The endless blue sky, the golden sun hangs in the sky.

Today's sunshine is very good, but it doesn't feel hot and dry, but can feel the coolness in the air.

Brilliant golden sunlight sprinkled from the sky on the platinum palace made of white material, making the whole palace look resplendent.

With his back facing the early morning sun, Kane could feel the warmth of the sun shining on him. Standing on the edge of the Platinum Palace, he looked at the capital not far below.

The capital of Platinum Country in the morning is very lively, with various races coming and going on the streets.

A train propelled by magic, stepped on the rails, came from a distance, and slowly entered the railway station on the edge of the capital.

Since the population of the Platinum Country has only recovered to about 300,000, the railway station is not used for carrying people, but for transporting supplies.

All kinds of logistics materials, food, clothing, and various metals were dragged into boxes and boxes into the cargo compartment at the back of the train.

These things will be transported to what was once Zoro Rothtan, which has now become a place where it meets the Ring of the World.

Kane, who was standing on the edge, suddenly disappeared, leaving only the golden light shining on the place where he stood before.

At this time, Kane came to the capital below in the blink of an eye, and was already standing in front of a building.

There are not many residents around here, but there are soldiers who come and go on patrol.

In front of him is a building located in the fringe area of ​​the capital.

Its structure is a pure white tower, with a height of 23 meters by visual inspection. On the white wall, there is also a logo made of golden gears. The center of the gears is the national emblem of the Platinum Kingdom.

The current national emblem of the Kingdom of Platinum is a simpler symbol of two triangles overlapping up and down, and the overall color is platinum.

There are many soldiers guarding the periphery of the tower, and the existence of Moon Son can even be seen in some hidden places.

You must know that the current Son of the Moon has a relatively high status in the Platinum Country. After all, their strength is among the best among the existing intelligent beings in the Platinum Country.

Kane just looked at the building in front of him with his hands behind his back, and this building can also be called his masterpiece.

A cavalry captain wearing platinum luster armor saw Kane coming, and immediately greeted him, then half-kneeled down.

The soldiers patrolling with him behind him also saluted.

"His Majesty!"

"Well, get up, you can just do your own thing, don't worry about me."

Kane helped the captain up and said with a smile, patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the white tower on his own.

When the surrounding soldiers saw Kane coming, they all stopped and saluted.

After entering the white tower, there is no room on the first floor, but an open space, with a slightly raised circular stone slab in the center.

Looking at the neat gap between the stone slab and the surrounding ground, as well as the lifting structure next to it, one can tell that it is an elevator for ascending and descending.

As Kane walked up the elevator, he did not rise up, but slowly fell down.

As the stone slab sank, the surroundings fell into darkness, and after about ten seconds, light finally appeared again.

At this time, there is a huge space below, and the occupied area is larger than the White Tower above.

Kane didn't stop to control the elevator, but continued to sink down. Only then did he realize that the underground building was not a single layer, but a multi-layer superimposed on top of each other.

It was not until the elevator reached the 4th floor that it stopped slowly.

There are many staff in these, most of them are wearing white clothes, conducting various researches and experiments in various rooms.

This is the research institute of the Platinum Kingdom, which was already built when Kane and the others left 10 years ago.

This underground building was also built by Kane through the creation authority at that time.

All kinds of knowledge about machinery and magic here were brought by Kane from the outside world, and mainly scanned by Yoyo.

Yoyo scanned how much knowledge he had, and maybe Kane himself didn't know it, only that Kane's magic power was almost emptied in order to compile this knowledge into a book.

These books are now housed in the great libraries of the capital.

The goal of this research institute is to create some inventions that are convenient for people's livelihood.

After all, this place can only be regarded as having just started for 10 years. Before that, there was almost no knowledge about machinery here.

Moreover, research on magic is also limited. Hundreds of years of wars have made people always care about their own food and clothing and the safety of their lives.

It can be seen that there are several gear clans who are the same as the steel armor. They are some lucky leftovers in the genocidal war at that time, and they were saved from death.

These few gear groups are the cornerstone of the research institute. Each of them has some mechanical knowledge and a good research talent.

Seeing Kane's arrival, a gear family with gray-white armor came over, and the overall figure was slimmer than the steel armor.

And he is the person in charge here, and he is also the one with the highest mechanical knowledge in Platinum, responsible for some important research.

"Your Majesty, you are here."

"Well." Kane nodded, and then said: "Show me your latest research results, the one you asked me to help solve before."

Hearing Kane's words, the person in charge of the research institute in front of him immediately nodded, and then walked ahead to lead Kane.

All the researchers along the way stopped and saluted the two of them.

The person in charge took Kane all the way to a room dedicated to displaying results.

Standing in front of a display stand, he pointed to the items on it and said.

"Your Majesty, this is our latest seeding robot. It is because of the simple intelligent core provided by His Majesty some time ago that we have made a breakthrough, and it is now in use."

The person in charge of the institute pointed to a round robot floating on the table in front of him and said.

This research institute is solely under the authority of Kane himself. Except for some requests from Kane, most of the research is required by the outside world.

They don't listen to others, but they who are just starting out sometimes encounter some difficult problems, and they will tell Kane at this time.

Except for those that Kane thinks they can research on their own, Kane will pick some of the problems that are too many for these researchers to help solve.

Among them is the problem of intelligent core.

These intelligent cores are the simplest kind, using a soul-gathering method developed by Kane through gold skills.

Even without the presence of Kane, it is possible to gather souls, and then use a simple magic circle and some continuous magic to construct it into an intelligent core, but the intelligent core produced is too crude.

But it is definitely enough for these simple robots to automatically perform some functions.

After all, this kind of intelligent core does not require Kane to participate, or even Kane to use skills.

It is Kane's observation skills. After careful study and study, he deduces a simple version of the structure.

In this case, of course, you can't expect too much, just use it.

There is no way to develop this kind of robot. After all, the population is too small. More than half of the 300,000 population are underage children, all of whom are studying in the academy.

Among the remaining hundreds of thousands of adults, there are even less than 1,000 elderly people. After all, it is impossible for the elderly to survive the war that has been delayed for hundreds of years.

And among these hundreds of thousands of adults, there are tens of thousands of soldiers with bronze or even silver level strength.

The land around the capital was handed over to these adults for cultivation, but it was still not enough. Too many jobs need people.

The whole world is in ruins.

All kinds of robots that can help these people work must be developed as soon as possible, especially regarding planting.

After all, the current positioning of the Platinum Country has been fixed since 10 years ago, and it will become the logistics base of the Ring of the World in the next time.

The most important thing is the supply of various foods.

So the first thing to develop is a robot that helps planting, and more land will be able to be reclaimed by then.

After all, all the land used for planting is extremely fertile and has been carefully transformed by Lumbe.

There are also many beef cattle and pigs used to provide meat products, which have been modified by Lumbe, mainly to allow them to produce more meat.

Of course, the price is to reduce the taste of the meat, which is acceptable.

Kane looked at the round robot in front of him and asked, "Is this robot already in mass production? How efficient is it?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, planting robots have been mass-produced for a while, and are now being used on a large scale. Through our experimental observations, one robot can complete the work of 30 ordinary adults. Grand Duke Lombe is already helping to cultivate more land for planting."

After listening to the report from the person in charge of the institute, Kane nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you did a good job, I hope you will continue to work hard."

The author Kane waved his hand, and countless golden lights swayed from his hand, blending into the bodies of all the researchers present.

Feeling the sudden increase in physical fitness in their bodies, all the researchers half-kneeled down.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Well, you guys work hard, and I won't bother you."

Kane said the figure disappeared in place.

The place where he reappeared is already the largest plantation area outside the capital city.

The area in front of us is only a small hill away from the capital city.

On the endless land, all kinds of green grains are planted, all of which are plants.

It can produce a thumb-sized fruit with a taste similar to cooked rice and corn kernels.

This kind of plant is everywhere in the world restaurant, and it can't be regarded as a magic ingredient, but Kane sealed some at that time.

Unexpectedly, after the country of platinum, this kind of food has become the most grown food.

Once mature every 4 months, each plant can grow 20 fruits, and an adult only needs 15 fruits a day.

For ordinary people, this kind of food is rich in nutrition and tastes good, and it has become the staple food of the Platinum Country.

In this plantation forest at this time, only a few farmers are cultivating, and most of the area is handed over to planting robots for planting and maintenance.

I saw circular mechanical spheres one after another, floating on the plants and projecting blue rays, scanning these plants.

The rest of the farmers are only responsible for observing and checking the grain, whether there are many unrecorded problems.

It seems that it is indeed as the person in charge of the institute said.

Such a situation made Kane very satisfied.

Then he took out a BB machine and entered a piece of information to transmit.

After a while, the BB machine received a reply. Looking at the content of the reply, Kane's figure disappeared in a burst of transmission.

Only the breeze and sunlight stay in place, nourishing this large area of ​​food.

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