"Quick, quickly organize the soldiers to go down to defend, and don't let them rush in."

The general on the city wall roared loudly, and then immediately led the soldiers on the city wall to go down here.

And all the soldiers inside the fortress began to gather at the gap, forming a human wall, ready to block the gap with their lives.

The 4 holy light crystals also frantically gathered energy towards everyone present.

Now almost everyone has gained the buff of Holy Light.

"Everyone firmly plugs this gap for me. Even death will not allow us to take a single step back."

"Once the fortress falls..."

Although the leading officer didn't finish his sentence, all the soldiers present knew that once the fort fell, the undead would break through the line of defense.

With the strength of the rear defense line, it is absolutely impossible to stop all the undead.

At that time, their homeland has finally escaped from the shadow of doomsday, and will fall into panic again.

Their family members will turn into those skeletons that are usually crushed by them.

No matter how lucky you are, you are just like those refugees.

Such a scene made them shudder, and they could not bear such consequences at all.

But the broken gate of the fortress almost meant that the fortress was almost lost.

Many immature recruits have already begun to collapse mentally. If it weren't for the buff of the Holy Light, it would also strengthen their will and instill courage in their hearts.

They may have turned into deserters long ago.

And those ghost knights who rushed in the first time had already rushed into the gap, directly overturning all the soldiers standing in front of them who were bending over and holding up their shields.

It crashed into the pile of soldiers behind, and was chopped up by all the soldiers.

But more undead knights have rushed in, and the loathing walking slowly, as well as those tall giant skeletons brought great power and deterrence, and wiped out all the enemies blocking in front of them.

Only one or two powerful soldiers can join forces to kill them.

One after another, holy light spells descended from the sky, annihilating the undead pouring in from the entrance.

Then the gap that was vacated was immediately filled by the undead who came from behind.

In such a short time, with the fall of the city gate.

The creatures on the defending side fell into a huge disadvantage in an instant.

These soldiers only have the chance to protect the fortress again with their lives.

"Everyone, it's time for us to appear!"

As Kane's voice fell, Claire shouted instantly: "Attack!"

All kinds of halos and buffs are immediately transmitted to the feet of the surrounding people.

Then everyone rushed out of the woods where they were hiding, and rushed towards the center of the battlefield.

Only Claire stood where she was, and then left towards the other side following the ghost maid who appeared at an unknown time.

Kane, who was rushing towards the battlefield, glanced at the lich sitting on the chariot behind the battlefield, guarded by many powerful undead.

Of the undead guarding him, only two gold-level melee immortal guards are slightly dangerous.

At this time, the Lich has very little magic power left in his body, so this is a good time to kill him.

But Kane didn't rush over there.

Because the Lich's contract had already been dug out by Kane early on, even killing the Lich now would be of no avail. What was needed was to find his phylactery to truly kill him.

And this lich is also the top existence among the undead.

It is one of the twenty or so undead who can stand up to Kane and the others.

Kane also didn't feel that he could kill it under the protection of two gold-level immortal guards.

Spending too much time and energy, what was killed was just a corpse, which didn't make much sense.

Withdrawing his gaze, he immediately entered the state of divine power, and the divine power he used was the glowing scale with the holy light of punishment.

The whole person's body changed immediately, just like a holy one.

It turned into a golden meteor and arrived at the battlefield first.

And behind him are the sisters and brothers of the angels Ciri, and three golden shooting stars are seen in a triangle shape.

One after another, they fell under the walls of the fortress.

Along with them, there was also a huge silver dragon with a huge body.

Guild members with the ability to fly also arrived.

The rest of the guild members followed the Knights of the Lantern, piercing through the dead like a sharp knife.

After landing, Kane directly built a high platform, and countless cannon muzzles appeared on the entire high platform.

Then Kane instilled the magic power of the holy light in his body directly into the high platform.

Countless muzzles fired energy bombs one after another.

These aggregated holy light energy bombs exploded directly among the surrounding undead group.

As the holy light bombs landed one after another, the instant expansion wiped out all the undead around.

Only some undead who rely on their physical fitness or strength can drag their mutilated bodies and run out of it.

Kande's sudden appearance and powerful attack power directly emptied the entire area of ​​undead around him.

The burst of holy light energy made the priests fighting above secretly startled.

At this time, an undead knight riding a huge ghost horse discovered the existence of Kane, and rushed over directly on the horse.

As a gold-level player, he immediately felt the threat from Kane.

I also saw what Kane did.

Such sudden combat power must be restrained.

However, before rushing over, a young girl angel with white wings appeared in front of him.

In her hand, she held a great sword of holy light that was as big as herself.

"Hey! You don't have the right to bother our president, go to hell honestly."

As he said that, he held the giant sword and turned into a stream of light, which instantly appeared in front of the undead knight.

Then a sword cut the war horse under him horizontally.

"What is a knight without a horse?"

While mocking, Xi held the huge sword and slashed at the fallen knight again.

After the knight fell to the ground, relying on his fighting instinct, he immediately rolled around a few times, got up quickly, and distanced himself from Sheila with a few jumps.

"Angel? What a disgusting creature. Didn't you expect these creatures to hide their hands?"

He muttered to himself, then raised the lance in his hand and rushed over.

Lumbe, who arrived at this moment, jumped off Marshmallow in the sky.

In the air, he directly pulled his body to the maximum of 15 meters, and his gray stone body was covered with blue-purple lightning.


With the violent sound, it directly hit the gap in the middle of the city gate, and the huge force turned the countless undead below into meatloaf in an instant.

There were bursts of smoke and dust.

Lumbe's shocking appearance almost attracted the attention of everyone on both sides.

When the smoke clears.

I saw a gray stone giant 15 meters high, blocking the gap in the fortress.

Strong defensive power, so that all the undead around him have no way to take him.

The claws and teeth of various weapons have no effect on the gray stone skin of the giant in front of him.

Instead, it was injured by the lightning all over it.

Lumbe's hands quickly grew bigger, like two giant hammers, sweeping across his body.

Countless five or six-meter-tall abominations, and the four-meter-tall giant were even swept away by Shao Shao.

The staggered lightning on Lumbe Graystone's body also caused great damage to these undead.

And the undead who had already rushed into the gap and were behind Lumbe, when they were attracted by Lumbe.

Instantly pierced by a sudden burst of colored light.

These rays of light are densely intertwined, and all the undead are instantly penetrated.

Only those gold-level undead reacted quickly, or resisted with their strong bodies.

The pressure on all human soldiers was relieved in an instant.

Looking at the fallen souls in front of them, the eyes of these soldiers revealed confusion.

"Hee hee! Li Lulu is here!"

Li Lulu suddenly appeared next to a gold-ranked skeleton general.

Before he could react, he immediately tapped him with his magic wand.

And this gold-ranked skeleton turned into a skeleton puppet about one meter in an instant.

Live up to the evil before, the only thing left is a cute feeling.

"I'll leave the rest to you!" Li Lulu said to the elf who was fighting the Skeleton General, and then disappeared on the spot again.

Although the elf didn't know what was going on, he didn't give up the opportunity at this moment, and immediately used the two knives in his hand to slash at the skeleton doll on the ground.

The skeleton turned into a puppet moved slowly for some reason and lacked strength.

He was beaten back again and again by the elf, and even almost broke a bone.

It won't be long before he dies on the spot, or dies again.

With the sneak attack of Lilulu suddenly appearing from various places.

The one-on-one balance between all the gold-level powerhouses was instantly out of balance, and it quickly fell to the side of this creature.

The ordinary undead who rushed into the fortress were quickly emptied, and the soldiers began to follow in the footsteps of Lumbe to assist in the defense.

With Lumbe, this body like a huge stone statue assists in defense.

The broken city gate was instantly solid as a rock.

All the soldiers were inspired by this sudden support, and their morale soared.

They, who are already determined to die, have seen the hope of life, and even the hope of victory, so of course they have to firmly seize this opportunity.

The soldiers who had freed their hands finally returned to the city wall, attacking the undead below.

However, they didn't find out until they came up.

Kane alone directly blocked almost all the undead.

He directly lifted up a defensive line of several hundred meters, and the muzzle above kept firing energy bombs of the Holy Light forward.

Each one can clear a large area, not to mention that the countless floating cannons are firing energy beams downward.

Lantern Knights and guild members raged wildly in the enemy formation.

And Raphael and the others had no scruples, relying on a full level of complete suppression, they really attacked unscrupulously among the undead.

Most of the gold-level undead have already attacked the inside of the city wall.

And those undead who appeared later and wanted to stop Kane hadn't arrived yet.

He was blocked by the angel siblings beside Kane, as well as Funa and Mezik.

And these gold-level undead are not very strong, and they are almost powerless to fight back when they are beaten by Mezik and the others.

A golden evil spirit dragging black smoke and wearing a pitch-black cloak wanted to attack Kane from the sky.

Then a huge golden palm appeared beside him, grabbing it and crushing it.

Looking at the gold-level evil spirit crushed by himself.

Kane said lightly: "Any gold level dares to attack me."

The ghost that attacked him like this, in the gold level of the undead, the strength should also belong to the existence of the lower level.

Not to mention the sneak attack on Kane, it would be great to be able to take a few moves from Kane, not to mention that Kane is now in the state of divine power of the glowing scale.

All the holy light emitted in the attack has a strong punishment attribute.

Compared with the rest of the holy light, the holy light with the punishment attribute can do double the damage to the undead.

Various status skills plus Kane's current strength are the reasons why Kane feels that they can wipe out all the undead.

Under normal circumstances, there are only more than 20 gold ranks among the undead who can compete with their teams one-on-one.

And once Kane uses various status bonuses, there may only be the top few left.

If you're shameless about using the Holy Grail of magic, tell the truth. No one can beat Kane in a gold-level fight in those 10 seconds.

At this time, the fortress general standing on the city wall and the bishop in charge of all priests and knights of the order.

The two of them looked at the sudden appearance of the strange soldier and were puzzled in shock.

As soon as Kane and the others appeared, they reversed the completely disadvantaged situation in a very short period of time.

And Kane's strength is too strong.

They can't understand where so many powerful experts come from.

All of a sudden, they appeared in groups, and they also appeared on the battlefield, saving them.

But no matter what, at least Kane and the others came to support them.

And that's enough.

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