On the dark cliff wall, the autumn evening wind blows with a hint of coolness.

But for Kane's people, this coolness is just the decoration of autumn.

After hearing Yoyo's words, the three of them immediately became interested and gathered around them one after another.

Kane asked directly: "What do you mean by what you just said, that is to say, the people who convey the information are people who know us, know our existence, and even know that we have entered the ring of the world."

Knowing that they entered the ring of the world, it is not a secret news at all for explorers, and almost everyone knows it.

But the enemy used the technology of the Gobi ruins, and used a special signal band man to transmit information to Kane.

"The one who transmits the signal is the dungeon will of the Gobi ruins we saw a long time ago, that big iron head?"

In addition to this, Kane has absolutely no idea who it might be, and after rummaging through his mind, Kane can only think of this goal.

"Yes, master, it is the will of the dungeon, and this message was specially sent to us by him."

"It uses a large-scale broadcast, but it has an encrypted format, which can only be deciphered by people who know a certain amount of their technology."

Hearing this, Kane Wei Mi's eyes rubbed his chin.

He had no idea that this information would be sent by that mechanical race on purpose.

And based on previous understanding, it may also be a distress message.

He didn't know the location of Kane and others, only that Kane and the others had entered the Ring of the World.

Thinking of this, Kane said, "What did the information say?"

"This message is a distress signal and a coordinate address. He is asking us for help, asking us to help him, and he can't last long."

After listening to Yoyo's words, Kane began to think seriously.

Why did you ask them for help? When they were separated from the dungeon, their strength was only at the level of bronze. For the current dungeon, they have always been weak.

Why would the enemy think of turning to them?

That is to say, he knew the current strength of Kane and others through some means.

Otherwise, normal people would not think of Kane and the others, their strength would increase so quickly, let alone people from other worlds.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Return to him with the size and intensity of the information he sent, and let him give more detailed information."

"Okay, master."

After hearing Kane's words, Yoyo re-manipulated the huge antenna to transmit the information he wanted to send through the antenna in the same sequence and intensity.

This time, Kane didn't wait long. After only about 5 minutes, Yoyo received a reply.

"Master, he replied." After Yoyo finished speaking, blue rays were projected directly from her eyes.

These rays directly formed words in the air, and the appearance was for Kane to see for themselves.

There was still a lot of information sent this time. It was a long piece, and Kane and the others began to check it seriously.

After reading it carefully, Kane nodded. Is that so?

The information passed over explained in detail his current situation, the predicament he faced, and what kind of help he needed from Kane and others, and even the price he could pay.

Seeing that this is extremely frank, and it seems that there is no hidden information at all, he really has no choice.

Perhaps sending a signal to Kane and the others is a mentality of holding a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Maybe he didn't even think that he could really receive a reply from Kane and the others.

This is the message that came over.

After the Gobi ruins became real, they entered the ring of the world.

The problem is here, the dungeon will of the Gobi ruins belonged to the bodies of the two mechanical races at that time.

One is the last boss of the dungeon, and the other is the mechanical head that Kane and the others rescued.

This mechanical head is the person who is now communicating with Kane and the others.

After the dungeon was cleared and turned into reality, there were no remaining clansmen at all.

They themselves are the only clansmen left, and the rest are just mechanical monsters constructed by them. Belonging is their assistant tools, even weapons.

Only they will not be their kin.

After that, the remaining mechanical head began to use the only resources left in the dungeon to create his new body in some form.

However, it is the Gobi ruins after all. Even if there are many ruins of their past, after the destruction of the world, the resources that can be used are too few. Until now, he has not produced many of the same family.

If this is the case, it is not difficult at all, after all, they are mechanical beings with infinite time.

In addition, after the ring of the world is opened, the restrictions are released, and they can also obtain more resources from other places, so that they can make more of the same kind.

However, it just so happens that they are mechanically related dungeons after all, and there are also dungeons with similar themes around them.

The problem is that the power that the dungeon has become is a bit powerful, and it is not something they can deal with.

And because everyone belongs to the camp of magic technology, this force is very interested in these mechanical races that can think and have free will.

Can't help but want to catch them for research.

But the same kind of machine was placed on his land, and there was no ability to remove it, and even if it could be removed, it was impossible to escape the enemy's pursuit.

He relied on his own gold-level strength and the large weapons in the ruins left behind to persevere.

Due to the need for research, the enemy doesn't really want to hurt these cautious experimental subjects, so they have been somewhat restrained in attacking.

But he knew that there was a time limit for all of this, and when the backup energy of these weapons and those mechanical monsters were exhausted, it would be the day when their race would perish.

And he needs Kane and the others to come and rescue them, and move away the machinery that can make them the same group, and the price is that their entire family joins Kane's power.

Use their bodies and their knowledge to work for Kane.

In other words, use labor and knowledge in exchange for Kane's asylum.

From this, we can understand that the Dungeon Will understands Kane's current situation better.

As a mechanic, Kane could hardly refuse such a temptation.

With the addition of these mechanical life forms, the technology of the territory will really develop rapidly.

Maybe the problem of underpopulation can be temporarily alleviated, and the resources of the territory can be developed first.

And his enemies are also forces using magic technology.

This power is not much stronger than their former power, but there are more people.

Kane also really wants to have a wave of battles with this force that also uses magic technology, and then learn to let him have more inspiration and ideas.

Claire looked at Kane from the side, frowning and walking around and said: "This mechanical race joining us will bring good development to our territory, right?"

"Well." Kane nodded: "This gold-level former dungeon will, according to his knowledge, is at least the master level of the association."

Whether it is the country of platinum or the collar of the lantern, because of Kane's existence, it is transforming into a city of magic technology.

And the facts have also proved that these magical technologies can bring more vitality to ordinary people and the entire force, as well as produce more items, and improve productivity technology, anyway, it is a variety of benefits.

That's why it seems that this mechanical race is somewhat important to Kane and the others.

"Then go help, after all, to be honest, the territory doesn't really need our participation in its development.

As for the explorers of the guild and us, we have plenty of time, and after a few months of comprehension of the rules, we really need some goals. Let us check the latest results. "

After listening to Claire's words, Kane also made up his mind.

"Okay, then go help, but you can't bring too many people, and all of them need to be explorers. We will help in the form of an elite team."

After all, their main purpose this time is to rescue all the mechanical races, and transfer their race-making equipment together.

The essence of this mission is rescue and escort.

Even if the forces that are hostile to them are killed, it will not be of any benefit to Kane and the others.

Because it is too far away, it can be said that most of the trophies are unlikely to be able to be received. If it is destroyed, it will not be worth the candle.

For rescue and escort, of course, the number of people should be small and the strength should be strong.

After the decision was made, Kane said to Yoyo: "Reply to him, we agreed, we will set off when we are ready, and let him hold on for a while."

Not long after the signal was sent, the reply came.

He thanked Kane and others for their help, and at the same time explained that he could persist for another 5 days at most.

"Five days?" Kane thought for a while: "Enough."

Thinking of this, Kane said to Claire: "I'll go to the guild first and leave a note for Entoma. I will start recruiting people tomorrow. Be sure to recruit all people tomorrow night."

Claire nodded.

Kane disappeared in place and entered the guild hall. It was already late at night, and there were almost no people in the guild hall.

Only a few seemed to have just finished eating, and the members of the Knights of the Lantern on the night shift were drinking dull wine.

It seems that at the front desk, a note was written and pasted on it.

Then came to the country of platinum.

First, through the ruby ​​collar on the collar, he communicated with Lombe and Metzker.

"Hi, I'm Kane, are Lombe and Metzker here? Can you hear me?"

After waiting for a while without replying, Kane took out the BB machine and left a message for the two of them.

He has already sensed it through authority, and the two are now comprehending the rules, so they didn't bother.

"I have something to do, gather in the guild tomorrow."

After sending this message, Kane left the Platinum Kingdom and returned to the top of the cliff again.

Looking at Claire and Lilulu Kane who were waiting beside him, he said, "It's still a while before dawn, do you have any arrangements?"

Claire shook her head, she just came out to get some fresh air after a long period of comprehension.

"Would you like to go to the fairy tale world with Li Lulu?" Hearing Li Lulu's words, the two thought about it and then nodded. Anyway, there is nothing to do now.

And it's true that I haven't been to the fairy tale world for a long time.

Afterwards, the few people entered the kingdom of platinum, and instantly teleported to the fairy tale world of the kingdom of platinum through authority.

As soon as Kane entered the fairy tale world, he found that it was much bigger than before, and even the fairy tale elements in the air had thickened to a certain extent.

Almost already a small elemental plane.

"Growing up so fast?" Kane muttered to himself.

It has been almost a year since he came to Fairy Tale World last time.

Before, it was still a small space attached to the Platinum Kingdom to stabilize through the acceleration of time, and it has been regarded as a small elemental plane in just one year.

Don't underestimate the small elemental plane.

Even the smallest elemental plane is basically connected to several worlds at the same time, providing them with elemental support.

But this has also reached the limit of Li Lulu's control to some extent.

If Li Lulu still wants to improve the elemental plane, she must enter the color stage.

Otherwise, if she is forced to ascend upwards, the pressure of the elemental plane is not something she can bear, and she may even escape Li Lulu's control.

A gold-level explorer holds an elemental plane, which sounds like a fairy tale.

After that, Lilulu took the two of them to visit the fairy tale world.

The two finally understood the strength that Lilulu's fairy tale rules could achieve at this time.

And the impact on the world of fairy tales.

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