The time of the Platinum Country and the outside world are equal.

Even if separated in different spaces, there is no time difference.

This also makes it very convenient for the junction of the two places to avoid some troublesome things due to the difference in time between the two sides.

The scorching sun of winter is already hanging in the sky, even though today is a sunny day, the sun is shining brightly.

But the temperature in the air is not hot, but just warm.

This is a rare comfortable breath during this period of time, and it is usually slightly cool at this time.

Even though it's only more than August now, it's just the beginning of autumn.

However, the Lantern Territory often seems a little cold, which may be because Kane and the others are too close to the snow mountain area.

The cold wind blowing from the snow-capped mountains makes people feel a little cold even in August, when autumn has just entered.

Even if the Lantern Territory has a huge area, it cannot be spared. After all, the Snow Mountain area covers an area that is too wide.

Almost all of their large area was cut off at the middle, forming a natural barrier.

Coupled with the rule-like coldness in the center, which is even copper-colored for ordinary people, it is extremely difficult for explorers to pass through this area.

When Kane and the others passed through this area, if it weren't for them having about 10 gold-level powerhouses and Kane's various magic technologies.

I don't know how much time to spend here.

At this moment, Kane walked out of his room slowly and came to the hall in the palace.

Claire smiled when she saw him come out and said, "Even if you reach the gold level, you still have to sleep in."

"There is nothing to be busy recently, so it's okay to take a break." Kane said indifferently, and then walked over to take the breakfast that Claire took out from the golden space equipment.

Due to the stop of time in the golden space equipment, the breakfast was still warm and delicious just out of the oven.

While the two were chatting, Li Lulu suddenly appeared from the side, as if she had teleported here.

When she saw Kane next to her, she immediately flew over.

"Kane, Kane, come here, I have something to tell you."

Looking at Lilulu flying over, Kane was a little strange, what should I tell him now?

"whats the matter?"

"I went to see Mother Misty last night, and he has something to tell you."

Lilulu flew over, sat on Kane's shoulder and said.

Hearing Li Lulu's words, Kane was a little surprised: "Mist wants you to tell me something? Can't she just pass the information directly to my mind? Does it still need to go through you?"

As he spoke, Kane looked at Lilulu with strange eyes.

The main reason is that these words are really too strange, and it feels full of loopholes.

"What are you doing looking at Li Lulu with such strange eyes?"

"I'm wondering, do you suddenly want to play tricks on me? It can't be a prank, right?

If it's a prank, it's too low-end. "

Hearing Kane's words, Li Lulu was a little annoyed and stretched out her hands to tug Kane's ear near her, and said angrily, "How could Li Lulu lie to you with such a thing?"

"The reason why Mother Misty conveyed the information to you directly is because the Platinum Kingdom is your territory, of course she can't spy here at will, it's impolite and it's a respect for you.

What a ignorant Kane, I'm going to make a report, and I should ask Mama Misty to downgrade your badge. "

ah? Hearing Lilulu's explanation, Kane was even more surprised.

Is it reasonable to be a mist?

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is indeed the style of the mist.

The mist seems to be such a careful existence.

All right.

"Then, what does the mist need to convey from Her Majesty the lovely and great Empress Lilulu?"

Kane said to Li Lulu with a very serious and flattering expression.

Hearing Kane's words and actions, Lilulu raised her head, put her hands on her waist, and said arrogantly.

"Since you asked the question so sincerely, then Li Lulu will tell you."

Watching the interaction between the two, Claire next to her secretly laughed.

"Mum Mist said that after the four years of the opening of the Ring of the World, the restrictions on the Platinum Kingdom will be lifted, and then the two sides will be able to officially communicate, and there will be no restrictions on communication."

"Can the restriction be lifted?" Kane's voice was a little surprised.

He thought that he had to wait until the ring of the world was completely over and merged with the misty world before the restriction could be lifted.

Didn't expect it to be lifted during this period? Once it is lifted, it will have an extremely exaggerated increase in Kane's power.

"But will it take more than three years?" Kane muttered to himself.

Why do you have to choose the node of 4 years?

After thinking for a while, Kane may have thought of a reason.

The reason why Kane was able to control the Platinum Kingdom was to place it in the Ring of the World.

To be honest, it might be for Li Lulu's sake, or it could be a benefit of the mist to Kane and the others.

Otherwise, according to the normal process, it should only be able to be placed in the foggy world.

Like the World Restaurant, and many of the mastered dungeons.

Kane asked at the party, and while they didn't say exactly where their dungeon was located, it was placed in the Mist world from the start.

There is even a relatively unlucky one, the location of the dungeon is not chosen by him, but is generated directly from the place he entered.

It is said that he managed to master the dungeon because he used some loopholes at that time.

Although the mist also imposed many restrictions on the Platinum Kingdom placed in the Ring of the World, it still opened certain permissions to Kane.

According to the normal situation, it should be completely closed.

However, it is precisely because of these open permissions that the material flow between the two sides can be circulated, so that Kane's territory can develop so quickly.

The only gap is the population, otherwise, there will be gaps everywhere, and it is impossible to develop as smoothly as it is now.

If I don't have the Platinum Country, I don't have the permissions opened by the Platinum Country.

The current lantern collar is almost short of materials, people, technology, and food.

It will never be as comfortable as it is now, moving forward.

With such permissions, Kane is actually very satisfied, and even very grateful to the mist.

I didn't expect that in a few years, the authority would be fully lifted.

After Kane thought about it, it might be because after 4 years, the permission of the Platinum Kingdom will be opened, and the advantages will not be as exaggerated as they were at the beginning.

Although there is still an advantage, but after nearly 4 years, the advantage is not as great as imagined.

After all, during the past four years, those top world-level forces, or those first-class forces, have already established a firm foothold in the Ring of the World.

At this time, they can rely on their own advantages in the foggy world to start material operations.

Even a little bit more powerful, in less than a year or two, they have already connected business routes inside and outside, and began to quickly transport materials from outside to the ring of the world for support.

Do not think that there is no such possibility.

Those world-class, first-class forces don't know how many epochs they have existed.

They have experienced the ring of the world several times, and they already have a specific process.

Looking at it this way, Kane's advantage will not be as exaggerated as it was at the beginning, and it has reached an acceptable level.

Although it is still unfair, after all, Kane and the others also defeated the Platinum Country with their own hands.

Appropriate advantages are also due.

But in any case, these must be thanks to the mist, because all the privileges given have to be counted as the benefits given to them by the mist.

Not something that should be there normally.

"The message has also arrived. Li Lulu has something to do and left first."

After saying that, Lilulu disappeared in place.

Kane was still thinking, and didn't care about Lilulu's departure.

Claire came over, sat down beside Kane with her knees bent, picked up a cup of hot tea and took a sip, then said slowly.

"Then with this information, how do you prepare next?"

The reason why Claire asked this was because since the mist had given a specific time, it was to give Kane and the others a time period to prepare.

The remaining three years will allow Kane to prepare for the platinum country.

The Platinum Country is an extremely safe rear.

As the ruler of the Platinum Kingdom, unless the enemy wants to die, or the strength has reached the level of five colors, or even seven colors.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill Kane in the country of platinum, or in other words, do some damage in the country of platinum.

Moreover, although the import and export of the Platinum Kingdom are located on the cliff next to the City of Two Realms, Kane has the authority to close it at will.

So there is absolutely no worries inside.

Once it is turned on, it is a huge force that starts to support the outside world.

Even if Kane has continued to develop his territory in the past three years, it is impossible to control the population and various facilities of the territory.

Developed to be as prosperous as the country of Platinum.

You must know that Kane's authority and original skills have extremely exaggerated bonuses in the country of platinum.

That almost came true, making every city and every living area extremely suitable for living.

Coupled with the omnic clan that just joined yesterday, the number of its race can increase to more than 1,000 within three years.

These are real researchers, as well as highly skilled teachers.

They will bring huge development momentum to Platinum Country, which is already unpredictable.

Of course, what we can know is that their existence makes the Platinum Kingdom feel like they are on a plane, or even a rocket climbing up at a high speed.

To be honest, Kane can't wait to see the Platinum Kingdom come out in three years and start developing at an extremely fast speed.

Now that there is this news, the focus of development needs to be redistributed.

Previously, the focus of development had been concentrated on the outside world, and Kane did not worry too much about the development of the Platinum Country.

Now both sides need to move forward in unison.

Thinking of this, Kane said to Claire: "Now the promotion of the territory should not only focus on the population, but also on various resources that the Platinum Country does not have, including special minerals, special products, and some Senior talent."

"Reversely transport these things into the country of platinum to promote the development inside.

The country of platinum only needs to provide various basic livelihood facilities to the outside world. "

Speaking of this, Kane suddenly figured it out.

"I have two worlds, why must the two sides develop in a very even way.

It can completely make the two sides focus on different things, support each other, and go hand in hand. "

After all, the previous development ideas were all based on the premise that the country of platinum could only provide material support.

It's different now.

After all, the Platinum Country is just one piece, a piece of the once world center, a continent.

The various resources inside cannot be compared to the ring of the world outside.

You must know that the ring of the world is made up of countless world fragments, and there are countless resources in it.

It is not comparable to a country of platinum.

The advantage of the Platinum Country is Kane's complete control.

Kane can use his own authority to modify the inside, divide the various areas inside, and even arbitrarily modify the requirements of the environment to the best.

Let the inside be like spring all year round and flourish.

Thinking of this, Kane said to Claire: "After receiving this news, we should hurry up and gather the important government personnel from both sides to redistribute and discuss the next arrangement."

After speaking, Kane took out the magic mirror and began to send messages in important groups, and the meeting will be held two hours later.

It's just noon now, and everyone has no rest.

Then the two entered the guild hall.

Choose a large conference room and wait up.

And make some ideas and materials, let Yoyo cast them on the blackboard in front of him.

Not long after, all important officials from various departments gathered in the meeting room, divided into two worlds and sat in the left and right rows.

Afterwards, Kane told them the news he had just received.

Hearing this news, everyone started talking like a pot exploded in an instant.

This news is undoubtedly a bomb that overturns all their previous arrangements and subsequent ideas.

Everything has to be overthrown and restarted.

Especially some long-term plans are completely useless.

Now with a better idea.

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