Brain is a little dizzy.

This was Kane's first reaction after waking up from the marshmallow.

Last night's victory banquet was a bit fun. Drinking too much alcohol made Kane directly suppress his body, allowing the alcohol to infect his body, and he was rarely drunk once.

After feeling the drowsiness of the brain, the control magic turned around in the body, and regained the restrictions that were deliberately released.

As Kane's suppression of his physique returned to normal, the drowsiness caused by the hangover disappeared immediately, and the brain returned to clarity.

If Kane does not suppress his physique, no amount of alcohol can cause the slightest effect on his body.

After getting up, I patted the marshmallow under myself, and the marshmallow floated by itself, opened the window next to it and flew out.

Since rising to gold, Marshmallow has started to lose track of the ranks.

And due to the opening of the World Ring, Kane and the others only conducted one dungeon exploration.

As a result, the marshmallows at this stage have been wandering around the territory or the country of platinum.

But this kind of life makes Marshmallow very happy, eating, drinking and playing, and the body swells bigger and bigger.

Kane is also very pleased with the happy marshmallows now. After all, the existence of marshmallows once brought them a lot of help in exploring the dungeon.

Looking at the marshmallow flying into the sky, Kane smiled.

Then I heard the sound of the door opening and the footsteps of iron hooves.

Claire walked in and saw Kane woke up and said with a smile, "You are awake, you actually suppressed your physical fitness in order to have a good drink."

Listening to Claire's words, Kane just smiled.

"How's it going outside now? Are you all tidy up?"

"The residents have returned, but the soldiers are still waiting."

After hearing Claire's words, Kane immediately began to clean up his hygiene.

Then she quickly pulled Claire out of the room and rushed towards the square outside the fortress.

"The reward from the mist is still waiting for us to receive it. Before everyone leaves, let's receive it now."

When the banquet started last night, Mist had already notified him and was going to give Kane and the others a reward for completing the goal.

However, the explorers who were present at the time all tacitly postponed it. After all, the banquet at that time was very happy.

There should now be explorers who have begun to accept rewards.

When I came to the square of the fortress, I saw a lot of guild explorers gathered here, chatting about the rewards they had received.

"Kane is here, how is your reward?" Finalis asked after seeing Kane.

The surrounding guild members are very curious, after all, this is the first time they have received a reward from the fog.

The kind that clears the dungeon doesn't count.

Yesterday, for the first time in their lives, they received a message from the fog in their brains.

Excited for them.

Kane smiled and said, "I don't know if I haven't had time to receive it. Have you received it? How is it? Are you satisfied?"

For Kane's question, everyone nodded in unison.

"I have to say, Mist is indeed generous." It was the Angel sisters and brothers who said these words, and they were accompanied by Fona.

After seeing a few people, Kane instantly discovered something was wrong.

"Wait, you won't be... No wonder you have a satisfied expression on your face, you are indeed generous."

When Fona and the others came over, Kane immediately found out what was wrong with them.

The original three members of Funa's team actually all advanced to gold.

Seeing such a situation, Kane also found that Finaris had also reached the silver bottleneck period, only one step away from gold.

You must know that before entering the ring of the world, Funa and a few talents have just reached the silver bottleneck period, and they are still a little short.

As a result, they were pushed to gold at one time this time, and this reward is indeed very huge for them.

Finaris was resurrected, and it had only been over a year since he came out of the dungeon.

Therefore, they are a little weaker than Funa, so this time they only reached the silver bottleneck.

This is rather unfortunate.

However, this situation does not affect the formation of several people. After all, there is no requirement in the Ring of the World.

After these people, Kane looked at the other explorers present.

Sure enough, the dragon man has also been promoted to the level of gold.

After all, the Dragon Man has already reached the silver bottleneck period before, and his strength can be regarded as the strongest silver in the explorer team.

So this time, it will not surprise people to be promoted to gold.

However, his four teammates still remain in the silver level.

This is also impossible.

It is said that their team was formed in the middle stage of silver.

There were only 4 people in the original team, and the teammates who first teamed up with the Dragons were all sacrificed in a multi-team dungeon.

And the dragon man was also rescued by the team of 4 people, so they formed a team of 5 people logically.

So the dragon is slightly stronger than other teammates.

The fog reward this time directly increased the gold level of their guild by 4.

Kane watched the strength of the guild members improve, and recalled in his mind the number of ogres they had killed before.

The increase in strength has something to do with the cannibals they kill.

As for the silver-level explorers, the rewards they get are all like the strength enhancement after clearing the dungeon.

Of course, this improvement is definitely much more than after clearing the dungeon.

Kane looked at Raphael and the others next to him. They were at the gold level, and they were the ones who contributed the most in this battle.

So Kane was a little curious, what kind of rewards they got.

Seeing Kane's gaze, Rafael stretched out two fingers and shook it.

"Two rule comprehension."

Hearing Raphael's words, Kane nodded instantly.

Then this reward is not bad, you must know that it takes more than a year to get two rules comprehension.

Unless you are going to clear those short-lived dungeons, but these dungeons are hard to come by, and they are cleared every time they come out for a year or two.

It's like the kind of golden dungeon that Kane and the others have cleared, and there are certain thresholds.

"This reward is indeed very suitable for you. Didn't you complain that you have just been promoted to the golden rule and haven't had time to comprehend it?"

Listening to Kane's words, Raphael and the others all smiled and nodded, and the reward was indeed very much in line with their tastes.

After all, after Rafael and the others reached gold, before they could pass any gold-level dungeon, they had already started to follow them into the Ring of the World.

As a result, they didn't have time to comprehend the rules at all, and every battle relied on physical fitness, weapons and equipment, and original skills.

They also feel very tricky when faced with some rules.

It is also fortunate that the council of elders of the cannibals, almost all of them comprehend the rules are in the top 15 and up.

And most of them only understand one or two rules, not necessarily strong.

After listening to the rewards that everyone had received, Kane couldn't help rubbing his hands, and he also became curious about the rewards he could get.

The reward for Kane and his team is not as simple as wiping out the cannibal race.

They are the initiators of the goal of this action, and they are the ones who contributed the most.

However, Kane did not receive the reward immediately, but waited for a few people from Longbe to come over.

After all, they're used to receiving rewards together, even though it doesn't need to be distributed this time around.

After waiting for a few minutes, Lombé and Metzk Shanshan arrived late, while Li Lulu opened a portal and appeared beside them.

The members of the squad are all here, so it's time to accept the biggest reward.

Several people closed their eyes and chose to accept it together.

There were no special effects, and a few people opened their eyes immediately after receiving it.

On the contrary, the military camp outside the fortress was enveloped by a white mist that fell from the sky.

Also receiving such treatment are Bonona who is dealing with affairs, as well as all the soldiers and generals who participated in the annihilation battle this time.

They are also the people of the Mist, and they have also contributed to this war of annihilation.

It's just that the mist distributed their rewards along with Kane, after all, they are loyal to Kane.

At this time, Kane didn't know the scene in the distance, and was still silent in the rewards he had received.

The few people who opened their eyes looked at each other and discussed whether the rewards they received were different.

"Three-time rule comprehension." Kane said.

Hearing Kane's words, several people nodded, it seems that they have gained the same.

Their contribution in this war must be the greatest, after all, they are also the strongest team in the guild.

When facing the gold level, it is also the most powerful group in the council of cannibal elders.

Also kills more enemies than others.

So everyone gets one more reward than Raphael and the others.

For a gold-level explorer, there is no reward more powerful than rule comprehension.

However, Kane then took out the Mist Warrior Medal that had been placed here from the lining of his outer armor.

This is what Kane has received, one more reward than others.

Looking at Kane's medal, several people found something wrong, and took out their medals one after another.

The surrounding guild members gathered around, and the Mist Medal was an incredible honor for them.

I only heard that the members of the guild leader's team are all mist warriors, but they have never really seen their medals. This time I can finally take a good look at them.

Lombe compared his medal with the current medal in Kane's hands.

"How did your medal change?"

The medal in Kane's hand has an unknown pattern on the outside, and there is a gem-like decoration on the top.

The fog floating in the middle is no longer as random as before.

Instead, it turned into a thread-like mist, and then formed various patterns.

The overall image is generally similar to that of the Dragons and their Mist Warrior Medal, but it seems to be a bit more advanced, like an upgraded version.

"My Misty Medal has been upgraded."

That's where Kane differs from the squad members, he gets one more reward.

And Kane also knew why he was rewarded differently from others.

The meaning of the fog is that the entire offensive operation was initiated by Kane, and Kane also provided the greatest assistance.

Including gathering so many soldiers to attack, and letting the actions of these soldiers protect the surrounding forces from more destruction by cannibals.

After all, Kane is the president of the guild and the lord of the territory after all.

Even if he does nothing, he will have a lot to contribute.

From this, Kane also knows why the rewards obtained by the guild's explorer members seem to be very good.

Because the protection of ordinary civilians is also counted on top of their contributions.

And also killed many cannibals, saving many other forces that were about to be devoured by cannibals.

"Is that so?" Kane muttered to himself.

"What is this?" asked Claire next to her.

Kane raised his head, looked at the crowd around him, and took this opportunity to speak.

"All our good deeds for the world are counted as contributions and kept in mind by the fog.

For example, the civilians we rescued took only two months to annihilate the cannibal race, which also prevented more forces from being destroyed.

Rescued civilians in danger and provided them with a normal and safe living environment.

All of this is counted as a contribution, giving back to us exactly the same. "

"It's not just that the goal given by the fog is simply completed, and all the rewards are only given to this goal."

Mist is awesome!

Who doesn't like such a superior.

One is one, two is two, and the contribution that should be made will never be ambiguous.

Thinking of this, Kane couldn't help shouting: "Praise the mist!"

"Praise the mist!"

Everyone followed and cheered.

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