At this time in the Black King's territory.

The core area of ​​the Black King's territory, even if it was completely illuminated by the golden light emitted by the Golden Bridge, still gave people a cold, wet and dark feeling.

Withered trees on the periphery, and ghost trees in ghostly form around the core area.

The most central area of ​​this area is the palace of the former Black King.

It's just that it is no longer the evil palace that was formed by stacking huge bones, but it has become an octagonal palace made of gray-white stone.

The octagonal and the central tower are burning with black and white flames, and there are sculptures of centaurs and knights at each gate.

A group of soul-shaped luminous balls ran down the tower from the horizon, and the flaming flames flew over.

Then it fell at the main entrance of the palace.

When the ball fell to the ground, it turned into a ghost in human form as if surrounded by smoke.

This is a ghost of a woman, with a noble face and elegant manner, and the clothes she wears also reveal a rich and elegant temperament.

This is the Qing Wang who just committed suicide in front of Kane and others.

She raised her head and looked at the place in front of her, which was completely different from the White Bone Palace she had known before.

I couldn't help but nodded: "It's much better than my stupid brother's disgusting aesthetic."

Then he looked around the periphery of the palace, walked over, stretched out his soul-like fingers and touched the gray-white stone wall.

"Was it built two months ago? Or when I just learned that the Black King died. The Red King died before the Black King died?"

She can clearly perceive that this palace uses the Red King's creative authority, which comes from the authority of the scepter itself.

This shows that the black king died before their elder brother, the red king, and when the black king was attacked, the red king's authority had already been grasped by the subversives.

"With the power of the Black King's death, the subversive will directly control it?"

King Qing felt the time when the palace was built, and the time when the Black King died, which he felt before, was not much different, and it was all within one day.

This time gap is a bit scary and incomprehensible.

On the day that the authority of death is obtained, the establishment of the soul will be so perfect. Although it has the authority to create and help to create and rebuild.

But in order to completely establish the place of return to the soul and let it perform its due function, it is necessary to hold the authority of death.

Although King Qing is the youngest among the kings, he is not stupid, and can even be regarded as smart.

After the border of the world turned into a white fog, King Qing faintly noticed that the fragments of the world began to become balanced, and there were external forces helping this fragment of the world that he existed.

After a long period of judgment, she concluded that the fragments of this world were protected by something.

Then came the disruptors.

The earliest group of subversives were actually born in her territory. With the power of harmony, King Qing is extremely sensitive to various changes in his territory.

In an instant, the change of the subversive and the identity of the outsider were noticed.

At that time, King Qing had been hiding around, observing this group of subversives. She believed that this group of outsiders who suddenly appeared had a connection with the white fog protecting the periphery of the world.

Following the gathering of information around the group of subversives, King Qing sneaked away.

Eventually the subversives died elsewhere.

The second batch of subversives were the ones in the Red King's territory. One or two months after the birth of those subversives, the Qing King noticed their traces.

He then passed on the information he knew from the first batch of subversives to these subversives through various channels.

Afterwards, these subversives, after an incomprehensible judgment, began to attack the kings.

After two or three batches of subversives, Qing Wang had a general understanding of the subversives' goals.

It is not the kings at all, but the authority in their hands and the golden bridge that has been hanging in the sky.

Obtaining the authority in their hands is also to deal with the golden bridge in the sky.

Qing Wang is also the first person to find a subversive, a person who is born regularly, and a batch will appear every 10 years.

It is precisely because of this rule that King Qing can always find the subversive born in the earliest possible time. Even if this group of people hides their temperament and behavior that are incompatible with the surrounding, they are still so dazzling.

She wants to use subversives to help her achieve her goal of killing her siblings.

Although she has been guiding secretly, and has not revealed her true body, she does not want to make revenge with the subversive.

While the plan never worked out, the disruptors were stronger than she thought, but not strong enough.

However, in the time of Kane and the others, the previous rules no longer apply.

Kane and the others appeared a few years later than the previous batch, and they still appeared separately.

In less than a few days after it appeared, all kinds of information were known, and then they were put into action. When Qing Wang didn't react at all, he killed all her brothers and sisters.

She had only learned of the Subversives shortly before the Black King's death.

After she was sure that the black king was dead, she inexplicably heard the news that all her four siblings had died.

It was obvious that someone deliberately delivered the news to her ears. After some investigation, he determined that the news was true and left on the spot.

Although she knew that her departure was deliberately done by these subversives, she had no choice.

Since then, she has been trying to find a way to avoid death and find a way out for her own death by the way.

However, looking at the place of return to the soul in front of her, the strength of these new subversives was even more exaggerated than she thought.

The previous disruptors were strong, but not strong enough, and this group of disruptors is too strong.

Thinking of this, King Qing pushed open the door to the place where the soul returned in front of him.

Looking at the conspicuous statue of female centaurs in the palace, it was the subversive who held the power of death before.

Skip the statue and come to the center of the palace, a blazing black and white flame. At the center of the flame, there is a vortex-like scene.

The reason why she committed suicide was that she hoped that her soul could come to the place where she returned to the soul, and threw herself into this vortex of reincarnation to find the last chance.

Forced death, her soul will definitely be pulled away by Jinqiao. A high-energy soul like her is Jinqiao's favorite food at this moment in order to maintain himself.

Forced to die, she can't control her soul at all, and even her soul will become Jinqiao's food.

Suicide was her last resort.

By committing suicide with the transparent dagger forged by his elder sister, the Gray King, he could temporarily control his soul.

The only way to escape the devouring of the Golden Bridge.

But then she needs a place where she can make sure the control doesn't get pulled away when it disappears.

She didn't know if Kane and the others had built a place to return to the soul, so she didn't dare to commit suicide.

It has been delaying time, waiting for Kane and the others to arrive.

When Kane and the others arrived, King Qing confirmed the construction of the place to return to the soul, and chose to commit suicide without hesitation.

Looking at the slowly flowing vortex in the black and white flames in front of him, King Qing closed his eyes, took a deep breath and jumped in directly.

As the soul jumped into it, the black and white flames completely enveloped its soul body.

King Qing used to commit suicide before, and the transparent dagger inserted into his chest became dull on the corpse.

And the soul body that has become spherical again, a thin transparent shield appears around it, and leaps into the vortex.

She did not perform the ceremony of reincarnation, but stayed in it, because the ceremony of reincarnation had been interrupted long ago and could not run.

The place to return to the soul does not work at this time, and the golden bridge is still pressing down on this world in the sky, devouring the fragments of this extremely dilapidated world.

Only when the Golden Bridge is completely destroyed and this shattered world is freed, will the process of reincarnation begin again.

And Qingwang's soul will also become the first reincarnated soul.

After the soul is reincarnated, that thin protective film can ensure that she is still her, and the memory still exists.

As for King Qing's status, power, and power, it doesn't matter if all of them disappear, as long as he lives.


"What's the meaning?"

Kane asked Claire in front of her, her previous words confused everyone.

Claire thought about how to explain it. After thinking for a while, she said: "Because of the existence of the Golden Bridge, the place of return to the soul could not function, but it just appeared, and a dead soul was thrown into the whirlpool of reincarnation."

"The existence of the Golden Bridge destroys the process of reincarnation, and sucks all the dead souls into his body to maintain his own existence. It stands to reason that all the dead souls will be swallowed by the Golden Bridge now."

"And the soul that just entered the reincarnation vortex, the moment she entered the flame, I noticed her face."

Having said that, Claire pointed to the corpse that fell in front of them.

Hearing Claire's explanation, Kane suddenly realized that he understood in an instant.

"So the reason why King Qing committed suicide was not that she was willing to sacrifice her life, but that she was too willing to sacrifice her life. She wants to live more than anyone else."

It doesn't matter what kind of power or power, as the Blue King who has the authority to study its rules for hundreds of years.

He must have known the true face of Jinqiao for a long time.

That is to say, the reason why she didn't fight with Kane and the others may be because once she was killed by Kane and the others, like other dead souls, she could not enter the place of return, but would be swallowed by the Golden Bridge.

In order to prevent such a situation from happening, he knew that he was no match for Kane and their Blue King, so he simply killed himself and controlled his soul in some way to enter the place where he returned to the soul.

Moreover, when Kane looked at the dim transparent crystal dagger on the corpse, it must also have a peculiar effect.

"But isn't she afraid that she will be caught and killed by you if she enters the place of return to the soul?" Kane was a little puzzled.

Hearing Kane's words, Claire looked at him and said, "This is impossible, she has already thrown herself into the whirlpool of turning around, and she is no longer within the control of my authority, and has entered the most primitive place in the world. rules and procedures.”

Having said that, Claire thought for a while and then said, "If we had set up some assistants in the Soul Retreat before, we might be able to stop her, but now there is no way to do it."

"Really, when will it be reincarnated, and will it affect us after reincarnation?" Kane asked.

Claire shook her head and said, "It won't have any effect, her behavior is telling us that she just wants to live. And if you want to be reincarnated, you have to wait until we destroy the Golden Bridge and the world starts running again."

"Whether she turns with memory or turns normally, she must grow from scratch. I can feel that the soul she has just thrown into the vortex is no different from other souls."

After listening to Claire's explanation, Kane nodded reassuringly.

Since she just wants to live, let her live.

When Kane and the others truly master the dungeon, it doesn't matter whether she lives or dies, she can't turn the tide.

"Okay, now that the goal has been achieved, let's take a look at this last piece of loot."

Saying that, Kane waved his hand, and the soil on the ground surged, wrapping the body of King Qing and burying it in the ground.

Kane, on the other hand, took Claire and the others to the last piece of debris floating beside them.

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