Extract Skills and Explore Dungeons (Random Skills: Exploring Dungeons)

Chapter 609 The second phase of the battle begins

Kane calmed down, then looked around.

Just saw outside a small tent, Lumbe was waving the hammer in his hand.

Lumbe put away the hammer and looked at Kane who came over: "Good brother, it seems that this time the harvest is not small. It took so long, haha."

"Of course, Lumbe, what about Claire and the others? I have something to discuss with you." Kane said with a smile.

"You wait, I'll call them out."

Speaking of Lumbe, he disappeared in place, and after a while, Claire and the others teleported out.

Seeing that everyone is here, Kane said: "My skills have been strengthened, I may need to stay here for a while, and then we will kill the other two leaders together."

Kane plans to thoroughly research the newly upgraded skills here, and then use more metal to construct more powerful weapons.

He is now full of inspiration, and the new skills can almost solve many of the problems he faced before.

But these all take time, and the time spent is not short. Kane must make some trade-offs based on the current situation.

In any case, at least they need to stay for a while, so that at least the subsequent battles can be made faster.

After all, Kane's weapon has reached the point where it has to be upgraded. Fighting enemies in the golden stage can only cause harassment and scraping.

"Okay, no problem." Claire nodded in agreement.

The remaining Lilulu and the others nodded in agreement, and there is nothing wrong with staying here for a while.

Claire and the others don't care about these, waiting for some time will not cause them any loss, after all, it is related to the efficiency of passing through the level later.

And allowing Kane to discuss with them to stay for a period of time at this time, it must be skills that have brought great changes to Kane.

This change must be very important, otherwise we would not have discussed it with them at this time.

The time spent will definitely become Kane's more powerful capital, and it is worth it.

Now wait for two more weeks, and then you will be able to pass the customs at a faster speed, why not do it? Anyway, time is never wasted for them.

After all, although they stay here, they are not resting or playing in place.

With the guild hall and the Platinum Kingdom as a springboard, they can enter the Platinum Kingdom at any time to understand the rules.

At this time, the importance of the guild hall is fully reflected. Even if they stay in the dungeon, it will not affect them from becoming stronger.

They can even deal with some outside things, just need to transfer through the guild hall.

Time is always on their side, and there is no possibility of wasting it.

"Okay, since you all agree, let's rest here for a while."

After speaking, Kane directly spent magic power to create a permanent wooden house around.

Everyone used this wooden house as a temporary rest area, and entered the guild hall through him.

The reason for changing it into a permanent existence is that after all, Kane himself has to enter the guild hall, and there will be no good resting place outside by then.

Then everyone arranged their shifts and groups to be on duty outside.

They all carefully excluded Kane. After all, Kane has important things to do now, and the simple warning is left to them.

After the points were settled, Kane entered the guild hall alone.

He needs to conduct his undivided study in his personal space.


After two weeks.

During this period of time, Kane finally fully explored his skills.

With the help of Lumbe and Burton, he collected a lot of rare materials, and knew many rare materials that he didn't know before.

Although Lumbe doesn't like forging, he is a dwarf after all. He has a very high level of research on ores. You must know that his skills include ore identification skills.

Burton is also a dwarf, and has a certain amount of research on forging and ore.

With the help of the two, and Entoma and the others transported some materials through the guild.

Within a few days Kane had gathered as many of the various materials as he needed.

Classification is carried out and the required ones are studied and simulated in advance.

Several weapons were finally completed before. For various reasons, almost all of them were not strong enough or did not meet the requirements.

Now it's finally done. Of course, it's still in the dungeon after all, so Kane just made a few weapons that are only one or two steps away.

This weapon should be enough to clear the dungeon, at least it can be regarded as a big step to increase his attack power.

In any case, the situation of Gua Sha will not appear again.

Kane walked out of the personal space, did not find Claire and the others, and then teleported out of the guild hall.

Appeared in the wooden house built before.

Everyone is here.

Claire and the others saw Kane appearing, and it seemed that the waiting time was about to end.

"Okay, friends, it's time to clear the level."

Kane said with a smile.

"It seems that this period of time has gained a lot, good brother." Lumbe patted Kane's thigh beside him and said with a smile.

Claire and the others were also curious about what kind of secret weapon Kane had prepared.

You know, Kane locked himself in his personal space for a long time.

I have reached the state of forgetting to eat and sleep when I was studying various things before. If I didn't know the gold-level physique, I could persist for a long time without drinking or eating.

They probably all thought Kane was starving to death in his personal space.

But now that Kane is ready, they don't wait any longer. After all, the rest time has been long enough, it is time to clear this dungeon.

After a simple meal, Kane filled his stomach.

Then everyone packed up and walked out of the room.

As for this wooden house, let’s keep it here as a souvenir.


At this time, it was not far in front of Kane and the others.

"Death bald, did you beat the person who came in this time badly? I clearly feel that he has died back. Why has it been so long and no one has come?"

A young man in armor and holding a silver spear said strangely.

He was lying in a hammock between two trees with a twig in his mouth. The whole person basked in the wisps of sunlight cast from the woods and grumbled lazily.

Then close your eyes and feel for a while.

The tone became even more puzzled: "It's strange, I didn't go back, it's not far away, why hasn't it moved?"

"Oh, I can't get out of this circle, or I'll go directly to them."

This is a relatively wide plain, overgrown with weeds, the only plants that grow above the knees are the few big trees around him.

And this space is also covered by a semi-circular transparent film.

It is exactly the same as the film on the wooden arena before, it seems that he is also restricted here.

"Oh! Moved, moved, came to me, oops, I can finally move my body, otherwise I will feel rusty."

The young man said happily, then jumped off the hammock, came to the center of the small plain, picked up the spear and waited in place.

At this time, his whole temperament has undergone a huge change, and he is no longer the frivolous and frivolous attitude before.

It looks like a victorious general who has been victorious in all battles.

Just after a while, Kane and the others came to the front of the film, looking at the enemy who had been waiting for them in the center for a long time.

"Is he getting impatient for waiting?" Lumbe looked at the enemy in the middle and said inexplicably.

Kane used the Archangel's breath, then turned his head and said: "Then you have to pray, he will hit you softly later."

"Don't be crow-mouthed."

As the phantom of the angel appeared in the sky, they breathed out towards Kane and the others, and everyone began to apply various buffs to themselves.

"Li Lulu just hopes that he won't be another enemy who is immune to magic." Li Lulu said, waving a magic wand beside her.

The bald man from before was immune to magic, making Li Lulu an audience.

"How can there be two enemies with exactly the same rules? This should not happen." Claire said uncertainly beside her.

Kane threw out three smart cores, and began to build weapons around the smart cores: "Okay, let's go in."

Speaking of which, everyone arranged their formation, held their weapons tightly, and walked into the film in front of them.

As Kane and the others entered, the enemy standing in the center picked up their spears and stomped hard towards the ground.

A little impatient.

With the impact of the spear, a burst of blood-red power rapidly spread around in a circular shape, pressing hard on Kane and the others.

The wind pressure brought Kane and the others couldn't help narrowing their eyes slightly.

Full of fighting spirit in the power and influence, frantically eager to fight.

"I hope you can let me experience the joy of fighting, otherwise I can only listen to your painful wailing."

The young man in armor pointed at Kane and the others with a bright silver spear.

"I am Congyun, the one who killed you."

As the young general spoke, he raised his spear and rushed towards Kane and the others at an extremely fast speed.

Since the enemy was about the same size as them, Lombe only slightly made himself stronger and entered the titan state.

Holding a golden shield in his hand, he was ready to receive the enemy's attack head-on.

The tip of the spear quickly touched the golden shield, but a strange scene appeared.

Lumbe didn't feel too much force from his shield, he just felt a slight bump from someone.

Then the tip of the spear shot out a ray of light, hitting Lombe's shoulder in an arc.

Lumbe, who was shot by this ray of light, began to lose control of his figure, and his whole body was twisting and changing, even shrinking.

Watching this scene, Metzker directly sprinkled a lot of magic particles and potions in the direction of Lumbe.

Claire had already picked up the flying wings to face the blade, and collided with the enemy to prevent the enemy from attacking Lumbe.

The huge force of the spear directly swept Claire away. A rainbow-colored ray quickly shot at Congyun's shoulder.

A piece of the scapula is missing directly, and the surrounding area is sunken downward.

Enemies have magic resistance, but not magic immunity, which is good news.

However, Lumbe directly turned into a long-tused wild boar with a body length of half a meter.

"Hum hum!"

Anxiously let out a pig cry.

Another bottle of medicine was smashed open on his body, and the medicine dripped on his body and poured into his body.

But it didn't work.

Metzker, who watched this scene, shouted loudly: "It's a rule. One of his rules is to force people into wild boars. Be careful!"

However, Claire, who had fought back and forth with the enemy a few times and had some scars on her body, did not suffer the same experience as Lombe.

Congyun swept away with another blow, and then propped up a layer of magic shield, blocking the attacks of Claire and Lilulu, as well as the missiles falling from above.

"It's not turning into a wild boar, it's turning into the animal most similar to him."

He still has time to explain for Kane and the others.

Then he continued: "Don't worry, you can only force one person to become like this. I hate people with shields."

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