"Damn, why are these monsters so hard?"

After so many rounds of bombing, the skeletons climbed up tenaciously, although they were all deformed.

But they are still alive, able to move and attack.

The black armored knights in the back were inexplicably chasing Claire's ghost knight in circles.

I don't know why, from the very beginning, the target of these black armor knights has always been on Claire, even ignoring the people next to him to attack him.

And most of the ghost knights around Claire also turned into long-range spear throwers, sneaking the black armored knights to run around under the wall.

Peddie and Steel Armor took advantage of this opportunity to slaughter the enemy's long-range archers.

The only question now is what to do with the dead-boned giants.

Kane's wall has stopped their attack, but as they get closer, they will be able to smash the attack against the wall again.

Although the use of Kane's source skills, with the help of the platinum scepter, has no distance limit, the farther the distance is, the more expensive it is to manufacture items.

Kane has taken out the potion and drank it. After resting for a while, the magic in his body has recovered a lot again.

The mana consumed by making items at a distance increases exponentially, but if you make them nearby and then launch them, then the mana is actually the most cost-effective, and it doesn't cost much.

Kane decided to experiment with mechanical works that had been devised before but never put into use.

Several small planes were created around the watchers with the outpouring of magic power.

Carrying a huge bomb under them, they took off from Kane and flew towards the giant withered bones that were huge and conspicuous.

Then a large-yield bomb fell directly on the foreheads of these dead bone giants.

With a few loud bangs.

The upper body of the withered bone giant was completely enveloped in the fireworks from the explosion.

Then Kane watched them kneel directly to the ground.

What is it? It looks so big, but it turns out to be so brittle.

If I knew it earlier, a few missiles flew over, and the precise hits would eliminate them.

This gives the impression that it is not as good as the fastest rushing skeleton soldiers in front.

To be honest, Kane thinks that those skeleton soldiers burning with black flames may be the strongest, fast, flexible in attack, and extremely tenacious.

The most important thing is that the number is very large.

How did Kane know that these skeleton soldiers were actually the toughest.

With the fall of the withered bone giant, the greatest threat disappeared.

Kane directly lowered the city wall slowly, and then canceled it directly.

Then let these rebels slowly consume these surviving skeletons.

By the way, let the children of the moon and the others have a good fight for a while, Kane directly acted as a supervisor, and even had leisure to teach the attacks, movements and targets of these children of the moon.

At this time, Claire also annihilated all the black armored knights who had been chasing him, and annihilated the remaining skeleton soldiers together with Steel Armor Peddie.

Unexpectedly, it was these skeleton soldiers who rushed forward, and the last remaining survivors were these skeleton soldiers.

Kane has finally discovered it now. It turns out that these skeleton soldiers are the most difficult to deal with.

These skeleton soldiers may be the most distinctive and strongest force under the Black King.

Not to mention that the physical resistance is extremely strong, there is also a good magic resistance. The black flames that represent death are all covered with ordinary people who are almost bound to die.

Even if it is destroyed, once it is destroyed, it will merge with other undead skeletons and continue to fight again.

There are more.

Whether it is Kane, Moon Child or Peddie, the efficiency of killing is not very high.

The highest is Claire, because as long as she has a little bit of black and white flames attached to each attack, these skeletons can be shattered directly.

No matter how you look at it, you can see that Claire must have a strong suppressing effect on the Black King's death ability.

This is also the reason why those black armored knights have been chasing after Claire to attack. Although these black armored knights are not good at head, even they know the great threat of Claire.

Kane looked at the broken limbs and bones in this place.

This dungeon does not have a setting of drifting away after death. It is the first time I have seen such a scene. I have to say that it is quite shocking.

Kane picked up a transparent magic stone that was hung on his neck again. At this time, the transparent magic stone had been filled with silver energy, and another new magic stone full of silver energy was harvested.

At this time, Claire also came over.

He handed the silver magic stone around his neck to Kane, and then took out the silver magic stone that was filled before from the space equipment.

In addition to the five remaining pieces of Kane, the magic stone in his hand has once again reached as many as eight pieces.

The energy of these skeletons is extremely limited, and Kane almost wiped out the entire army and only filled 2 magic stones with the energy provided.

There is not even an extra one. You must know that Kane took a lot of energy to kill the legions of these black kings.

This time, the Legion could be regarded as the strongest miscellaneous monster that Kane has ever encountered. For the first time, Kane developed his ability to clear soldiers with a hot weapon, and he no longer felt as strong as before.

Then Claire asked: "Now are we going to fight steadily, or just rush over and take this opportunity to kill the Black King directly."

"How many guards are there in the Black King's Palace compared to this army?" Kane asked.

"Only half of it."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane began to think.

This wave of battle only made his magic power just bottom out. If you calculate from the current distance, reaching the palace where the Black King is located should just be able to restore his magic power to full.

You must know that the effect of the recovery potions they are using now is getting stronger and stronger, after all, Metzker's potion technology is improving at any time.

Due to the attack on the Red King before, Kane had spent all the magic teardrops stored, and only recovered one during this time, but this one was enough.

Now with the creative authority of the Red King, Kane's source skills have fully exerted their power far greater than his.

This power is not experienced in obvious strength, but in the reduction of the magic power of the created object and the expansion of the limit of the manufacturing range.

Kane even felt that the effect of the current source skills was even stronger than the source skills upgraded after the gold level.

No way, this kind of effect can only be experienced temporarily in this dungeon for a while, and after leaving the dungeon, the attributes of the platinum rod head will disappear.

After all, Kai can be said to have mastered some authority in this dungeon now, and it is no problem to give himself a little outrageous buff.

Not to mention that his source skills are so compatible with this authority.

And you must know that this is just a week after he got the head of the scepter. Give him some more time, and some of the authority of this dungeon will really be mastered by him.

He has also been able to sense that the authority of creation can indeed suppress other authorities.

There was no problem with the previous conjecture, and now Claire's black and white flames can clearly see the suppressing effect on the rules of death understood by the Black King.

Double oppression plus authority, and now the Black King has been determined to be seriously injured.

There is no need to wait at all. If the black king realizes the danger of his own death and calls other kings over, it will be difficult.

It's hard not to believe this possibility, after all, the disruptors like Kane are outsiders.

After thinking for a while, Kane said to Claire: "Let's kill it now, and kill the Black King once and for all today, so as to avoid more accidents in the future."

Seeing Kane's decision, Claire nodded as well.

Then he turned and shouted to the soldiers behind him.

"The whole army is attacking. We will take the head of the Black King today and liberate this territory."

What followed was the cheers of the rebel army, the people of this area have been suffering from the black king for a long time.

Even if they are going to spend their lives to kill the Black King today, they will not hesitate.

In addition, their current casualties are actually very small. After all, Kane's source skills have played an extremely outrageous effect in this battle.

Everyone mounted their horses one after another and followed Claire toward the Black King's base camp in the center of the territory.

In order to ensure the security of the subsequent strategy, Kane even began to shuttle back and forth between the rebels, teaching them how to aim with a bazooka.

And let them move as close as possible to their own direction once the bazooka appears in their hands.

As it got closer and closer to the Black King's Palace, the surrounding environment began to change drastically.

The more you go in, the more gloomy the surrounding environment is, and the light cast in the sky still cannot stop this gloomy and coldness.

It's a biting cold.

It's so familiar, Kane feels the atmosphere and memories here are surging like crazy.

Yes, that's right.

Kane remembered that the first dungeon he entered, the atmosphere in the giant wood forest was exactly the same as here.

At this time, when I think about the appearance of those vegetative people, it is too much like they have been infected by the authority of death.

Thinking of this, Kane couldn't help frowning, and secretly began to think in his heart.

He looked at the vegetative person who was investigating in the distance, and then retracted his thoughts.

At this time, Kane began to seriously observe the surrounding environment.

It seems that every king likes to mess around in his core area, making his surroundings match his authority.

So is the red king, and so is the black king.

This place has completely turned into a dead place, all kinds of trees have even been changed by the breath of death, the shape has become a ghost-like shape, and the blue and white ghost fire is burning.

This has completely lost the appearance of living things, and there is nothing wrong with calling it a tree ghost.

It is clearly the authority of death, but it is used as if it were an undead.

This also shows that the first thing the Black King comprehends from the authority of death may be a rule similar to the resurrection of the dead and the creation of undead.

Now think about those people in the village of the dead. Since the black king was seriously injured, the extra curse that brought these people back to life like undead.

The rules that the Black King lost control of after being seriously injured may be the rules of the undead that come back from the dead.

When I thought of this, the surrounding air was already a little bit cold, and the warm golden light in the sky seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier.

Inside the barrier, there is only a cold and biting cold wind and breath.

The surrounding environment has completely entered the gloom, and the gloom under the sun is so weird, as if the rules of the world are distorted here.

As the distance got closer, Kane seemed to be able to see a palace in the distance.

Finally, I saw the black king's palace from a distance, and saw the whole picture of the black king's palace.

Compared to the Red King, the taste of the palace was really indescribable, which made Kane less optimistic about the Black King's overall appearance.

The appearance of the palace is the withered bones of a huge beast, and it looks like a sea beast, so huge that it has the effect of obscuring the sky.

The entire palace was built around the dead bones of this huge sea beast, and all kinds of huge bones were spliced ​​together to form the outer wall of the palace.

The gap is filled with a grey-black mudstone.

The whole palace looks like a huge sea beast with exposed bones, but the huge skull of this sea beast is standing at the top of the palace.

It has become the most iconic decoration of this palace.

And Kane their target is within this palace.

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