At this time, it was outside the territory of the Gray King.

Countless demi-races or different races are holding weapons suitable for their bodies, fighting against the army of the Gray King in front of them.

The strength of the two sides is equal, and there is no one-sided situation because of their damage. Looking at their respective situations, it seems that such a scene has been going on for a long time.

Although the Gray King's troops were wearing all kinds of fine armor, they could see the people inside through some gaps in the armor and helmet, not all of them were adult males.

There are also all kinds of women, old and young, these soldiers are attacking the alien race in front of them with behaviors that are not in line with themselves.

"These damn dumb people are here again," said a stout, one-eyed man with mixed muscles.

A man of the same race next to him said, "Okay, stop complaining, be serious."

After speaking, he was silent, and continued to wave the weapon in his hand, attacking or resisting.

The soldiers of the Gray King were silent, attacking the alien soldiers in front of them without saying a word.

Even if struck by the weapons of these alien races, seriously wounded, dead or collapsed to the ground, they remain silent.

Even if it is dumb, it is impossible to make no sound at all, but this is the characteristic of the soldiers of the Gray King.

Perhaps it was because of the habit of fighting with the soldiers of the Gray King. When these alien races fought, they didn't say a word, no violent roars, no bloody words.

Some are just silent attacks.

At this time, far away in the Gray King's Palace in the center of the Gray King's territory.

With a delicate face, the Gray King started to attack Li Lulu in front of him with a mad face.

She waved her arm fiercely towards Li Lulu's position, and a faint green light bullet flew out.

This light egg trails like smoke, and the faint green light is disgusting.

The surface of the photobomb is a distorted and painful human face. When it flew over, the faces above were still roaring and roaring as if they were telling something.

Such an attack made Li Lulu feel disgusted, but she instantly felt that this attack seemed to be able to cause damage to her soul.

Thinking of the power held by the Gray King, Li Lulu knew that she could not be directly hit by her attack.

With the wave of the magic wand in his hand, a flickering five-color star flew out with a long trail.

And Li Lulu also flashed and appeared in other positions in an instant.

The colorful stars directly shattered the green energy bomb and exploded each other.

The ribbons and sounds produced by the explosion of the stars were accompanied by the wailing of pain caused by the explosion of energy.

If the Gray King's attack is only at this speed, it would be too easy for Li Lulu to dodge, because the projectile speed is really too slow.

Li Lulu, who flashed to another position, waved the magic wand in her hand again, and several stars flashing with rainbow light flew out again.

While launching the attack, Li Lulu also asked, "Are you the Gray King?"

"Little Maggot, have you spoken yet? I thought you were dumb." The Gray King's voice was not as ethereal and sweet as before, but was unusually vicious and irritable.

And the Gray King didn't want to answer Li Lulu's meaning, but waved his arms roaringly.

Afterwards, clusters of green energy clusters condensed in the air, and various painful expressions and distorted faces can be seen in the energy clusters.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a serious attack, just looking at it makes people shudder and feel disgusted.

Facing the Grey King's scorn again, Li Lulu couldn't help frowning.

Then he was a little angry and spent more magic power, waving the staff in his hand.

This time, it was no longer the rainbow-colored stars with trailing trails, but one after another of extremely fast rainbow beams, which hit the opponent in an instant.

In the face of such a fast attacking Gray King, he was directly hit before he had time to dodge.

The hit of the attack made Lilulu a little strange, because whether it was Kane or Claire, they all said that the kings reacted extremely quickly.

Most ranged attacks barely hit, no matter how fast they are.

And that's true of the Red Kings and Black Kings they faced.

And the rainbow beam emitted by Lilulu directly penetrated the robe and body of the Gray King.

However, there was no liquid flowing out of the place where it was penetrated, and it seemed that the Gray King was not harmed.

The hole punched out in the body was instantly filled with the influx of faint green light.

Ghostly body immune to magic damage? No wonder he was so reckless.

In the face of the various green energy bullets, Li Lulu flashed again in other areas.

However, these attacks did not disappear because of Lilulu's flickering, but continued to track Lilulu in a detour.

Seeing such a scene, Li Lulu had to launch some stars again, shattering them all.

"The little maggots are really annoying." The Gray King said in a cold voice, looking at the recovered holes in his body.

Then the dark green energy gem floating around radiated light, and with the radiance, the crystals on the surrounding stone pillars also rhythmically followed.

One after another, as if the various ghost monsters of the undead race rushed out screaming and roaring.

Some small groups of green ghosts gathered to form a throne, condensed behind the Gray King, and then the Gray King sat on it quietly, floating in the air watching Li Lulu dodging the attacks of countless ghosts.

The teasing and admiration in her eyes seemed like she was watching a performance, and Li Lulu was the cub performing for her.

The Gray King sitting on the Ghost Throne, is not the violent and ferocious face he had just now, but the appearance he had when he first met Li Lulu.

Seeing Li Lulu dodging the attack, she teased: "Little Moth works harder, it's going to hit you!"

Facing the accumulation of ghosts and souls, Li Lulu gradually became unstoppable.

Several flashes appeared in the distance, and then immediately took out a few bottles of medicine from the gems around his waist and poured them into his mouth.

with the effect of the drug.

Li Lulu's head floated a crown of courage condensed from energy, and her body also flashed a blue light that seemed to be filled with magic.

Feeling the recovery of her state, Li Lulu waved the magic wand in her hand again.

A huge rainbow-colored portal appeared next to it.

With the sound of uniform armor, a team of upright werewolf personal guards ran out from the inside.

These werewolves are stronger than before, and the armor on their bodies is also more sophisticated.

After they came out, they surrounded Li Lulu directly, slashing with the spear and axe in their hands, splitting the surrounding ghosts that wanted to hurt Li Lulu one by one.

Every time the weapon is swung, it drives a rainbow-like trajectory.

And the portal is still flashing constantly.

The members of the Fairy Knights that Lilulu had collected in the last dungeon also came out of her world.

The members of these Fairy Knights are not vegetarians, and many are stronger than some ordinary members of Kane's Lantern Knights.

After all, the Knights of the Fairy Tale did not have more than 300 members until the end, and the number remained at more than 200.

These knights wore fancy armor and held weapons like various children's toys in their hands. Every time they waved, they could bring out a rainbow-like trajectory and easily kill the surrounding ghosts.

The reason why they also came out of Lilulu's fairy tale world is because they themselves are elemental creatures in the fairy tale world, and they can go back and forth between the fairy tale world and the original dungeon.

When they are in the fairy tale world, they can naturally be summoned by Li Lulu.

Lilulu's fairy tale knights are not all melee characters, and there are various mages. Although the number is rare, there are also a considerable number.

These mages can launch the same star attack as Lilulu, with sufficient power and extremely fast speed.

The portal was still flashing, and all kinds of upright critters in clothes ran out of it.

No matter how you look at these animals, they are as delicate as ragdolls.

Their original appearance is not so cute, but after being infused with fairy tale elements, they begin to change to the appearance expected by children's hearts.

They wear human clothes and carry various miniature weapons.

But the attack is still sharp, not much worse than those ghosts.

Birds in flight suits and caps flew out of them and joined the war.

Such a call did not bring too much burden to Li Lulu, after all, she was the queen of the fairy tale world and the creator of the fairy tale world.

Summoning fairy tale creatures is like instinct.

It's just that these creatures in the fairy tale world are really dead when they die, and it takes Li Lulu's long-term efforts to cultivate them.

In the end, Lilulu raised the magic wand in her hand, and the light of the rainbow was released, even suppressing the golden light of the sky.

With the emergence of light, the surrounding ground began to be invaded by the elements of fairy tales.

Using his own ultimate move, a large-scale terrain changing spell - fairy tale world.

All kinds of dreamlike plant scenery appeared around, and even the stone pillars that summoned those ghosts couldn't resist such a change, becoming childlike and cute.

At this time, Li Lulu had also put on the luxurious dress of the queen of the fairy tale world, with an extremely gorgeous crown on her head.

Sitting on a childlike and dreamy seat, floating at the same height as the Gray King.

At this time, the ghosts of the Gray King were slaughtered in a wild manner, and they were powerless to fight back.

With the addition of Lilulu's fairy tale creatures, there has been a one-sided advantage on the scene.

At this time, the gray king's face was already ashen. She looked at Li Lulu's face opposite, and she returned to the irritable state before.

The remaining ghost seats dissipated directly, turning into green energy bullets one after another, flying towards Li Lulu.

However, these attacks were not even close to Li Lulu, and were completely blocked by several fairy knights holding shields in their hands.

After these knights blocked the attack, they yelled at the Gray King.

"Ugly witch, how dare to be so disrespectful to the queen."

"Capture it without your hands, kneel down to apologize to the Queen, maybe the Queen will show mercy and let you spend the rest of your life in prison."

The words of these knights were not polite.

A wild boar with a pair of tusks waving a stick in his hand.

When attacking, he did not forget to yell at the gray king in the sky: "Old witch, hurry down and make amends to the supreme fairy queen. How blasphemous it is to have such an ugly face appear in front of the fairy queen. ."

Forgot to mention, this wild boar has studied behind Lombe many times.

In Li Lulu's fairy tale world, Longbe once brought down a large number of animals, which makes Li Lulu still brooding.

"Damn! Damn! Damn maggots, and you ugly boar."

Once he entered this vicious and irritable state, the Gray King seemed unable to control his emotions.

Her hands were claw-shaped, her nails extended and fell to the ground instantly, and she slashed sharp claws on the wild boar who had just cursed her.

In the face of his attack, the wild boar unhurriedly disappeared in place, turned into a rainbow-like cloud, and appeared in the distance.

You must know that although these fairy tale creatures look like entities, they are still elemental creatures in essence.

It's long since ceased to be normal creatures with entities.

Not to mention that under the blessing of the fairy tale world released by Li Lulu in situ, the transformation of the virtual and the real is more smooth.

The gray king who fell to the ground was instantly besieged by the surrounding fairy tale creatures.

Most of the attacks were blocked by the Gray King, but there were still quite a few attacks that penetrated her body.

Li Lulu was not idle at this time, and the extremely fast rainbow beams hit the gray king's body.

Compared to the Red King or the Black King in Kane's mouth, the Black King in front of him is much weaker than Li Lulu imagined.

It can't even cause any large-scale damage to fairy tale creatures, and can only attack by relying on its ghostly body.

Lilulu stopped attacking after a few attacks.

She is watching.

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