In the guild hall.

In the guild hall at this time, the entire hall was empty, and no member was still in the hall.

Compared with the bustle of the past, it was unusually quiet today, and none of the members chose to enter the guild hall.

In the meeting room on the 2nd floor, some important members of the Knights of the Ring of the World gathered here.

Kane looked at the people in front of him.

Bonona, the temporary head of the territory, the head and deputy head of the Knights, the tauren family, the head maid of the ghost, and Karen, the servant of darkness.

These are Kane's most loyal subordinates, all of them are in the ring of the world at this time, which is Kane's biggest advantage in exploring the ring of the world this time.

After seeing that everyone was present, Kane began to prepare for the final meeting.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting."

After finishing speaking, Kane first said to the Dark Attendant: "Karen, your task now is to lead your team to monitor the ogre race in real time, you don't need to get too close, just monitor it. , to prevent them from sneaking into the territory.

If there are various situations where you want to attack the territory, you must pass the news to them quickly and keep in close contact. "

After finishing speaking, he said to everyone present.

"And now all of you are on alert and entering a state of war. With the opening of the ring of the world, the rules that prevent you from fighting each other will disappear. At that time, all the races around the territory will be ready to move. This is inevitable.

Until we come, you just need to stay on the defensive and preserve your vitality.

Especially the ogre race, all kinds of information and news now show that this race is extremely aggressive. "

Then he said to Polona: "The possibility of them attacking is extremely high, but it must be a tentative attack in the early stage. We must beat them hard for the first time, lest they will not be able to understand our strength. What we are occupying now The scope of the territory is only a small circle, and they are very likely to choose to attack other soldier forces.

Keep in touch with these forces. If there is a situation where they may be destroyed, provide support according to the situation. Once the external pressure is too great, it is very likely that they will be brought under our command. You must control the scale of this. "

Facing Kane's words, everyone in front of them nodded.

The opening of the ring of the world, during the period when they did not meet with Kane and the others, their tasks were extremely heavy.

The time has come to test them.

After everyone perfected some details here, they each exited the guild hall.

With their departure, the guild hall was silent this time, and all guild members were waiting outside.

After Kane exited, he walked out of the room in the forward camp outside.

Everything in the middle of the camp has been packed, Kane and the others will all enter the Ring of the World, so the camp will not be saved for them.

At this time, the various vehicles have already lined up in the middle of the camp, leaving some distance from each other and leaning together.

Arranged neatly according to the size of the vehicle.

The members are all standing around their vehicles and chatting.

"Are you a little flustered?"

"It's not that I'm flustered, it's just that I'm a little nervous, and my palms are starting to sweat."

"What will it look like in the ring of the world? Is it any different from our world? I really want to see it quickly."

"It shouldn't be different, isn't it already explained in the magazine? It's equivalent to the extension of the world, but it's separated by the wall of fog."

"Anyway, everyone, stay vigilant. This is much more dangerous than exploring the dungeon. The people inside are all wise. Not all races are willing to surrender under the fog."

Listening to the chatter of the crowd, Kane also came outside the largest RV at the front of the car.

Claire and the others gathered here.

"Is the meeting over?" Claire asked.

Kane nodded: "All that needs to be said has been said, and we should be able to persist until we pass."

With the strength of Bonona and the others, they should be regarded as a hard stubble among the surrounding forces.

There are too many forces weaker than them, especially those soldiers who come from the same piece of world fragments as them.

There are big and small, and the strength is even more uneven.

According to the Dark Attendant's information, the biggest ones already have gold-level forces, and the leaders are all heroes like Bonona and the others who are stuck at the top.

Logically speaking, the original forces of the rings of the world should not be so reckless.

After all, the intelligent creatures of the race that exist in the Ring of the World have managed to survive from their original world. Even if the world is destroyed, they can still survive tenaciously in a piece of debris.

Under normal circumstances, these people would not be impulsive fools.

According to common sense, when their world fragments become dungeons, these native residents are sealed by the dungeon and become the original body to be copied.

After so much suffering that can be said to be, he finally became a resident of other worlds.

According to normal logic, most people would be grateful for Dade's joining.

However, there are no such good things. These come from the races that survived with great difficulty in the fragments of various worlds.

Born with a certain degree of unyielding and resistance, the fragments of the world were absorbed and became part of this world, and they also became the aborigines above.

After living safely, ambitions will naturally burst out. They want more territory, better resources and better living.

This is the instinct of an intelligent life, and it is also the powerful driving force for an intelligent life.

The fog gives everyone a chance, including the original forces of the ring of the world and external forces.

Want to seek more resources and territory for their own race and power, want to satisfy their own ambitions, and dominate.

Then the opening of the ring of the world is the best opportunity to kill those races who are unwilling to submit and cannot see the status quo clearly.

Only those who are strong, defiant, and current affairs can survive.

Get rid of those races who are unwilling to change their behavior, still obey their evil nature, and are unwilling to coexist peacefully in the future.

The most typical example of this is the ogre race. If they are unwilling to change and still devour intelligent creatures there, then there is no way.

They can only meet death, if this kind of devouring is their instinct, otherwise they have nothing else to eat, then this race has no need to survive.

Under the general trend of the world, there is not so much leisure to empathize with these races.

So Kane has always felt that the Ring of the World is a very good way for this world, and it can solve a lot of problems at once.

It is a very good screening mechanism.

While Kane was thinking, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the camp, and Gordon's figure appeared in it.

He looked at Kane and said directly: "Come on Kane, the final process is here, bring your forces with you."

Then he turned and walked out of the camp.

Hearing Gordon's words, Kane got into the car immediately, and then honked the horn.

"Everyone, get in the car and get ready for action."

Hearing Kane's voice, all guild members boarded their vehicles immediately.

At the head of the convoy, Kane's huge RV began to drive slowly towards the camp.

All the vehicles behind him heard the sound of starting, and followed behind him at a slow speed.

It was only when we drove out of the camp that we could see the entrance of Kane's camp, and there was a sign of W-0001.

The opposite of them is W-0002.

After seeing Kane and the others start to move, the opposite convoy was already waiting at the door.

As Kane and the others followed Gordon towards the Wall of Fog, they followed closely behind.

In order, more and more people began to walk out of the camp, lined up in a neat line, and headed down the wall of mist.

Afterwards, Kane and the others came to the foot of the wall of fog.

A building has appeared here under the construction of the Mist Guild.

The staff guided Kane to the first position in the upper left corner, and then the people lined up behind Kane stopped beside them one by one.

This process took close to four to five hours.

Finally, thousands of large and small forces were neatly arranged into 5 rows.

It can be clearly seen that the higher the position, the stronger the power and the larger the number of people.

The various forces in the first row are all various vehicles produced by the Machinery Association, or various riding beasts that look very powerful.

The outrageous world-class forces directly used various small airships.

After the second row, some will have vehicles or carriage mounts and the like. If there are more people who are going to explore by foot power.

After all, the funds of the forces are also limited, and all kinds of preparations for making money, props and materials will consume a lot of their financial resources.

For them, the speed of the start has little effect on the results they can achieve.

The whole area is extremely noisy, the wall of fog is close at hand, and it's time to enter soon.

How could they not panic and start all kinds of anticipation and chatting.

Not to mention that there are all kinds of newspapers and magazines, and the reporters of the magazines come and go in the whole area taking various photos and videos.

This is a grand event all over the world, of course they have to record this beginning and share it with everyone in the world.

After a while, Gordon flew into the air, looking at the people below.


As the sound sounded, the explorers below consciously closed their mouths, ready to listen.

"The ring of the world once in a thousand years is about to open at this very moment.

Keep your entry tokens well, as long as the tokens are there, you can enter the ring of the world at any time, but once it disappears, you will not be able to enter again after you come out, until the ring of the world disappears, remember. "

"In the ring of the world, unarmed ordinary people, mortals of all intelligent races, you must not attack them unless they show any intention of attacking you.

This has always been the order of the fog, and the ordinary people in the ring of the world also know this rule. "

"Finally, I hope that you will cooperate sincerely within the ring of the world and abide by the final morality and bottom line. Keep your eyes open and see clearly those conspiracies and traps.

at last.

Everyone! Martial luck is prosperous! "

As Gordon's voice fell, everyone below cheered.

The sound of the majestic horn and the melodious singing came from the void.

Kane felt a touch in his heart, and he knew that it was time for him to perform the final opening ceremony.

Walked out of the convoy, and walked towards the wall of fog under the eyes of everyone.

With this behavior, the whole area became slightly quieter, not as noisy as before.

Countless people were looking at it, and all kinds of reporters were frantically taking pictures.

"I heard that the person who opened this time is a true genius."

"Yes, I have learned about it. It is said that he cleared the copper-colored red-labeled dungeon that first attracted him into it as an ordinary person."

"That's right, that's right, I've also heard that it took him only three years to upgrade to a gold-level powerhouse, and he even created his own power."

"It's outrageous, why don't I have such a talent."

"Don't dream, after he enters, we will prepare to enter, adjust our mentality."

Various conversations resounded in various teams.

Kane looked at the fog in front of him, took a deep breath, and walked in.

Kane didn't know what the outside world was like, he only knew that when he stepped into the wall of fog in front of him, he felt himself being lifted up.

Then it slowly rose to high altitude, and misty angels appeared around.

He was still in the fog at this time, surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness.

Then the lifting movement stopped, and he felt as if he was standing on land.

Kane had already expected this situation.

He stretched out his hands, which were already covered with golden patterns, from the palms to the shoulders.

Putting his hands on the empty door in front of him, he pushed the door forcefully.

Dazzling golden light emitted from the pattern in his hand followed Kane's movements upwards.

The light was divided into two parts, and flew continuously from the middle to the upper and lower sides.

A huge door with golden light appeared, and was slowly pushed open by Kane.

As the door was pushed open, the fog began to dissipate.

A huge rectangular foggy hollow part appeared in front of the explorers.

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