"Is this the recruitment site for the Lantern Corps?"

A young knight in heavy armor entered the lantern building in front of him and asked.

He was followed by 4 players with different occupations.

They are a team of explorers who have just entered the silver level and came to Kane and their guild residence.

At this time, the lantern was raised, and there were already several explorer teams in the building, and they were all waiting quietly beside them. They are all explorers who want to join the Lantern Warband.

Entoma sat in the hall and nodded as she looked at the four teams that had gathered in front of her.

"The number is enough. Now he will lead you to the training ground for a simple interview, as well as a strength test. As long as you pass the test, you can join the battle group."

Hearing Edoma's words, the elf shooter Chase stood up next to him and nodded to the teams: "Now, come with me."

As he spoke, he took these teams and walked towards the training ground at the border of the City of Lions.

Since these few days are the days when Kane and the others are recruiting, the largest training ground in the City of Lions was directly packaged by Kane and the others and used as a testing venue.

When Chase came to the gate of the training ground with 4 teams.

I just saw a team of explorers coming out of it.

The equipment on this team of explorers looked a little embarrassed, but there were no scars on their bodies.

"The test is just the test, why is it so hard to start?"

"Okay, let's go, whoever told you to offend them, don't be ashamed here."

Hearing the words of his captain, the strong man who just spoke had to speed up and follow.

Looking at this scene, Ches smiled awkwardly at the person behind him.

The few newly joined teams that followed Chase couldn't help but feel a little panic in their hearts.

In particular, one of the squads has a good investigator, he whispered to his teammates.

"The strength of that team just now was at its peak silver."

Hearing the words of their teammates, the other teammates panicked even more. And the people around were very close, and most of them heard this sentence.

This made them nervous before they even started the test. None of their four teams reached their peak.

This group of silver peak-level explorers who came out head-on, you don't have to think about it, you know that they must also be the explorers who want to join the lantern battle group, but looking at their dingy appearance, they must have suffered.

This makes them weaker, of course panic.

They wanted to join the Lantern Warband, mainly because they heard about some of Kane's deeds, and they were also a warband created in the border area.

I feel that although this is a newly created chapter, the creators still have great potential, so I want to come and try the water.

Not to mention there is also a regional effect. Of course, people born in border areas are more willing to join local forces.

Although many forces are now beginning to settle in the border areas, they are foreigners after all.

"Okay, everyone, let's go in."

Hearing what Chase said in front of them, everyone had no choice but to pack up and go in in a better state.

At this time, the interior of the training ground.

Lombe, who had just finished testing a team, walked to the side to rest.

After taking a sip of water, he couldn't help complaining: "How come the team you joined is so weak, the one just now had a tough mouth. As a result, the strength is actually not as good as the members of the Knights of the Lantern, you must know that they are all in their silver peaks. Is it?"

Amis, who has been watching, said: "This is the strength of most explorers, and the strength shown is actually not equal to the real strength.

The members of the Lantern Knights are considered to be the backbone of the explorer's strength queue of the same level, especially their cooperation is very good. "

Kane couldn't help sighing next to him, but in fact, the reputation of their chapter was not very loud enough, despite the blessings of Kane and the others.

But some powerful people will definitely want to join some better forces, almost never think about battle groups, most of them think about guilds.

After all, Kane and the others are just a newly established chapter. In the eyes of outsiders, even if it is good, where can it go?

Kane is now a little fortunate that they have performed very well in the [Eternal Victory Battlefield] before, otherwise they may not be able to achieve such a situation now, let alone harvest Raphael and his team.

With the strength of Rafael and the others about to advance to gold, it is unlikely that they will join Kane and the others. If it wasn't that time, it really beat them.

After their discussions a few days ago, today is actually the second day of recruiting.

There were a lot of people who wanted to join them within two days, but none of them met the requirements, which made Kane a little disappointed.

Although Kane had some hunch, he didn't expect it to be so tragic.

Thinking of this, Kane couldn't help turning his head to Amis and asked, "What about the person you recommended? Why hasn't he come yet, won't his strength let us down?"

"Don't worry, President, I have received their reply this morning, saying that it is already on the way. The strength is definitely up to the standard." Amis said teasingly, she also knew that the current situation was a little embarrassing.

"That's fine, alas."

Kane did not expect that ordinary explorers would be so weak.

They used to focus on exploring dungeons and rarely deal with explorers. Even if they were dealing with people like Amis, they never thought that the strength of ordinary explorers was so poor.

Worse than Kane thought.

At this time, another wave of people came in at the door. It was Chase, who came in with a new batch of people who wanted to join the battle group.

This time it was Kane's turn to be the tester.

So Kane went straight up, his eyes turned into eagle-like pupils, looking at the strength of the group in front of him.

One team entered silver, two teams were medium silver, and one team was advanced silver.

He said directly to the 20 people in front of him: "The first test of joining a battle group is strength. I will score according to your respective strengths. If you have enough strength, you can enter the next stage of the test."

The next stage of the test is actually to let Li Lulu take a look at their personalities. As long as there is no problem with their personalities, it will be considered a success.

Then Kane stretched out his hands, and 4 humanoid mechas were constructed.

The weapon used by each mecha is a pair of iron fists, and the body size is only about two and a half meters, all of which are operated by Kane himself.

However, these mechas are a little thin, and it can be seen that they have very agile skills.

But don't underestimate these mechas, the materials they use are all imitated rock steel with the highest hardness.

Kane will increase or decrease the strength of the mecha according to the strength level of each team to achieve a certain balance.

After all, the difference between the first entry silver and the silver peak is still a bit big.

"These 4 mechas are your opponents, each team chooses one to fight directly, and go on together."

After Kane finished speaking, the four teams didn't bother and started to do it directly.

Then in less than a minute, the two teams were directly beaten down by the mecha.

Seeing this scene, Kane couldn't help sighing again.

These teams not only have problems with their strength, but also the configuration of the teams. It wasn't until the past two days that Kane discovered that many of the explorer team configurations were extremely problematic.

In fact, many ordinary explorer teams do not have healing professions, and healing professions are relatively rare among explorers.

And these explorers will only carry out some simple division of labor, and their own strength and origin skills do not necessarily match.

It feels like the whole team is very reluctant to form.

Two minutes later, another team was hammered down.

And these teams that were beaten down were instantly healed by Metzker, who was waiting beside them.

Kane looked at the last remaining team on the field, but he didn't expect it to be the silver team that had just entered the field.

Manipulating the mecha was another heavy blow, hitting a explorer in front of him.

The explorer was a young man dressed as a knight, and a phantom appeared on the shield again, weakening the power of the blow.

Finally, the shield used a trick to unload the force and successfully blocked a heavy blow.

The teammates behind him were also unambiguous, and immediately seized the opportunity to conduct a wave of fire.

Kane found that the explorer team, although there was no bright spot, was very stable.

And the configuration of this team is also very normal, it can almost be said to be relatively comprehensive.

A main front-line defender, with a fighter next to him, a mage, an archer, and a healer in the rear.

Very perfect and formal.

And everyone can play their due role very stably.

Kane looked more and more interesting, slightly increased the strength of the mecha, and continued to attack.

After 5 minutes, the team collapsed from exhaustion.


Hearing Kane's call, Li Lulu flew over instantly.

"How? How? Did they succeed?" Li Lulu asked excitedly.

It was supposed to take on a very important responsibility, but it never came to fruition.

Now that she can finally play a role, Li Lulu is of course excited.

Kane nodded.

And the other five explorers who fell to the ground were healed by Metzker in an instant.

Standing up, he couldn't help but touched his body: "What an exaggerated treatment efficiency."

The headed heavy knight couldn't help but say that he was the captain of this explorer team.

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw Li Lulu flying over.

Then I saw the little fairy staring at them, then nodded and flew back again.

Kane looked at Li Lulu who came back and nodded to him, then walked towards the team of explorers.

"You have successfully passed, so are you sure you want to join our warband?"

Kane's words surprised the team of explorers in front of them. They thought that if they were defeated, they would have failed. Didn't they think it was a success?

He nodded quickly and said, "Of course, of course we want to join."

Hearing their words, Kane smiled, then shook hands and said, "Then welcome you, new companions, I am the Chapter Master Kane of the Chapter."

It was followed by a series of process stamps, and then dragged them into the guild hall and handed them over to Entoma.

After finishing the work, Claire came over and asked, "How is this team of explorers?"

Kane nodded and said: "Very good, although their strength has just entered the silver, but the combat effectiveness is only slightly inferior to that of the Lantern Knights, when they reach the peak of silver, they must be Stronger than the Knights of the Lantern, it meets our recruitment requirements."

After two days, a team of qualified explorers was finally recruited, which made Kane somewhat relieved.


Finally after 5 days of recruitment.

The recruited explorers are indeed somewhat unsatisfactory.

There are three new members in total.

One was recommended by Amis, and the other two were tested by Kane and the others over the past few days, and only two passed.

After that, Raphael and his team recommended it, but because the place they recommended was in a special area, and they needed to go through transportation to leave, it took some time to arrive.

Overall, this recruitment was a bit of a failure.

It is much less than Kane and the others expected.

The team recommended by Amis and the others was a little weaker than Amis and the others, but it was definitely stronger than Kane and the others.

Of the two teams recruited, one is the pair of first-time silver explorers who were first harvested.

The other team is the silver peak period. This one can be regarded as a surprise. Generally speaking, their strength has reached the level of Amis and the others.

They were also the participants of the previous [Eternal Victory Battlefield]. They heard about Kane's recruitment of their chapter and came to join them specially.

The next open recruitment will only be done when the fame of Kane and his guild is truly established.

Let’s implement the recommendation system first, and let the guild members recommend if there are suitable ones.

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