Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 529 The Son of the Moon Who Completely Joined

Looking at Sarah who was suddenly kneeling in front of him, Kane immediately helped her up.

The moment Kaoru lifted her up, Sarah's bond alert sounded from her body.

【Link with Sarah】

【Links with Pooh】


Not only Sarah, but inexplicably, several link-fetter prompts appeared. Kane looked at it, it should be the little girls in the back.

Those little girls didn't hide from beginning to end, and kept staring at Kane with wide eyes.

It seems that Moi has done a good job these days.

And not only that, the bond they link with Kane is of the loyalty type and can be directly promoted to a member of the Knights.

It has the function of the Knights, which ensures that the Moon Child has not yet become a guarantee of combat power among explorers. And it can also help them quickly master their own power.

"Thank you, Lord Kane, for being willing to save our family."

Then I heard Sarah ask: "Lord Kane, can you really change us like you changed Moy?"

"Of course." Kane nodded.

"But I believe Moy also told you that there are prerequisites for this."

I only saw Sarah nodded and said, "Of course, we know this condition, and we are willing to pay our loyalty."

Looking at the sights coming from all over the dilapidated house, Kane decided to make changes to Sarah on the spot.

Moy should have made the situation clear to her clan, but only these few tips indicate that ready-made effects are needed to be more impactful.

"Your conditions have been met, do you want to give it a try?"

"is it okay?"


"Get ready, I'm going to let you get promoted."

Saying that, Kane directly promoted the glory of Sarah in front of him.

A milky white light poured out from his hand, and instantly wrapped Sarah.

Seeing such a situation, many Moon Sons had already run out of hiding places with worried expressions on their faces.

"Don't worry about everyone, this is Lord Kane changing Granny Sara just like me."

After hearing Moi's words, the little girls calmed down.

Time did not last long, and the light disappeared in a while.

Kane first used the same bronze-level promotion, and the Sala change in front of him was the same as the previous Moy.

"Really, it's true."

"Look at the mother-in-law Sarah has changed and become beautiful."

"What Moy said is true, that lord can really save us."

Seeing Sarah's change, the Moon Child started chatting with each other, and the excitement in the words was very clear.

Sarah is also watching herself change.

"One more time, get ready."

Kane reminded, and then went directly to the silver level glory promotion again.

This time it took longer, and when the light disappeared, Sara had completely become a child of the moon.

It's the same as Moi's previous form.

Then Kane directly invited Sarah to the guild.

"Lord Kane, in my mind..."

Hearing Sarah's words, Kane nodded: "Don't worry, I am inviting you."

Then I received a reminder that Sarah joined the guild.

Even if there are not many guild places, if there are five or six hundred more, it will be full.

But for the Moon Child, such an extremely talented race, Kane is completely willing to spend these quotas to pull them all into the guild.

Kane immediately checked Sara's details.


[Moon Mage] (Only a legal profession that the son of the moon can hold, controlling the magic of the moon.)

[Level: Silver 1%]

[Martial Skill: None]

[Magic Skill: Moonlight Spell]

[Skill: Medical (Low-level)]

[Yuehua Manipulation (Instinct)]

[Bloodline: Son of the Moon] (Having the magic power of the moon, can use the magic of the moon, and under the illumination of the moon, can obtain all-round reinforcement. Learning ability and strength growth will be improved under the moonlight.)

[Skill Grid: Sealing]

[Original Skill: Sealing]

Except for the occupation, everything else is exactly the same as Moi.

Occupation is also an exclusive occupation, but Moi's occupation is completely focused on support, and the above shows a pure auxiliary occupation.

Sara in front of her suggested that she was a mage, a legal profession.

Kane had asked Moi, after becoming a real child of the moon, there will be a kind of information similar to inheritance in his mind.

When Moy obtained the information of inheritance, he easily learned various moonlight spells that favored assistance. Perhaps this is the origin of their profession.

Then there is no need to say more about the monthly aptitudes that will be improved later. They will definitely awaken various race-specific occupations according to their different aptitudes and different emphasis.

Awakening has an exclusive occupation belonging to the race, as well as various spell skills that are matched with it. One can imagine the power of this race.

In front of all the Moon Children, the honorable promotion of their current patriarch is more impactful.

This also confirms that what Moy said to them before was not to deceive them, but to be true.

The promotion with Sara's glory was a complete success.

The hint of the link fetters in front of Kane flashed frantically.

Moy's previous preparations, coupled with the fact that Peddie brought Kane over, and also pledged allegiance to Kane.

Combined with the live performance of the all-important Glory promotion, they all bond with Kane.

Kane saw that there were more than 100 Moonborns behind, and the promotion took a little long, and if it was promoted here, it would be too eye-catching.

Thinking of this, Kane said to Sarah, who was experiencing the new power in front of him: "Would you like to let your clansmen join my guild first, and I will lead you to a relatively hidden place before upgrading."

Hearing Kane's words, Sarah nodded: "It's all up to Lord Kane to decide."

Kane nodded, and then all the Moonchildren joined the guild one by one under the organization of Sarah and Moi.

Then handed over the guild seal to Moi and asked her to do the work of pressing the seal.

In this way, the speed is very fast, and it didn't take long for the entire Moon Child to join Kane's guild.

What followed was that a large group of children of the moon could not control their new power at all, and the guild's attribute bonus was too obvious for their current body.

It caused them to accidentally smash the surrounding wooden boards and some fragile things.

Even Moy hadn't fully grasped her new power in the past few days.

Looking at the large group of little girls in front of them, all kinds of accidental damage, and the panicked expressions on their faces.

There was even noise and subtle sobbing around.

Kane decided to pull them all into the Lantern Knights first.

The Lantern Knights' residence has a large training ground, and let Abby and the others train these children of the moon. At least let them be able to control their own power freely, otherwise these little girls will be inconvenienced even in daily life.

Then Kane taught them how to enter the guild hall.

Following Kane's teaching, the Moon Children in front of him disappeared one by one in the open space.

Looking at the Moon Child who kept teleporting, Kane said to Peddie and Steel Armor behind him.

"You can do your own business first, and I'll come to you when I'm done."

After speaking, Kane disappeared in place.

【Link with Peddie】

Kane kept his word and did what he said, and Peddie made a direct allegiance to Kane.

When Kane entered the space, he saw the members in the guild hall, all of them turned their attention to the large group of little girls around.

Such a large group of little girls, each of whom looks no more than 10 years old, is too eye-catching.

Claire and the others did not leave the guild immediately. They also ran over when they saw such a situation. Even Burton and Entoma ran over.

Looking at the little girls around, under the curious eyes of a large group of people in the guild, they leaned closely together and looked panicked.

Kane said immediately: "Let's disperse first, I will explain to you later, they are all new members of the guild, and they are a little afraid of life."

As he spoke, he led the Moon Children into the knights station next to him.

The area here is much larger than the guild hall, and it should be quieter accordingly.

At this time, a little girl next to Kane was already wiping her tears.

Holding her up, Kane comforted: "Well, Pooh, don't be afraid, they are all companions, not those who bully you."

This little girl is the youngest among the children of the moon, and one of the first people to link up with Kane.

It looks like he is only seven or eight years old, but his actual age is only 11 years old.

At this time, some members of the Knights had seen Kane's arrival and rushed over immediately.

"Sir Kane, who are these little girls?"

Abby looked at the large group of little girls around Kane with a confused expression. You must know that this is the place where the Knights are stationed, and the members of the Knights can't get in at all.

Being able to come in means that these little girls are also members of the Knights. Knowing that there is only one possibility, Abby still doesn't believe it, and doesn't think about it at all in his mind.

Kane gave him a mute gesture: "You wait by the side for a while."

Then he said to the children of the moon in front of him: "It's safer and quieter here. Now let's go for promotion and let you return to the way your race used to be."

The desire for the child of the moon made the group of little girls in front of them temporarily suppress the panic in their hearts.

Then, a group of light flashed out.

This went back and forth twice.

All moonchildren successfully returned to their original form.

Sure enough, in addition to the occupations of Moi and Sara, there are additional occupations.

[Moon Warrior] (Only the son of the moon can hold the melee magic class, which controls the magic of the moon.)

[Moon Healer] (Only the child of the moon can take on the healing profession, which controls the magic of the moon.)

In this way, the child of the moon, all the 4 occupations possessed by his own race appeared.

Covers legal melee, legal long-range, healing and support.

The rest have not been experienced, but the occupation of the auxiliary department has been experienced from Moi.

The bonuses of various attributes, as well as physical resistance and magic resistance, can be possessed, which can be said to be a very comprehensive auxiliary occupation.

Then Kane introduced Abby to the children of the moon, and told them that Abby could be regarded as their temporary instructor in the future.

Then Abby took Moon Child to visit some of the conditions of the knight's station.

In the process, it attracted the attention of many members of the Knights around.

And after this circle of sightseeing, the children of the moon finally calmed down their timid mood.

Then Kane took them to the hall of the guild.


"I'm coming."

After Entoma came over, she directly skipped Kane, and very naturally began to introduce herself to the guild for new members.

Then, with Moi and the Moon Child behind her, he started to introduce the various functions of the guild.

With the help of Moi, Entoma's own character made her quickly integrate into the Moonchild group.

Finally, the children of the moon were slightly less wary of the guild.

At this time, a large group of little girls followed behind Adoma, and those who didn't know thought that Adoma was a teacher in a school.

Watching Entoma bring Moon Child into the space of the Fountain of Rebirth, he could finally sit quietly at the bar.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he let out a sigh of relief.

Kane finally experienced the horror of bringing children, one or two, he didn't feel anything, a large group of hundreds of little girls. He almost collapsed.

Especially when I took them to the knight's station, there were all kinds of strange problems, and some inexplicable tears.

So tired.

He felt a hand rubbing his forehead from behind.

Kane turned his head and saw that it was Claire.

"Good brother, tell me what happened to those little girls?" Lombe said beside him.

Hearing Lombe's words, Kane began to tell his teammates about the Moon Child.

After the narration, Kane once again received Burton's strange eyes: "Why do you always encounter these strange situations?"

How do I know this.

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