Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 502 The great achievements of the previous explorers

In the tavern of the Village of the Dead.

Outside the rowdy crowd, Kane looked at the gram in front of him, and the conspicuous gap in his calf.

He joked and said, "Don't look at how big the gap in my calf is, you must know that the light group hit my feet."

"Aren't you supposed to be with the old coffin? How did you get here?"

Kane looked at him and said lightly: "Jian is dead, he has too much golden light."

"So the old man's name is Ji'an? I rescued him from the coffin, and he didn't tell me his name."

"It's a pity." Ke shook his head and said in frustration, "I can no longer see the sound of the old man pulling the coffin all day long, nor can I hear him bragging about his son's glorious deeds from time to time."

"That's right." Ke suddenly thought of something, stared at Kane and asked, "I just saw the Red King's Iron Wings troop that cast the light group, does the old man know?"

Kane nodded.

"Oh, how can you be so cruel to an old man." Ke's voice was full of helplessness.

After all, Ji An is most proud of his son. Even if he forgets his name, he still clearly remembers his son's name, his son's army, and what he said to him.

He even remembered the cemetery where his son was buried.

Yet he felt that the most glorious deed of his son, the legion for which he had sacrificed his life, destroyed his hopes at the last moment.

Silence is what Kane can only do now.

"Come and sit here, let me have a good talk with you before I die."

Sure enough, this person is not simple.

Kane came to the seat beside him and sat down.

"You are infected with the light group, but there is nothing wrong, because you are not dead, but you still climbed out of the coffin, the coffin... Ji An will not lie."

Ke bit the red rhizome on his hand fiercely, and stared at the ceiling with only one eye left.

Falling into a state of memory that the dead often enter.

"Many years ago, I have seen people just like you. They also climbed out of the coffin. You are the same."

He didn't wait for Kane to answer, but continued talking on his own.

"I've been on adventures with them, and they're very different, both in power and in ideas, they want to kill the kings."

"When I was young at the time, I went to work with them as soon as my brain became hot. In order to snatch strength from each other, the kings launched wars madly, dragging the already broken world into the quagmire of war."

"Countless people want to kill them, but they are defeated by their god-like power."

"But well, we were about to succeed at that time, and we were almost about to kill the black king."

"A little bit, just a little bit."

Ke's voice was a little excited, his hands were tightly clenched, and the blood-red juice from the red rhizomes dripped from his hands.

Then he said frustratedly: "But he was resurrected again. It turned out that he mastered the power of death. He made himself immortal, so we failed."

"But! The existence of the Village of the Dead, and my existence, are telling me that our previous efforts were not in vain."

"Death is out of control!"

His voice returned to excitement.

But at this time, he saw that the dissipated range had reached his waist, and said to Kane.

"But time is running out, so this is the end of my story, and now I have more important things to tell you."

He said, untied a bracelet from his hand and handed it to Kane.

"Take this thing, and after I die, you can find a map under the red rhizome on the cabinet, go to the location above, trust me, you will be able to get help from there."

After watching Kane take the bracelet, he continued before his body completely dissipated.

"After I died and resurrected, I have been paying attention to the news of people like you and collecting your information. Finally, I found that every ten years, an existence like you can appear."

"You, without exception, will want to kill the kings in the end, no matter what you want, but the goal is the same."

"I've been in contact with several of these teams, and although they all died in the end, I got the Red King's weakness from it."

He watched as the speed of dissipation was getting faster and faster, and it had reached his neck.

"Okay, that's all, can you finally put a red rhizome in my mouth?"

Kane nodded, picked up a red root beside him, and put it in his mouth to satisfy his last wish.

"Thank you." Ke smiled and bit the red rhizome in his mouth fiercely.

The sound stopped abruptly.

A red rhizome fell to the floor, and the surface had been bitten and eroded.

As the rhizome fell, Kane also stood up.

Turn to look at the center of the hall.

At this time, the center of the hall was filled with gravel.

There was only the last dead person left in the hall of the tavern.

In the end, what was left was the middle-aged man who was stepping on the bench.

But now he's half gone.

"Respect yourself!"

He yelled, turned to look at Kane, and gestured at him.

Then there was no sound, and a broken arm fell on the table, and the thumb on the palm of the hand could be seen.

And the red rhizome held in the middle.

Until the broken arm disappears.

So far, only a piece of yellow sand remains in the entire tavern.

Kane came back to his senses, reached out and opened a mezzanine from the top of the wine cabinet, and pulled out an envelope from the middle.

Looking at the envelope, after confirming that there was nothing, he put the envelope away and walked out of the pub.

At this time, there was yellow sand everywhere in the middle of the village.

The sudden autumn wind blew, rolled up the yellow sand on the ground, and drifted into the distance.

Kane walked out of the village in the direction of the autumn wind, except for the sound of wind and sand along the way.

It's a quiet one.

There is also no indifferent gaze and back.

With every step, a tiny object burrows into the ground.

When Kane came out of the village, one bottomless hole after another was left in the ground along the way.

Kane turned around and looked at the small village where he had only been two days.

It's miserable, weird, and beautiful.

He waved his hand in the direction of the village.

One after another, tiny metal structures drilled into the ground.

These tiny structures have a crazy-turning drill in front, and a magic structure covered with blue patterns behind them.

There is a high concentration of magic energy stored in it.

The moment these structures landed on the ground, they disappeared on the ground with the rotation of the drill bit, leaving only one bottomless little black hole after another.

Under the control of drilling into the ground and reopening, these structures are arranged one by one in their own positions.

I do not know how long it has been.

There was a strong vibration on the ground.

But there was only one shock, and the sand on the ground flew upwards.

Then the entire village collapsed into the ground, and the surrounding soil slid down the middle.

Buried the entire village underground.

Only a stone tablet made of an unknown metal stood in the center of the pothole.

The legacy of the village is written on it.

Village of the Dead.

Slowly changing from fantasy to reality.


With a sigh, Kane left in the distance.

This village has left a deep impression on Kane in every way.

The marshmallow came out of his body and floated beside him, simulating the appearance of his hands and stretching.

I wanted to play with my master, but seeing that Kane was in a bad mood, he had to silently follow him.

And Yunyou has been following Kane's feet.

A ball of light fell from the sky, and when Kane watched Ji An return to the village after his death, Yunyou followed.

His camera eyes kept flashing blue, and the antenna was flashing green.

I was filming all the way, recording the last scene of the village.

He felt that his master would want such images to be preserved.

Chuxian's wisdom allowed him to judge Kane's mood, and it was Chuxian's wisdom that he didn't know how to comfort Kane.

"It's okay." Kane's voice came.

"I'm not sad. After all, I'm not familiar with the people in the village, but the people in the village make me a little shocked."

After finishing speaking, Kane took out the letter that Ke had left for him from his space equipment.

Judging from the packaging of this envelope, the letter has been a while.

When opened, there was a map and two letters with written text inside.

The map is exactly the same as the one Kane got from Claire, except that the area labels on it are different, and there are various spheres of influence, including the kings.

And there is an asterisk mark on a certain spot.

That should be where Ke wants Kane to be.

"Come on, Yoyo is working."

Kane squatted down with a smile, and put the map in his hand in front of Yunyou.

Then Yoyo's eyes projected a scanning light, scanning the entire map.

"Successful scan, master!"

Kane nodded and said, "Then you plan the route to the star mark, I will follow."

Following behind Yoyo, Kane began to check the information recorded in the two letters.

One of them is exactly what Ru Ke said, recording the information of the Red King he said.

Another letter was given to someone else, seemingly to help the person who owned the bracelet gain trust.

Kane began to sort out the information he had acquired in his mind at the moment.

First of all, gram is not someone who died at the beginning of the Platinum Age.

But after the world was broken, when the kings began to fight each other, they died when they went to kill the black king.

And he didn't know when he was resurrected because of the power of the Black King after his death. Seeing that he can live for so long, it is very likely that the Black King did not know about it.

And the resurrection situation in the village of the dead was also because the black king's power was out of control, which showed that Ke and the explorers who acted with him a hundred years ago really hurt the black king deeply.

As a result, the Black King has not fully recovered yet.

And the village of the dead is likely to be built by him.

Because Kane and Ji An chatted, Ji An said that he was almost the first batch of dead people to wake up.

And Ke said that he rescued Ji An from the coffin.

That means that Ke is earlier than Ji'an, and coupled with his experience and behavior, it can almost be concluded that it is the village of the dead that he created.

In addition to what he said, almost all the explorers who came in finally chose to kill the kings.

That is to say, these explorers may have found their targets. No matter what their targets are, the kings must be killed.

And this may also be the goal that Kane and the others need to accomplish first.

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