Kane felt like he had fallen into a front-load washing machine.

The whole person seems to be compressed and extracted, and then forced into the small tunnel.

Compared with the feeling when he entered the dungeon, this feeling is more like teleportation, or a long-distance teleportation.

Suddenly, Kane felt his body relax, and the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

At this time, he could feel that he was slowly drifting to another world, about to enter it.

However, a golden card slowly floated out of his space equipment.

There are treasure chests and skulls printed on it.

An option appeared in front of Kane.

Whether to enter the eternal treasure store.

Seeing such a situation, Kane did not hesitate and clicked the Yes option directly.

Then, a small portal appeared in the middle of the card, sucking Kane in.

When Kane was able to move again, he was already standing in front of a building that looked like a skull.

Look at the card in your hand.

【Eternal treasure chest business card】


【Color: Gold】


【Real name binding】

【Extremely strong】

【Never Lost】


[Guide] (When a certain location or item is set, once it appears within a certain range, a guide sign will appear)

[Secret reception] (When you trigger the set conditions, an option will appear, and after confirmation, the user team will be sent to a secret space.)

[Introduction: T. Edwards, the mysterious skeleton mage wandering in various undead dungeons, is a mist lord, and he seems to be very optimistic about you. Whenever you enter a dungeon with undead elements, you can make an option, and when you choose to agree, you will go directly to his secret shop. 】

This gold-level card item was obtained from the dungeon that was moving towards silver when it was still in the bronze age.

The golden-level weapons in Kane's hands and the most precious props for controlling dungeons on his body were all obtained from this store.

But after that, Kane has never encountered a dungeon with undead elements, so this option has never appeared.

It appears now, which means that the dungeon they are about to enter has elements of the undead.

I just don't know how the store manager pulled himself in under such circumstances.

Looking at the bone-like white door in front of him, Kane knocked and walked in.

The environment inside and the placement of items have not changed in the slightest from when Kane came before.

However, he did not see the figure of the skeleton wearing a suit and holding a civilization stick in his hand.

I saw one of the skull candles floating on the ceiling, floating down.

Then the skull's head extended downwards. The spine, limbs, and sternum are all condensed.

A skeleton figure wearing a gentleman's outfit and holding a civilization stick reappeared.

He slowly stretched out his hand, pulled out the candle above his head, waved his hand, and the flame of the candle went out.

The whole candle turned into a little hat at the moment when the flame went out, and he put the hat on his head again.

He bowed politely to Kane and said, "Mr. Kane, it's been a long time."

Then he looked at Kane carefully and said, "Didn't you expect to enter my store at this moment? It really was a good time."

"Does Mr. Kane want to buy something recently? A new way of playing has recently appeared in my store. Do you want to try it?"

After speaking, he entered the counter, and then a roulette wheel appeared in front of him.

The whole roulette wheel was divided into 5 parts, 4 of them said thank you for your patronage, and only the remaining one said the grand prize.

The manager of the skull shop introduced himself: "The roulette wheel is divided into 5 parts, and it can only be rotated three times. Go to the grand prize to get the item, go to thank you for your patronage, and there is nothing."

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and stared at Kane, the faint blue flame in his eyes swayed slightly.

"Want to try?"

Kane's mouth twitched slightly and walked over.

Except for this roulette, he couldn't buy anything in the store, so if he didn't play it would be nothing.

Why does this store manager always like to engage in these gambling-like things? Last time it was a blind box, this time it was a roulette wheel.

"How much is a transfer?"

"Sincerely offer 100 coins."

Kane seriously suspects that the price the store manager is charging is based on the value of the customer in front of him.

However, he couldn't come back empty-handed, so he took out 300 pieces from the space equipment and handed them to the skeleton store manager in front of him.

The store manager weighed it with his bone-like palm and nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, now you can start, but only three turns."

Hearing the store manager's words, Kane nodded, directly reached out to hold a corner of the roulette, and turned it down.

The roulette wheel was spinning rapidly, and both of them watched nervously waiting for the roulette wheel to slow down slowly.

The pointer skipped the jackpot, and after a full rotation, it just touched the edge of the jackpot at the last moment, and then stopped completely.

A small firework exploded above the roulette.

The skull store manager clapped his hand: "Congratulations to your guest, you have been transferred to the grand prize all of a sudden, you are so lucky."

Saying that, he took out a gift box from behind him and handed it to Kane.

"Come on, this is a gift."

After Kane took it, he didn't take it apart, but put it directly into his space equipment.

"Do you want to keep turning?"

Of course it will, Kane nodded.

2nd turn: Thank you for your patronage.

3rd turn: Thank you for your patronage.


Eyes meet eye sockets.

"Uh...you transferred to one, it's not a loss."

Yes, it's not a loss to switch to one, after all, the probability of 1/5.

It's good luck to switch to once three times, and the others can't be forced too much.

After comforting himself, Kane said to the store manager, "Then how do I get out of here now?"

The last time I entered the Skeleton Shop was because I found it directly in the dungeon, just wear it out.

But this time, he came here on the way into the dungeon, and Kane didn't know how to get out at all.

Hearing Kane's words, a smile appeared on the face of the skeleton, pointing to the golden card in Kane's hand and said slowly.

"Take out the card and shake it, thinking that you can go out."

After he finished speaking, he took off his courtesy, bowed to Kane and said, "Thank you for your patronage."

No need to thank you for your patronage, Kane thought helplessly, then took out the card and shook it, thinking to leave in his heart.

Kane's figure instantly disappeared from the store.

"The location where he came in is really strange. Under what circumstances did he come in?"

The skeleton manager's voice echoed throughout the store, revealing doubts.


When Kane came out, he felt himself back where he was floating into the dungeon.

With the thrust, he could feel that he had finally entered the dungeon.

When he saw the surrounding scene again, it was still pitch black.

He could feel that he was enclosed in a small space, and his whole body was lying on his back.

Although it was pitch black all around, he could feel that he was in a stone crack with his limbs.

And the entire crack seems to be moving, indicating that this is not a crack, but a container, and he is lying in this container and being moved.

This container is just enough for him to lie on his back. If he wants to rotate left and right, he can't turn over.

Kane didn't panic, he reached out his hand and groped for the surrounding space.

Since this space is pitch-dark, there is no light source, and even the ability of night vision is useless, so he can only perceive by the touch of the palm.

The entire space is a rectangular parallelepiped, and there is some looseness above him.

Then, with one hand, he slowly pushed away the slate that covered him.


Are you lying in a coffin by yourself?

Just now, he had already sensed that he was in an object similar to a coffin, but he had not seen it with his own eyes, so he could not jump to conclusions.

Kane sat up from a stone coffin and looked at himself, wondering if it was an open coffin.

After feeling Kane's movement, the object that was dragging the coffin stopped.

Kane only saw the surroundings at this time.

The coffin lying on it is being dragged and moved by a wooden trailer, and there are other coffins on the wooden trailer, which are neatly placed.

Kane could even smell the faint rotten smell on it, as well as the fishy smell of soil, as if it had just been dug out of the ground.

The entire wooden trailer was dragged by a rickety old man in a rag and gray robe, who turned his head to look at Kane.

His face was covered with wrinkles and folds, the whites of his eyes were dim and dull, the withered white hair on his head was a little dirty, the rags and gray robes on his body were stained with soil, and a few blades of grass could be seen sticking to his body.

He didn't panic when he saw Kane sitting up from the coffin, but nodded to Kane, then waved at him, signaling him to come out quickly.

Kane climbed out of the coffin, checked the equipment on his body, and made sure that there was nothing missing that was exactly the same as when he came in. The coffin was also very clean, as if it was brand new.

There were no signs of Claire and the others around.

And the old man in front of him also had a copper-colored magical reaction. It was no wonder that he could drag the scooter with such an old body.

You must know that there are stone coffins stacked on this trolley.

And the whole scooter was just parked in a red maple woodland, and the whole woodland looked very beautiful.

There are red maple leaves all over the ground, and the red maple leaves can still be seen fluttering in the air.

The trees are so close together that one cannot see the sky, but can feel the light overhead.

Kane looked around, and the old man did not urge, but waited for him in place.

As if used to it.

"Child, let's go together after seeing enough."

The old man said, squatted down and lifted the two grips in front of the scooter again, and continued to walk forward.

Although he didn't know the situation of the dungeon, Kane slowly followed behind the scooter.

And the old man slowly began to tell something.

"I don't know how long you've been dead, but now you've been cursed and come back to life, the world has changed a lot.

And you have become a resurrected monster like us, alas, I hope you can adapt to life now. "

Only at this time did Kane observe that the old man's right forearm was abnormally dry as if there was no trace of moisture.

It's like a mummified corpse, but the other parts look like a living person, just older.

"In front is the village of the dead, a village formed by all the resurrected dead like you and me."

Having said that, the old man dragged the scooter and took Kane out of the red maple forest.

The moment he walked out of the red maple forest, Kane stared blankly at the scene in the sky.

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