Baron Yasi was wearing a luxurious and bright armor and riding a mighty war horse, and this war horse was also wearing a light harness.

As a powerful baron, he is responding to the king's call and leading more than half of the knights and soldiers in his territory to participate in this war.

In order to win more glory, he brought over most of the powerful soldiers in the territory.

And spent huge sums of money to equip them with armored weapons.

Those who stayed in the territory were only some recruits, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

If someone is staring at his territory at this time, then his territory will have no power to fight back.

"That idiot, Halfis, dared to betray the kingdom, damn it."

He was cursing and heading towards the right flank of the army.

He happened to see Earl Halfis's army rushing towards the team in front of them on the way.

And he happened to be ordered to defend on the right wing at the beginning.

"These damned maggots must want to claim the military exploits for themselves. I should have a share of this."

Looking at Halfis and the soldiers under his banner in the distance, he was already fighting fiercely with the soldiers in front.

But he can only be on the right wing, defending against the inexplicable, possibly charging enemies.

He didn't feel at all that there would be enemies rushing from here.

He felt that this was a manifestation of those great nobles wanting to monopolize their military exploits.

But he has already put most of his worth on the gambling table called war.

"Wait, these damn maggots, I will definitely bring the highest glory to the family and pull them down one by one."

He kept complaining and cursing.

The butler who was also wearing armor and followed him shook his head helplessly.

Fortunately, there are knights and soldiers of the family all around.

No one will hear his disrespectful words.

His master has a talent for business and a talent for politics.

It's just that the mouth and thoughts are too dark, and when no one is around, or when I can't help it, I always complain and abuse others.

Thankfully though, at least on the positive side, he behaves like a proper nobleman.

And he also felt that they were suddenly switched to the right to defend, maybe because the nobles above wanted to monopolize the battle.

Such tricks are too common for the nobles, and it is not unusual at all.

When there is something to do, the little nobles will come, and when there is nothing to do, the big nobles will come to annex the military exploits.

If necessary, block the mouths of the nobles who disperse some military exploits to the powerful.

It is such a commonly used tactic that it is almost becoming the rule of the game of war.

Although Baron Yass kept complaining and cursing, he still kept deploying his knights and soldiers to form a defensive formation with soldiers from other surrounding territories.

After all, if you are assigned, you have to fulfill your duties well, otherwise what honor would you get?

Be prepared every time so that you can seize the opportunity when it comes.

to climb higher.

The butler next to him also had a look of relief.

Just when they had just adjusted their formation and were about to take a break, the spies at the front ran down frantically, shouting.

"Enemy attack, the enemy is rushing over!"

Hearing the voice of the spies, Ya Si and the earl next to him immediately started to shout.

"Everyone get ready, take the shield and spear in your hand, crouch down, and hold me firmly."

Although a little flustered, they at least stabilized the formation before the enemy rushed over.

And it is known in advance that most of the enemy's troops are cavalry.

Then they saw a group of knights reflecting silver light in the sun, charging towards them with huge lances.

That was lightning fast.

"Mage, arrow protection!"

As the order was issued, a layer of arrow protection magic appeared on the front row of soldiers.

"Shh! Shh! Shh!"

Along with the sound of piercing through the air, there was the sound of sharp arrows piercing through the air.

Pass through the gap between the soldiers in front.

The mages who were hiding behind the team had just exposed their heads and cast a spell when they were hit by the arrow.

Except for one of them who was lucky and suddenly tilted his head and avoided it, all the others were shot in the head and died on the spot.

"It's a sharpshooter. All the generals, mages and healers squat down and hide."

"The rest raise your shields and protect your heads and your body."

As soon as his words fell, several archers who didn't move in time were shot to death again.

After that, soldiers were accurately hit by feather arrows one after another, and died in wailing and pain.

These arrows hang around their necks like the sickle of death.

"No, I don't want to die yet!"

A soldier finally broke down a bit. The colleague next to him was directly in front of him, and was directly pierced by an arrow from the eye socket.

Arrows protruding from the back of the head can also be seen.

A mixture of red and white sprayed on his face.

He yelled, trying to run backwards.

He is just a recruit who has fought bandits, and his ability to bear is limited.

However, he was beheaded with a sword by the soldier who supervised the battle behind him.

"Give me a firm defense, and all the soldiers who want to escape will be..."

Before he finished speaking, a feathered arrow shot directly into his open mouth, pierced through from behind, and brought him down to the ground.


Finally panic started to creep in.

Before the knights in front of the enemy rushed over, there was already a burst of commotion in their camp.

At this time, the Knights of the Lantern finally charged in front of the enemy.

Then all the soldiers who stood in front of them with their shields and spears were torn to shreds like pieces of paper.

The hard shields in their hands were like brittle biscuits, smashed directly by the lance.

The defensive front had no effect at all, and was mercilessly penetrated by these Lantern Knights.

Those raised spears poked at them, like cotton swabs, bent and broken.

It's like the hard spearhead, not made of iron, but made of some kind of rubber.

Seeing the formidable strength of the Knights of the Lantern and the devastating charge.

The butler said to the baron next to him: "My lord, we can't delay any longer, let's go, these enemies are not something we can resist at all."

He could tell that this enemy was not on the same level as them at all.

They are like vulnerable children.

Baron Yasi was a little stunned. He didn't expect the enemy's strength to be so strong, and their soldiers were like flimsy paper.

Was easily torn into pieces.

It can't stop the enemy at all, and even slowing down the enemy's footsteps is delusional.

With the butler's slap, he came back to his senses.

"Yes, yes, let's go."

After speaking, he put down his helmet and prepared to flee while driving the steed under him.

"call out!"

However, there was another piercing sound.

Baron Yasi couldn't believe it, he opened his mouth to make a sound.

However, he only felt the darkness in front of him, his body was out of control, and he fell off the horse.

The butler next to him stared wide-eyed, watching his master being directly pierced through the Tianling Cap by a feathered arrow made of blue magic power.

Then disappeared, leaving only a blood hole, still bleeding red and white objects.

A silver-white figure rushed past him.

He also fell to the ground with a huge hole in his chest.

Before he died, he still looked at the baron in front of him with wide eyes.

I don't know what other thoughts he had, but he didn't say it.

Bonona, who was riding a war horse in the distance, put down her longbow: "You are not afraid of death if you dress so conspicuously and fancyly."

Then I saw a man who looked like a general, raised his bow and shot out an arrow made of magic power.

The so-called line of defense blocking them.

Under the iron hooves of the Knights of the Lantern, they turned into corpses all over the place within 10 minutes.

There are also those soldiers who are throwing away their armor and armor and running away frantically. They have been scared out of their wits.

Bonona and the others were not in a hurry, but reassembled the team.

Then he pulled out two brigades and said to the 200-member Qilan Knights in front of him, "Go over there and rescue the earl who is trapped in the front."

"The rest of the people continued to rush with me, and we rushed directly to the enemy's camp."

Then they quickly split into two groups.

The team with the most people went straight to the central camp.

Abby on the other side also made the same choice.

The soldiers who had discarded their helmets and armor on the road found that the pursuers of the Lantern Knights had chased them, but they did not kill them, and sat on the ground panting for the rest of their lives.

As for why not kill them.

After all, they were nothing more than soldiers, and they no longer had the guts to fight against the Lantern Knights.

After occupying this place, they are also a valuable population. Without the power to resist, naturally there is no need to cause more killings.

This is all wealth.

Bonona, who has been managing most of the things in the territory, knows this clearly.


"General, the defensive lines on both sides have been completely destroyed, and the enemy is rushing towards us."

A general knelt halfway in the center of the tent and said to the general above.

"What!" The general sat up in shock.

Then he got up immediately and walked outside the tent.

And the surrounding nobles rushed out with suspenseful fear on their faces.

Then they only saw thick smoke billowing towards them not far from both sides.

You can also feel the vibration of the ground.

Obviously there are no more than a thousand people on one side, but they can run with the power of thousands of troops.

Seeing such a situation, the general's face was extremely ugly.

The enemy is much stronger than he thought before, so why not kill the entire army directly from the front?

With such strength, why send bait to attack from both sides?

What's the point of doing this?

He didn't understand, but the current scene couldn't help him to think about it.

Immediately said to the general next to him: "Organize all the remaining soldiers, and defend with the camp as the center, and fight to the death without retreating."

However, the expressions on the faces of the great nobles who rushed out after him had already changed to fear.

It seems that he has no intention of dying here with the general.

Then they looked at each other and quickly walked away.

The general returned two minutes later.

"General, those nobles took away all the soldiers under their command, should we..."

"Okay, stop talking, quickly organize the remaining soldiers to defend. Can we still chase them out and kill them?"

"If you can survive this, let's talk."

The general's face was calm, as if he had expected this scene long ago.

"Yes, General." The general retreated immediately.

Watching the enemy troops rushing towards him on both sides getting closer and closer.

The two generals leading the two teams made no secret of their strength.

Turn your aura into a sharp sword and spread towards him.

"Two people? It seems that they will be buried here today."

"Hmph, but even so, I won't make it easier for you."

Speaking of which, the general held the long sword in his hand tightly, wore his mighty armor, and chose Bonona's side to rush over.

It is wise to kill one first.

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