The next morning.

The guild hall became lively after a long time, but it was not the tavern on the first floor that was lively.

Many people gathered on the second floor of the guild hall, and they rushed to a meeting room.

Those who can enter are the cadres and officials of the guild hall and various external forces.

Other explorer members, as well as some soldiers and guild members with insufficient levels are all chatting and waiting on the first floor.

Kane sat in the main seat of a huge conference room, surrounded by Claire and the others.

In addition to Claire and the others, there are also the captains of each explorer team such as Raphael, Fona, and Amis.

They also all need to come to this meeting.

In addition to these explorers, the others were Bonona, Ironhoof, Whitehorn, and the captain of the Knights.

Then came in from the door, the important officials of the country of platinum, responsible for all walks of life and administrative agencies in the country of platinum.

In addition to the well-known Heidilin, Peddy, and Steel Armor, there are several new faces, and they have never even been seen in the guild hall.

But the guild seal revealed on their bodies also indicated that they were indeed members of the guild.

These are the chief supervisors of those technicians in the country of platinum.

Including the director of the research institute underground in the capital of the Platinum Country, that is, the gear family promoted by Kane.

And the giant tree elder who is guarding the mother tree and helping the country of platinum with food cultivation.

More of these people are technicians of the Platinum Country, who are responsible for more material assets to help Kane and the others outside.

They themselves have been busy with various things in the Platinum Country, and naturally they don't have much time to enter the guild hall.

"Now that everyone is here, the meeting begins."

As Kane's voice fell, everyone sat upright.

This is the first time that such a large meeting has been held, and almost all important people have been called over.

And these are all of Kane's team.

Kane took out a document from the space equipment, and then pointed out a finger.

A bit of the same information appeared in front of everyone, all constructed by Kane through his original skills.

After doing this series of actions, Kane continued.

"First of all, we need to communicate, which is our primary goal in the near future: annihilate the race of ogres and kill them completely."

"This is a task assigned by the fog, and all explorers who are close to this range can receive it, but I believe that we are the only people so far away."

"So everyone, brainstorm and think about how we should act. After all, cannibals are also the biggest threat around us, and they must be eliminated."

After listening to Kane's words, everyone thought about it. Since Kane raised such a question, it is necessary to be efficient and minimize casualties.

They flip through the information in front of them from time to time.

The top pages are full of information about the race of cannibals. These things were previously collected by Kane and the others and the information collected by the Dark Servants.

After reading it, Heidilin said: "The country of platinum has silver mines, and we also mixed them with arrows and sent out a batch of goods, but I don't know what the actual combat effect will be."

Bonona next to him added: "We already tried it when we were covering His Majesty's attack yesterday. As the data says, it has a very strong suppressing effect. For low-strength cannibals, as long as they hit, It's almost a one-hit kill."

At this time, Steel Armor said: "The silver enchanting oil that Your Majesty said before, I have also made a sample. I asked the members of the Knights to help me test it. It is very easy to use, and it can make ordinary weapons or various This magical equipment has the effect of attaching silver to it, causing damage to ogres."

"The production process of silver enchanting oil is not difficult, and it can be configured by those pharmacists in the country of platinum."

After listening to these words, Bonona continued.

"If all these materials are popularized, then our troops can completely suppress the ogres on the frontal battlefield.

Our soldiers, who were already able to annihilate the enemy with less hits, will only make them more lethal. Even if we have fewer soldiers than the enemy. "

At this time, Abby, the head of the Holy Grail Knights, said: "There are already many members of the soldier force who are willing to join us. Although it is under the pressure of the cannibals and their attack, this is still a good sign."

Soldiers are scattered and hostile to each other in the dungeon and until the world is destroyed.

The only thing that is fortunate is that after they came out, the instinct of the body seemed to subside, so that although they did not merge together, they did not compete with each other there.

And now some small soldiers are under the pressure of the ogre attack, and they have begun to turn to Kane and the others.

Since such signs have appeared, it means that other soldiers will also choose to join Kane and the others when they are under pressure from the outside world.

The instincts that once restricted their various behaviors are now fading after entering the world ring, and they are more and more like a normal race.

And it is better to join the outside forces than to join Kane and others who belong to the same world as them.

After all, in their eyes, whether it was Entoma or the Knights of the Holy Grail, they were once compatriots.

And that's Kane's advantage.

After listening to their exchange, Kane thought for a while and said, "Then send more people to keep an eye on other forces. Once they are about to be unable to withstand the attack, communicate with them and be sure to convince them to join us."

These soldiers, Kane, have been greedy for a long time.

In addition, these soldiers have no ordinary civilians at all, and they are too unfamiliar with all kinds of planting and construction.

Being able to survive normally now is inseparable from the help of Bonona and the others. This is why these small forces will give priority to joining Kane and the others when they can't bear it.

"These cannibals are very aggressive, and they should still be attacking the small forces around them, right?" Raphael asked suddenly.

Then Bonona and the others nodded in confirmation.

"Since our troops can completely suppress the ogre troops, why don't we send troops to rescue the remaining ordinary civilians of these forces when the ogres are about to break through those forces."

"In this way, we have gained a good reputation, eliminated the cannibals, and gained more population. Isn't the Knight Territory team very short of these ordinary people?

And after we wipe out all the ogre races, their territories will naturally be merged into our hands. This also prevents us from consuming other races with our own soldiers later. "

After briefly saying his thoughts, Rafael continued.

"The cannibals attack so many small forces at one time, because their troops are very aggressive and not weak.

And we only need to send fewer troops to completely suppress them, or even wipe them out. The only problem is that the intelligence needs to be in place. "

Raphael's plan is completely feasible.

The reason why cannibals go to attack so many forces is not for the territory, but for the intelligent races above.

In order to be able to have more "food" and "food" that they have not tasted.

To a certain extent, the cannibal race can be regarded as a foodie.

It's just that the world can't tolerate such "foodies".

From the forces attacking the cannibals, it can be seen that their reconnaissance troops are also very good, and the selected forces are also those human-shaped intelligent races that suit their tastes.

Not to mention that yesterday Kane and the others completely destroyed the enemy's logistics, which led to their food source being cut off, I don't know how much.

But it must have reached the point of injury.

This will lead to more intense and aggressive Ogre attacks on the front lines.

When the enemy is ready to reap the results, annihilate the enemy and intercept their results.

It also prevents Kane and the others from losing their own troops when they attack these forces in the future.

method is completely feasible.

Raphael's unscrupulous character towards the enemy made him think of such a darker strategy in an instant.

Really talented.

"But most of our intelligence and reconnaissance sources rely on the dark servants, and the number of dark servants is limited." Polona said a difficulty.

Because to do so, it is necessary to have a lot of reconnaissance troops, as well as a perfect command system.

With the help of the BB machine and the existence of the guild hall, Kane's command system can be said to be very perfect.

But the reconnaissance troop really can only rely on the dark servants. The number of reconnaissance troops of the Holy Grail Knights is too small, not to mention the need to follow the Knights to investigate the surrounding situation to avoid being ambushed.

"There is no need to think too much about this problem, I will solve it." Kane said suddenly.

Although everyone didn't know what method Kane used to solve it, since Kane said it, let him leave it to him.

After all, Kane never disappoints in this sort of thing.

That's how the plan was settled.

Then came the situation of the squads. Based on this tactical formulation, Kane and the others needed to divide the knights of the Holy Grail Knights into many squads.

In the end, they selected a total of 10 teams to execute, with a total of 100 knights per team.

And a team of explorers to follow, the team of explorers is responsible for receiving information, and is free from the battlefield, launching surprise attacks at any time depending on the situation.

Afterwards, various details were exchanged, and such a strategy required good cooperation.

After the exchange, they acted independently.

And Kane and Claire also left the guild hall and appeared in the knight's territory outside.

"How are you going to solve the intelligence problem? If you want to observe the intelligence in our plan in real time, you need a large reconnaissance range and a lot of reconnaissance troops."

Claire asked from the side.

Hearing Claire's question, Kane smiled confidently: "You must know that we began to prepare things related to the Ring of the World six months ago, and my research for the past six months has revolved around these questions. Research."

"The reason why I came here so quickly is that I want to put these ideas into action and make my research results into real objects.

The sooner those devices in my mind appear, the greater our advantage. "

After finishing speaking, Kane nodded his head and said to Claire: "Don't worry, I promise to open your eyes."

After speaking, the two left the fortress and went to the tent area next to it. There are many refugees from various intelligent races who have already started to cut down the surrounding trees to make houses.

At this time, it should be fortunate that the rescued elves have left. It is said that their forces have not been annihilated and are still strong.

"Their construction speed is too slow, and more refugees of other races will move in later, and it will be a big problem to live alone."

They are not worried about the food and clothing of these refugees, they are worried that they underestimate the current ability of the Platinum Country.

You must know that the research institute in the country of platinum has been working on various researches to improve people's livelihood.

Although the research equipment produced is difficult to use in various battles, there is absolutely no problem in improving productivity.

With the support of Kane's inferior intelligent core technology, many semi-automatic machines have been constructed.

Food cultivation, simple food processing and the production of ordinary cotton clothing are all fully competent.

There are also various auxiliary forging machines, which have also been manufactured.

But these weapons are used to equip fighters. Ordinary machines can't make bronze-level weapons, so they still need the cooperation of blacksmiths.

Other various relatively advanced property assets have not improved much.

But those ordinary clothes and food production can already run completely autonomously, as long as there is a need, it can fill the demand instantly.

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