Kane sat on the competitive platform on the sea, holding a cauldron like a starry sky.

Holding the crucible in his arms and looking left and right, except for the exaggerated appearance, the shape of this crucible is indeed no different from the ordinary crucible.

Holding it in my arms, I feel as if I am holding a cloud of mist, very relaxed.

It feels as if it will float into the sky if you don't hold on tight.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

"Is this the golden cauldron from before?" Claire suddenly said while observing the starry sky-like cauldron.

She felt that the shape of this cauldron was similar to the one Kane had used before.

Kane turned his head, he did not expect to be guessed by Claire: "Yes, it is the golden cauldron from before."

"That's a big difference." Claire muttered to herself.

Smiling, Kane continued to study the cauldron in his arms.

Since this is a training ground, everything is perfectly simulated according to the outside world.

Here you can practice new skills as much as you like.

After thinking about it, Kane first decided to make a weapon to see how this skill was different from before.

The magic power in the hands is gathered, and the bricks formed by various magic materials are constructed, and then the virtual is turned into reality.

These are the raw materials used to construct weapons.

Put all these materials into the crucible.

Kane held the crucible in his arms, closed his eyes, and constructed a long sword in his mind as if he were constructing an object.

Afterwards, the starry sky on the outside and inside of the crucible moved, and the whole crucible seemed to move, and a star-like light radiated from the inside.

This kind of light only flickered for more than 10 seconds before disappearing completely, and then the appearance of operation stopped.

In a very short time, what you wanted to condense succeeded.

Kane opened his eyes, put his hand inside the crucible, and then slowly pulled it out.

A long sword was pulled directly from the inside of the crucible by Kane. Here, it can be seen that the interior of the crucible is still the same as before, with spatial attributes.

The drawn long sword has a metallic color as a whole. The only difference is that the hilt is inlaid with a purple spar, and there are several slender, light-black lines in the middle of the blade, which change colors.

Kane appraised the long sword here.

Still a silver weapon, not golden as Kane thought.

But this silver weapon can definitely be called the existence of a small and excellent quality in the silver level, and all the attributes are very good.

In particular, Kane identified the so-called star properties.

[Attribute: Starry Sky-Magic] (When using this weapon to attack, the enemy will feel that the weapon is short and long, disappearing and appearing. With the naked eye and simple perception, it is impossible to grasp the attack distance of this weapon.)

With this attribute, this weapon directly rises to the best.

Don't underestimate this attribute. In the silver stage, very few enemies can have a strong melee perception like Claire, and most of them are grasped by the naked eye and simple feeling.

Just this attribute has increased the value of this long sword several times.

Kane felt the magic power in his body. If all the raw materials were purchased, it would cost 1/50 of the magic power in Kane's body to make such a weapon.

In other words, on the premise that the magic power is not restored, if there are enough materials, Kane can make 50 pieces at one time.

However, Kane felt that this production was too expensive, just like the material for making this weapon. If it was handed over to Steel Armor, Steel Armor could make two.

Too much waste and some not worth it.

After thinking about it, Kane condensed some materials, threw them into the crucible, and then re-condensed. This time, Kane imagined a ring in his mind.

Then the ring condensed from the cauldron was identified by Kane in his hand.

Kane looked at it and shook his head. It was like a jewelry-like equipment. The ability to play its attribute effect depends entirely on the use of the magic circle, enchantment, and magic gems above.

And the jewelry that Kane condensed can't add these at all, so this ring is only made of very advanced materials, and there is no attribute provided on it.

It is equivalent to making an original embryo, and the various attributes and functions above need to be added by jewelers.

The only property provided is the so-called star property.

And the star properties are random.

[Attribute: Starry Sky - Flash] (When using this equipment to attack and defend, there will be a chance to flash light.)

The attributes are very stretched, not to mention. You must also use this equipment to attack and defend, which means that Kane must use this ring to attack and defend.

It's too weird.

But according to this process, all kinds of defensive armor and offensive weapons are definitely fine, just not worth it.

Then what if you take the finished equipment and go directly to enchant the star attribute?

Thinking of this, Kane immediately took out three bronze-ranked and three silver-ranked weapons.

Finally, pick up one of them and throw them in for smelting. This time, keep the shape of the object unchanged and simply go through the process.

It still took a lot of magic power in Kane's body.

But the idea, it worked.

Kane looked at the light black line in the middle of the weapon that looked like a starry sky.

There is indeed one more attribute identified.

This time, the attack comes with an additional magic damage, which is very useful for weapons.

Then continue like this, Kane attaches starry sky attributes to every weapon.

However, not every time a useful star property can be obtained, the randomness is too great.

There is a bronze-level weapon attribute that when blocking attacks with this equipment, the appearance of the starry sky will spread to the weapon.

To be honest, it has no effect except to look good, and it is obviously for defense equipment.

There are too many strange attributes like this, more like attributes installed on defensive equipment, enchanted on offensive weapons.

In other words, this attribute is completely random and cannot be manipulated artificially at all.

But in any case, having extra attributes attached to weapons is earned in itself.

Just add useful ones and make a lot of money.

Interesting, this thing obviously has a certain gambling nature.

However, Kane did not forget the more important reason why he upgraded this skill.

Remove the skill stone and place it in the enhancement grid of the original skill.

[Enhanced Grid-Gold 2: Eternal Crucible] (A small amount of mana is spent to make the manufactured magic creations exist forever. During the manufacturing process, materials that cannot be simulated can be added externally, which can reduce the magic power spent to create creations and make the materials into the creation.)

Compared with the previous one, the only additional attribute is that the magic power spent is less.

After thinking about it, Kane waved his hand to build a stone pillar, and then turned it into reality.

In the process of turning the virtual into reality, I carefully felt the consumption of magic power in my body to see how much he had reduced.

This time, the magic power spent is nearly half less than before, which is great, and the magic power spent is directly halved.

The extent of this reduction is definitely worth it.

Now that this skill experiment is completed, it's time to try it, the [Deception Prayer] that is used to add additional attribute states to yourself.

As this skill stone was placed on his skill grid by Kane, the knowledge that poured into Kane's brain was very rare.

Not to mention compared with the previous skill, even if it is compared with ordinary golden skills, it is much less.

It made Kane feel inexplicably empty, and suddenly people felt that this skill was inexplicably cheap.

The knowledge he gave was a very simple use of magic and a spell model.

How to use such magic and model to simulate a devout believer, and then send signals to various gods at will.

It only took a minute or two for Kane to master this skill.

The main thing is that it is really simple. Kane thinks that he should be able to fully master this skill with a little bit of refreshment.

Especially when he has a good research on divine power, the speed of learning will be faster.

Then put your hands together, close your eyes and pray to the sky.

However, if you listen carefully to the words he utters, you can hear and interpret some disordered words, and can't even combine them to write a complete sentence.

Because the first time was not very proficient, the prayer time passed for a minute, and a beam of light was broken in the sky and projected on Kane.

As the speed of light descended, Kane opened his eyes, his arms were wrapped in golden chains, and this was the state he came from a random prayer.

The addition of this state is that each of his attacks can bring the effect of imprisonment to the enemy. The duration of this state reached an astonishing 20 minutes.

"It's in good shape!" Kane was very satisfied with the state of this prayer.

After thinking about it, I started to pray again. Anyway, this is the training space, and everything is simulated externally.

Don't be afraid of these side effects.

Then Kane closed his eyes and prayed again randomly.

This time, a blood-red blood light appeared directly behind Kane, and a sharp claws stretched out and penetrated Kane's body directly.

Of course, this is just a false phantom, similar to the existence of special effects. Kane did not feel that his own existence was hurt, but he could clearly feel three slender scar lines on his back.

With the special effect gone, Kane opened his eyes.

Spreading out his hands, as the nails on the palm of the mind stretched, they turned into sharp claws as sharp as steel.

With every swing, the claws bring a scarlet effect.

Attacks can inflict irreparable wounds on the enemy.

This prayer is indeed a little too random.

Kane then canceled this state, and the three bloodstains on his back disappeared.

This kind of skill of drawing the blind box made Kane very interested.

He began to pray non-stop, to see what kind of strange things there were.

There is a very useful state addition that allows Kane to gain various reinforcements throughout his body.

There is an air flame that makes Kane blood red, and every attack can burn the blood of the enemy.

There is even more outrageous, directly turning Kane's lower body into a spider-like appearance, so that every attack of Kane has the effect of piercing the soul.

This state can be seen at a glance, and prayers go to the evil god.

"What kind of skill do you have?" Claire, who had been watching for a long time, finally couldn't help but ask.

Because it was too strange, she watched Kane go through a repeated ritual, gaining all kinds of strange abilities, and each of them was very different.

Kane smiled and replied: "This is a kind of skill that can pray to God to obtain status bonuses, and the status obtained by these prayers is just random, and the status obtained by these prayers is deceived."

"Deceiving God to get a gift? How dare you."

While Claire spoke, Kane prayed again.

This time, the lava-like flames directly wrapped Kane completely, and Kane entered the energy form like magma directly.

But this time Kane did not use his ability, but frowned tightly.

"It feels a little strange."

The state of praying this time is too powerful, and it feels like the state of praying using some very high-level divine art.

This state seems to have a touch of divinity attached to it, just like the god-man state that Kane once used.

Divinity... Divinity!

Kane suddenly thought of something, and opened the information bar of his [Power of God] skill.


There is one more divine power medium.

3. God of Volcano: Transform into an energy form like lava, every attack is surging with heat, and the heat and flame are your food.

(Links brought about by the false divinity of the simulation space, leave the training space and require a new prayer to obtain.)

It turns out that the divine art from prayer is too advanced, and even contaminated with divinity, and it is directly linked to the power of God, making it contaminated.

This unlocks a new state of divine power.

It can still be used.

Kane couldn't help but laugh.

Then this skill is interesting, and its importance has skyrocketed.

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