Early in the morning of the next day, Kane came to the explorer's home in the City of Lions alone.

At this time, the front desk of the Explorer's House was once a little sister of Edoma. After Edoma resigned, she was upgraded to become a receptionist.

Kane had seen her several times.

When she saw Kane's arrival, she immediately smiled and said, "Captain Kane, we can go through the formalities for establishing a chapter today. The staffing of the Mist Council has arrived, and there are enough people."

"Really? That's fine."

The reason why Kane came early in the morning was to go through the Chapter formalities that were not completed yesterday.

"I'll handle it for you." At this time, an old and serious voice sounded from the side.

Hearing the sound, the two looked to the side.

The receptionist at the front desk panicked instantly, and immediately bent down and shouted, "President Gordon!"

Gordon nodded: "You go to work first, I will receive him."


Then Gordon said to Kane: "Let's go, young man come with me."

As he spoke, he took Kane to the second floor, and then came to a more luxurious office.

It looks like it should be Gordon's temporary office.

Gordon came to the back of the desk and sat down, then pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Please sit down."

After Kane sat down, Gordon took out a form and handed it to Kane.

After Kane took it, he saw that it was the information used to go through the sponsorship procedures.

"Just fill in the information."

Kane nodded, then picked up the pen and filled it out.

Kane found the various information above to be unusually brief, with little mention of any Chapter's privacy.

Perfectly protects the privacy of various forces.

Just provide the name of the faction and who the leader is.

You can also name the Chapter's location if you like, it doesn't have to be the core or the real location, as long as it can reach you.

There is no requirement to fill in the information of personnel and various members at all, which can be said to be unusually brief.

It's really just a matter of handling and registering, but there should be a process of verifying whether the strength is golden.

However, it was handled by President Gordon himself, and this process can naturally be avoided directly. After all, it is impossible to pretend to be a gold-level strength in front of President Gordon.

After filling out the document, the entire document sheet directly disappears into a light spot.

This means that Kane's Chapter has been created successfully.

Kane looked at the document in his hand that turned into a light spot. Is it that simple?

But of course, Kane is not stupid enough to think that Gordon called himself here to personally go through the procedures for creating a chapter for himself, and there must be other things.

After all, this is the branch president of the Misty Council, and he is also a three-colored boss in terms of strength.

"Congratulations, Captain Kane. Now I have other things to tell you." Gordon still looked at Kane with a serious expression.

Kane nodded: "Go ahead, President Gordon."

Gordon nodded, waved his hand, and a cup of hot tea appeared in front of Kane.

"To be honest, you have become gold in such a short period of time. This is something I have never imagined since the first time I saw you."

"You're a genius, I knew it from the first time I saw you. But it's really beyond my expectations that you became gold in more than two years."

After saying this, Gordon took out a stack of thick file bags from the space equipment and handed it to Kane: "Look, these are all the information about the Ring of the World, you shouldn't be a gold person. Come in and do something."

After becoming a gold rank, it is natural to be able to consult all the information about the Ring of the World.

Kane didn't say much and took over the information directly.

Then he looked directly at it.

Gordon was not in a hurry, but waited beside him, waiting for Kane to take a rough look at the information.

Kane looked at it, and he already knew most of them, but there was still a lot of information that he didn't know, or that he didn't know in detail.

For example, the Ring of the World only allows gold-level explorers and below to enter.

At first, Kane thought that only the gold level was allowed to enter. Later, he learned that the gold level and below can also enter. The reason why Burton said the gold level at that time was because the gold level can bring forces into it.

And the explorers at the silver level or bronze level are almost all followed by the forces with the gold level.

Rarely does one or two teams get in, because if that's the case, it's more rewarding to go and conquer a dungeon or two.

The theme of Ring of the World is conquest and occupation.

Those are all from the real areas that each dungeon has turned into, and the races above will not live in peace with you.

To put it bluntly, these explorers were used by the mist as thugs to subdue those new races and forces in the ring of the world.

However, the wages and remuneration of the thugs are a little too high.

The current national and regional powers were already decided at the time of the Ring of the World.

All gold-level explorers want to become a big force and have a basic territory of their own, and now is the best opportunity.

For example, in the city of lions at the feet of Kane, his master is a gold-level powerhouse.

This powerhouse was the last time the Ring of the World was a thousand years ago, he took this area and built the city.

When the ring of the world dissipates and is completely merged into the world, this is his territory.

It is recognized by the Mist Council and various forces, unless it is said that he has done something bad here that kills innocent people and harms civilians indiscriminately.

As long as it develops normally and steadily, this place will always be his territory and will be inherited by his children from generation to generation.

If some of the original forces in the dungeon have gold-level combat power, they can still keep their race and a regional territory.

If there is no gold-level combat power, then wait for the explorers outside, or other dungeon forces to conquer and occupy it.

That's why it is said that explorers at the silver or bronze level are better to follow the forces.

In this way, at least some loot or some property can be distributed, and if you perform well, you can also get a piece of land, and you can live the rest of your life as a small noble.

Instead of continuing to be an explorer and licking blood with the tip of a knife, most people still prefer a stable and prosperous life.

It's better to go to clear the dungeon if you act alone, you can get energy and equipment to improve your strength.

The reason why the color-level powerhouses above the gold level are not allowed to enter is because the ecological damage that these powerhouses can cause is too exaggerated.

And the color level is in, so what else can these gold-level people do?

In order to maintain the upward vitality of the entire society of the whole world, the fog restricts the entry of the strong with color-level strength.

As for the color-level powerhouses within the Ring of World itself, Misty has already paid a sealing fee to prevent them from taking action.

When the world is officially opened, there is a huge large-scale battlefield surrounding the entire world.

For thousands of years, the huge foggy world does not know how many gold-level powerhouses have emerged, nor how many new forces, large and small, have appeared.

There are also many old-fashioned forces that already have their own territory.

They will all enter the ring of the world one after another, and for their own ambitions, the resource forces will make a big move.

And inside the Ring of World, its own various forces are even more than those outside.

This is the area where the dungeons that have been cleared for thousands of years are stacked together, and the number is completely inestimable.

They also have such needs, either to defend themselves or to expand their power.

The only thing that is fortunate is that these wars are confined within the ring of the world and will not affect the stable and peaceful environment outside.

"Well, let's finish it."

Hearing President Gordon's voice, Kane nodded: "Inevitably, is it a once-a-thousand-year war?"

"Good summary."

At this time, Kane asked curiously: "Has President Gordon experienced the last Ring of the World?"

For Kane's question, Gordon didn't think there was anything difficult to answer.

"Of course I experienced it. At that time, I was just like you. I just stepped into the gold level, but I didn't have time to create a force at that time."

Speaking of which, Gordon's face also showed a memory expression, but I don't see his expression as a good memory.

"It can definitely be called a meat grinder, especially in some areas with special resources. And the forces I used to be in were also wiped out by the original forces of the dungeon."

"The last World Ring war lasted for a total of 20 years before it finally stabilized. Later I learned that only about 30% of the explorers who entered the World Ring survived."

"However, the missing 70% was quickly replenished in the following decades, even stronger than before."

Having said this, Gordon also sighed.

"But what I called you to come here is, you should know that you will be the primary opener of the Ring of Worlds, right?"

Hearing Gordon's words, Kane nodded, which he still knew.

Many people who know him have told him as long as their strength and status reach a certain level.

Whether it is the master of the Mechanical Association, or Burton.

As the opener and clearer of the first dungeon in the border area, Kane is very important in both practical and symbolic meaning.

If Kane doesn't achieve gold, he's a mascot that will be fought over by various forces.

Many large-scale forces have long been eyeing him, but the momentum of Kane's development along the way is somewhat beyond their imagination.

Until Kane achieved gold, all these sights were removed, and they carefully considered whether they had the strength to accommodate this Buddha.

If Kane joins these forces, the privileges he gains will also become the privileges of these forces.

This is why Burton hopes that he can build his own power.

"In addition to some important occasions and opening ceremonies that require you, you also have this privilege, you should know it."

Kane nodded: "I know some, but I don't know what the specific privilege is."

"This is what I came to find you, and now I will tell you, the privileges you have, because you already have power, that is the privilege of the power you are in now. And your power will get the earliest entry qualification , you must be the first to enter the ring of the world." Gordon said, and then he took out a world map from the space equipment.

And beckoned Kane to come and watch with him.

I just came over and found that this world map is very different from the public one.

Because this world map is changing and dynamic.

And the whole world has been expanded a lot, and there is a large circle of new areas outside the world map, but this large circle of areas is shrouded in white fog.

"This is the map that the mist personally descended." Gordon said, pointing to the world map in front of him.

Then he took out a small orb and handed it to Kane: "This is Mist's wish orb."

"The privilege you have is this dynamic map, and this wish orb."

Wait until Kane collects these two items.

"I believe that you can't wait to go back and check it now, so I won't disturb you. I will notify you when the opening ceremony of the Ring of the World is on. Be sure to check the "Ring of the World" journal at any time."

Then Kane left the office directly.

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