The body composed of magma made Kane no longer fear the broken rules of the ogre king, and also made the blood rules of ogres useless.

The only thing that can still work on Kane now is the King of Ogre King's reverse causal attack.

But because it needs to be used together with broken rules to be threatening, it is also unusable now.

The magma-like form of divine power directly turned Kane from a disadvantage into a great advantage.

Praise the god of volcanoes!

Kane in the magma form gasped heavily and slowly lowered his arm.

Drop by drop, the magma exuding astonishing heat dripped from his fingertips onto the pedestal made by Kane himself.

Under the wisps of blue smoke, Kane waved his hand.

When the steel wall around the column disappeared.

The scene above the pillar also appeared in front of everyone.

Although everyone was fighting, the soldiers who were still alive turned their attention.

The victory or defeat between Kane and the Ogre King will determine the direction of victory in this war.

So when there was movement on their side, everyone couldn't help but turn their eyes to see if there was a final result.

Only seen above the pillars.

The body of the King of Ogre Ghosts was covered with dark burn scars, and the entire body more than two meters high was pierced through the chest by a huge silver spear and nailed to a huge cross.

The hands with sharp claws fell naturally, and the ugly head fell.

The blood from his chest gushed out like a stream of water, leaking down his body and the handle of the gun, and dripping onto the pillar on the ground.

Kane was strong, facing the battlefield below, and said loudly.

"Your king is dead, now meet your destiny."

Such a scene seriously affected everyone's morale on the cannibal side, and panic appeared in their hearts, who were not afraid of death.

The strongest king is dead, can they still live?

The current scene makes everyone fearful, as long as no one on their side has the strength to limit Kane in this life.

The victory or defeat of this war, at this moment, the victory or defeat button was pressed.

And everyone on Kane's side, all the soldiers were inspired, and roared to launch the final attack on the ogre.

Below Claire and the others are still fighting, and many gold-level members of Kane's side have suffered different injuries.

But the enemy also left several corpses behind.

However, Kane was no longer able to support them. After speaking, he dissipated the pillar and slowly sat on the ground.

There was a lot of medicine in his hand, and he wanted to pour it into his mouth, but stopped when he felt his own situation.

The other hand trembled slightly and held the crystal spear, so that he would not fall directly to the ground.

At this time, Kane maintained the mechanical state again, and there were broken gaps all over his body, exposing the inner core components.

A radiant energy liquid emerges from it.

Kane can no longer maintain the magma form, although he has previously killed the Ogre King by relying on the advantages of the energy form.

But the broken rules of the King of Ogre Ghosts are not vegetarians, and the composition of the entire energy form is abruptly scattered.

The broken rules have been raging in Kane's body.

Let the energy in Kane's body keep draining.

Kane in energy form is like having a life bar.

Without the bottom of the health bar, Kane cannot be counted as injured, and the damage received does not affect his actions.

But once the health bar bottoms out, Kane will die directly.

The fragmentation of the energy form forced Kane to restore his body to the form of a mechanical puppet.

It's not that I don't want to restore my body to its original state, or the state of the Holy Light.

But that state is still the body of the body, and once it passes, it will face a seriously injured self, which may be life-threatening.

According to the current state, even losing his life on the spot is not impossible.

While maintaining the form of a mechanical puppet, although the body is shattered and miserable, it can at least repair it autonomously.

For machinery, as long as the core components are not destroyed, there is still the possibility of repair.

Kane beat, sticking out his fingers, and the remaining magic power poured out from between the fingers and began to weave in Kane's body like silk threads.

Although the current Kane will not leave sweat, the flashing blue stripes on his head show that Kane's current mental state is not stable.

Kane is keeping his spirits high, focusing his attention on his body, and slowly repairing the structure of his body.

And then it takes magic to turn it into reality.

This counts as a healing spell in mechanical puppet form.

Once his state is repaired in this form, Kane can return to his original state, which is flesh and blood.

In this way, the current injury will not be brought to the past intact.

This is the huge advantage brought about by the mutual switching of God's power states.

Kane looked at his current serious injury and thought about how long it had been since he was as embarrassed as he is now.

It seems that when he broke away from the bronze color and attacked at the silver level, he has never been so embarrassed as he is now.

The broken rules of the Ogre King still make Kane still have lingering fears.

The only thing that can always be used is the state of the mechanical puppet and the energy form of the magma to respond to its attacks.

According to the characteristics of these two forms, they have suffered such serious injuries. If they are flesh and blood, they may be broken into pieces in two or three times.

Looking at the crystal spear in his hand, the dazzling crack.

Two more attacks from the King of Cannibals, and it may be broken.


Claire on the battlefield successfully killed the two gold-level enemies she faced, and quickly came to Kane's surroundings, alert.

She also saw that Kane's current state was extremely poor.

But looking at Kane's actions and the words he didn't ask for help, we can know that he can still stabilize his current state, and there will be no danger to his life.

But in order to prevent other people from continuing to attack, Claire decided to guard the surrounding area.

In his hand, the spear burning with black and white flames was constantly condensed, and it was projected with force to support the gold-level members of the guild in this form.

"It's okay, Claire, go and help them, we can't be considered an advantage right now.

Your joining can help them solve the battle faster. Don't look at me like this, I still have the ability to protect myself. "

Kane repaired the broken gaps in his body and said to Claire.

Now it doesn't look like a big care, although the state is not good at this time, but after all, it is still in the form of a mechanical puppet, and the ability to protect itself is still there.

Hearing Kane's words, Claire opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she could only nod: "Be careful, I will resolve the battle quickly."

Kane doesn't joke about his life.

Saying that, Claire entered the ghost form, and the black and white flames all over her body burned into the sky in an instant like fireworks that burst out.

The Ghost Rider who once fought alongside her appeared beside her.

The first person Claire chose to support was Lilulu. With Lilulu's existence, they could solve the war faster.

With Claire's re-joining, the gold-level battlefield was instantly relieved.

The scale of victory began to tilt wildly in the direction of Kane.

And Kane also spent some time and energy, and finally completely repaired the serious injuries in his body.

After the inspection, it was determined that there were no major problems, and the state of the power of God returned to flesh and blood.

Kane, who recovered to his flesh and blood, felt the severe pain from his body in an instant.

Couldn't help groaning.

Although Kane can repair his physical defects by maintaining his puppet form, the lost ability is like Kane's blood, which cannot be regenerated in such a short period of time.

The ischemia of the body part made Kane's face extremely pale, and even his vision began to blur.

In the current state, it seems that he needs a good rest, so that the blood in the body has time to recover.

A blood-red ribbon floated over from a distance and madly poured into Kane's body.

With the support of this blood-red ribbon, Kane's complexion instantly became rosy, and the blood in his body was restored.

Not far away, Mezick's opponent suddenly became thinner and his cheeks were sunken.

The sudden feeling made him unable to help but ask Metzker, "What have you done to me?"

Before he finished speaking, a blue palm pierced out of his chest in the shape of a knife.

Before dying, I only heard Metzker's voice faintly: "My captain is injured, borrow your blood."

The touch of blood exerted a powerful effect at this time, and the life essence extracted from the enemy filled up the missing blood of Kane in an instant.

Kane, who felt a lot of relief from his body, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

On the battlefield at this time, in the gold-level duel, it has become the encirclement and suppression of cannibals by members of Kane and his party.

In the battlefield of the soldiers, Kane and his soldiers have already begun to pursue the victory.

Start to hunt down the soldiers of the dead ghost.

And the small army that had been in ambush for a long time also received the order and started to move.

They will surround it from the rear, striving to annihilate all the enemies, not letting a single one escape.

Metzker, who had his hands free, and the therapists of various teams began to provide first aid to the wounded friendly troops on the battlefield.

The emergency tent for treatment has already been set up in the rear.

And Kane is now no longer in danger, but at this time he is powerless and can only lie on the edge of the battlefield.

The pungent smell of blood and the burnt smell of meat mixed together, irritating his nostrils.

Kane, who was squinting slightly, felt that he was suddenly suspended in the air, and someone hugged him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Claire's face close at hand.

Then he turned his head and looked at the posture of Claire hugging her.

"Miss Claire, hugging me like this will make me a little shy."

After hearing Kane's words, Claire, who was hugging Kane in the princess's arms, rolled her eyes, not thinking of changing her posture.

Instead, he said with a smile: "If Mr. Kane has an opinion now, he can change his posture."

Kane, who was completely powerless, had no ability to resist, so he could only close his eyes and enjoy it.

This trivial matter will not have any impact on Kane's thick skin.

After a while, Kane was placed on a bed in a medical tent.

Looking at Claire who was leaving, Kane said: "After 5 hours, gather all the soldiers alive, and count the number of dead during this period, and bring the corpse in front of me."

"I am now transferring into the Platinum Country through the guild hall, where I can recover as soon as possible."

After hearing Kane's words, Claire nodded: "Don't worry, I will let you know."

After Claire went out, Kane disappeared on the hospital bed, and then passed into the Platinum Country through the union hall.

In fact, you can directly enter the Platinum Country in the Ring of the World, but you need to spend a certain amount of magic power.

And if you transfer through the guild, the magic power spent will be greatly reduced.

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