Inside the Ring of the World.

A high-lying area with a flat, fertile land.

Half of this plain is surrounded by a small mountain range, surrounded by a large area of ​​clean water and dense vegetation.

The plain in the middle is definitely an extremely perfect habitat.

Just in the middle of the plain, a militarized town can be seen.

There is not a single civilian in the town, all are soldiers of the Knights with silver strength, thousands of them are all like this.

However, many soldiers can also be seen, taking off their armor, and planting and harvesting on the surrounding fertile land.

There was a thriving busy scene all around.

Bonona was riding a warhorse at this time, and beside her was Abby, the general of the Knights.

The two were observing something in the residences around the gathering place, and they kept wandering back and forth in the whole area, looking around.

Suddenly, a strong light flashed around the distant mountain wall, and then quickly disappeared.

This strong light was unusually conspicuous, and the soldiers patrolling around saw it.

Kane, who was waiting in the conference room of the guild hall, opened his eyes immediately.

Seeing Kane's movement, Claire and the others immediately cast their gazes.

Kane has felt it, he has felt the coming of the Platinum Country.

"The time of the Platinum Country has been accelerated."

Claire and the others immediately stood up excitedly.

Kane stood up and said with a smile, "Let's go, everyone."

Saying that, he waved his hand directly, and everyone present, plus Kane, immediately disappeared in place.

When they reappeared, they were already in the former Platinum Palace.

Kane directly sent everyone from the guild hall to the country of platinum.

As Kane entered the kingdom of platinum, the platinum crown inlaid with five-color gems floated directly out and was automatically worn on Kane's head.

It symbolizes Kane's control over the dungeon.

With the crown, Kane felt the surging power pouring into his body in an instant. After the world recovered, the power and authority provided even increased.

Not only Kane, but Claire and the others were also impacted by powerful forces, and the authority that Kane shared has never been taken back in their bodies.

It's just that I haven't experienced it for a few days, and this power is even more attractive and powerful.

They quickly suppressed the desires in their hearts, and even suppressed these powers through meticulous investigations, confining them within their own bodies.

Excessive feelings and the use of rules and authority that they do not grasp and understand will make them lost, make their own strength decline, and affect their mentality and battle.

As everyone descended into the Platinum Palace.

Many strong people in the country of platinum felt it, because Kane and their arrival made the world cheer and cheer.

Similar to a core homing feeling, the world is more alive.

And they themselves felt that the time film that wrapped the world was gone, that is to say, the time acceleration that Kane once said had disappeared.

"Today's meeting is here, Peddie, let's go." Heidilin, who was far away in the conference room of the government hall, immediately stood up and said.

Then he took Peddy and walked towards the Platinum Palace on the Blue Eye outside the capital.

The lake below the Platinum Palace was called the Blue Eye by the people at this time.

Not only Heidilin, Kansk and others, but also the elders of giant trees far outside the capital circle felt it.

However, some people are a little far away from the capital now and can't come as soon as possible.

After Kane and the others came to the palace, they just suppressed the power in their bodies.

Hearing the sound of hurried footsteps, more than a dozen children of the moon rushed in.

This is the Moon Child Janissary Guard who has been staying in the palace.

Kane and the others have not seen each other for nearly a week, but for Moon Child, Kane and the others have been away for 10 years.

"Your Majesty!" Moy's excited voice sounded.

They wanted to rush in, and then restrained their thoughts, all kneeling on the ground one by one.

"Welcome to His Majesty's return!"

Kane was also used to the names of these people, and then waved to them.

"Okay, everyone get up."

When they got up, they immediately gathered around excitedly.

Looking at Moy next to him, Kane smiled and touched her head. Looking at her smile, he felt that the corner of his clothes was being pulled.

Then he turned his head and saw Lu Ya looking at him.

The other one also touched her head when she was free.

"Tell me how long have we been gone?"

Kane asked.

Hearing Kane's question, Moy immediately replied: "His Majesty and the princes have been away for 10 years, and it will be 11 years in a few days."

"It's been so long." Kane muttered to himself.

Afterwards, Kane said: "Let's go out and see what has changed here after 11 years of absence."

After that, Kane walked out of the palace with Claire and the others, followed by Moy and the others.

The first feeling when I came out was that I could clearly feel the magical energy permeating the air of this world.

The magic energy is more active and fuller.

Much better than the poor feeling they left when they left, plus the Platinum Palace and its surroundings were the first areas to be restored.

The magic energy here has obviously exceeded the outside world and has reached a relatively high level.

Look up into the sky.

Blue sky and white clouds and soft sunshine, golden sun.

Even the sky looked cleaner than when they had left, not as gray and foggy as before.

They walked towards the edge of the slab where the palace was located.

Along the way, Kane and the others could see the surroundings, whether it was furniture, walls or floors, they were all very clean. Explain that the children of the moon and the others often come in to clean, so that the entire palace is kept in a clean state.

Standing on the edge, Yu Wu, who was around the bottom of the plate, just barely covered his feet, and standing on the edge could just see the capital not far away.

Speaking of Kane, they left without naming the capital.

After so long, this city should also have its own name.

"What's the name of this city now?" Kane turned his head and asked Moy next to him.

"Newborn, this city is called the City of Newborn."

Hearing Moy's words, Kane said, "A freshman, a good name."

At this time, you can already see a large area of ​​various plants not far from the capital. You can see that many people are busy in these plant forests. They are very familiar with these plants, Kane.

After all, they have all eaten and tasted in restaurants around the world. It is also the seeds that they personally go to obtain.

The entire capital city is more prosperous than before.

The former capital, after all, was built by Kane himself, with few details and only a larger frame.

Although the entire capital looked magnificent, it was very monotonous and lifeless.

And now the capital is more like a large capital, not as rigid as when Kane left.

It can be seen that many places left by Kane have buildings. Compared with the past, various distinctive landmarks have also been built in the capital.

The style of the entire capital is relatively uniform, but many differences can be roughly seen from many places.

After all, the entire capital is home to almost all the races left in this world.

At this time, Kane turned his head, looked at Moy beside him and said, "Moy, you guys have become a lot stronger, very good."

The first time Kane saw Moy and the others, he already saw the strength of Moy and the others. It has changed from the first silver level when he left, to the current silver peak or even a bottleneck.

However, it is certain that the children of the moon will not be like this. There should only be the dozen or so in front of them. After all, they can be called the most powerful group of the children of the moon.

Hearing Kane's praise, Moy and the others also withdrew from the serious state of being a little adult before, smiling silly.

At this time, Kane saw a few white clouds carrying some people flying up.

"It seems that they have sensed that we are coming, let's go, let's go back to the palace first."

Then Kane and the others returned to the palace and sat down in the large space of the living room.

After a while, Heidilin and the others walked in with a group of people.

After entering, Qi Qi knelt down on one knee in front of Kane.

"Congratulations on the return of Your Majesty!"

"Okay, sit down and tell me what has changed here in the years we left."

Although it is still possible to watch the changes of the entire Platinum Country more accurately through the detailed data on the territory page.

However, Kane still has to listen to the officials in front of him to say it again, the cold data will not change too much.

"Your Majesty, because of the preparations you made when you left, we have recovered very quickly in these years."

"As far as the current population is concerned, we have enough food, and there is even a lot of surplus."

"After the world recovered, the rules subsided, and now almost every household has a newborn, and many have three or four children."

"And after you left, those races who were still avoiding the war in the places you left behind were picked up by us."

"The current population has reached more than 300,000, but most of them are children, but the future is promising."

After listening to Heidilin's report, Kane nodded.

Heidilin's report is not much different from what Kane saw on the territory page.

"Well done, Heidiline."

After finishing speaking, Kane looked at Heidilin carefully and said, "You have been promoted, congratulations, then this can be regarded as a reward for you."

As soon as Kane's voice fell, a ray of light flew from the crown above his head, shot at Heidilin and then submerged in her body.

That is a fast track that can be used to quickly comprehend the rules. For Heidilin, who has been promoted to gold, this is definitely a rare opportunity.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Afterwards, Kane said: "Your next task is to try to grow more food, to forge more weapons and equipment and various logistics materials."

The reason why Kane did it was also to prepare for the future Ring of the World. The entrance and exit of the Kingdom of Platinum fell on the site of the Knights in the Ring of the World at this time.

When Kane entered the Platinum Country, he knew some of the rules of entry and exit.

Although the country of platinum falls within the ring of the world, the living forces within the country of platinum cannot go out.

Including Kane who was teleported in, they also couldn't go out through the overlapping area of ​​the Platinum Country.

It must remain in this state until the Ring of Worlds dissipates. But the materials are not among them. Kane can put the materials there through the overlapping area, and then let the knights from the outside world take them out.

There is no problem with this operation at all, it can be regarded as a compensation from the foggy world.

This can also be regarded as an advantage for Kane.

Although Heidilin didn't know why Kane and the others made such a request, she simply agreed to Kane's order and did it.

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