With this old voice came.

Weapons appeared in Kane's hands in an instant, and Longbei appeared in front of everyone in an instant. The golden shield in his hand circled around, blocking everyone behind.

The rest of the people immediately became vigilant. Look in the direction from which the sound came.

At this time, the direction from which the sound came was surrounded by the surrounding small animals, and they all circled around that area intimately.

And in the center of that area is a white spirit body resembling a vegetative Valdry.

How to say similar? Although it can be seen from the outside that it should be Valdry. But his body is much larger than the fallen vegetative people that Warface or Kane had ever seen.

The reason why Kane called Valdry a vegetable is because Valdry's skin and some details on his body look like plants.

That is to say, although it has the appearance and characteristics of a plant, it is more inclined to an upright human shape as a whole. Whether it is the limbs, fingers or faces, it is extremely clear.

And the spiritual body in front of him has completely changed into a tree-like existence, with something similar to tree branches growing on its head.

It is said that it is a tree person, and it is more inclined to trees and plants than people.

The limbs are entwined with vines, flowers and moss, and the parts that make up the body and limbs are very similar to the pattern of tree roots intertwined.

Kane carefully observed the spirit body in front of him, comparing with the twisted giant rattan monster he once fought in the giant woods.

Very similar, except that the one he had encountered was much larger and more ugly than the spirit body in front of him. Perhaps it was wiped out by death, and it is understandable to become even bigger and ugly.

If in normal form, the appearance will be more similar to the spirit in front of him.

The spiritual body in front of him made Warfas also vigilant and asked, "Who are you?"

Warface's question shows that he has not seen a species similar to the spiritual body in front of him, which means that he does not recognize this kind of spiritual body that may be of the same race as him, or other similar existences.

The tree man spirit body did not answer, but carefully observed Warfas looking up and down, and then nodded gratified.

"I used to be the elder of the giant tree in this area, and in the end, I also destroyed this area together. After death, the spiritual body still guards this area."

"Elder Giant Wood?!" Warface exclaimed, as if the identity of this spirit body shocked him.

Only at this time did Warface seriously look at the appearance and some details of the spirit body in front of him, as if he wanted to use the information he knew in his memory to distinguish whether the spirit body in front of him was what he said.

In the end, he finally confirmed his identity, and immediately nodded to him and saluted.

And the interpreter said: "Sorry elder, I have lived on an overseas island since I was a child, and I have never seen a real giant tree elder. I have only heard of it from the portraits and the elders' words."

"Hahaha, it's okay, I'm already very happy to see the younger generation coming back." The arrival of Warfas seemed to make the spirit body very happy, and he could clearly feel his excitement.

Even the surrounding trees and vines seemed to be cheering for this spirit body.

The giant tree elder looked at Warfas and said, "I didn't expect that there are still clansmen who can survive for thousands of years under the persecution of the Golden Bridge. After the destruction of the world, there are still clansmen. It's great, it's great."

The voice of the giant tree elder in front of him trembled with excitement and excitement.

Hearing his words, Warfath opened his mouth, and his expression became sad again: "But, I may be the only one."

"It's alright, child." The elder of the giant tree shook his head, giving birth to a white and transparent hand that was like a entanglement of tree roots, and patted Warfas on the shoulder.

"One is hope."

Kane looked at the interaction between the spiritual body and reality, which means that the body of the giant tree elder is very solid, and the energy in the body will not be weak.

It looks very transparent on the outside, just like a three-dimensional image, it seems to be more fragile than the soul.

Hearing the words of the giant tree elder, Warface's expression became excited, and he quickly asked, "Is there any hope for our race?"

For Warfas, who was left with only one person left in the racial annihilation, death seemed to be his best relief, and it was precisely because there was no hope of life that his emotions and will affected his body. abyss.

If there is new hope for his race, he will naturally have the drive to live, and his will can be restored to climb out of the abyss of death again.

"Of course there is, but before that, let me solve the trouble behind you." The expression of the giant tree elder suddenly turned hideous and hateful.

Then the rattan on the ground entangled Warfas, dragged him aside, and protected him behind him. Staring at Kane and the others behind, they are ready to start.

Hearing the words of the giant tree elder in front of him, Warface's expression suddenly became a little dazed, and then he reacted immediately.

Immediately stood in front of the giant tree elder and shouted to stop: "Please wait for the elder, they are with me, it is I who brought them here, not the enemy."

Facing the giant tree elder who was about to attack them, Kane and the others were also ready to make a move, but only waited for a while when Warfas stopped in the middle.

"Don't let them deceive children, they have the golden bridge and the smell of that damn lackey.

Even after thousands of years have passed, I still firmly remember that after thousands of years, genocide should not forget hatred. "

The voice of the giant tree elder did not lose the kindness before, but carried anger and hatred.

Hearing the words of the spirit body in front of him, Kane reacted instantly, and he should have been misunderstood by the spirit body in front of him.

The taste he said should be the fragments of the platinum scepter that Kane and the others were carrying.

It can be known from Heidilin that a long time ago, the Golden Bridge lackey was the title of the King of Platinum, and the Platinum Scepter, as the King of Platinum, the breath of the most conspicuous feature will definitely be firmly remembered by the enemy.

Perhaps this is the reason why the spirit in front of him will think that Kane and the others are enemies. He may even think that Kane and the others forced Warfars to come here.

And Warfas is not a fool. He heard the words of the giant tree elder. Although he didn't know all the information, he could understand that the giant tree elder had misunderstood in some places.

"The Golden Bridge has been sealed, and the lackeys of the Golden Bridge have died." He immediately said loudly.

As Valdry, he also knew some of their race's number one enemy, and knew what to say at this time to attract the attention of the giant tree elder.

This sentence instantly made the giant tree elder froze in place, and even his unbelievable expression could be seen on his face woven from trees and rattan.

"What did you say?" His voice was full of shock.

Warfas took a deep breath to calm down, and said word by word, "The Golden Bridge has been sealed."

"Is what you said true?"

"Really, Jinqiao's lackey is dead."

"Great, this is really great." The giant tree elder muttered to himself.

At this time, Kane also said: "If the lackey you are talking about is the King of Platinum, then he is indeed dead, and the Kingdom of Platinum has long since fallen apart and lived up to its existence."

Hearing Kane's words, the expression on the elder's face can no longer be described as surprise.

Even from his dead wood face, he could see a sense of revenge for a great vengeance.

"Hahaha, damn it, it's good to die."

Then he couldn't wait to pull Warfas next to him, and hurriedly asked: "Tell me about the current situation outside, and start with what you know."

The excited giant tree elder directly put the previous misunderstandings behind, those are no longer important.

There is nothing more important now than to understand the suffering of one's own genocidal enemies.

Hearing the words of the giant tree elder, Warface nodded and then the two sat directly on the ground, and began to talk about what happened after he came to the Kingdom of Platinum.

The focus is on the assassination of the King of Platinum hundreds of years ago, the seal of the Golden Bridge, and the shattering and destruction of the world.

The vegetative person in front of him is real, someone who has personally experienced it from that era. Listening to his narration is more clear about that era.

So Kane and the others were not in a hurry. Kane directly made a few chairs, and a few people sat next to them and listened quietly.

While listening, you also gain a deeper understanding of the dungeon.

It didn't take long for Warfarth to finish the story, and then exhaled slowly.

The elder Jumu looked at the sky, his expression calmed down, and said slowly, "I didn't expect such a big thing to happen in the past few hundred years."

"Although I have become a spiritual body, I can't do without this area. I am bound here forever, so I don't know the outside world. I can only feel the destruction of the world hundreds of years ago."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Warfas with a relieved expression on his face and said, "I thought that the Golden Bridge had finally invaded and devoured the world, and achieved his purpose."

Now that the chat is over, it's time to get to the point.

With Warface's story, the giant tree elder also knew that Kane and they belonged to the same party.

The two sides have established basic trust.

Kane looked at the giant tree elder and said directly: "Elder, the purpose of our visit to this area is to find a way to cause damage to the sealed golden bridge. I wonder if you have any clues."

The elder of the giant wood heard Kane's words, turned his head and stared at them and asked, "You want to destroy the Golden Bridge? Why? You shouldn't be from this world, right? I can feel that you don't have the taste of this world."

Kane did not answer all, but said.

"Because we don't want the world to be destroyed. If we want the world to recover, the biggest obstacle right now is the golden bridge in the sky. So it is natural to destroy it."

For Kane's failure to answer his own question directly, the giant tree elder also behaved indifferently.

After all, this world has been broken, and there is still a parasite like Jinqiao, madly absorbing the remaining value, and the whole world is falling down.

Even if Kane and the others have other ideas, can it be worse than now?

On the one hand, the world is destroyed, all life is dead, and there is no hope.

On the other hand there is hopeful help, but at an unknown price.

Even fools know how to choose.

So the giant tree elder is not asking.

It's not just his mentality. In fact, the world is a little bit wiser, and everyone who has the ability to know the situation in the entire dungeon is like this.

Many people know Kane they are subversives and outsiders, but they still help them, become their assistants, become part of them.

Why? Isn't it because the world is like this, how bad can it go?

The big deal is death, at least there is still a glimmer of hope for helping the subversives. After all, they are really helping the world and are really taking action.

The giant tree elder looked at Kane and the others, then at Moy, and then at Warfaus.

Turned around and waved at Kane.

"Come on, let's go to the center."

As he spoke, he took Kane and the others toward the ruins and walked slowly.

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