The sun just happened to have completely set over the mountain at this time.

At this time, the sky was not completely dark, but still had the afterglow of sunshine.

With the attack of the undead army, dark clouds filled the sky.

This dark cloud is not a black color, but dark green and almost black, reflecting dark green light with the lightning and thunder.

Accompanied by lightning, the dark green clouds billowed and swelled in the sky.

It can even be seen in the dark clouds, all kinds of ghosts and evil spirits made of souls writhing up and down in it.

Various skull-shaped energy bodies surround it, dragging a long trail behind them.

There were bursts of screams in the sky, and the screams made all the creatures feel dizzy.

And among the undead under the dark clouds, there is a very conspicuous chariot made of dry bones and skulls.

The huge chariot was dragged by two giant beasts with rotting corpses.

And on this chariot, stood a Lich wearing a tattered black robe, surrounded by a skull made of black mist.

Waving his hands towards the sky, it seemed that this dark cloud was formed by his spell.

The bone tide made of various white bones is the forward of this attack. They will use their huge numbers to consume the enemy's physical strength, as well as various consumables.

After that, there are black and blue zombie corpses, and undead knights riding on ghost horses.

There are also all kinds of strange undead gathered in it.

Kane stood outside the forest, staring at the camp of the undead.

Large pieces of copper and silver are mixed together, and a gleaming golden spot can be seen in the center of each large group.

Roughly counting the past, there are actually more than 10 gold-level undead in the entire offensive formation.

Attacks like this happen almost every few days and a week, which shows how exaggerated the strength of these undead is.

After all, these are not all the undead who attack. According to the information of the ghost maid, there are more undead in the camps behind them.

And the army led by this Lich is just one of them.

There are quite a few powerful undead, who will bring their own undead army to pass through the defense line from various directions.

Then harvest more creatures behind it and create more undead.

For the undead, the main purpose of initiating a war is to obtain the corpses and souls of the strong.

For some reason, the undead on the offensive line seldom got together to act together. It seems that there is no intention to forcibly penetrate the Holy Light Alliance's front regardless of the cost.

Instead, they used harassment tactics.

As the skeletons at the front got closer and closer to the huge fortress, the defending Holy Light Alliance finally launched their attack.

At this time, four huge crystals rose up in the fortress, and each crystal was at least about three meters long.

The whole is in the shape of a rhombus, turning slowly on the way up.

Rising slowly from the 4 corners of the fortress, each crystal shone with a soft pale golden light.

This pale golden light made all the creatures in the fortress feel comfortable.

This light is the outward manifestation of the Holy Light.

You must know that holy light and various attribute elements are very common in various worlds.

The holy light has always represented order.

With the rise of the holy light crystal, the trebuchet in the fortress began to project various gravels into the skeleton camp.

From this, it can be seen that the technology of the Holy Light Alliance is not very good.

These crushed stones are covered with a faint golden brilliance.

As a result, every gravel has a lot of damage to all undead.

Every time a piece of gravel fell, a large number of skeletons were directly smashed into pieces, falling to the ground.

Some skeletons that were not hit in the head and whose bodies were not completely broken were still crawling on the ground dragging their broken bodies.

Then it was rushed up from behind, and other undead stepped into the ground before it was broken into pieces.

A large number of bones were turned into cannon fodder at the beginning of the war.

Died at the hands of the enemy, many of them also died at the hands of their own people.

Facing the actions of the humans above the fortress constantly cleaning up the skeletons, the undead didn't seem to want to make a move.

These white bone skeletons themselves are used as cannon fodder for consumption.

At this time, at the end of the undead team, one after another corpse carts were dragged up, followed by the control of various undead mages behind.

Huge bones were connected one after another, and the top bones turned into spikes.

These new undead creations are like a slender skeletal claw.

Made up of these undead, the huge skeletal claws inserted themselves into one of the corpses in the corpse cart with the hook at the top.

Then shake it quickly, like a loose rubber band.

The corpse inserted at the top flew out directly with the momentum.

It hit the city wall of the fortress straight.

On the wall of the fortress, a bow was being used to shoot arrows. The archer who was attacking the undead was directly hit by the corpse.

The corpse exploded directly among the crowd, and the strong stench and the stinky carrion fragments splashed onto everyone around with the stench of corpse fluid.

The violent stench made all the soldiers around them lose their combat effectiveness in an instant, and they fell limply to the ground and vomited.

The liquid fragments of these corpses are also highly corrosive.

After many soldiers were infected, their skin was directly branded with severe marks like a piece of red-hot iron.

"Raise the shield and knock down all the flying corpses."

A general shouted loudly.

More than a dozen such claw-claw corpse catapults appeared in an instant.

One after another, rotting corpses were thrown towards the enemy's fortress.

However, except for the first few successful hits, all the corpses after that were smashed into a layer of holy light shield that suddenly appeared in the sky.

The shield made of these holy lights directly burned the corpse.

But to support such a large shield, it will consume a lot of energy for the caster and the stored energy of the fortress.

The entire offensive and defensive battle is still in the trial stage.

Of course, the undead were testing the defenders on the fortress.

For their undead, whether it is the skeletons that have been losing or the rotting corpses, it doesn't matter, as much as they want.

There are countless bones buried in this land, and in the end the enemies will become their servants.

The last thing the undead lacked was military strength.

Without logistics and supplies, war is the best supply.

When the skeletons in the front row were almost consumed, many of them had rushed to the bottom of the fortress. At this time, a large pile of white bones had piled up under the walls of the fortress.

These white bone fragments laid a thick layer under the city wall, and the height difference between them and the ground can be clearly seen.


A banshee made of broken souls screamed behind the lich on the skeletal chariot.

This scream was like the horn of attack.

The zombies in the rear and all kinds of strange undead ran up instantly, charging forward with the shield of the victorious ginkgo soldiers in front.

"Bones, listen to the command of death!"

The lich picked up the huge bone staff that was burning with dark green flames that he had been sticking on the chariot, and waved it around.

The dark green flame above was burning blazingly.

At this time, the bones piled up under the city wall began to tremble instantly, and as the tremors began to move, they gathered together like magnets.

Then these white bones got close to each other to form a bone bridge, which was rapidly extending to the top of the city wall.

"Quickly, throw down the holy water on your waists, and smash it on the bone bridges that haven't been fully raised."

"Hammer shield soldier, go up to me, all the undead that come up must be beaten down, and no corpse should be allowed to climb up."

Following the command of the general.

All the soldiers on the edge of the city wall took out tube after tube of gleaming golden medicine from their waists and threw them down.

These potion bottles containing diluted holy water directly hit the bone bridges below that hadn't been fully built yet.

The bone bridge that was hit began to vibrate slightly, but it only slowed down the process of building upward.

does not prevent the extension of these bridges.

However, some bone bridges were hit by too much holy water and collapsed directly.

The zombies and undead who were climbing up the bone bridge were all smashed down.

Seeing that it was impossible to stop the extension of these bone bridges, the general immediately issued an order: "Pour the fire oil on me, and let these corpses be honestly reduced to ashes."

Follow his orders.

The hammer and shield soldiers who had reached the edge of the city wall immediately made gaps one by one.

Several miscellaneous soldiers lifted the hot oil tank and dumped it from the gap.

I don't know what kind of light green liquid poured on the undead below.

In an instant, it burned on his body.

Most of the undead souls couldn't feel the pain, they could only struggle and then fell to the ground.

As they struggled, a lot of hot oil rubbed against the surrounding undead.

But there are too many enemies.

After all, quite a few undead managed to climb to the city wall, and then fell down by the hammer shield soldiers who had been waiting around for a long time.

But with more and more undead, these soldiers are also getting more and more difficult.

In many areas, undead are already fighting on the city walls.

All kinds of soft golden light began to emerge frequently on the city wall.

At this time, a zombie wearing black armor and holding a black knife bounced to the city wall.

He swung the black knife in his hand around vigorously.

The surrounding soldiers couldn't stop it at all, and were chopped off one after another.

This is a gold-level undead.

A male human in heavy armor went straight up, holding an arm-long mace in his hand.

In the other hand is also holding a medium-sized golden shield.

Also a gold rank general.

After the two met, they collided instantly.

And the soldiers around also tacitly gave up an area to fight with other undead who rushed up.

"It seems that this kind of defensive battle has been carried out countless times. The defenders above react very quickly to any attack."

Claire stood beside Kane and said.

"After all, these undead must have attacked many times, and the defending soldiers may have already gotten used to the attacking methods of these undead."

"Then when are you going to enter?" Claire asked with some doubts.

With this trend, there are not many opportunities for Kane and the others to enter the field.

Hearing Claire's words, Kane smiled mysteriously.

Then I felt the beeping sound of the bb machine hanging around my waist.

"It seems that the opportunity is coming soon."

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