As the machine is activated, various parts of the exterior are activated.

I can feel that the whole machine is in operation, but there is no sound of mechanical operation, and the sound that comes out is very subtle.

Ordinary hearing can't detect it at all, only the buzzing sound after some magic power is running.

The first thing to start is the top, the magic vortex Kane saw before.

This thing makes the loudest sound.

The spiral magic vortex began to spin crazily, producing some kind of special suction, sucking all the surrounding magic into it.

This is how the energy of this machine works.

The mastery of the dungeon allowed Kane to clearly feel the magic power that was sucked in, almost all kinds of magic power.

This machine, it does not refuse.

You know, the magic power scattered in the air is impure.

These magics are suitable for the various elements in the air mixed together.

The magic power that can be inhaled into the body of an individual creature generally needs to be purified through a certain process before it can be stored in the body.

Otherwise, there is no such thing as recovering magic power. The essence of magic power potion is concentrated pure magic power or something that helps to purify magic power.

Many magics actually need not only the magic power in the individual body, but also the doping of external magic power.

Only when the two are fused with each other can they produce enormous power and exert the proper effects of each type of magic.

For example, in a non-magic or low-magic environment, the power of using magic power will be greatly reduced, and more consumption will be incurred.

Because the resulting consumption must be fully borne by the caster, there is no or very little external magic power.

And this kind of magical vortex does not reject anyone who comes, and sucks in all impurities and impurities.

To him, it's all energy, it's just how much energy is produced.

He didn't even know how to distinguish these energies, and dismantled and melted them all at once.

With the activation of the magic vortex, when the magic power is enough. A series of huge magic pathways were revealed on the body surface, and then covered all parts of the entire machine.

The operation of magic can be felt very clearly from the lines on these surfaces.

Many large-scale magic machines have to draw some magic pathways and magic circles outside.

Even if there is a danger of being very easily damaged, it has to be so.

Even Kane had to do this when he used his original skills to construct mechas.

But now his rules can completely offset the disadvantages, and the path will not be poorly connected due to the damage of the appearance.

That's why Kane learned this rule.

Then Kane could feel that the materials that had just been put into the material inlet had been sucked in.

As long as you are willing to release your perception, you can clearly fill in its inner workings.

Is there no defense against this?

Kane thought that such an important machine would be shielded from various spiritual perceptions.

After all, such an important mechanism and its operating principle should be kept secret.

When such a situation occurs, one, or Kobo deliberately, in order to let Kane and the others have a clear understanding of its mode of operation.

Second, when the core machine was manufactured, it did not provide such a function.

Perhaps in the period when this core master machine could be manufactured, the omnic was very powerful, and the core master machine was not a very important thing.

But is it possible? Kane didn't quite understand.

As the materials were crushed and smelted, under the complex mechanical tentacles, a steel body was being slowly woven out.

First comes the head, then the body.

The process looks a bit like 3D printing.

The whole process took only about half an hour.

The mechanical body is precise and at the same time looks very simple.

Very contradictory.

I can't understand why it is designed like this, but Kane can still see some imitations of the human body.

Most of the imitation is the flow of magic in the body.

The magic circuit in the body, the similarity rate of each race reached 50%.

So nothing surprising.

Finally, after the body was completely manufactured, it came to Kane's most concerned point.

Looking at Li Lulu, who was doing nothing and distracted, Kane patted her on the head directly.

"Don't be distracted, keep your spirits up and focus. Use your senses to appreciate the changes around you, including the operation of this machine."

Hearing Kane's reminder, Lilulu cheered up immediately.

Her spiritual power also began to integrate into the machine like a tentacle.

And Claire, like Kane, has been watching with all her attention.

The most important process is the cohesion of the soul.

Kane could feel that the largest area inside the machine was working, and it was densely packed with exaggerated magic circles and runes.

There is hardly any mechanical structure involved in this area, and it is completely piled up by magic circles and runes.

These magic circles and runes are nested and fitted together, and they are firmly bound together.

With the influx of magic power, it began to work in sequence.

When all the magic circles and runes are in full operation, you can clearly feel the strength of the magic power bursting out from this machine.

Such an exaggerated magic strength really doesn't have much effect on mental perception or defense.

Even if it is defended, it can follow the burst of magic power and penetrate in the opposite direction.

With the operation of the whole machine.

At the center of those magic circles, a pale light spot appeared in the middle.

Like a firefly in the dark night.

The mastery of the Platinum Kingdom made Kane clearly feel the birth of a soul.

Although he is still very immature and fragile.

Then the light spot of this soul became brighter and bigger, and it took more than ten hours until it became the size of a palm.

Finally, a white flame ignited, and entered the head of the mechanical body along the bottom.

There is a mechanical structure like a spar at the core of the skull.

The two began to come into contact slowly, and as time passed, they began to slowly gather together.

The spar and this soul are firmly bound together.

The front door of the huge machine opened, and the newly born omnic slowly came out from inside.

After being stunned for a while, he nodded to Kebo and saluted, "Master of Energy."

Cobb nodded and waved at him.

The newly born omnic left the room.

When Kobo turned his head, he found that the three of Kane had already froze in place, looking like they were thinking.

Seeing such a situation, Keboke didn't bother him, and went directly to the side, sat down, and waited.

A few people stood next to the machine for more than a day.

After all, a core mother machine can only produce 4 omnics in 5 days.

Kane was the first to come back to his senses. Seeing that the situation on both sides was also undisturbed, he came to sit next to Koboke.

"Anything to gain?" Koboke said.

Kane nodded.

The reason why he brought Lilulu and Kelinya here is actually to take a look at the whole process of the birth of an omnic.

The most important part of this is the birth of a soul.

Other worlds may not know, but for this world, whether it is in the fog or in the dungeon, the most important thing in life is not the body outside.

That is just the carrier of the soul, what is important is a soul.

Soul is the essence of life.

Even such a mechanical life form like omnic must have a soul.

Kane doesn't know how the previous world was like, but this world is such a rule.

And just created a soul, which is the legendary artificial life.

Lilulu's fairy tale magic and authority are all related to the soul.

Needless to say, Claire's death rules are highly connected with her soul.

The two come to observe this process carefully, and they will definitely have different perceptions.

The same is true for Kane, after all, this is creating life.

The result did not disappoint Kane.

He has already learned the golden skill [Soul Manipulation Core] that he acquired the earliest.

And it was not learned by Kane at the stage of skill qualification.

This skill is not so much a skill, but actually brings more knowledge and skills to Kane.

Obtaining this skill stone in Kane brought great changes to Kane's original skills.

This skill allows Kane to create an intelligent magic AI in the magic world.

As long as Kane spends time, spends mana. He was able to create an advanced intelligent core similar to Yoyo.

Judging from the performance of the first batch of smart cores produced, that is, the smart assistants around Claire and the others.

They have begun to have feelings, and have begun to ignite the spark of wisdom.

That's the potential of this skill.

The basis of life creation, the artificial soul.

And Kane used this skill almost anytime and anywhere afterwards, even if the skill was not placed in the skill grid.

Because manipulating and using the smart core does not require this skill, it is only needed when making the smart core.

Whether it's the smart floating cannon, the guild's main system lights, or the roving monitors and signal diffusers that are floating over the territory.

There are also various automated machines that are widely used in the Platinum Country and the territory.

All are manufactured based on the intelligent core.

It's just that their intelligence levels are different, and the time and cost they need are also different.

But I have to say that this skill usually feels like nothing, and it's hard to realize how useful it is.

But he is indeed the skill with the widest range of influence and the largest area of ​​use among all of Kane's gold-level skills.

His essence is to create life.

When seeing the core mother machine, a real individual life, an omnic, is produced from scratch.

Kane had a new understanding of this skill, and successfully learned the first gold skill completely.

Even bring out the old and bring forth the new.

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