An endless virgin forest, countless trees are intertwined, branches and leaves are luxuriant, covering each other.

The branches that block each other are lush and leafy, blocking the sunlight from the sky, making the whole forest look a bit cold and damp.

Inside the forest, Kane and the others had just cleared the dungeon.

The moment they came out, they felt that the energy gushing out of the void had entered their bodies, and the silver energy that was about to overflow from their bodies was rapidly condensing and qualitatively changing.

When the golden light burst out from the silver, the silver energy was quickly swallowed up, and finally only a handful of golden sparks were still burning in the body.

This means that they have finally succeeded in being promoted to gold-level explorers.

The energy of gold began to be transmitted in their bodies like silk threads, and muscles, internal organs, and bones were all madly strengthened along this golden energy.

The muscles became firmer, the internal organs became more persevering and the function was strengthened, and the bones became as clear as jade.

When the quality of the body is fully strengthened, the golden energy threads begin to flow in the brain. This time it didn't feel like a better memory, or a sense of being smarter.

Instead, I felt the clarity of the brain for a while, and the perception was stronger. Even without using any auxiliary skills and means, I could feel the subtle movements around me, and a strange sense appeared in my brain.

Those who have experienced authority will understand in an instant. This strange sense is to make them feel the rules better and learn the rules.

The senses used to learn the rules almost consumed most of their energy after promotion.

Kane opened his eyes, spread out his palm and squeezed it hard, feeling the surging power from his body.

The promotion of upgrading from silver to gold is easier to grasp than the sudden increase of power in other situations.

At the moment when the power suddenly increased, Kane and the others had almost mastered it, and they would be able to fully adapt to the fusion after a day or two of training.

After Kane's upgrade to gold, just the power of the flesh and the exaggerated perception, he will be able to know why Burton beat them like a spike.

With his current physical quality and keen perception of the surroundings, if he attacked in the first few minutes, he would be completely seen through.

There is a huge gap between silver and gold, and there is absolutely no possibility of cross-border confrontation.

Then Kane felt the extremely obvious connection between himself and the Platinum Country, and he could feel some vague situations in the Platinum Country.

For example, he could feel it now, when they left, the Platinum Country entered a state of accelerated time.

If Kane tries his best to perceive now, he can feel that the Platinum Country is developing at an extremely exaggerated speed.

But these feelings are not the most obvious.

"Did you feel it?" Claire said suddenly.

Kane nodded and said, "Sure enough, you shouldn't rely too much on those authorities in the dungeon."

Kane's words were shared by everyone.

In the later period of the Platinum Country, Kane and the others were almost on the verge of becoming god-like existences in the dungeon.

The so-called gold-level enemies can't be defeated, but if there are gold-level enemies, if they fight against Kane and the others in the Platinum Country, they will not be opponents at all.

The strengthening of the five authorities is extremely exaggerated.

Even though Kane and the others became gold after they came out, they still had a feeling of weakening.

Especially when it comes to reliance on authority, even if one’s actions and hearts think about not relying too much on authority, it really happens when the authority disappears.

This kind of inner emptiness, a feeling of weakness and powerlessness, arises inexplicably.

Thinking of this, Kane said: "In the future in the Kingdom of Platinum, unless necessary, don't use authority, just use them to comprehend."

"No problem, it should be like this." Everyone nodded when they heard Kane's words.

Their current reaction is still produced when they deliberately suppress themselves and do not use authority. If they do not suppress it, I don’t know what it will be like now.

Not sure how long it will take to adjust.

For them at the silver level, the corrosiveness of authority is too strong, even if it is deliberately suppressed, it is quickly infecting their body and mind.

But fortunately, when they used their authority, they were already at the top of silver, and they became gold directly after they came out, and these side effects were greatly weakened.

Among them, the suddenly extra senses played the biggest role.

After saying this, everyone almost turned their attention to their most important skills.

That is the source skill that is highly compatible with them. To what extent will the gold-level source skill be strengthened?

Kane didn't use his source skills to feel it first, but directly opened the [Book of Adventure].

Turn to the personal page to view your own attributes, as well as the newly upgraded original skills.



[Level: Gold 1%]

[Martial Skill: Golden Spear Technique]

【Magic Skill:】

[Hawkeye, Martial Intuition, Combo Attack, Death Stare...]

[Skills: Mechanical Structure (Master), Lingming Tongwu...]

【Bloodline: None】

[Skill grid: omitted]

[Original Skill: Shape of the Void]


【Name: Void Shape】

[Category: Origin Skill]

【Color: Gold】

[Description: Spend magic power in any area within 100 meters of the body, mix the air to create a mass of creation out of thin air, spend magic power to shape it into the shape you want.

Creatures created within a range of 100 meters around the body can be controlled by their own thoughts. Once it leaves the range of 100 meters, it will continue to dissipate the magic power generated by the shaped object for a certain period of time until it completely dissipates.

Spend mana to give creations the properties and effects of other common materials.

Spend mana to make creations transparent. 】

[Introduction: The skills specially created by the mist for his warrior Kane are also compensation for the descendants of the victims.

The Mist is satisfied with the potential of Warrior Kane. 】

[Enhanced grid-silver 1: material change-steel]

[Enhanced Grid-Silver 2: Son of Nature]

[Enhanced Grid-Gold 1: Total Reversal]

[Enhanced Grid-Gold 2: Golden Crucible]

[Magic experience bar: 1% gold]

From the perspective of changes in the skill introduction.

The range limit has changed from the previous 10 meters to the current 100 meters, a direct increase of 10 times.

I have to say that this is definitely a huge improvement, 100 meters is completely enough for Kane now.

Fighting against Kane, and playing long-range with Kane from 100 meters away, is almost self-inflicted.

And if you enter a range of 100 meters and fight Kane in melee, it can only be said to hit the muzzle.

And after leaving a distance of 100 meters, it will only start to disappear according to the magic power spent in the creation. Compared with the previous time of only staying for a minute, it is much better now, and there is more free space.

Finally, there is a new feature, spending magic power to make your creations have the properties of other materials.

That is to say, he can make his creatures gain the hardness of steel and the softness of cloth.

Before, whether it was the hardness of steel or the softness of cloth, it was all used by Kane switching on the reinforcement grid through other original skills.

For example, the copper-colored [Material Change] and the silver [Weaving Master].

It's been hard for them to help Kane in head-to-head combat, but once they're placed in the Origin Skill slot, the buffs they give are extremely useful.

Generally speaking, the two biggest improvements of the original skills after upgrading to gold are that the range reaches 100 meters, and simple material changes can be made independently.

In other words, [Master of Weaving] can be completely eliminated, because Kane uses this skill, and the only thing he sees is that he can make Kane's original skill creation obtain the softness and toughness of cloth.

Although this skill has accompanied Kane from the beginning.

And [Material Change] This skill can finally be taken out and upgraded.

With this new feature, even if the material changes are changed after the upgrade, it will still not have much impact.

Then came the strengthening grid, which did not become 6 grids as Kane imagined.

Instead, it has become two gold and two silver, and from the previous skill slots of the same color can only put skill stones of the same color, it has become backward compatible.

That is to say, the silver skill slot can put copper skill stone, and the golden skill slot can also put silver or copper skill stone.

But it is not upward compatible. For example, silver skill slots cannot place golden skill stones.

Although there is no two more skill slots as Kane thought before, but such a change can only be considered better than nothing, it is better than nothing.

He also gave at least two golden grids, as long as there are golden grids to strengthen.

Then Kane began to focus on the change of the source skills.

For this new feature, Kane began to experiment, what kind of material is considered an ordinary material.

First of all, a ball appeared in his hand, and it turned into steel, which was no problem at all.

Iron works, stones, and cloth.

Very common and common materials can be imitated and changed.

Then Kane began to work on composite materials.

Ordinary gold and silver will not work, mithril, which is extremely conductive to magical energy, will not work, and cloud iron, which is extremely light but extremely hard, will not work.

After all, this world is a magical world, and many ore materials have magic involved when they are formed, so they naturally have the characteristics of magic.

And these magical energies impart many interesting properties to these materials.

However, none of these Kane can be changed by imitating the nature of the original skill itself.

These creations of Kane are extremely easy to be destroyed by the enemy, and it is also for this reason.

Ordinary steel creations are already a bit difficult when it comes to silver top-level enemies.

I don't know if this latter feature can be changed by upgrading [Material Change].

The last part is the familiarity of the source skills. Except for Kane, others are already familiar with their new source skills.

Looking at his 100-meter direction, Kane waved his hand, and a round beautifully carved steel column appeared there.

Kane moves it left and right, flips up and down, and continues to shape and fine-tune its shape.

It was found that the consumption was the same as before, and there was no major change.

That is to say, creations within a range of 100 meters have the same consumption regardless of distance.

Then Kane began to create a high-energy sphere and controlled it to fly 100 meters away.

Only to find that his creation can still be controlled after flying 100 meters away, but it takes more energy and energy to control it.

It was not until it flew more than 300 meters away that it completely lost control, no matter how much energy and magic power was spent.

That is to say, his creations can be controlled by his own thoughts within 300 meters, but once it exceeds 100 meters, it will spend more magic and energy according to the distance.

Especially after 200 meters, the magic power and energy spent on manipulation are already several times that of the creation body.

Kane began to perceive the high-energy creation that flew 100 meters away, and roughly how long it would take for it to completely dissipate.

According to the calculation of dissipation, it takes about half an hour for this high-energy object.

But if Kane used a precision manufactured object, depending on the dissipated part, it took the same high energy to manufacture it, and it might be scrapped in less than 10 minutes.

Because the dissipation does not immediately dissipate when it reaches the time, but it will start to dissipate step by step according to the consumption of energy. Once some parts of Kane's mechanical creation are damaged, it will be scrapped directly.

After getting a general idea of ​​his skills, Kane began to look at his teammates.

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