As the black flames extinguished, the upright skeleton collapsed with a bang, representing the annihilation of the Black King.

After the black flames that blocked the rest of the people disappeared, the rebels ran in as soon as possible. They surrounded the black king's body and wanted to see if the black king was really dead, instead of standing up and continuing to fight as before. .

The demise of the skeleton and the disappearance of the flame had already represented the death of the Black King, but they wanted to be sure, and wanted to be more sure.

Confirm the death of the Black King.

"Dead, really dead."

"Haha, the black king is dead, and finally no one will die in pain. You will not face your relatives with swords after you die."

"It's great, it's great, mother, have you seen it?"

The death of the Black King was confirmed, and the rebels cheered and cried loudly around them to vent their emotions that they had been oppressed by the Black King.

Kane and the others did not bother, but waited quietly beside him.

Although they have not experienced it, they can understand that the emotions accumulated by hundreds of years of oppression and resistance are unimaginable.

Even Peddie and the others were happy for these rebels. They had also been oppressed by the Red King, and could understand such emotions, not to mention that the Black King was the one with the worst reputation among the kings.

The Black King will ask the people in his territory to hand over the bones of their relatives to him, and the form of compulsory conscription in the Black King's territory is to directly kill the promising young adults on the spot and return with the corpses.

Even when the rebels appeared, the skeleton soldiers in the Black King's territory began to directly slaughter ordinary civilians indiscriminately.

Those who were killed directly attacked with black flames on the spot, turning into new skeletons to join the ranks of soldiers.

As a result, the black king collar no longer has normal civilians, and it is all troops composed of various undead.

These ordinary civilians are like the pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep kept by the Black King in his territory, and can be slaughtered at any time when needed.

After watching the rebels cheer for a while, Kane turned his attention to Claire, who was staring at the black gem in her hand in a daze.

Kane came to Claire's side and asked, "What's the matter, is there anything wrong with this fragment?"

Claire did not speak, but held the black gem with one hand, and then opened the other hand. Black and white flames burned violently from her hands.

Kane can feel that the flame has been strengthened compared to before, and the feeling is very obvious.

Then she threw the flames directly around, and the flames spread from the ground to the broken bones, and in a short while, all the bones of the entire battlefield were infected.

Such a scene shocked the surrounding rebels, and they quickly prepared for battle.

These corpses reassembled and climbed up, and black and white flames ignited on their bodies.

After looking at the black and white flames, the rebels breathed a sigh of relief, then relaxed again, looking at the skeletons with curious eyes.

After these skeletons got up, they quickly formed a phalanx to dig up a piece of ground next to them.

Due to the large number of skeletons, there are also two huge skeleton societies to help. After a while, a large hole was dug in the ground.

The skeletons started to line up and then jumped in one by one.

When all the small skeletons fell into the pothole, the two giant skeleton guards covered them with the mud next to them.

The two skeleton guards also gradually returned to their original state under the black and white flames, and the missing skulls also returned to their original positions.

Not only Kane, but also the surrounding rebels turned their attention to Claire.

"This black gem matches my abilities too much."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane smiled.

He has thought of this since he knew that the Black King's authority is death.

This is why he first set his sights on the Black King. Even if he had serious injuries and various characteristics, he had to deny that it was because Claire's abilities were too suitable for death.

Since joining the team with Kane, Claire has embarked on a path to master death, and has shown amazing aptitude and talent on this path.

Kane has personally experienced it. The more his ability and authority are adapted, the more he can master his ability.

And the fragments of these platinum scepters can also quickly strengthen their abilities, and the closer it is to the authority on the fragments, the better the strengthening effect.

Just like Kane's source skills, it is extremely matched with the power of creation. When Kane got the head of the platinum scepter, the source skills were immediately strengthened.

Of course, these enhancements are only limited to this dungeon. If you want to make these enhancements permanent, you still have to upgrade to gold, and then understand the rules.

At this time, Claire's ability was also greatly strengthened under the strengthening of the authority of death.

After the rebels watched this scene, they seemed to have made a decision. Several generals of the rebels stepped forward, and then half-knelt in front of Claire.


Following his actions, the rebels behind him all knelt down.

"King!" "King!"...

Kane looked at this scene and stepped aside with a smile.

Claire stood in front of these people and accepted their names. At this time, the crown on Claire's head seemed to match her current identity more.

At this time, Claire's body exuded her deterrence in the outside world, which more matched the identity of the king.

Looking at the people below him, he said lightly, "Get up."

The hearts and minds of another area belong to Kane and the others.

As they got up, under Claire's wave, they spontaneously cleaned up the surrounding battlefield. After all, besides Skeleton King, there were many knights and archers, and they all had weapons.

Although these weapons are not magic equipment, they can be regarded as excellent ordinary weapons and equipment.

This kind of waste is shameful, and for the rebels, these equipments are very good.

At this time, Kane came to Claire's side.

"What are you going to do next?" Claire asked first.

Kane thought for a while and said, "Can you recover from this dead place?"

Claire didn't speak, but instead handed the black gem in her hand to Kane.

Kane didn't know why, but after taking it, he still checked the properties of the item.

[Platinum Scepter - Black Stone]


【Color: Tricolor】

[Attribute: Indestructible] (Never destroyed by external forces)

【Rule: Death】

[Skill: Home of the Soul - Country of Platinum] (All the creatures born, grown up, and died in the country of platinum, the soul will be planned by the holder, and the place of death is the place of return to the soul.)

[Introduction: The broken part of the scepter of the King of Platinum, the black stone representing death, was acquired by his son, the third prince, the Black King.

The scepter of the King of Platinum is made from the world power condensed by the golden bridge. It contains the most important authority in this world, and having a scepter almost has a part of the world's control. 】

(This item is bound to this dungeon and cannot be taken away from this dungeon. It will become a normal item after leaving this dungeon.)

(Secret Intelligence Department: You can comprehend and experience in this world through the rules attached to this equipment, and he will make your future path unobstructed.

Fulfilling the obligation of the place of return will make the performer comprehend the authority of death more quickly and deeply. )

The whole picture of the platinum scepter, Kane has learned from Sofina.

The body of the platinum scepter is a white gold scepter of equal height, with a purple gem on the top, which is the head of the scepter currently held by Kane.

The body of the platinum scepter is actually a columnar crystal, but the outer surface is covered with white gold metal, and the bottom of the crystal is exposed.

This crystal represents harmony.

And around the platinum scepter, there are three gems of different colors, constantly surrounding the scepter, floating and spinning.

The three gems represent death, life and soul respectively.

After the platinum scepter was broken, it was divided into five pieces.

Three gems and head and body.

The authority of the head of the scepter over the world is the ability to transform and move parts of the entire world.

And this black stone representing death, the authority over the world, is actually the death plan for the life of this world.

In other words, the person who owns the black stone is equivalent to fulfilling a duty similar to that of the god of death. It turns out that authority is not only power but also a responsibility.

The repression of other authorities manifested in the creation authority may be an effective means of restriction.

It is used to ensure that other users of authority will not overuse it, and the authority to create has its own limitations.

While the death authority holder performs his duties, he can also gain deeper insights, just like paying him a salary.

After reading it, Kane returned the black gem to Claire. When the scepter has not fully recovered, this thing is more suitable for Claire's hands.

"So this place of death has become a place of return?"

Claire nodded and said, "That's right, and this palace of white bones has become a place of return to the soul. This place of death cannot be changed unless a new place is found and converted into a place of return to the soul. It's time to re-expend energy and time to transform."

"The problem of confusion about death rules in the whole world is because the black king is lazy and doesn't perform his duties very much, right?"

Claire nodded.

Unexpectedly, what the Black King said was true. The confusion in the rules was not because he was seriously injured, but because he did not want to perform his obligations.

Of course, it is also possible that he was seriously injured and could no longer perform his duties.

But in the conversation with Claire, Kane knew that such an obligation was actually very easy to fulfill as long as he had the black gemstone.

Since Blackstone and Claire are highly matched, Claire is quickly grasping some very basic functions and information of Blackstone.

She discovered that fulfilling her obligations to the place of return did not even need to be done by herself.

Some creatures in this world can gain the authority and ability to help and cooperate, and then when creating a place to return to the soul, they can run fully automatically with a little thought.

After all, there are so many creatures in a continent, and it would be too exaggerated if people die every day and all of them are managed by one person.

During the conversation with Claire, the two had entered the Palace of White Bone to observe.

Claire can be said to be very dissatisfied with this place to return to her soul.

I don't know if the black king has any bad habits. The various decorations inside are all kinds of bones and skulls.

"Would you like me to rebuild it for you?" Kane asked, looking at Claire's bluish complexion.

Because this is already a temporary office for Claire.

Kane and the others have completely determined that they want to turn this dungeon into a permanent dungeon and keep it in their hands. After that, the place where the soul will return may be the place where Claire often stays, if it has always been this kind of bone palace. , but not so good.

So for Kane's proposal, Claire agreed without thinking.

Afterwards, Claire took the surrounding rebels to a distance of 1 kilometer.

At this time, only Kane is 1 km around the White Bone Palace.

It was also the first time that Kane had undergone extensive renovations, and he couldn't help rubbing his hands in excitement.

The purple crystal floating beside her shines brightly.

The entire White Bone Palace began to sink slowly, and all the internal and external skeleton decorations sank into the ground.

Then the boulder fragments in the ground fused together and rose up.

The gray stone walls of the original White Bone Palace were mixed with boulders and soil to build up each other.

It didn't take long for the entire White Bone Palace to change beyond recognition, and it no longer had its original appearance.

Now is the time for Kane to really play.

With the aggregation of the gray mud blocks, the palace was completely constructed before long.

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