At this time, in the meeting room in the guild hall.

Li Lulu was looking in at the door with a sneaky look on her face.

However, the problem was that several people in the room had already sensed Li Lulu's arrival, so they watched her wandering back and forth at the door.

Although I don't know what Lilulu is waiting for, based on the conversation and performance just now, it is possible that she did something that would make Claire angry.

Claire sensed Li Lulu's behavior, smiled helplessly, and then shouted to the door: "Okay, come in quickly."

Hearing Claire's voice coming from the conference room, Li Lulu immediately flew in with a bright smile on her face.

The first thing he did when he came in was that a flash appeared on Claire's shoulder and hugged her fiercely.

"Hee hee." There was a pleasing smile on his face.


Claire sighed helplessly, then carefully observed Li Lulu's current state, and was relieved after confirming that there was no problem.

Looking at Li Lulu's appearance, she couldn't help but flick her forehead.

Li Lulu covered her forehead that was shot, her eyes were hazy with tears, and she pretended to be pitiful.

"Okay, let's talk about what happened to you before."

Kane said helplessly beside him.

Li Lulu rubbed her head, and instead of telling her previous experience, she put her hand into the space equipment.

"Clang, clang, clang!"

Matching the sound of holding the baby to his actions, he took out the scepter fragment that fell next to the death of the Gray King from the space equipment.

Li Lulu held up the shard and showed it, and then raised her little head slightly with pride on her face.

Kane and the others watched Lilulu take out a faint green gem from the space equipment, and Lilulu lifted the gem with both hands.

displayed in front of everyone.

"This thing..."

The moment they saw this thing, Claire and Kane both had surprised expressions on their faces. Both of them had fragments of the platinum scepter, and they naturally recognized what this gem was.

The breath and energy emanating from it are so familiar.

Only Lombe and Mezick did not recognize it immediately. Although they knew that the platinum scepter was broken into 5 pieces, they did not own it. They had only seen it a few times from Kane and the others, so the experience was not profound.

"How's it going? Li Lulu benefits!" Li Lulu said with pride.

And Kane asked in disbelief: "Wait, the enemy who put you in danger before, wouldn't it be the Gray King?"

Based on the shard taken out by Li Lulu, Kane just thought about it for a moment, and roughly identified whose hand the shard came from and what kind of authority it was.

What he couldn't believe was that Li Lulu killed the Gray King alone.

It's not that this situation is impossible, but Li Lulu's appearance doesn't seem to have been hurt much.

I also didn't see Li Lulu using the life-saving props that she had put into the warehouse to be careful.

Because those life-saving items were put into the warehouse after Lilulu's phone call told her that she was out of danger. The only difference was that Metzker's potion had been drank.

Therefore, Kane and the others were chatting in the conference room just now. Judging from this situation, the danger Li Lulu encountered was not too serious.

"So during this period of time, you became stronger when you were locked in a place you didn't know?" Claire thought for a while and said.

After hearing what Kane said before, Lombe and Mezick knew that Lilulu might be holding part of the platinum scepter fragment, which means that Lilulu killed a king alone.

Recall the description of the strength of the kings by Claire and Kane.

Indeed, only the explanation that Li Lulu has become stronger can make sense.

Hearing everyone's words, Li Lulu smiled awkwardly: "Although Li Lulu has indeed become a little stronger during this time, it is not as exaggerated as you think."

"It's just that this Gray King is not as strong as Claire and Kane and the others said. It's better to say that she feels a little weak, and Li Lulu solved her relatively easily."

Li Lulu explained with a smile, and then handed the dark green gem in her hand to Kane.

After Kane took it, he went straight to the appraisal, wanting to see what was different about the fragment, why Li Lulu would say the Grey King's weak words.

【Platinum Scepter-Green Stone】


【Color: Tricolor】

[Attribute: Indestructible] (Never destroyed by external forces)

【Rule: Soul】

[Skill: Soul Creation - The Kingdom of Platinum] (Master the souls of all creatures in the Kingdom of Platinum, receive wandering souls, repair damaged souls, sort out disturbed souls, and create new souls.)

[Introduction: The broken part of the scepter of the Platinum King, the emerald representing the soul, was acquired by his second daughter, the Gray King.

The scepter of the King of Platinum is made from the world power condensed by the golden bridge. It contains the most important authority in this world, and having a scepter almost has a part of the world's control. 】

(This item is bound to this dungeon and cannot be taken away from this dungeon. It will become a normal item after leaving this dungeon.)

(Secret Intelligence Department: You can comprehend and experience in this world through the rules attached to this equipment, and he will make your future path unobstructed.

Fulfilling the obligations of soul creation, with the increase in fulfillment of obligations, will also enable you to comprehend the authority of the soul more quickly and deeply. )

Compared to Kane's creation, the introduction page of this gem is closer to the death of the Black King.

Just like death, you have a part of the authority of death, and you must also fulfill an obligation related to death and become a part of the operation of this world.

However, Claire said before holding the fragments of death that the living beings in this world and the souls of intelligent creatures after death all poured into the place where the Golden Bridge was, and were swallowed by the Golden Bridge to maintain themselves and the existence of this world. .

That is to say, the so-called creation of the soul may be even more miserable than the idleness of the place where the soul returns.

After all, the rules performed by the authority of death are only to make death more normal and regular, and the behavior of the Golden Bridge to devour souls is only to make the souls after death no longer go to the place where they return to the soul, but go directly to the location of the Golden Bridge.

This just reduces the duty of death to the busiest part, which is not a bad thing, although it is not a good thing either.

But no matter how you look at it, Soul Creation seems to be vying for business with Jinqiao, and with the biggest boss in this dungeon.

It is completely a behavior of pulling teeth.

This may explain why the Gray King is weak, and maybe she has never fulfilled her obligations once, not because she doesn't want to but because she can't.

If you can't fulfill your obligations and grasp the speed and depth of authority, you will naturally be inferior to your brothers and sisters.

Kane looked at the dark green gem in his hand, thought for a while, and said to Li Lulu, "Li Lulu, did you resonate when you held this gem?"

The so-called resonance is the authority possessed by the gemstone, which is very suitable for the owner.

It's like Kane has the head of the scepter, and the moment he has it, he can feel the strengthening of his original skills.

It was the same when Claire was holding the Black Stone, and she could clearly feel the strengthening of her strength.

Facing Kane's question, Li Lulu shook her head: "I didn't feel much reinforcement, Li Lulu could only feel that holding this thing seemed to have a clearer understanding of the soul."

"Well..." Li Lulu thought for a while, and seemed to have thought of something and said, "It's a bit like a spiritual awakening technique. Maybe the spiritual awakening technique has been strengthened."

In other words, this authority did not match Li Lulu's strength as well as Kane and the others.

The only thing that might be suitable for Li Lulu is her Spiritual Inspiration.

Looking at the introduction on the fragment, it is indeed similar to the spirit enlightenment technique.

Thinking about Li Lulu's experience, maybe this is the normal experience that normal people should have when they have these scepter fragments.

The situation of Claire and Kane belongs to the ability they have been using, which is too similar to the ability brought by this authority, so the strengthening is so obvious.

By the way, they also let Kane and the others grasp the authority faster.

Thinking about it this way, it is understandable that the Black King was surprised. Maybe they spent a lot of time on it in order to make better use of these fragments.

In other words, now this fragment is its original true value.

It allows the owner to control some of the authority of this dungeon, and can control the soul in this dungeon in a limited way.

Then, as the intelligence said, when Kane and the others ascended to gold, they were able to comprehend the rules about the soul through this shard.

Other than that, there is no other use.

Thinking of it this way, Claire and Kane inexplicably enjoyed the extra functions that enhanced their abilities.

It also happened to be strengthened to the most important coping method of the two.

But the problem is, no one in Kane's team has mastered the skills or skills related to the soul.

After much deliberation, only Li Lulu's Spiritual Inspiration Technique can be touched.

Kane looked at Li Lulu and said, "Tell me about the whole process of your battle with the Gray King."

Kane wanted to know some information through the battle between the Gray King and Li Lulu to see if there was anything missing.

"No problem, let you hear about Li Lulu's heroic deeds."

Li Lulu replied excitedly, and then began to tell everyone the whole process since she met the Gray King after she left that space.

With Li Lulu telling the whole story of the battle, Kane can only say that the gray king is indeed a little weak, but when he encounters Li Lulu, he can only say that she is unlucky.

Whenever she encounters Kane and the others, she may be able to persist for a longer time. Although she cannot escape the fate of death, she can at least die more decently.

The ghost physique, which ignores magic and physical damage, was directly deciphered by Li Lulu's magical attainments.

Kane and the others have always known that although Li Lulu seems to be doing nothing for a day, she is actually very skilled in magic.

It's just too fast to learn.

After thinking about it, Kane handed the fragment to Li Lulu again.

After Li Lulu took it, she looked at Kane suspiciously: "What are you doing for Li Lulu? Shouldn't these pieces be put together?"

"You first try to see if you can make your fairy tale world better through spiritual enlightenment. After all, you are also creating a world right now, aren't you? Such rules are definitely useful, use more and more comprehension, There's no harm."

"And the Gray King's territory is now empty. You should still be in the Gray King's territory now. It just so happens that you can take this authority to accept the Gray King's territory. If you have time, you can still fulfill the obligations of authority, for sure. You can gain a lot.”

Kane finally said: "Fulfilling the obligations brought about by authority, this obligation itself is the rule of the world, even if there is no reward, it is definitely a rewarding experience."

And this thing was obtained by Li Lulu alone after all, from now on, only Li Lulu can really use this power to a little bit.

If anyone in their team is more suitable, Kane will not grind at all, and will directly hand the shard to him for use.

At this time, Metzker said: "Those who are besieging the Grey King's territory are of different races. If Li Lulu regains control of the Grey King's territory, then I can get you back together, and maybe I can convince them to submit to ours. power."

Thinking of the Grey King's border issue, Metzker said.

The Grey King's domain is not bordered by any other king's domain, and has been fighting other alien races.

Hearing Metzker's words, Kane nodded.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone discussed some actions later.

Now that the three kings are dead at their hands, some plans need to be changed.

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