The blazing fire in the center makes wisps of smoke and sparks float upward.

The orange-yellow firelight and warm heat reflected on Kane's face.

After everyone in the guild heard Kane's words, they all focused their attention.

The environment that seemed a bit noisy just now became quiet in an instant, only the crackling sound of the burning wood in the fire could be heard.

"Everyone, what do you think of those refugees?"

Kane asked.

Hearing Kane's question, everyone was a little puzzled, but Rafael nodded in a sudden realization.

When he heard Kane's question, he immediately thought of what Kane might do.

"Whether it's refugees in this city or other refugees, they may not survive this winter," Finalis said.

As a former saint in a certain world, she also participated in the war against demons. How similar is the invasion of demons in the past and the invasion of undead now.

Being in a high position, she instinctively knew what the top leaders of these forces might do.

Xi beside her heard her words, immediately turned her head, and asked in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

Rui heard her sister's question and looked at her like a fool.

And Funa patiently explained: "These forces cannot protect themselves. Haven't you seen the residents in the city? Their faces are also always hungry."

"Even my own family can't get enough to eat, let alone these refugees?"

Funa's voice was not deliberately lowered, so that all the surrounding guild members could clearly hear it.

Some explorer members who were not deeply involved in the world or who were immersed in exploring the dungeon all showed expressions of sudden realization.

After thinking about it, a look of unbearable expression appeared on his face.

You know, they have all heard that the number of refugees may be hundreds of thousands or more, and there is no specific number at all.

After all, none of the members Kane recruited would be evil in nature.

With so many people about to lose their lives, they instinctively grieve.

But they opened their mouths, but they couldn't say anything about going out to save these refugees.

Because there are too many.

"So, Kane, are you going to save them?"

Finalis asked a little strangely.

Besides Kane's teammates, among the guild members present, who knows Kane's personality best, it may be Finalis.

She can be said to be the person who has been in contact with Kane and the others the longest among these people.

Naturally also knows.

Kane is not a saint, nor is he someone so sympathetic.

In the current situation, no matter what method is used to save these refugees, it will take a lot of time and cost.

Hearing what Finalis said, Kane nodded.

"Yes, I want to save all these refugees."

Hearing Kane's words, everyone started talking.

"But there are hundreds of thousands or more? There are too many of these people."

"The president must have wanted to save them because he wanted to transport them to the Lantern Territory. After all, the Lantern Territory has such a large area, but it is extremely short of population."

"The problem is how to transport so many people there. When we left before, the port there was still being restored and built, and the shipyard was not built at all."

Everyone talked a lot, and after knowing Kane's thoughts, they immediately thought of the benefits.

And the difficulty in realizing this idea.

Raphael, who had been thinking about it, suddenly said: "Unless the president's original skills can produce enough real ships in a short period of time."

In Raphael's thinking, as long as this problem is solved, other problems are not really too big problems.

At this time, he could only think of such a solution.

Hearing Rafael's words, Kane smiled and said: "Smart, that's it."

Then Kane said to everyone: "I have a skill that allows me to ignore all mana consumption within 10 seconds."

"It was originally intended to deal with those undead, but I didn't expect it to be used so soon."

Hearing Kane's words, Raphael immediately nodded clearly, and then glanced at Miralina who was listening to their exchange not far away.

He probably understands Kane's idea, and this method is indeed feasible.

"The lives of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people are now in our hands. Once we transport them all to the territory, let them all survive."

"The contribution of these hundreds of thousands of people, plus the contribution we will make to wipe out those undead in the future."

Having said that, Kane paused, staring at the people in front of him.

"It's enough to lift everyone here to gold."

After listening to Kane's words, everyone frowned and thought about it.

According to the last time they killed the ogres and saved tens of thousands of lives, add up the contributions they provided.

Compare this again.

No matter how you think about it, it seems that they can be promoted to gold as Kane said.

The reason why Kane dared to make such a guarantee.

It was because when this thought popped up in his mind, he asked Li Lulu to check it out.

If it can be done.

No problem at all.

While everyone was thinking, Kane came to Miralina alone.

"It seems that Lord Kane needs my help."

Seeing Kane coming, Milarina said with a smile.

Kane nodded: "Yes, Your Excellency Miralina, I am now formally submitting a request for cooperation, and our Lantern Territory will sign a cooperation treaty with you."

"I hope that when transporting these refugees this time, you can provide a safe sea route to ensure their safety when we transport refugees."

After listening to Kane's words, Miralina thought for a while, and then said: "Of course the Bihai Empire can do this kind of thing, so the question is, what can you pay for it?"

Hearing Milarina's words, Claire, who was behind Kane, came out at this moment.

If anyone among them knows Milarina's race and the possible needs of the so-called Blue Sea Empire best, then it can only be Claire.

Claire had carefully read all the histories of half-life species when she was growing up.

Although she doesn't know what the Bihai Empire lacks, at least Claire can find something possible by relying on the history of the same family.

"You may have heard what Kane said just now. Saving these innocent lives will allow the mist to reward you."

"Reward, that is to say, this kind of reward is not only available to you explorers, but even us aborigines who are still in the ring of the world can also get it?"

After hearing Claire's words, Milarina asked.

Claire nodded, and then said: "Just this piece of information is enough to show our sincerity."

"This information has been verified by us personally. Even in the foggy world, it is very covert information, and the people in the ring of the world don't even know it."

People in the ring of the world may even regard this situation as destiny.

A certain hero saves people, and a certain hero slays evil beasts that endanger the surrounding environment.

Then suddenly the strength increased.

They didn't know much about the Mist, and they simply thought that their heroic actions were rewarded by the Mist.

Basically, this kind of reward will not be linked to saving the lives of ordinary people.

"Well, even if this is true, what exactly are the rewards we can get?"



Milarina said with some surprise.

This surprised her too much. Without the help of the mist, it would take too long for a normal person to comprehend a rule.

It even requires a certain amount of coincidence or environmental factors to achieve it.

"Yes, The Mist is very fair and generous.

If you facilitated this cooperation and indeed saved these lives, then you will definitely be rewarded by the rules. "

"It's not just you, anyone who participates in this operation will be rewarded. Those who have not reached the gold level will improve their strength."

Milarina frowned and thought for a while, then said: "You just tell me directly, aren't you afraid that I will regret not cooperating with you?"

"After all, I heard what you just said, whether it's saving these refugees or killing those undead, you can get it. Even if we don't cooperate with you, we can do the same."

With the strength of the Bihai Empire, it must be no problem to save these hundreds of thousands of humans.

There are so many small islands in the ocean, directly transporting these humans to various places with sea beasts in batches, so that they can live a self-sufficient life, should be regarded as salvation.

And those undead are not invincible with the strength of the empire.

At this time Kane said: "So this is just a way for us to express our sincerity, and there is no actual exchange of benefits, isn't it."

"It just means that if the Bihai Empire cooperates with us, it will indeed benefit."

Then the magic power in Kane's hand condensed, and a light blue metal block appeared in his hand.

"That's the first item we're going to work on."

"I hope that this time I can directly have a long-term cooperation with Bihai Empire, not just this time."

As he spoke, he directly handed over the metal in his hand.

Milarina looked at the metal in her hand and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a metal that cannot be corroded by seawater, and can be manufactured in large quantities, and we can also provide you with large quantities."

This is what Claire just told Kane.

The biggest problem that has plagued these marine races throughout history is metals that can resist seawater corrosion.

After all, they are an intelligent race and need metalwork.

However, it is difficult to obtain non-corroding metals that can be used in the ocean, and to ensure sufficient quantities.

That is, they need a metal that is cheap enough and produced in sufficient quantities.

This question has always plagued the intelligent races of the ocean.

Most of the ocean races in almost every world have such troubles unless they are extremely lucky.

Hearing Kane's words, a water balloon popped out of Milarina's hand instantly and wrapped the metal inside.

Then the water polo began to spin and roll.

I saw the metal block inside rolling along, but there was no slight change.

And Milarina's expression was also visible to the naked eye, and she became excited.

This state lasted for about 10 minutes.

Milarina held the metal block firmly in her hand, and said to Kane: "Yes, as long as you can provide this metal in large quantities, and the price is right, we can talk about future cooperation."

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