At this time, the Lantern Territory is developing rapidly as if the thrusters were installed.

The core reason for all of this is because the logistics of the Platinum Country is so powerful.

Food, clothing, tools, raw materials, everything is frantically passing through the entrance of the mountain wall behind the fortress for transportation.

The once platinum country was the most fertile land in their world.

After 10 years of recovery from the fog, it has long since recovered. The land is vast and the population is still small. Kane has used many automatic machines to collect resources.

With these resources, the territory can be developed rapidly without having to consider logistical and material issues.

Members of the Knights can now continue to hone their skills in the Knights' quarters and training grounds in the guild hall.

Try to hone your strength to the silver bottleneck period, and then they will have a leap forward.

The defense work was handed over to the soldiers of the soldiers who joined in in all directions.

Through the lobbying of Bonona and the others during this period, except for a few larger soldiers, the rest of the small and medium soldiers have completely joined Kane's camp.

The main reason is that these forces are too small, and they are all soldiers. In order to defend against the attack of cannibals, they made a mess of logistics.

Let them have to consider joining other forces in order to survive.

Kane and they are just looking at this.

This made Kane and their territory the third largest among all the surrounding forces.

The first is naturally the territory of the cannibals, and the second is the territory of the orcs.

These two are more belligerent, but the orcs are at least a normal race, as long as the site and the resources on it, as for those civilians who want to join, if they don't want to let them go.

They followed the rules issued by the mist very wisely.

As for the cannibal territory, everyone who knows it is already on the death list.

And the Orc Territory is also very smart, knowing that Kane and the others also obey the rules.

They directly signed a series of peace treaties with Kane and made a simple defense at the border.

They then dispatched some troops to defend the border with the ogre territory.

Then most of their troops were transported to the other side of the territory to attack and occupy other forces, and many unmanned lands were also developed by them.

Through the intelligence of the Dark Waiter, Kane knew that this orc territory was not just a race of orcs at all.

It is a three-race mixed territory of orcs, elves and humans.

It's hard to imagine that in some worlds, three races with deep blood feuds can live in harmony in this dungeon and completely integrate into one.

According to the information of the Dark Attendant, it should be the deep friendship forged by the various races when the world was destroyed, and it has continued to this day.

Sure enough, great external crises can foster internal unity.

In their diplomacy with Kane, the official name of the Orc Territory is the Makhach Tri-Federation.

And these soldiers who joined Kane and their forces brought more combat troops.

Let Kane and their soldiers reach nearly 20,000.

Moreover, they added two new gold-level members, who also joined them along with the soldiers.

Pulled into the guild by Kane.

They were Haterama, a war mage, and Thaki, a rare shadow assassin.

The war mage Hatrama also brought a 300-person war mage team to Kane, all of them at the silver level.

The spells in the hands of these mages are all born for war, with a variety of large-scale offensive spells and large-scale gain spells.

The shadow assassin Saatchi brought Kane and the others a whole intelligence personnel training system and teachers.

In just over half a month, a lot of spies have been trained for Kane and the others, and finally Kane and their low- and intermediate-level intelligence systems have been put into operation.

Afterwards, various major construction projects in the territory, countless cultivated land were reclaimed, and more ingredients for the sealed world table were unsealed and re-cultivated in the outside world.

The former war fortress has now been expanded into a portal to the territory.

And Kane and their territorial center moved further back, where they rebuilt a small town.

With the blessing of new skills, Kane directly used his skills and the raw materials gathered by the people in the territory to build the framework of a city in less than half a day.

Although it is only a small town, it is very easy to accommodate tens of thousands of people. Once the population increases, it can be expanded very easily.

And after busy with these things, Kane was finally able to start his final big plan.

This is the plan he has prepared for more than half a year. In addition to comprehending the rules, he has been conducting various researches and inventions.

If I have to say, these plans are even things that Kane has been thinking about since he reached the silver stage and decided to form a force.

Kane is now in an experimental base in a cliff, where in addition to him there are Fona and the asterisk in Raphael's team.

These two people have good mechanical knowledge, and if they are pulled into the Mechanical Association, even if they cannot be regarded as masters, there is absolutely no problem with a high-level title.

And these two people are the people who Kane recruited to cooperate with him to start the plan.

The base in this cliff is where the rocket was launched before. The entire cliff was completely hollowed out by Kane, re-supported with steel pillars, and thickly reinforced around it, and Dig the bottom too deeply.

In addition to the three people, there are more mechanical spheres flying around in the sky, and their appearance is no different from those intelligent mechanical cores in the guild hall.

These are the intelligent cores that Kane has condensed with gold-level skills.

The intelligence of these intelligent cores is only one level lower than the intelligent assistants that Kane customized for others.

Become the best helper in the entire experimental base, and some simple things can be handed over to them to complete.

Even if it doesn't work, you can let Yoyo help.

Kane is spending magic power to build a sophisticated mechanical device, and draw fine magic lines on it.

Without looking back, he asked, "Funa, how is the assembly line of lathe No. 3 debugged? Can it be used?"

Fona also put on goggles and heard the question from Kane in the distance. She also did not put down the testing equipment in her hand, and said, "The final debugging is in progress, and there are basically no major problems."

Hearing Fona's answer, Kane nodded with satisfaction, and then a lot of magic power poured out of his hands, turning the precise mechanical structure in front of him into reality.

As the structure becomes reality, some magical materials accumulated around it also turn into streamers and blend into it.

With the assistance of raw materials, it can greatly reduce the magic power spent by Kane to transform into real time, which makes him feel much better.

When this precise mechanical structure was successfully constructed, a mechanical ball flew down, stretched out several mechanical claws, and fixed it firmly.

Then it took off and took it to the location of the asterisk not far away.

Looking at this scene, Kane said to the asterisk in the distance: "I have already constructed the most important core components, and the casing and other starting equipment will be handed over to you."

"No problem, President, leave it to me."

Kane nodded, and then immediately rushed to the lower floor of the base.

The lower layer is full of various sophisticated electronic parts, with a huge magic core in the middle.

It is constructed by the combination of mechanical structure and magic pattern. If someone has understood the divine nature, they can even feel the divine breath above.

However, Kane, who came down, has now completely changed, and a crack like a mechanical puppet appeared on his face, and a blue magic radiance flashed in the middle of the crack.

The eyes have also become mechanical-like structures.

The moment he came in, Kane entered the state of divine power, the state of divine power.

Entering the state of divine power of the God of All Machines allows Kane to better connect and detect various magical machines around him.

It even made his inspiration for various mechanical manufacturing burst out quickly, so when he was manipulating some sophisticated instruments or conducting research on important structures, he would enter such a state of divine power.

As Kane entered the mechanical state, the mechanical wheel on the back was split apart instantly and turned into conical metal iron sheets.

These metal iron pieces fluttered around, and then inserted into the slots reserved at various positions on this layer.

There was a huge amount of magical brilliance in Kane's eyes.

"Yuyou, as soon as the stage starts, the countdown begins!"

On the back of the magic core in the center, a long voice appeared: "Phase one starts, the countdown is 10 seconds!"

"10, 9...2, 1."

"start up!"

As Yoyo's voice fell, a huge hole popped open again at the silo in front of the cliff. This time the hole was bigger than when the rocket was fired before, and then a huge machine rose from it.

This is a cylinder with a diameter of 9 meters. After slowly rising, three breaches popped out in an instant.

From each breach, a rocket was slowly pushed out.

The direction of a rocket is different, and then the rocket sprays, three long white mists, facing different directions, quickly rising into the sky.

Since it only needs to be shot into the sky to reach the predetermined world barrier, there is no need for vertical launch at all.

After these rockets flew high, only the last rocket arrow remained.

The arrows spread out, and mechanical balls the size of human heads flew out from the middle.

They are two or three times smaller than the previous cruise monitors, and there are no surveillance cameras on them for detection.

Only the two huge reflective panels protruding around, with fine magic patterns on them, can support them to maintain their functions with the least amount of magic power, and at the same time, they can also emit signals to the surrounding.

And this is the signal relay station created by Kane.

With this thing, Kane can let his electronic device transmit information in real time within a certain range through the ripples of magic.

Directly let the surrounding area enter the modern information age.

The number of signal relay stations carried by each rocket has reached 24.

That is to say, there are a total of 72 signal relay stations floating in the air now.

The array they formed completely covered this area, Kane's lantern collar, the Makhach Tri-Clan Federation, and the cannibal's territory.

and a large circle of other small forces around them.

But it's limited to the surrounding area. No matter how far away, it's not that Kane doesn't want to, but that he can't.

The magic power there fluctuates too violently, and the signal transfer station that sent the past may be destroyed at any time.

Even for Kane, the cost of these signal relay stations was a bit too expensive, and each one cost Kane a lot of material magic and energy.

It is the same as the outside world outside the fog. Sometimes it is not that the Machinery Association and various forces do not have such technology, but that such technology cannot be popularized at all.

But now the range is completely enough for Kane and the others.

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