"Bang! Bang!"

Two huge artillery firing sounds came, and with this loud noise, two slender artillery shells also flew out.

Light smoke was coming from the muzzles of the two cannons made by Kane, and the ground of the two cannons had collapsed. The huge recoil could not even withstand the ground.

And the power of the shells did not disappoint Kane, these two shells were not enhanced explosions.

The constructed structure is for the ultimate penetration.

The huge impact hit the skulls of the two huge skeletons.

With two loud noises, the two skeletons were directly smashed to the ground by the huge impact.

When the smoke of the explosion dissipated, the skulls of the two giant skeletons had already shattered.

Only half of the skull is still attached to the cervical vertebrae.

But even so, the two huge skeletons did not die, but moved extremely slowly to get up.

Kane's eagle eyes have shown that the energy in the two skeletons has been greatly damaged, which is much weaker than before.

Even if they got up, they couldn't withstand any kind of attack, but they were still crawling tenaciously.

Still thinking about preventing Kane and the others from approaching the gate.

At this time, while the two skeletons hadn't climbed up yet, the rebels and the children of the moon, they all gathered around to carry out the output.

Although their power may not be able to cause too much damage to the skeleton giant, they cannot hold a large number, and the skeleton giant has no ability to resist.

The bones on the body began to have cracks and pits one after another, and some bones were directly broken.

Seeing the two skeletons, they may have not gotten up yet and are about to be destroyed.

A loud noise came from the huge white bone stone gate in front of him.

A door of the White Bone Stone Gate broke through a huge gap, and a sharp bone blade protruded from it.

Then the bone blade slanted down and pulled hard, and the largest gap connected the two doors obliquely.

The door was also split in half diagonally, or it was split from the inside.

Black flames were still burning in the gap of the door.

This flame is obviously no different from the black flames ignited by those skeletons, but it gives people a more dangerous feeling.

It was as if looking at the flames had been facing death.

Kane immediately noticed the difference in the black flame, which was even more dangerous than the black flame on the withered bone general.

A person who can have such a flame, needless to say.

Kane immediately shouted to the rebels who were besieging the withered bone giant: "Everyone, all retreat!"

Faced with an opponent of this level, neither the Resistance Army nor the Moon Child would be of much use.

If you have to forcefully join the battle at this time, you will just become cannon fodder that can be destroyed easily.

As soon as Kane's voice fell, the crack in the door was knocked open.

A figure shrouded in a tattered black robe walked out from the inside. The figure of this figure did not look like a normal human figure.

The height is estimated to be 3 meters close to 4 meters in height, and in his hand is a long-handled sickle that burns with blazing black flames.

Because the whole body was shrouded in the tattered black robe, the face of this figure could not be seen at all.

However, from the inside of the hood, he could clearly see a pair of pupils burning with a faint green flame.

In any case, this image gives people a kind of, this person seems to be death crawling out of hell.

With the appearance of this figure, the rebels, Moon Child and others also heard Kane's order and retreated.

Claire also took this opportunity to kill the withered bone giant in front of her, and the black and white flames gave Claire a great bonus for eliminating these withered bone giants.

And the figure that suddenly appeared, the pair of eyes burning with dark green, stared at Kane and Claire.

He saw Claire and Kane at a glance, and instantly broke their identities.

"It's you bloody subversives again! It's as annoying as mice."

The man's voice was gloomy and hollow, and there was a chilling sense of disgust in his voice.

Saying this also allowed Kane and Claire to completely determine the identity of this person, and this is the Black King.

"You are the Black King?" Kane asked.

The Black King did not answer Kane's question, but stared at the platinum scepter head floating beside Kane.

His voice was a little unbelievable: "This is the creative authority that my goddamn big brother took away, you killed him?"

After speaking, his expression was visibly excited.

"I didn't expect to be killed by you, you are much happier than other mice."

After he finished speaking, the black king swung the scythe that was leaning on his shoulder directly, and the black flames fell on the ground along with his swing.

Watching the black king want to attack.

The rest wanted to come over to help, but were all forced back by the Black King's black flames.

Black flames surrounded the surroundings, preventing the others from stepping in.

At the gate of the White Bone Palace, only Kane and Claire were left facing off against the Black King, like a circled arena.

The black flames gathered all the surrounding broken bones along the ground, and the rejoined skeletons stood up one after another.

Seeing the black flame, Kane wanted to revive the two giant skeleton guards that fell to the ground, but he couldn't wake up.

Kane found that the skeleton destroyed by Claire with black and white flames would no longer be awakened by the gathering of black flames.

This made the black flames circle, and the number of skeletons that recovered was extremely rare.

As the black flames spread, Claire entered the ghost form again, and the black and white flames also spread from her body.

Claire stomped her forefoot, and the black and white flames spread under her feet as well.

He ignored those little skeletons, but directly entered the two huge skeleton guards, instantly clinging to them, and rekindling in their heads.

As the black and white flames burned, the two huge skeletons also climbed up again.

"how can that be?"

"How did you get the power to die?"

The black king's voice was full of shock.

Hearing the Black King's words, Kane frowned. His subordinates had been targeting Claire all the time, obviously knowing that Claire's power was extremely suppressing them, but the Black King himself didn't know it.

This is interesting, it shows that the black king really just came out of the palace.

The skeletons that the Black King reawakened were guarded by the two huge skeletons that Claire had evoked.

The skeletons burning with black flames were not awakened enough to overcome the blockage of the huge skeletons.

Claire raised the winged blade in her hand and rushed over quickly.

Kane also switched his skills again.

Directly into the dragon form, the golden light also began to spread on his body.

As the golden light spread, layers of mechanical structures began to be rapidly built around Kane.

The angel mecha with a height of 7 meters was constructed again.

Claire had already rushed in front of the Black King, and the flying wings in her hand slashed towards the blade.

The Black King's reaction was also extremely fast, and he blocked it with the long-handled sickle in his hand.

The power from the scythe made the Black King a little suspicious. In terms of power alone, he already felt that the two subversives in front of him were much stronger than the group of subversives who had caused him huge damage before.

The black flames on the sickle did not invade as he thought, but instead stalemate with the black and white flames ignited by the flying wings in Claire's hands.

The black and white flames in Claire's hands have a suppressing effect on the flames on those skeletons.

But for the black flame used by the Black King himself, the effect is greatly weakened.

But it also made the black king's black flame ineffective against Kriya, and this alone has achieved a huge advantage.

You can see that the black king is using black flames in a large area whether he is attacking or creating his subordinates, and this flame should be the manifestation of the black king's rules.

Seeing that his attack was resisted, the black king's heart could not help but feel a little dignified.

Then he felt that Kane's attack was coming.

A golden beam shot over, and the black rag cloak on the Black King quickly blocked it, and the black flame ignited on the cloak made the golden beam have no effect.

The damage of the Holy Light attribute cannot even cause damage to the black flame, and the energy caused by the magic power does not have much effect on the black flame.

Is this the black flame used by the Black King himself? Compared with the skeleton soldiers, it is indeed much higher.

Kane felt the black flame, and after making the attack of the Black King's attack lethal, it also allowed him to have a strong magic resistance.

Directly driving the angel mecha, picked up the crystal spear and rushed over.

The crystal spear in his hand stabbed directly towards the Black King, but the Black King did not block it.

He was still using the scythe in his hand against Claire in front of him, as if he completely regarded Kane's attack as air.

Kane's thrust was once again automatically blocked by the black flame.

It didn't feel like an ordinary flame penetrating through, but it felt like hitting a steel wall with extremely high hardness.

While possessing magic resistance, physical resistance is also good.

This means that even if Kane uses long-range thermal weapon bombing, the damage he can cause is extremely limited, after all, his cannonballs and bullets also cause magic damage.

But it is not pure magic damage, it is also mixed with some physical damage.

The extremely strong double resistance brought by the flames made Kane's attack weak, and now the main force of the attack fell on Claire.

The black and white flames carried by Claire's attack made the Black King's black flames completely useless, and the two canceled each other out.

That is to say, the Black King must fight against Claire with his own defensive power and attack power.

In Kane's eyes, the Black King's melee skills may be slightly better than that of the Red King, and against a master of skills like Claire, plus Claire's great strength.

After more than ten rounds, the Black King has completely fallen into the disadvantage, relying entirely on his strange physical fitness.

The body hidden under the cloak was also wrapped in black flames, which seemed to strengthen his body.

Kane used spider silk to bind the Black King's body for a short time.

Although these spider silks can only exist for a short time, they will be burnt out by the black flames.

But Kane's spider silk was too fast, and the force after pulling it was great.

And the Black King itself is no match for Claire, and the two add up.

Claire's advantage is growing.

Finally, Claire used a flying wing blade to successfully push away the swung scythe, and another flying wing blade directly poked into the body under the black king's cloak.

The burning black and white flames successfully pushed the black flames wrapped around him away.

This sword inserted straight into the black king's body, and it was also the part of his chest.

Taking this opportunity, the other blade was also free and slashed directly at the neck of the Black King.

Claire felt her own blade and successfully slashed the Black King's neck.

With this hit hit.

The Black King successfully fell to the ground.

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