In the dark sewers, Kane was lurking at the bottom of the tower.

Since he couldn't go out rashly, Kane chose to hide in the sewers all the time, and use the mechanical creations he made to help him detect information, and use a variety of gadgets to help him complete special circumstances. Be a mechanic.

Magic power poured out from Kyle's hand, and the mechanical structure was condensed from Kane's palm. From the process of condensing, we could see how tiny and precise this object was made.

The entire object is a semi-circle similar to a small marble, and the surface of this semi-circle has dense and subtle magic lines.

These magical lines can make the entire object invisible, and the magic power spent is very rare, if you don't deliberately probe it, you can't find it.

This achieves the hidden purpose.

And it is equipped with a miniature long-distance transmission camera and a sound transmission device.

Through the magic wireless transmission.

Looking at the hemisphere in his hand, Kane nodded with satisfaction, but since Kane's range is only 10 meters, this thing must not just be completely turned into reality.

A lot of magic power poured out, and the object in his hand gradually changed from illusory to real.

In the end, it was completely transformed into a real mechanical creation.

And it is Yoyo who is responsible for receiving the image and voice signals transmitted by this object. After all, the magic information transmission technology used by Kane is obtained from Yoyo.

So Yoyo can fit perfectly.

Looking at the flashing red dot on the small ball in his hand, Kane pressed it down hard and sent magic power into it.

There is a small magic battery to maintain its consumption.

As the magic power poured out, the magic pattern on the surface of the hemisphere also began to light up with a subtle glow.

Charging is completed in a short time.

Kane looked at the hemisphere in his hand and asked, "Did you connect successfully?"

Yunyou nodded: "connected to the master, it can now be released through the exit."

Hearing Yoyo's words, Kane put the exploration machine in his hand on the ground, and the magic power on the surface was activated in an instant, and the entire hemisphere disappeared.

However, Kane can still perceive its existence through his eagle vision and the perception of his body.

It was perceived as floating, and then flew out through a small pipe next to it.

Until under the control of Yunyou, he broke away from the limitations that Kane could perceive.

At this time, Yoyo projected a picture in front of his eyes. It was the sound that came out next to the scene that the probing machine saw, and it was also the sound around the probing machine.

Looking at this scene, Kane was a little satisfied, and he said that his work was successful.

Similar to this, all kinds of small things, Kane will often design and manufacture on the way to learn new technologies and practice, but they have never been put into normal use.

It is completely used as a storage for a product. After all, there are Metzker and Marshmallow among the teammates. Most of the time, the reconnaissance around does not need Kane to worry about it.

So watching his product successfully fall into reality, it is still very happy to run perfectly.

At this time, you can see the city outside through the screen. Although the heights of all the buildings are not equal, the buildings in the same area and its surrounding areas are exactly the same in style, size and height.

In this way, blocks after blocks are formed to be arranged with each other, and even the distance between them is almost the same visually.

If this is obsessive-compulsive disorder, it will be cool to death.

On the road, there are also ordinary civilians walking. Looking at the clothes of these civilians, they are either simple colors or square symmetrical patterns.

Even the pace of walking is like a machine.

The whole city looked full of vitality, but there was a sense of coldness everywhere.

However, Kane simply admired it for a while, and then let Yoyo control the detection machine to enter the tower in front of him, where the information Kane needed.

There are two soldiers at the entrance of the tower, wearing armor and holding spears guarding both sides.

Entering the bottom of the tower, what you see is a large spacious space in the center of the ground. There are 10 long cables connected to the ground. From this, it can be seen that this is actually a large lifting platform.

And on this lifting platform, the one that Kane saw, the steel giant eagle soaring in the sky, was docked.

You can see the clear magic lines and structures on it.

"It's my turn to investigate again later."

A male voice came out, but no image of him was seen. It means that he should be below the camera or in the blind spots on the back.

"Be content, now it's good to be able to control the Falcon to go out for a walk."

The other voice is also a male voice, but it can be clearly heard that it is not the same person as the previous sentence.

"Hahaha, that's what I said."

At this time, another voice came over, and his image appeared in the camera.

A young man who looks younger.

"Didn't the seniors drive the Falcon outside on a mission a few days ago?"

"Oh, you said that, it was indeed selected, but it's not interesting, it's just throwing something into that village."

"I heard that the target is the famous village of the dead?"

"Yes, it's the village of the dead. I don't know what the head of the group thinks. We want to destroy this village."

"I know this, do you want to know?"

During the conversation, the three of them talked about things that Kane was very interested in.

Kane was also curious as to why they had to destroy the village of the dead that time, knowing that the village of the dead has existed for dozens or hundreds of years. If it was destroyed, it should have been destroyed long ago. Why wait until now?

When I listened carefully, I heard the other two people urging the man to speak quickly.

The voice heard the older man say: "Boy, it hasn't been a long time since you joined the Iron Wings Army?"

"Yes, only joined for more than 20 years." It was the young man who showed his face.

After the world collapsed, most of the races maintained their normal lifespan when the world collapsed.

But after nearly 100 years, many races have found their lifespans stretched out inexplicably, almost doubling for the most part.

And this is also proof that the Black King is injured, because he is the power of death.

And now death in this continent has been inexplicably prolonged, so there are many people with extremely long lifespans.

"Last time I talked to Captain Yavs, and it seemed that he noticed that there were subversives. In order to reduce unnecessary troubles, the village was destroyed. I heard that the subversive team that went to assassinate the Red King 100 years ago. One of them escaped and ran in the direction of the village after coming out."

"Subversive? Here again!" It was another man with a more mature voice who said this.

"What is a subversive?" The young man's tone revealed confusion.

The elder explained: "It is said that some outsiders want to kill the kings, and I heard that the black king was injured by them."

"Are the subversives so powerful?"

However, a new voice could be heard at this time: "Captain Kansk, Captain Yavs is looking for you."

The old man said, "Okay, I'll be right here."

"I'll talk to you later."

Hearing their conversation, Kane immediately said to Yunyou: "Quickly control and follow that Kansk."

Kane's target this time was Yafus, the head of the Iron Wings, and he didn't expect to touch it so quickly.

Under the control of Yoyo, the reconnaissance machine began to fly towards the tower following Kansk.

It didn't take long for them to enter a room.

Kane didn't know how strong Aves was, so he didn't let the reconnaissance machine enter rashly. Instead, let Yoyo control and let the reconnaissance machine lean against the wall and turn on the sound reception function to the maximum to listen to what they are talking about.

"Captain Yavs, look for me."

"um, yes."

The voice was a low male voice, and the tone seemed to be that of a more serious middle-aged man.

"Kansk, recently there is information about subversives in the Black King's territory. Recently, we must let them investigate more on the periphery, and don't let what happened a hundred years ago happen again. We can't bear the Red King's anger for the second time, you do you know."

"Yes! Captain."

"We also need to be mentally prepared. It may not be long before we send troops to the Black King's territory."

"Go to the Black King's territory? Are we finally going to..."

"Well, it's good that you know."

"By the way, get my Red Eagle ready. I'm going to drive it around and see if its performance has weakened. When a disruptor arrives, then I have to be prepared."

"It's the head of the team, I'll do it right now."

As he spoke, Kansk's figure appeared in his field of vision, and he left the room where Yavs was.

The information revealed by the conversation between the two was very, very big. First of all, they knew that the subversive came because Claire was exposed in the Black King's territory.

The second is that the thing that made Kane worry happened after all, and the Red King really planned to take advantage of these opportunities to kill other kings and fish in troubled waters.

Choosing to act at the moment when the subversive arrives, it is hard to believe that he sent troops to help his brother.

After that, Kane kept observing the picture, and the steel falcons in the original central field in the picture were moved to the surrounding rooms.

Then a huge factory opened, and a steel falcon sprayed with red was pushed out. Its size was larger than the ordinary style, and the pattern on the body was more complicated. It can be seen from the parts on the body. This steel Falcon comes out with different special outfits.

Don't think about it, this should be Yavs' car.

Seeing such a situation, Kane immediately said to Yunyou.

"You plan your route, and we leave the city as quickly as possible."

Yoyo nodded and jumped directly into the sewage next to him. Kane's diving suit immediately appeared on his body and jumped into it as well.

Yunyou led the way for Kane in front, and they quickly passed the exit they entered before and swam into the river.

He quickly jumped from the river to the shore, the diving suit on his body disappeared the moment he jumped out, and the marshmallow was released from the state of possession.

Kane directly hugged Yoyo and stood on Marshmallow's body and said, "Quick! Marshmallow, take me to the sky."

Marshmallow didn't dawdled, and hearing Kane's words directly carried him up quickly.

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