The captain's bedroom, in the largest fish tank in the small room behind.

A beautiful figure swims in it.

Her upper body is a beautiful human female figure, with exquisite and beautiful facial features.

A head of turquoise hair floated in the sea water of the fish tank, shimmering faintly.

Obviously, it is different from the hair of ordinary terrestrial life.

The clothes on the upper body are some clothes woven from shells and unknown fabrics, but they are not conservative.

The position of the navel below the chest and abdomen is completely exposed, and there are symmetrical magic lines on it.

It extends all the way to the arm, appearing and disappearing in the sea water.

The lower body is a fish tail, or more similar to a dolphin-like tail, but with scales shimmering with magical power.

The tail has a streamer similar to a goldfish.

"Mermaid?" Kane asked suspiciously.

The image of this creature is exactly the same as the mermaid in Kane's impression.

Hardly any difference.

Kane remembered that there were also races like mermaids in the misty world, and they were also Claire's race.

Also belongs to the branch of half-life species.

It's just that they live in the ocean, but even if they live in the ocean, they have a deep connection with Claire's home country.

The mermaid yelled at Kane and the others with a frightened but angry face.

"Let me out quickly, you damn human beings, my mother will not let you go."

As she spoke, she shrank into the corner of the fish tank and cried with her face in her hands.

Seeing this situation, Kane explained: "I think you may have misunderstood. We are not the ones who captured you. The pirate who captured you has been killed by us. We can release you now."


Hearing Kane's words, she immediately swam over and lay down on the glass tank.

The tone is full of excitement.

Before Kane could answer, she thanked him.

"Thank you so much, you're such a nice guy."

Good man is not really a compliment to Kane, but it is so simple.

Kane said something casually, and she believed it.

Then he comforted: "It's okay, don't worry."

Claire next to him turned her head to look at Kane, looked at him and said, "You don't really believe it, do you?"

"Huh?" He didn't understand Claire's meaning for a moment.

"You must be thinking that she is so simple and easy to deceive, right?" Claire said, rolling her eyes.

"Huh? Isn't it?"

After hearing Claire's words, Kane asked doubtfully. Because he really thought so.

He really didn't see anything wrong with this mermaid girl, and her strength was only at the middle silver level.

God's Sight didn't foresee any danger.

I didn't feel that the surprise shown by the girl just now was anything fake.

But Claire actually said that, so it seems that this mermaid girl must not be simple.

In addition, Claire is also a halfling, so she may know many secrets that Kane does not know.

Seeing Kane's puzzled eyes, Claire walked over to the fish tank, reached out and knocked on the glass tank.

"Stop pretending. Although I don't know why you were caught by that character, the lines on your belly and the magic lines on your shoulders have already betrayed you."

After listening to Claire's words, the mermaid girl was puzzled for a moment, and then she stopped pretending, her whole temperament changed.

From the innocent and ignorant girl before, she instantly switched to a mature and black-bellied taste.


What the hell?

The Kane people who saw this scene were all stupid.

Can a person's temperament produce such an exaggerated change?

It's just a slight change in the expression and movement, but the temperament of the whole person has undergone an earth-shaking and completely opposite change.

If it is a performance, Kane hardly believes it. This change is more like some kind of magic.

A method similar to illusion.

At this time, Claire explained: "Races like mermaids are born with extremely strong magical talents, and they have their own illusion talents."

Then he pointed to the mermaid in the fish tank.

"Look at the pattern on her exposed navel and the pattern extending from her shoulders, which means that her upper body is full of such magical patterns that appear and disappear."

"These are actually proofs of strength. She is at least a gold-level powerhouse who is not inferior to Raphael and the others."

Claire's last words seemed to be some kind of very secret message. The mermaid in the fish tank frowned, and then waved her hand directly, causing the whole fish tank to burst.

Although the fish tank was broken, the seawater in it did not gushes out, but turned into a churning wave shape to hold the mermaid.

Keep the tail part of the mermaid in the water.

At this time, the patterns extending from the mermaid's belly button and shoulders are more shining than before.

A blue-gold trident also appeared in the mermaid's hand, covered with threads and decorated with shells and pearls.

Exuding her aura, she frowned and questioned Claire: "Who are you, and why do you know a secret that only the mermaid royal family can know?"

Because there are such lines, only members of the royal family of the mermaid family will have this talent.

As long as she is using magic or using magic-related abilities, these lines will appear.

This will further strengthen their magical talent and the power of magic.

Seeing that the mermaid seemed to want to do something, Kane and the others were not polite anymore.

Claire and Kane directly released their own power, condensing into a wave and pressing on the mermaid in front of them.

Claire's is okay, but it just makes the mermaid feel the pressure, which means that the woman in front of her is stronger than her.

As for Kane, who was just deceived by her performance, the power generated by her body made her tremble instinctively.

She silently took back the trident in her hand, expressing that she was not hostile.

Seeing her resigned, Claire also replied: "We are explorers, from the world of mist, and in that world we can be regarded as the same race on a large scale."

"And I have also been in contact with many members of the mermaid royal family from the outside world. This is not a secret."

This kind of secret is actually nothing to hide, that is, when hiding strength, it may be regarded as an exposure point.

Others are a nice decoration instead.

Even proof of noble blood.

"Are you explorers? The explorers that the mist said?"

Claire nodded, "That's the explorer."

Seeing that the two were still chatting, Kane interrupted: "Although it is very impolite, I still want to say that this is not a place for chatting, and we are still on our way."

"Forget it, let's go back." Claire turned her head, and Kane and the others left the room and walked towards the deck.

The mermaid followed suit.

After coming to the splint, I saw Li Lulu playing with the pocket watch in her hand.

After seeing Kane and the others coming up, they flashed and appeared on Kane's shoulder.

Then stared curiously at the mermaid following them.

"Who is this beautiful sister?"

Hearing Li Lulu's words, the mermaid smiled and said, "My name is Miralina, you can call me that."

"Is it a half-breed with a fishtail? This is the first time Lilulu has seen it, so you are also of the same race as Sister Claire."

After saying a few words casually, he turned his attention back to the pocket watch in his hand and ignored the new character.

It seems that my race is outside, and it really belongs to the same race as this centaur girl.

Listening to Li Lulu's words, the mermaid girl thought.

But it's not guaranteed yet.

Then she said to Kane and the others: "Can I walk with you for a while? I am more curious about the outside world, and I am also curious about explorers.

Of course, this is my thank you. "

As she spoke, a fist-sized pearl suddenly appeared in the mermaid's hand.

Then he handed the pearl in his hand to Kane.

Kane watched her behavior, and didn't take it immediately, but frowned and thought about it.

Sea race, or a royal family member of a certain race?

With a strength comparable to that of Raphael, his status should not be low.

Thinking of this, Kane nodded: "There is no need to thank Li, if you want to go with you, then follow along."

Hearing Kane's answer, Milarina nodded with a smile: "Thank you."

Her status may be useful in the future, and it's not a bad thing to make friends with her.

Then several people returned to the Lantern.

Li Lulu opened the pocket watch, and saw that the magic sailboat, which had been severely damaged at that time, turned into a stream of light and got into the pocket watch.

The statue in the pocket watch also shimmered, but it seemed that the statue was also damaged like a shipwreck.

After seeing Kane and the others come back, everyone on the boat surrounded them, and then all their attention was on Milarina who was following Kane and the others.

To be precise, it was placed on her fish tail.

"Is it a half-life mermaid? It's really rare. Is it an explorer?" Raphael asked curiously.

Most of the marine races in the foggy world are responsible for the foggy dungeons under the ocean.

The huge ocean area is not just a decoration. There are many dungeons that are oceans, and they will naturally appear in the sea.

Compared with terrestrial races, marine races have more advantages in exploring.

It can also be seen from time to time on land, but it is relatively rare.

They can only be seen in those relatively rare dungeons with special characteristics.

It's the same as the terrestrial race appearing in the foggy dungeon of the ocean class.

This is only possible if the value of a certain dungeon is really very high.

Just like the dungeon that Kane and the others have experienced, they can help explorers who have been stuck in the bottleneck and break through the bottleneck.

Such dungeons are hard to come by, now that you know it, even if it is not suitable, you still have to break into it.

Kane shook his head and explained: "This lady's name is Miralina, and she is a royal member of a mermaid race in this ocean. She will walk with us a certain distance."

After hearing Kane's introduction, everyone smiled kindly and nodded to Mina.

But there is no great interest.

If they are explorers of the ocean race, they may be more interested.

In this way, they can also learn more about the fog of the ocean, and see the difference between the dungeon and the land.

This is generally a topic that is often discussed when sea races and land races meet.

It is also a topic of mutual interest.

After all, it is difficult to see each other in their respective places.

But although their interest in Milarina has decreased, Milarina's interest in them is not small.

Subsequently, Kane specially constructed a fish tank for storing seawater at the bottom of the cruise ship.

The material used is no different from the outside, but all the sounds have become transparent.

for her to rest.

She also had a new understanding of Kane's methods.

But this doesn't seem to explain why the power she radiates can make her tremble.

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