked at each other and silently continued the treatment in their hands.

When Metzker lifted the veil and walked out.

Several generals on the opposite side have already led the soldiers behind them and are about to enter the treatment camp.

Many seriously wounded soldiers stood up just after being healed, their bodies covered in bandages stretched out, and they rushed out after picking up their swords.

Some of Horn's soldiers next to him stared wide-eyed when they saw Metzker walking towards the enemy.

"Sir Metzker, hide behind and be careful of the enemy's attack, you can't be in trouble."

The two generals in charge of the camp's defense immediately rushed to Metzker's side and wanted to pull him to the rear.

Metzker just squeezed lightly and broke free from their palms.

He said lightly, "It's okay."

Then quickly came to the front of the enemy.

The red particles in his hand gushed out, healed a soldier who fell to the ground in front of him, and dragged it to the back with his blue palm.

A general who is more than two meters tall, wearing heavy armor and carrying a giant axe, looked at the eyes of the enemies around him.

Then he looked at Metzker in front of him.

The generals and soldiers behind him stopped attacking.

The friendly troops next to Metzker also stopped their movements.

"Oh, it seems that you are the leader of these soldiers. You should be a healer in your costume. How dare you be in front of us, so eager to die? Hahahaha."

Following his words, the soldiers behind him also laughed.

"Hahaha, so weak still want to stop our footsteps"

"It's too weak, two swords cut these people to death."

"I really don't know how the waste in front missed it."

"You rubbish, what are you looking at?"

All kinds of ridicule and insults of those soldiers were passed to the ears of the surrounding defending soldiers and wounded soldiers.

They looked arrogant as if the entire treatment camp had been trampled under their feet.

Although the current situation is indeed the case.

Only a few members of the Knights of the Lantern Order put away their weapons and stepped aside after watching Mezick come over.

Metzker raised his head slightly, and looked at the generals in front of him who were talking nonsense with his dead fish eyes.


Sigh slightly.

An astonishing surging momentum gushed out of Metzker's body.

Feeling such an imposing enemy army, he closed his mouth and looked at Metzker in front of him vigilantly.

Metzker's body was already burning with rage-like arrogance, and it was burning fiercely.


The gray cloth robe covering the body instantly burst into pieces with the arrogance and scattered around.

What was exposed was a muscular body with a strong body.

The rounded and strong muscles on the 4 arms, and the arm armors that extend out.

The black hair fluttered upward along the arrogance, and Metzker's eyes were bursting with anger.

The limbs and arms clenched fists to make a gesture, and behind him there were four blue iron fists flying.

This scene stunned Horn's men around him.

They had always thought that Metzker was an assistant skilled in healing, but never thought that there was such a Jianshuo body under this robe.

In Mezick's eyes, anger burst into flames.

"What a bunch of bloody bastards, die!"

Mezick, who was in a state of rage, changed a lot in his mood compared to his usual calm state, and even his tone and words changed.

The anger in his voice was unusually obvious.

It's not that Mezick is not without anger, but there is nothing worthy of his anger at ordinary times, since he learned this anger-like boxing technique.

Once he fights, all the anger he usually accumulates will burst out at once, and his anger will burn the enemy to the ground.

After scolding Metzker, he stomped his feet on the ground, and his body rushed towards the enemy like a sharp arrow.

In just an instant, he came to the enemy general and punched the general's chest heavily.

Under the attack of this punch, the general's body flew backwards.

It hit the ground heavily, and the armor on his chest was completely sunken, and his chest was sunken, and it seemed that he could no longer live.

The dead general's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

It turned into dust.

At this time, his soldiers and teammates were no longer in the mood to check his situation.

Metzker was venting his anger in the center of the enemy army, and the fists danced by the eight iron fists were airtight.

Coupled with his agile actions.

All the enemies were hit by him one by one like a ball.

The stronger physique is only the collapse of the chest, the physique is slightly weaker, and the entire chest is penetrated on the spot.

No one could catch his punch.

The screaming screams spread throughout the entire enemy group.


The sound of fighting in the fortress has subsided.

Claire felt that her magic power was about to run out, and reached out to take out a bottle of potion from the jeweled buckle around her waist.

However, she felt an empty space, and the medicine inside had been consumed by her.

Her body even had a strong resistance after drinking a bottle, and the magic recovery potion could not provide her much magic power recovery.

Such a situation is very rare in Metzker's specially tailored potions for their constitution. There is only one situation where this situation occurs.

That is the drug resistance that had to appear after drinking too much magic potion in a short period of time.

In this day and night of fighting, Claire had completely consumed all the magic healing potions that Mezick had prepared for her, and even used up more than half of the stamina potions.

After confirming that there was no more magic potion, Claire picked up the battle axe in her hand and hacked to death an enemy approaching him.

Slightly panting.

She is no longer wearing anti-magic armor, because the mages on the battlefield have been annihilated.

And she has also withdrawn from the ghost form, there is no magic for her to squander like this.

The armor on her body was covered with dents and nicks.

The red hair on her head has been stretched to the position of the horse's back, and a short dagger is wrapped around a bundle of hair, stabbing the chest of a soldier who wants to attack from behind her.

All the long hair was divided into six strands, and each strand was wrapped around a short dagger to assist Claire in attacking.

Smashing a soldier close to her again, Claire slammed the battle axe on the ground, panted while holding the handle of the axe, picked up a bottle of yellow stamina potion in her hand and drank it.

There were no soldiers in red armor around.

In the distance, a few heavy cavalry could be seen sporadically attacking the enemy.

And then fell down, never to be seen again.

The number of enemy troops is too large, and the strength of individuals is also stronger than that of their soldiers.

But after such a long battle, the number of enemies is not much left.

Victory is at hand.

Looking at the soldiers surrounding her, Claire raised her battle axe, ready to launch another round of charge.


A mecha with a height of just over three meters and slender four limbs rolled over the stone house next to it and smashed to the side of the enemy.

Relying on the rotation of the waist, the sword blades on both arms fluttered, and all the surrounding enemy troops were beheaded.

Claire, who was about to charge, saw the mecha and immediately shouted, "Kane."

Seeing that Kane is still safe, Claire's heart is also full of joy.

The mecha slid to Claire's side and checked it carefully for a while.

In the middle, Kane walked out, took out a bottle of healing potion, and handed it to Claire.

"Drink quickly and rest for a while."

Kane helped Claire to the side, took out a rug from the space equipment, spread it on the ground, and asked her to sit down.

Claire drank the potion, took a breath and asked, "How is the situation now?"

Claire's perception is very sharp, but she doesn't have a wide range of perception, so she doesn't know the current situation of the entire battlefield.

"There are not many friendly troops anymore. Metzker and Lombe are killing the enemy troops all over the fortress, so the number of enemies is not much."

"Come and take these."

Saying that, Kane took out some healing potions marked for Claire's exclusive use from his space equipment and handed them to her.

These were temporarily refined by Metzker, and it was just in time to save the emergency.

Not long after drinking the medicine, Claire stood up.

And Kane also re-entered the depression of the mecha and wrapped himself up.

"Let's go, the number of enemies is running out."

Saying that, she and Claire hurried to other areas.

The remaining soldiers on the battlefield, apart from some lantern knights and the returning dark servants, were only the magicians who were fairy tales by Lilulu, and most of them were spirits of freedom who joined the guild.

There are not many friendly troops left.

Finaris and the ghost maid were resting in the guild hall at this time.

They no longer have any fighting power.

Kane even gave them some silver magic stones to guard next to the Fountain of Rebirth while they rested.

Revive those dead members of the Lantern Knights.

And these resurrected members want to go directly to the knight station to get a new set of equipment and continue to fight on the battlefield.

However, they were all stopped. If they died again, they would have no chance to be resurrected.

In such a fierce battle, the attrition of the Lantern Knights is completely inevitable, but fortunately there is a fountain of rebirth.

Since all the allies were dying, Metzker had nothing to heal, so he also joined the battle.

Even Horn died in battle at some point.

In the entire fortress, apart from some soldiers who are still fighting strongly, the only ones left are Kane and the soldiers under their command.

Of course there are remaining enemy forces.

But the number of these enemies has not exceeded 10,000.

Facing Kane and others who were fighting in the street with them, they were not rivals at all and were being slowly eroded.

The enemies who are still alive now have individual strengths that are stronger than them.

They are not opponents at all in street fighting, and Kane also deliberately kept them from gathering together and scattered throughout the fortress.

Although Kane and the others are in very poor condition, there is no problem in killing these soldiers.

Not to mention that none of the senior generals on the heads of these soldiers have died.

The rest are only some small captains and ordinary generals who are still insisting.

These are not spirits of freedom and have no intention of retreating at all.


A flash of lightning struck.

It was Marshmallow's attack.

As the lightning fell, the last few enemies were also attacked by Kane's mecha and shattered into pieces.

At this time, Kane and the others also happened to gather in an area.

"Finally won."

Lombe fell to the ground weakly.

But the situation in the dungeon did not give them a chance to rest at all.

The thick white fog in the sky was pouring down.

The overwhelming cloud and mist came like a tsunami.

"It's okay, don't panic."

The experienced Kane comforted his teammates.

"What about the exploding props? We haven't had time to collect them yet." Lombé yelled.

However, in front of them at this time, there is a whirlwind, absorbing countless props, gold coins and materials in the entire area.

These items are flying from all over the place to gather in the middle.

As more and more things gathered, a golden treasure chest slowly condensed.

All props and items pour in from the entrance of the treasure chest.

When the chest was completely full and the lid was sealed, Kane immediately threw it into the warehouse.

Although I don't know what's going on, I'm sure it's okay to accept it.

The tsunami-like fog has also rushed over.

He slammed into the fortress fiercely, covering it up from various cracks.

Kane and the others also closed their eyes and stood quietly.

The mist invaded, drowning them completely.

The entire dungeon has been completely filled with white mist.

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