A metal off-road vehicle made of steel is speeding on the endless off-road.

The flat ground all the way allows the off-road vehicle to be unobstructed and show the limit speed recklessly.

The golden bridge in the sky still replaces the work of the sun and the moon day and night, exuding a dazzling golden light.

Inside the off-road vehicle, Kane sat in the driver's seat, closed his eyes and rested quietly.

And Sophia in the rear seat has passed the initial freshness, and is leaning on the seat and staring at the roof of the car in a daze.

The entire interior space is very quiet.

At this time, Kane's voice sounded inside the vehicle.

"Sophia, you said you were sent to assist me, so do you have any special abilities?"

After all, it is said to be an assistant. People who can't be sent can't do anything. If they are a vase, they won't be disliked.

Hearing Kane's words, Sophia came back to her senses and replied with her emotionless, mechanical voice.

"The Golden Bridge Church has almost all the knowledge in this continent, and I have this knowledge. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

Is it like a job like a consultant, but such a function seems to be prepared for explorers who don't know the situation in this world.

If the nuns around the other kings are the same, then it is indeed understandable why the Red King did not see his nuns.

For these princes who have been living in this dungeon, such advisors are really not needed.

But in the middle of Kane, they want it.

Hearing Sofina's answer, Kane immediately asked the first question: "Then do you know who the other four kings are? What powers do they have?"

"Except for the power of creation that the eldest prince, the red king, has. The rest are the third prince and the fourth prince, who are identical twins, but they are the black king and the white king respectively. The powers in their hands are death and life respectively. They are natural enemies, and they are born to restrain each other.”

Hearing Sofina's first answer, Kane thought about it, no wonder the black king and the white king are always fighting, and even the territories are next to each other.

Sofina continued: "The remaining two authorities are the authority of the soul held by the eldest daughter, and the authority of wisdom held by the second daughter."

"Is the King of Platinum just these children?"

"Of course not, but except for these five, the rest have not gained authority, most of them have died, and the rest are hidden in incognito everywhere."

After listening to Sofina's answer, Kane couldn't help rubbing his chin, thinking and asking, "Among the children of the King of Platinum, is there a daughter who is born with the ability to charm others."

"The fifth daughter, Julianne, the youngest daughter of the King of Platinum is said to have been sent out of the palace early by the maid who served her, so she did not die clearly."

It turns out that Heidilin is really the daughter of the King of Platinum.

Kane noticed this when he was living in the town a few days ago, but he didn't ask it explicitly, and Heidilin didn't hide it too much.

Take this opportunity to ask questions and answer your questions.

Kane, who was thinking about something, looked at the surrounding environment, suddenly thought of something, and immediately said to Yunyou.

"Yuyou stop here."

Hearing Kane's words, the vehicle immediately stopped beside him.

Neither Yoyo nor Sophia asked why Kane stopped the car, but after Kane got off, Sophia followed.

When I came to a small hillside next to it, there was a dense grove next to it, and there were still unknown flowers blooming in the woods.

After Kane chose a good place, he took out transparent balls like giant glass marbles from his space equipment.

Each transparent ball is the same size as one of Kane's fists.

At this time, it can be found that in the middle of the sphere is a corpse sealed in a square purple crystal.

These corpses are the collections of the Red Kings in the central lake of the Crimson Palace, but they were sealed one by one by Kane into the space equipment with sealing bubbles.

He took it, of course not because he had the same hobbies as the Red King.

Kane mainly wanted to bury the 4 explorers, and the rest were incidental. Anyway, burying one is also safe, and burying all of them is also safe, and it will not take too much time.

After all, they can be regarded as heroes of resistance to a certain extent.

The first is the seal bubbles of the four explorers.

After knocking on the bubble, a purple crystal sealing the corpse hit the ground heavily. After several repetitions, the four corpses were placed side by side on the ground.

Kane didn't know where the escaped explorer was buried, so he could only choose a good place to bury them.

Otherwise, they can be buried together.

The 4 crystals in front of him shattered into fine slag under Kane's control.

The corpse inside was exposed, and the surface seemed to have just died.

Kane immediately constructed four carved coffins under the corpse with his source skills, and carved some patterns on them.

These are the coffin patterns used by the outside world.

Then the coffin spends magic power to condense it into an entity.

Kane didn't know what custom these corpses originally possessed, but now it can only be used.

After all, it is a custom in my hometown, which is better than being a collection all the time.

Under the control of Kane, the ground broke into a deep pit, and then the four coffins were buried one by one below, and they were quickly buried.

A stone tablet appeared above the tomb under the control of the transformation function.

engraved on it.

Four heroic mist explorers are buried here, may they rest in peace, and their souls can go to the mist.

Then there are the remaining corpses, these are the native races of this dungeon. As for how they died, Kane is unknown.

Release them one by one.

At this time, Sophia behind Kane suddenly said: "Wait for your majesty, this one should still be alive."


Hearing Sofina's words, Kane looked at the crystal she pointed to.

She was talking about the crystal that sealed the corpse that was wearing the tight steel armor.

"Can you still be alive after so long?"

Sofina nodded and explained: "The gears are sealed inside. They don't need water or air. Being sealed inside, naturally they don't need to consume energy, and the chance of survival is very high."

Hearing Sophia's words, Kane nodded.

It turns out that the gear family is sealed here, Kane thought at first that the gear family was really a race composed of gears.

It was like this.

Controlling the crystal to break open, the huge and heavy steel armor fell out.

After falling out, you could hear the sound of the mechanical gear getting stuck, and Kuku was rubbing against it.

It turned out to be the internal structure of the body, was it made of gears?

Then you can hear the rotation of the gear becoming more and more smooth, until finally it is completely silent and if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear the sound of the rotation at all.

And the eyes of the mechanical armor also flashed blue light again.

He opened the mouth-like opening on his helmet and let out a human-like cough.

With the coughing, some black smoke and a few pieces of broken gear were coughed out and spit on the ground.

Looking at such a scene, Kane couldn't help thinking, is this coughing up phlegm or blood?

After coughing, the steel armor slowly got up, and the armor on his body made an unpleasant creaking sound as he got up.

Because almost all the armor on his body has been deformed.

"My God, the old scrap iron's body is about to get stuck."

A mechanically synthesized, somewhat old voice came out of his mouth.

"The armor made of printed iron that I treasure is actually rotten like this, damn it!"

As he spoke, he hit himself with his iron fists, the crooked gaps that prevented him from moving.

Some of the iron pieces were knocked down by him, or bent to one side. After a long time of modification, he was finally able to move freely.

It's just that the appearance now, can only be said to be even more ugly.

After completing this series of actions, he looked at Kane in front of him and said, "Thank you, young man, for saving me. When is it now, shouldn't I remember that I should have died at the hands of that damned feminine little devil?"

Feminine kid? It shouldn't be the Red King, it's indeed a bit feminine in appearance.

But when is it now, Kane doesn't know.

At this time, Sofina's voice came from behind: "This is the Broken Era, 499 years."

"What! It's all 499 years? Have I been locked up for over 200 years? Oh my god."

Then he pressed on Kane's shoulder excitedly and asked, "What about the feminine kid? I mean how is the Red King now? Is he still ruling? How did you get the crystal that seals me."

"Don't get excited, take your time."

Kane said, breaking the hands of the iron man in front of him from his shoulders.

The power displayed made the Iron Man in front of him obediently shut his mouth.

"The Red King is already dead, and he was killed by me just now. As for your crystals, I got the spoils, you are pitiful and ready to bury you."

"Is it dead? Okay, the damn thing is finally dead, so what about the other kings?"

"Not even the Red King died."

"Oh, what a pity."

Seeing that the iron man seemed to be sad, Kane didn't bother, but came to the rest of the crystals and smashed them. He dug a deep pit beside him and buried them one by one.

At this time, the iron man suddenly said: "Wait, can I bury these people myself? They are my comrades-in-arms."

Hearing his words, Kane nodded and said, "Of course it's okay, you can do it yourself."

As he said that, he waved his hand again beside him, dug a deep hole and said.

"Thank you, thank you."

After they buried the bodies, the iron man walked up to Kane.

"Introduction, my name is Steel Armor, and I am a blacksmith."

Kane pointed to himself and said, "Kane."

"Kane, are you subversives?"

Kane nodded.

"Is it still the subversive who completed the killing feat in the end? I really don't know how to repay you."

"You don't need to repay, if you don't know what to do, just follow." Kane said and reassembled an off-road vehicle next to him, this time with a larger size.

Then they got into the vehicle and continued to walk towards the town under the long driving.

The steel armor on the vehicle was completely attracted by the vehicle, and he kept checking everywhere, and even wanted to take out his own tools to disassemble and check, but he finally endured it.

"Can you tell me what power is used by this mobile vehicle?"

"Magic power, driven by magic."

Hearing Kane's words, Steel Armor nodded, and he asked a question: "This magical power is also very hidden, and there is no magic rune or source of magic power."

Then the two began to talk, and suddenly they met someone in the dungeon who could communicate with him. Kane was still a little excited, and the more he talked, the happier he became.

Steel Armor is very insightful about pure mechanical structure, and some ideas even Kane thinks are very applicable.

Hearing what Steel Armor said, compared to the knowledge of mechanical structure, he is more skilled in forging.

In his words, his mechanical knowledge is several grades worse than that of forging.

And Sophia sat expressionlessly in the back seat, listening to the two chat about something she couldn't understand at all.

The vehicle continues to move forward, but the space is no longer dull.

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