Kane sat in the guild hall.

Beside them are Burton, Entoma, and Claire.

In addition to these few people, there are three members of Raphael's team, and the other two people in the team followed the frontline team and hid in it.

The entire huge guild hall was empty except for a few people.

Because of the large number of people in the guild, the knights of the Knights of the Lantern are all fighting on the front line, and the silver explorers are also following them.

Claire and the others didn't go. Naturally, it was the front line. There wasn't much room for them to play. There was no place for them to play a role in this war.

And Kane didn't go because he couldn't follow the troops all the time.

Moreover, he really didn't need to participate in the war of Fetern Kingdom.

Several people sat in front of the bar, and in front of them was a huge screen, which was projected into the air by the guild's intelligent core lights.

And the picture displayed on the huge virtual screen is exactly the front line where Bonona and the others are.

In the picture, the soldiers hiding behind the civilian wall are completely flustered.

Those soldiers looked at the person who slaughtered them in disbelief, and it turned out to be the sword master of the kingdom.

There are also those enemies who come out of nowhere. These people are naturally explorers transported in by the sword master of the kingdom from a hidden area.

The two sides worked together to kill those corrupt soldiers from the rear.

These soldiers are not even as good as those noble soldiers who confronted them on the front line.

The soldiers in these capitals have all their strength, but they have no skills at all. They even close their eyes in fear in the face of a fatal attack.

It is enough to show what kind of wine bag and rice bag they are.

Since all the civilians form a human shield in front of them, and they are now affected by fear, there is no chance and time for the civilians to help them block the damage.

It also made the members of Juggernaut and Explorers slaughter more quickly.

The massacre in the rear, and the Knights of the Lantern blocking everyone in front.

The civilians caught in the middle were at a loss, crying and roaring filled the air.

You can also hear the cries of children and babies.

But at this time, in the ranks of the Knights of the Lantern, Bonona stepped forward to comfort these civilians.

"People of the Kingdom of Feitern, don't be afraid, we are here to help you."

"The rotten kingdom is oppressing you, we are here to feed you, and you don't have to panic about losing your life at any time."

"The mist that saved you could not have seen you suffer so much, and the corrupt kings and nobles are paying the price for your suffering."

"So don't panic, don't be afraid, we won't hurt you, you just need to drop your weapons and stay where you are."

Bonona's voice was amplified by magic and spread to the ears of every commoner.

Afterwards, Finalis flew into the midair, and the golden spell of the holy light turned into raindrops and fell down.

All the civilians and soldiers felt peace of mind, and their physical exhaustion was washed away.

The holy singing came from the air, making everyone feel soft.

Under the joint action of Polona and Finalis.

The civilian team fell silent instantly, following the first person who dropped his weapon.

The rest of the civilians followed suit, only to hear the sound of various heavy objects hitting the ground, non-stop.

Such a scene finally made Bonona breathe a sigh of relief.

In this kind of place where ordinary people need to be appeased, Finalis can always play a role beyond imagination.

As expected of a former professional saint.

And the soldiers in the rear were almost slaughtered one by one with the efforts of everyone.

These soldiers have no reason to survive.

After all, if so many civilians were to gather in front as their human shields, some bloodshed and small massacres would be inevitable.

With the death of all the enemy soldiers, all the resistance forces in the Feitern Kingdom were completely disintegrated, and Bonona and the others won.

After the victory, Bonona quickly took out box after box of food from the guild warehouse.

And the silver explorer members of the guild started to cook together.

Those with healing abilities among the Knights of the Lantern and the explorers began to treat and appease some civilians.

The remaining Knights of the Lantern began to clean the battlefield behind and the corpses in the palace.

With the victory, all the arrangements were carried out in an orderly manner.

When all the civilians are panicking, no hot meal can soothe their hearts at this time.

The treatment and comfort and food at this time can appease these civilians extremely quickly and make them trust the members of the Knights in front of them.

The reason why they are operated by explorers is naturally because it can increase their contribution more.

That is at this time.

At the entrances of the newspaper offices of all other forces, the screens that were broadcasting live were all turned off.

This means that Kane and the others have officially won the victory.

The entire war officially came to an end within three days.

"Occupied like this? The people in Lantern Territory are really amazing."

"Who's to say it's not? If you do your best, it seems like it's only two or three days. It's still a relatively large force to destroy a power in two or three days."

"Fortunately, they have their own standards and will not attack us."

"Why didn't they attack us?"

"Are we living in hardship?"

"Not always."

"... Guards! Guards!"

"Alas! Wait..."

The closure of the live broadcast left everyone unsatisfied, and such a novel thing really made them feel interesting.

Not to mention it actually happened.

Many powerful civilians have never really witnessed the war.

This live broadcast allowed them to officially witness the cruelty of war.

It also made them understand how difficult life is for the civilians of many other forces.

Happiness is all compared.

Then came a large number of newspaper announcements.

After this incident, Kane's external image will be firmly stabilized.

The outside screens were off though.

But the guild is still showing.

Kane looked at Bonona's arrangement after their victory, and nodded in satisfaction.

And the government officials in those territories had gone to the enemy's territory as early as yesterday.

Now it is beginning to receive governance, those territories that have been beaten down.

"Bonona and the others have done a good job. I'm going to make follow-up arrangements, so let's go first."

Kane disappeared in place as he spoke.

Claire and the others also directly returned to the country of platinum to continue their comprehension of the rules.

They really don't need to worry about other things.

After a while, the guild hall fell into silence again.

Everyone is busy with their own business.


in a few days.

Kane sat in his office in the Central Government Building, the City of Two Realms.

In front of her was Bonona who had already returned.

Looking at Bonona, Kane smiled and said, "You have worked hard during this time."

"It should, Your Majesty."

"Well, now tell me about the current situation."

Bonona nodded, and began to tell Kane about the current situation of the Feitern Kingdom after they occupied it.

"This time none of our troops involved in the war died, and all the wounded have been treated."

The Lantern Knights and the guard shooters were completely suppressed by their strength, so that they had almost no casualties on the battlefield.

Coupled with the complete treatment team in the rear.

As long as it was seriously injured, he did not die on the spot. They can all be saved.

"After occupying the Fetern Kingdom, with the help of the intelligence core, the approximate population of the kingdom has been calculated."

"After the war, the entire Feitern Kingdom still had a population of about 350,000, of which 200,000 were young and middle-aged, and the rest were almost all young children. The elderly can hardly be counted."

According to the system of the Feitern Kingdom, there should be only 200,000 civilians, and the remaining 150,000 people are all noble serfs.

This is a figure that is basically incomprehensible to people.

It is completely impossible to imagine how they survived the end of the world after the world was broken.

This is a completely incomprehensible phenomenon.

With such a level of corruption, if the world hadn't been destroyed, they should have been overthrown by now.

For nobles, it is impossible for children and old people to appear among serfs.

And among the civilians who were squeezed by them, there were almost very few who could live to the age of the old people in Kane's mouth.

Naturally, there are almost no elderly people, but only teenagers, children and young adults.

However, this also successfully added a huge labor force to Kane and the others at one time.

With this wave of working population, we can see how rapidly their territory will develop in the future.

This is an unstoppable trend.

"All the nobles in the kingdom of Feitern, with the help of Prince Lilulu, have all been executed for their crimes."

The number of these nobles who were executed was as high as 95%, and the remaining 5% were rare, and all of them were noble girls who did not care about world affairs and survived successfully.

Under Li Lulu's soul detection, no one can hide their sins.

In this way, the entire Feitern Kingdom has completely disappeared, and everything has been planned to be within the range of the Lantern Collar.

"Among the soldiers who surrendered and were willing to join us, except after the first major battle, many were captured from the hands of other nobles.

Among them, there are about 5,500 people with copper-colored strength, and about 400 people with silver-colored strength. And the Kingdom Juggernaut who joins us at the Gold level at the end. "

Many of these forces were liberated from the personal domains of the nobility.

And Kingdom Juggernaut has also joined Kane and the others.

Was pulled into the guild by Kane.

Finally, there are some minutiae narratives.

Kane also pretty much knows how the country survived the shattered apocalypse of the world.

How to maintain such an outrageous system in the apocalypse.

To sum it up is one word, lucky.

When the world was shattered, their country happened to be on a piece of debris, resulting in their preservation being very complete.

They themselves are a self-sufficient country, and without external threats, they have no scruples.

In addition, their country has some kind of artifact to block the disaster brought about by the earliest shattering.

Keeping the whole country intact from beginning to end also keeps the whole country unchanged.

Instead, it became more and more corrupt.

In this way, until he was caught by the mist.

After entering the ring of the world, their luck will naturally disappear.

Who told them to appear next to Kane and the others by coincidence, and they happened to have the sea exit that Kane and the others needed.

Otherwise, they might live a few more years.

After Bonona finished speaking, Kane nodded.

At this time, Bonona said: "Your Majesty, should the nation-building ceremony begin? Such a large territory seems to need a formal country."

Hearing Bonona's words, Kane thought for a while.

Indeed, the founding ceremony should be held, such a large territory.

To be honest, Kane and the others have become a behemoth on the periphery of the Ring of the World.

With such a large area, even countries and forces with such a large area in the fog world can be said to be rare.

When the Ring of the World disappears, Kane and his country will definitely be able to rank first in the entire world in terms of area.

And at this time, it has a working population of more than 300,000.

It is indeed necessary to establish a country to enhance the centripetal force of all people and to better accept refugees from other places.

Claiming to be a country is always more convincing than a territory and power.

Especially these people are still people in the ring of the world.

"It's time for the nation-building ceremony, but these will have to wait until we have established the port and the shipyard."

Hearing Kane's words, Bonona nodded.

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