Under the scorching sun, a neat team marched forward.

Under the sunlight, the mighty armor on their bodies reflected a bright silver light.

Through the light, you can also see the fine magic lines on the armor.

All members of the Knights of the Lantern are members of the guild. As the guild's cataracts, they have a special training ground.

Whether it is the equipment on the body, the skills learned, or the professional branches in the team, they all come from the resident of the Knights.

This also caused a huge gap between their strength and other soldiers.

If you compare them with explorers, they are now middle and upper explorers of the same level.

In other words, the members of the entire Lantern Knights can be regarded as 2,000 explorers whose strength has reached the silver bottleneck stage.

Compared with the small team of explorers, they are more accustomed to fighting in large armies, and they cooperate with each other tacitly, just like brothers and sisters.

The branches of occupations allow them to perfectly cooperate to deal with most situations.

This also makes them the strongest army under Kane.

About 500 archers followed behind them, and these archers were all carrying silver-level bow and arrow equipment on their backs.

A long-handled dagger was slung around his waist, and a short-range hand spray loaded with three bullets.

As silver-level shooters, they are all Bonona's guards.

Archery skills are comparable to sniper rifles, all trained by Bonona.

In terms of the hit and damage of a single target, the thermal weapons at this stage are completely incomparable.

The leader of the team this time is Bonona. As the guards, they naturally have to follow along.

A total of 2,500 people are all the personnel involved in this operation.

There are no more personnel and arms configurations, because this time they will crush the enemy with absolute strength to wipe out the enemy.

The enemy is a professional army composed of 8,000 people, but there are only about six or seven hundred silver soldiers among them.

In addition, they are all the private troops of the nobles. Although they gathered together to deal with Kane, they couldn't coordinate the command at all.

So this time is essentially a war of crushing and showing off.

The reason for showing off to the outside world is to scare the chickens and monkeys to show their strength.

The real goal is actually very simple, to occupy this area.

The leadership of all forces can basically see it, but it doesn't matter, it was not a show for them.

Behind the entire team, there are three intelligent camera cores, which clearly transmit the current picture to all the screens.

Present their actions unreservedly to the civilians of various forces around them.


"General, everyone is here except Earl Halfis."

An orderly officer came to General Feitern and reported the arrival of the nobles and their troops.

After listening to the herald's words, the general frowned: "Why didn't he come, did he want to disobey His Majesty's order?"

"Your Excellency, I don't think we need to wait for him. He is a traitor among us, and it is impossible to stop the Lantern Territory with us."

A nobleman sat next to him and said to the general.

"Why?" asked the general who for some reason didn't know what Halfis was doing.

Hearing the general's question, the noble next to him immediately replied: "That guy is a freak, he really regarded the so-called mist as the god of creation, he disbanded his serfs, and really lowered the tax rate .”

"And he forced us and everyone around him to act with him. Otherwise, it would be blasphemy. He even wanted to send troops to attack the surrounding nobles who didn't listen to him."

After hearing this, the general nodded in understanding.

After all, Mist is indeed a real god. They can live safely until now, with a relatively comfortable world environment like the present.

Instead of being destroyed along with the fragments of the world, this is all thanks to the mist.

It is normal for people to want to follow him.

This can also explain why the earl did not come to fight.

After all, Kane and the others are under the banner of carrying out the will of the mist. The earl did not rebel on the spot, and it is already very good to help the enemy.

Still counting on him to join the battle, that is really thinking too much.

"Okay, then don't worry about him. When we come back victorious, the king will naturally take him to the knife."

After the general finished speaking, he said to the herald next to him: "Since they are all here, then mix them together and call me all the nobles who came with the army."

"Yes, General."


At the same time, Bonona had joined Testek and the others.

It was already late at night, and the army was setting up a simple camp next to it, preparing to rest for the night.

In a large tent, Bonona, Abby, and Testek were sitting inside.

Sitting next to Testek was a man wearing a black cloak whose figure and face could not be seen.

Bonona said to the person in black robe: "This is a loyal believer of the mist, Earl Halfis, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Where, everything is for the mist." The earl said as he took off his hood.

"Yes." Bonona nodded in agreement.

Then she said: "The reason why the Earl was invited over at this time is to discuss tomorrow's battle."

"Tomorrow we hope that His Royal Highness the Earl will lead your army to formally rebel and fire the first shot against those nobles who profane the mist."

"Then we will immediately rush out from the side to assist the Earl in annihilating the enemy."

After listening to Bonona's proposal, the count frowned very obviously. Isn't this just using his soldiers as cannon fodder?

He's just a fanatic, not an idiot.

He said displeasedly: "Why did this general do this? You guys want to attack the Kingdom of Feitern, but I'm just a person who turned from darkness to light.

Are you trying to use me as cannon fodder? "

"No, no, Your Highness, obviously you have misunderstood." Bonona had expected it, and waved her hand to persuade.

"As a warrior under the Mist, how could I do such a thing to you who also believe in the Mist."

"I believe you saw it when you came in before. The soldiers we lead are almost all cavalry and some shooters. If we charge forward, we will be blocked by the enemy's soldiers."

"Although our soldiers are strong, they will still be hurt by direct conflict."

After finishing speaking, Bonona paused for a moment, then lowered her voice and said, "As a rebel, you can stand up and declare your loyalty to the mist openly. You are a person who casts away the darkness and turns to the light. This is also a tribute to the mist, isn't it?" ?”

"And you have to trust us, our actions have been watched by others, if we betray you, then my reputation will be rotten, so please also believe that we believe in the mist."

After listening to Bonona's series of explanations, the count frowned, thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"I promised to surprise them from the front as a bait, but I will not let all my soldiers press up, and will only send a limited number of soldiers to stand in front to attract the enemy's attention."

"Of course, of course! That's fine, and we can leave the rest to us."

Then everyone chatted about some details, and Bonona and Testek secretly sent the earl out of the camp.

"Just a few words of persuasion, will he believe and agree?" Testek muttered beside him.

Hearing what Testek said to herself, Bonona shook her head and said with a smile: "He didn't agree casually, but he had no retreat from the beginning. , will not let him go."

"His only chance of survival now is to count on us to fight a good victory, which may bring him more benefits.

Being able to continue to believe in the mist, revealing one's own existence, and gaining more benefits, why not do it. "

After listening to Bonona's words, Testek nodded half-understood.

Then Bonona began to arrange the task of formation and arrangement, and she will act early tomorrow morning.

next morning.

The capital of the Tri-Clan Alliance.

Early in the morning, many civilians came to the door of the newspaper with their breakfasts in hand, and many even brought benches and seats beside them.

Of course they came this time to continue watching the live broadcast that they hadn't finished watching yesterday.

After watching all day yesterday, it turned out that all the knights with lanterns in silver armor were on their way.

Although judging from the surrounding scenery and the changes in the itinerary and sunrise, it is indeed a real picture.

But I couldn't stand it and kept on my way, it was too boring.

After careful calculations by some people who watched at the time, the time for the battle should be today.

This also caused people who watched the live broadcast early this morning to gather around them all.

This also made the Xiaolou Hotel opposite the newspaper office a lot of money, especially on the 2nd and 3rd floors. The picture on the screen can be seen very clearly by the window.

Not to mention the quiet and comfortable environment inside, it is simply the best place to watch movies. Last night's time was fired to sky-high prices.

Everyone wanted to see how strong Lantern Territory, which had been talking about, was really powerful.

After all, many of them have never seen it positively, and only know from a few words that their neighbor is an extremely powerful force.

It is a force that cares about civilians.

When the sun rises completely from the sky and the surrounding area is illuminated by the sunlight, it will finally be warm.

Finally, a change appeared on the screen.

"It's coming, and the Knights are clearing up the camp. It seems that a battle will take place today."

"How did they carry so many items in the camp? Why did they all disappear in an instant?"

"Idiot, that is the magic equipment for storage. Didn't you expect the lantern collar to be so rich? You have so many storage equipment."

The speaker has no intention, but the viewer has the heart.

Many wise people have seen a lot of business opportunities here.

"I really want to have my own storage equipment, so that I don't have to wear heavy armor every day, carry so many weapons, and have to travel long distances to hunt.

I don't know how much energy I can save. If I had known that I would pick up and escort the caravan going to Lantern Territory, maybe I could get some loot. "

"Didn't you hear what was said yesterday, the strength of these soldiers has reached the silver bottleneck stage, no one and monsters on the surrounding roads would dare to provoke them. You used to be able to split you in half with a single blow."

"How can you not think about it?"

"Think about it, don't say it, it's really ignorant."

One of these two is a sturdy orc in half-body armor, and the other is a human in armor, with a body shape not inferior to that of an orc.

From the outside, both of them seem to have a bad temper.

While talking, the two suddenly started beating, which shocked the people around them.

What kind of enmity, what kind of resentment, it's like this in broad daylight.

Then the two people with bruised noses and swollen faces were dragged away by the guards who rushed over.

Before being dragged away, I heard them saying: "You idiot, when I come out, I will definitely teach you a lesson."

"Who is afraid of whom? See you in the arena then."

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