Heidilin's voice began to sound in the conference room.

"According to His Majesty's needs and what I have seen and heard from traveling this continent for hundreds of years, we have found two relics related to the ancient race."

Two months ago, when Heidilin and Kane talked, they learned about Kane's purpose and the most important needs now.

Heidirin told Kane that she had found some ancient ruins while searching for some information about his brother.

Many things have been learned from these ancient ruins, including how to damage the Golden Bridge, or destroy it completely.

In the age of the sun and the moon, the sudden appearance of the Golden Bridge made many races in the world feel vigilant and hostile.

In the end, I learned from these ruins that there were indeed two races that did harm to Jinqiao, but in the end, they did not succeed in destroying Jinqiao. Instead, they were destroyed by Jinqiao and the church forces under his command.

At that time, the most famous Jinqiao lackey who charged ahead and killed the most profitable was the King of Platinum who later became famous.

During this time, Heidilin dispatched many sentries and soldiers to secretly begin to investigate the ruins.

After all, the destruction of Jinqiao must not be publicized, it must be carried out in secret. After all, Heidilin also knows that the Jinqiao Church has not died out.

Heidilin continued: "The two ruins are also related to the races of Warfas and Moi."

Hearing Heidilin's words, everyone turned their attention to Warfas and Moi.

Warfars is the vegetative Valdry, and Kane has seen Warfars in a vegetative state in this dungeon until now.

Since they all know Moi, he is the son of the moon.

So Warfas began to introduce himself: "Maybe your Majesty has rarely seen the same race as me, or even only met me."

"Waldry?" Kane's words sounded.

Everyone present cast curious glances at Kane.

Warface was a little surprised. He didn't expect Kane to know the name of his race. There was very little information about their race. Even Heidilin didn't know the specific name of their race.

And Warface is also convinced that he has not spoken to Kane.

"I didn't expect His Majesty to know my race." Warfath's voice was a little surprised.

Kane waved his hand to signal everyone not to be surprised, and said, "Don't be surprised, I just happen to know."

So now it can be 100% sure that this vegetative person is the prototype race of the monsters in the dungeon that Kane cleared the first time.

Is it a coincidence? Still inevitable.

"One of the ruins is a place related to my race. I don't know how many years ago Valdry's residence was also the same ruin I found."

Then Moi said: "Your Majesty, the other relic is the relic of the Moon Child. According to the patriarch, it was the birthplace of our race in a very ancient era."

"Your Majesty, let the two of them lead the way for you." Heidilin said.

Kane nodded: "No problem, then act now."

"Okay, Your Majesty, I'll arrange some soldiers for you."

Hearing Heidilin's words, Kane immediately said: "We don't need to arrange soldiers. Just in case, the less people know, the better."

Heidilin opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Kane's wave, and finally had to nod her head.

After all, seriously, sending soldiers to follow Kane said it was to protect them, but in a crisis situation, I still don't know who is protecting whom.

Then everyone started to arrange.

At this time, Kane left the conference room and happened to meet the nun, Sophia, who was walking by.

Now Sofina is said to be Kane's assistant, rather than Heidilin's adviser.

Forcibly became an indispensable existence under Heidilin, because Sofina recorded a lot of information about the country of platinum.

Including all racial history, some plants and animals, and even geography, she can be called an encyclopedia girl completely.

Heidilin, who had traveled to the mainland for hundreds of years in the past year, did not know as much as Sophia. When encountering many puzzled questions, she would ask Heidilin if she had any relevant information.

So after Kane and the others merged and connected the territories of the four kings, Sofina also started to get busy.

After all, in addition to knowing a lot, Sophia is also very well educated and has very good abilities.

But this does not erase Sophia as a nun of the Golden Bridge Church, belonging to Kane and their enemies.

But what made Kane uncomfortable was that Sophia had already linked up with Kane half a month ago.

Sophia inexplicably became a trustworthy existence, but Kane didn't know whether destroying the Golden Bridge could be considered as touching her bottom line.

After all, Sophia is a nun from a church that believes in Jinqiao. It seems unlikely that she does not believe in Jinqiao.

So now Sophia is in a very embarrassing position, she just doesn't know it herself.

Seeing Kane's Sophia, she still had that cold and expressionless face.

"Your Majesty the King, the Pope asked me to urge you to hurry up and collect the platinum scepter so that you can become the new platinum king again."

Although Sophia said she was urging, her tone and expressionless face showed a perfunctory taste.

As if she was fulfilling the order that the Pope had given her, saying a word was a word.

Scenes like this happen almost every other week.

"The Pope is in such a hurry, let him rush me in person. To be honest, I have only met you at the Jinqiao Church, and I don't really believe you."

Kane said that he wished that the so-called Pope would come to urge him in person, and he would take it down on the spot.

But I have to say that the Pope is very vigilant and has not shown up so far, and has been talking with Kane through Sofina.

Hearing Kane's words, Sofina said expressionlessly, "The Pope is a coward. You know he can't come to see you in person. Your Majesty, you seem to be very busy, so I won't disturb you for now."

After finishing speaking, Sophia saluted Kane and left.

The territory where King Qing is located has been secretly taken over by Kane and the others, but it has not been publicized. It has already fallen into the hands of Kane and the others.

As for Qing Wang himself, he didn't know where he went, and he had probably been hiding.

The news of the death of the four kings, and the connection of the four kings' territories into a whole, all confirmed the rumors that passed into the ears of the Qing king.

And Qing Wang also slipped away unexpectedly.

When the Pope first came to urge him, he was dismissed by Kane for this reason. Therefore, the only one who is still looking for the trace of King Qing is the Jinqiao Church.

Kane's soldiers had stopped looking for them long ago, and they didn't even bother to perfunctory Jinqiao Church.

If it wasn't for the Golden Bridge Church, it would still be useful, and Kane would have followed the clues to kill the church.

As for the trace of King Qing, in fact, it has always been in the grasp of Kane, and there is no way to escape with the roulette in King Qing.

No matter where he hides, he can be found by Kane, but Kane has not yet found a way to destroy the Golden Bridge, so let him live for a while.

And Kane, who has been to the Qingwang's territory, doesn't hate this person very much. He can be regarded as the most normal of all the kings.

According to the civilians in his territory and those soldiers and generals, King Qing rarely shows up, and most of them don't even know the effect of his authority.

Even King Qing's territory was the second best among all the territories.

The best of course is the Red King who holds the authority to create.

Although the population of the Blue King's territory is equally sparse, it is at least equal to the population of the Red King's territory.

Although King Qing also doesn't treat these commoners as human beings, the performance of his disregarding them is that he doesn't want to pay attention to these people at all.

Treat these civilians as ants living in his territory, although it also makes these civilians consumables to fight other invaders.

But compared to other kings inexplicably normal.

Whoever is called the kings can be compared to each other, and the red king and the green king are among them, the most normal existence.

I don't know when it started, but it's just a compliment that you don't treat civilians as human beings.

Based on the above situation, Kane is willing to let him live a little longer.

At this time, Claire came from behind: "What are you doing, Kane, get ready, let's go."

Hearing Claire's words, Kane nodded, and then followed a few people out.

The location of the ruins has been marked on the map and entered into Yoyo's system.

When the crowd left the city and went out into the wilderness.

Kane and the others stopped suddenly. Although Warfas and Moy, who were with them, were puzzled, they also stopped behind them.

A vehicle appeared directly in front of it, and the speed was so fast that it seemed to appear suddenly, and the construction process was not even shown.

After all, with the blessing of creation authority now, Kane's source skills have reached a somewhat exaggerated level in this dungeon.

The shape is still the RV that has not been ridden in a long time, but considering the newly added two people, it is larger than before.

"It's been a long time since I sat there, I really miss it." Longbei patted the RV and sighed.

Then everyone filed in, and Warface and Moy followed in a dazed way.

I am very curious about this vehicle, both inside and out.

"Please pay attention to safety, Yoyo is ready to depart."

With the sound of Yoyo, the RV immediately started.

Moy immediately exclaimed: "Ah, it's moving."

The harvest is everyone's smile.

The first ruins to go to are the ruins of Valdry, which are located on the edge of the continent, closer to where they are now.

After a full day of running the RV, Kane and the others finally arrived at the ruins.

When they left the RV, the scenery in front of them also caught everyone's eyes.

This is the edge of the continent, and outside is naturally the vast sea, but the scope of the sea is limited, and at the edge of the end of the field of vision, you can see the white fog wall rising into the sky.

This white fog wall also represents the periphery of the dungeon. In fact, it has been wrapped by the fog, but the fog does not use its own power to affect the dungeon.

Just trap this dungeon and keep it from running around.

According to Heidilin and the others, about two or three hundred years ago, there was no white fog wall on the periphery, but a dark nothingness. It's just that I don't know when the border became a fog wall.

In front of them was an empty grove, nothing special.

Lombe couldn't help but asked suspiciously, "Is this the place?"

Warface nodded and replied: "We didn't come to the wrong place, the ruins are located here, but they were hidden by magic. If it wasn't for my bloodline shaking, I wouldn't have found this ruins at all. "

This is why Warfaces came to follow Kane and the others, because there is no better candidate than him.

Saying that, Warfas stepped forward and came to a tree.

This tree is the outermost tree in this woodland, and it is no different from the surrounding trees.

Even if Kane looked at it with his eagle eye, he couldn't see any problems. Whether it was this tree or this woodland, it was very ordinary.

Since Kane came to this dungeon, his eagle eye has gradually become unusable. Some superb illusions and magic circles in this dungeon have been able to block the energy vision of eagle eye.

Only after getting close, can one find any clues through Shenwu Shi, which can only be found when Kane knows that there is a problem here.

Just like the illusion used by Heidilin, if he just passed by, even Shenwu Shi would pass by roughly, and he would not find a problem here.

As Warface came to the big tree, the influx of magic power began to change the surrounding scene.

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