On the endless grassland

The sky is still bright and there is no sunlight.

Kane's team hid behind a small hill, staring down.

"There are two squads around here. It's a bit unrealistic to want to kill the squad below quietly."

Lombe also looked down, "Then we will quickly eliminate the team below. With our speed, we should be able to annihilate the team below before they come over."

Kane thought about it, it was indeed possible, because there were only 7 people in the team below.

Nodding, giving the signal to start.

Immediately after that, he got up and quickly shot three arrows out of the bow.

This attack by Kane was not detected, and the three orcs fell directly without any defense.

Seeing the fall of their teammates, the other orcs immediately took out their weapons and looked around.

By the time they saw the enemy, Kleia had already rushed down the hillside.

Lombe followed, charging down.

The formation that had just been formed was immediately dispersed by the men and horses, and one was hacked to death by the way.

Lombe also rushed in, crouched down, and swept in a circle with the halberd.

Several orcs were directly swept to the ground, looking at the wounds on their legs, it seemed that they could not stand up.

The other two orcs were not within the attack range of Lombe, and they directly raised their axes and slashed towards his back.

Before they could cut it off, a blood hole appeared on his head.

The two orc teams in the distance on both sides also rushed over, and a team of 7 rushed towards Kane and Metzker on the hill.

Another 8-person team ran after Centaurus.

Lombe quickly killed the orc who fell to the ground.


Roaring all over, he turned into a little giant more than 2 meters tall, and his red beard turned into a flame.

"You green-skinned poor ghosts, don't come over and beg Grandpa to give you gifts."

The sound wave spread out, and the two teams suddenly turned around and attacked Lombe.

These orcs only had Lombé in their eyes, with expressions of hatred, as if he was the enemy who killed his father.

Seeing that Lombe's taunting took effect, Kane directly launched a ball of spider silk to trap some people, otherwise it would be difficult to operate when they were anxious.

Metzker also threw a bottle of heavy energy towards Lombe, and a khaki film appeared directly on Lombe.

Cairne poured his arrows at the orcs below, and now they wouldn't dodge at all, but instead they would block each other's arrows.

Claire charged through the crowd with her lance in hand, and each charge relieved Lombe a little.

"Be careful"

Kane suddenly realized that something was wrong, and directly shot a spider silk that stuck to Mezick, pulling him towards him.

A pair of daggers slashed from the void, still slitting Metzker's short robe.

Picking up the long spear behind him, he quickly stabbed at the position where the dagger appeared in the air.

But before he could be stabbed, a coolness suddenly appeared on his back, trying his best to avoid his neck.

But the pair of daggers actually penetrated Kane's transparent armor and stabbed him in the shoulder.

Why shoulders again.

I didn't have time to think, I didn't take back the spear, and still stabbed forward.

There was a sense of flesh, and a female orc who was thinner than the other orcs appeared, wearing a black robe and holding a double dagger.

She pulled out the long spear that had penetrated her chest, raised it and swept back, and directly hit the orc behind her.

The orc who flew out was pierced by a spear that suddenly appeared, and the huge force took her to the distance and pinned her to the ground.

It turned out that Claire discovered the situation on Kane's side and threw the spear she had obtained earlier.

The huge power of this throwing spear directly killed the orc.

remember now

No wonder there are only 7 people in 2 teams, it turns out that there is still a thief hiding in the dark.

Continue to clean up the remaining orcs,

When these orcs can't deal with Lombé quickly, their end is doomed.

After a while, with the cooperation of Kane and the others, these remaining orcs were wiped out.

Kane took Metzker down.

As soon as they met, Kane noticed physical discomfort.

Immediately squat down


The moment Kane crouched down, Claire ran over immediately and lifted the clothes on his shoulders.

Although the wound on the shoulder was not large, the skin around the wound had already discolored and was slightly bruised.

Apparently, the dagger of the Orc Rogue was poisoned.

Metzker came over and took out a knife and a bottle of green potion from his belt.

Before starting, he reminded Kane: "Be patient."

After speaking, he opened the wound with a knife, rinsed with water, and poured half of the green medicine on the wound.

Pass the other half to Kane, "Drink it"

Kane didn't hesitate, and immediately drank it.

Seeing that the treatment was over, Claire immediately wrapped Kane's shoulders with gauze.

Metzker raised his knife and sniffed the blood on it.

Then he said to Kane: "It's okay"

Hearing his teammates say so, Kane was relieved.

Looking at Claire and Lombe, there were large and small marks of swords on their armors.

Although these orcs did not cause any serious injuries to the two of them, the two of them suffered a lot of scratches.

Metzker took out another bottle of Healing Particles and sprinkled them on the crowd.

These red particles were divided into 4 parts of different sizes and poured into the crowd and his own body.

Looking at his teammates' faces more or less tired.

"Let's rest here for a while, the battle just now consumed a lot of stamina."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone sat down without ink.

"Thank you," Metzker suddenly said to Kane.

"It's okay, we're teammates"

In this case, there is also the problem of Kane, he believes too much in his eagle eye.

The black robes on the two orc thieves are likely to have the effect of anti-reconnaissance.

In fact, the most important problem is that the dungeon strengthens their concealment effect, and I have to say that this trick is shrewd.

There are countless explorers who have fallen in these two times. The dungeon is not a fool, and it will learn, although it may not be very clever at times.

But the only flash of inspiration may be the disaster of the explorers.

time has moved forward

The rested people began to explore again.

Just a few miles later, I saw 2 teams of orcs again.

There was nothing to hesitate, Kane and the others found the opportunity and rushed forward.

Since there were no thieves this time, Kane and the others were relatively easy to deal with these orcs.

And finally saw an orc building ahead.

It was a camp made of wood and rags.

Kane's eagle eyes looked inside, and there were not many magical reactions, some of which were much stronger than those of the patrol.

Tell your teammates what you see.

Claire thought for a while and said, "Our mission is to wipe out the orcs, right?"


"But we went straight all the way."

Kane nodded, understanding what Claire meant. Then he said: "This dungeon is not small, there must be a lot of orcs around the camp."

"Then let's not fight this camp first?" Lombe asked while looking at the camp.

"Yes" Kane observed the distance, "Let's go around the camp first, push outwards, and wipe out all the orcs except the camp.

Who knows if the orcs will come back when they hit the camp, if they do, we will suffer."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Kane's proposal.

The team left the surrounding of the camp and began to clear out the camp in a circle around the camp.

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