"Heidilin, as the youngest daughter of the King of Platinum, what do you think the Golden Bridge is to you, this world, and the common people of this world?"

Kane was in a small conference room in the guild hall at this time, and there were only two people in the entire conference room.

And in front of him is Heidilin, the interior official who is the only one he has the most important responsibility.

And now the two are having an important informational conversation.

Because Kane needs to know what it means to the aboriginal people of this world, like the sun, the golden bridge that hangs forever in the sky.

He must know the thoughts and opinions of all in order to prepare for the action that follows.

Kane's behavior is to destroy the Golden Bridge, which is not acceptable to all civilians.

But these civilians are all spirits of freedom. In order to master this dungeon, Kane and the others need the trust of these spirits of freedom.

This is a necessary condition.

So Kane must know clearly what the Golden Bridge means to the world.

The reason why Hedilin was asked was after Hedilin knew that Kane had successfully killed the White King. Heidiline had already pledged allegiance to Kane.

Although the woman didn't say anything, the prompt to link the bond had already sounded.

Heidilin looked at the person in front of her who was about to pledge allegiance, or the person she had already pledged allegiance to.

She didn't ask Kane why she asked herself such a question, but leaned back on the chair and looked up at the ceiling.

Looking at the sky-like scenery from the ceiling that night, it was novel and charming.

"When I was very young, my memory of that time is blurred."

"In the huge palace, I have nine brothers and sisters. The current kings are my former brothers and sisters, and they are the most dazzling existences among us."

Heidilin said and waved her hand, and pale pink particles swept the powder-white clouds and appeared in the air.

An illusion like a picture appeared.

There are 6 princes and princesses on it. Kane recognized the red king and the white king at a glance. After all, he had direct contact with these two people.

There is also a tall and thin figure in a black robe and a hood standing next to the White King, who should be his older brother, the Black King.

Those two women should be the Gray King and the Green King.

The kings on the screen looked so noble, except for the black king who couldn't see his face with a hood, all of them were handsome men and beautiful women.

Noble appearance, charming temperament, which is not a dragon and a phoenix.

It is completely unimaginable that the kings of the next few hundred years have brought such deep pain to this continent.

However, there are 6 people on the screen, and one of them, Kane, has never seen it before, nor does it seem familiar. It must not be one of the kings.

Thinking about it carefully, this should be the fifth prince without any information.

At this time, Heidilin's voice came again: "The person you haven't seen is my brother, the fifth son of the King of Platinum, the fifth prince who has been wiped out of all existence."

Kane knew that the King of Platinum had many wives, and the fifth prince was Heidilin's brother, which meant that he and Heidilin were the same biological mother.

"What does it mean to be erased from existence?" Kane asked.

Heidilin glanced at Kane and said slowly: "Because it is my own brother, he killed the king with his own hands, and then took the followers who followed him to seal off the golden bridge, and the platinum scepter was also made by him. broken."

So beneficial? After listening to Heidilin's story, Kane became inexplicably curious about this person.

But Kane still asked: "Then why did he do this?"

Heidilin looked up at the ceiling again, lost in memories.

"Some time before he was about to act, he talked to me. Although I was young at the time, I still remember his words."

"He said that Jinqiao is the destroyer of this world, and is not an existence worth believing in at all. If Jinqiao always exists, the world will eventually be destroyed. He is an ugly existence that destroys the world."

"At that time, Jinqiao was the belief of the whole country, and the Jinqiao Church was the state religion of the whole country. From the king to the beggar, everyone believed in him."

"This situation has existed for thousands of years, and this belief has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

"When he finished saying this to me, he asked the servant to take me out of the palace, and I was considered missing by the royal family."

Great, Kane had to say something great to these five princes. Under that circumstance, he discovered the most deeply hidden problems and the most unexplainable problems.

And also took action to solve the problem.

Kane admires it. He would definitely not be able to do it himself. The pressure can almost be said to come from the whole world.

"And then?" Kane asked.

"Later, as you can see, he succeeded, but it is said that he also died in that turmoil, and all the followers who sealed the Golden Bridge with him died."

"In the decades that followed, the kings in power destroyed all records about him, and I was also hidden by my brother's servants for decades and kept incognito."

"It turns out that these decades of hiding have not been in vain. Later, wars began between the kings, and other brothers and sisters who did not have authority died at their hands."

"After I gained a certain amount of strength, I began to walk on this land. I want to find out, to find out why my brother did this, to find out what kind of existence the Golden Bridge really is."

"Why would my brother want to destroy him regardless of his life, his life, and his family?"

Having said that, Heidilin waved her arm again, and the scene in the air changed again.

"The information obtained from the exploration and search for hundreds of years has proved that my brother is right. Although the world is broken, only this continent has survived, but some records have not disappeared with the broken."

"The world used to have day and night, sun and moon."

Here, the scene transforms into an ancient page, with the sun and the moon on it, or night and day.

Heidilin can only express in such an image, because she has not really seen it, so she can only re-enact the words she found.

Seeing such a situation, Kane waved his hand and changed the scene arrangement in the conference room.

The dark clouds on the starry sky began to appear, and the stars in the sky were still bright, but they appeared and disappeared, and a full moon appeared in the ceiling.

"This is the night, and that is the moon."

The full moon also began to change with Kane, and there were different changes in each period.

Heidilin opened her eyes and looked at the night sky above her head, her eyes twinkling like a child's starlight.

For her, who had never seen a night, such a sight was so beautiful and magical.

Such a sight even made Heidilin's blood start to throb and her heart beat fast.

The desire from the blood makes Heidilin want to truly own the night sky and stand under the real night sky.

"It's day and sun."

As I said that, I changed the arrangement of the ceiling again, the golden and warm sunlight shone down, and a dazzling golden fireball hung in the sky.

"It's like the light of the Golden Bridge." Heidilin couldn't help but said.

Hearing Heidilin's words, Kane said lightly: "Because the Golden Bridge is absorbing the light and energy of the sun, the sun is blocked by him."

"Is that so?" Heidilin nodded knowingly.

Then he said to Kane, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for showing me such a view."

"No need to thank you, this is what you should have."

Then Heidilin continued to use fantasy to pass on to Kane.

At this time, the illusion was in flames, and various miserable scenes appeared in the illusion, and various non-human races were brutally killed.

There are even many humans who are not immune to the same, but their clothes are not the same.

The clothes worn by all the perpetrators should have the pattern of the Golden Bridge, and the clothes on the nuns belong to the same series and style.

The Golden Bridge can also be seen weakening enemies with a light that floods the entire world.

Among them, Kane even saw the giant wood forest that he had encountered for the first time. The scenery above was exactly the same as the giant wood forest that Kane imagined.

"All races who were unwilling to surrender to the Golden Bridge were killed. Even if they surrendered to the Golden Bridge, as long as they were not human beings, they would also be bullied. The same is true for other human forces."

"But it wasn't enough for my brother to do that, there must be something deeper. I was trying to think about when my brother started to change, and then I found out."

"At that time my brother was the best of all the brothers and sisters, and the father wanted him to be his successor, although I think the father may not die because of the passage of time."

"And my brother's change was when he held the platinum scepter for the first time."

"Hold the platinum scepter and let him know something."

Kane may know about this question, think about it and say: "He may have passed the authority of the platinum scepter and know that the behavior of the golden bridge is wrong. The golden bridge hurts not only those alien races and humans who are unwilling to surrender to him, even if It is the commoners who have surrendered to his country of platinum that are slowly being swallowed up, and even the rules of the entire world are being quietly changed by the golden bridge."

Before the world was broken, Jinqiao was already changing the rules, secretly transforming the core of the soul of this world.

As long as you hold the shard with authority, you can feel some of the rules of this world through the authority on this shard.

A little seriousness can feel the changes in the rules of the world.

Claire is holding the authority of death and knows some of Jinqiao's actions.

The platinum scepter has a part of the control power of the world, and there are 5 authorities, which can easily feel some of the behaviors of the golden bridge.

Perhaps it was this behavior that made Heidilin's brother's belief collapse, and he knew what kind of existence the Golden Bridge she had always believed in was.

After hearing Kane's words, Heidilin suddenly realized: "Is that so?"

Then she began to really answer Kane's previous questions.

"After the kings came to power, it wasn't just my brother's message that was eliminated, they were also intentionally or unintentionally weakening the influence of the Jinqiao Church, and even joined forces to weaken the church's strength.

Roughly 60 years after the world was broken, the Jinqiao Church that existed in the world for thousands of years has completely disappeared from this continent, and they have not been seen yet. "

"Then they also destroyed all the information about the Golden Bridge. As time passed, no one believed in the Golden Bridge anymore. As if the Golden Bridge was a part of nature, he was always hanging in the sky, and no one felt that there was anything wrong with it. the same."

It seems that the kings are not doing all the bad things. They are also fully aware of the wickedness of Jinqiao and its church. After all, they also held the authority at that time.

Although I don't know why their personalities became so bad, they did some good things before.

That is to say, the status of Golden Bridge in these lives in the dungeon is not as high as Kane imagined.

At least it was not believed as a god, which made Kane's subsequent actions not so difficult.

Kane looked at Heidilin and said, "Our purpose this time is actually to destroy the Golden Bridge. He is a beacon cast by a supreme being, in order to devour this world and drain the energy of this world. Clean it all up."

"So I now hope that you can pass on the news that we have killed the four kings to King Qing, and let her escape or hide. During this time, we need to find a way to hurt Jinqiao."

Heidilin naturally understood Kane's thoughts and actions, nodded and said, "No problem, I'll do it right away."

Then said again.

"The way to hurt Jinqiao, I may know some possibilities."


Kane was a little surprised.

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