holy city.

The whole city was built of white stone of a certain color.

The city is full of holiness, the most conspicuous of which is the huge church in the middle of the city and the surrounding buildings.

This is the headquarters of the Holy Light Church.

The Holy Light is the initiator of the Holy Light Alliance.

Their territory is not very big, just this holy city and a large area around it.

But as a religious force, their strength should not be underestimated.

At this time, in the glorious church.

The pope is sitting on the throne, holding the letter from the front line in his hand.

A red line was drawn in the lower left corner of the letter, indicating that it was an urgent piece of information.

Looking at the intelligence in this war zone, the pope's first reaction was that the front line might be lost.

This is something that can happen at any time.

The Pope has long been mentally prepared for this, and he has already expected the power that the various forces of the Holy Light Alliance can exert.

If there is no intervention of external forces, or if some miracle occurs, their failure may be inevitable.

No matter how he thought about it, he opened the letter, and there was a long, unknown thing beside him.

It is an item made of a mix of wood and steel.

This is exactly the transmitter sample given by Kane and the others.

The first line of words after opening the letter made the Pope's mood fall to the bottom.

At the beginning of the chapter, the most important fortress was hit hard.

Even the gates of the city were broken open.

The gates of those fortresses were strengthened by him himself with the effort and time, and he knows best how strong they are.

The connection has been broken, and the possibility of the fortress being missed is very high.

Then he looked down, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

But at least the worries in my heart dissipated at the same time.

Some external forces actually intervened.

And drive away the undead with absolute strength.

The things introduced in the letter are not comprehensive, but we can see the bishop's respect.

The evaluation of Kane is rare in his life, and he has never seen anyone stronger than him.

The Pope still trusts the bishop very much.

After all, he is also a person who has seen the world. If even he said such a thing, it means that the power that suddenly appeared may be really strong.

Then I saw the introduction of the resurrection technique.

Is that so? Explorers from outside.

The forces on the other side of the sea.

There are so many unknowns that even the Pope doesn't know how to deal with them.

After reading the entire letter, the Pope folded the letter and put it aside, thinking about it.

After thinking about it, he handed him to the side, in the hands of a knight in heavy armor standing beside him.

The knight wears a thick armor of gold and silver, which is engraved with dense sacred scriptures.

After reading the letter.

"What do you think?" asked the pope.

"Time will tell the answer."

A thick and dull sound came from the huge helmet.

"That's right."

Subsequently, the Pope began to reply.

If it wasn't for his presence here, and there were still some affairs to be dealt with, he might have to go there himself.

Regardless of the arrival of Kane and the others, the Pope still has a very welcome attitude.

Whether Kane and the others can do what they said, the Pope still maintains a skeptical attitude, but the surface work must be done well.

In any case, Kane and the others finally saved the fortress, which was what saved them.

It also gave bishops greater decision-making power.

The same scene also happened among the various forces of the Holy Light Alliance.

These surviving forces that can join the Holy Light Alliance are not fools, and they all know that they agree to cooperate with Kane and the others.

This is also the most correct way.

Most of them have sent more formal officials, ready to go to the fort ahead for more detailed conversations.

As for whether they really believe that Kane and the others can do it, it is a matter of opinion.

Left and right can only be revealed in a month or two, so there is nothing to try.

Things that can be revealed in a short period of time must be tested at the risk of turning against each other.

It is unwise.


After a few days.

Kane is in a small conference room on the second floor of the guild hall.

There are only three people sitting here, namely Kane and Polona, ​​and a gold-level member who is the captain of the Rescuer.

The Rescuer was the first huge ship to rescue refugees.

"How long will it take for the Rescuer to reach the designated location?" Kane asked.

Hearing Kane's words, Bai Jiao immediately replied: "With the help of the Bihai Kingdom, the sailing along this route is very smooth, and we may arrive earlier than expected."

"According to the current speed, we may reach the area designated by His Majesty in three days."

Hearing Bai Jiao's words, Kane nodded.

Then he said to Bonona, "How is Lantern Leader doing now?"

"Return to Your Majesty, the situation is good, everything is going on in an orderly manner."

"All the refugee boats have already set sail, and with this assembly experience, the shipyard is already starting to build new boats."

"Food and clothing for the 3 million refugees have been prepared. As for the living areas, there are a lot of vacant houses in various cities."

In the past few days, Kane spent another day or two to build two more rescue ships.

There are 6 ships in total, and each ship can carry 70,000 people per voyage.

They will arrive one after another, and then put down the supplies they carry, and then pick up the refugees one by one.

Those supplies will serve as rations for those refugees temporarily staying in the camp.

Except for rations, most of the rest will be traded to the Holy Light Alliance and local forces as commodities.

Because the cooperation has been reached.

As for the specific cooperation, we still need to wait for the first ship to arrive, and let Bai Jiao and the others talk in detail.

But the order has been placed, and the needs of each force are already known.

After chatting with Bonona and the others, Kane exited the guild hall and returned to the fortress.

At this time, the huge gap in the center of the fortress gate has been filled.

As for how to fill it, it was natural that Kane showed a few tricks and filled the gap very easily.

Many soldiers in the fortress now have the urge to kneel down and salute when they see Kane.

So Kane generally doesn't hang around outside.

After all, there are people bowing down to you wherever you go, which really makes Kane a little unbearable.

At this time, Kane, who returned to the fortress, rested in his room.

The explorer members of the guild and the Knights of the Lantern were divided into three teams.

Take turns attacking each other every day.

Since Kane and the others joined last time, it seems that they really scared the undead on the opposite side.

There is no intention of attacking these days.

And Kane and the others started to attack. Of course, it wasn't an all-out attack, but a small team to harass in the territory of the undead.

Can get a good harvest every time.

Because there are ghost maids who serve as internal spies and keep providing various information.

No one inside the undead would suspect these ghost maids.

After all, the undead and the living are the same existence as deadly enemies.

They also did check these ghost maids, and there was no trace of being controlled by a necromancer.

Coupled with the strength of the head maid's gold level.

Naturally, it is very easy to get the present, and it is considered to be in a high position.

It was this kind of behavior that convinced the bishop and the generals in the fortress to see their purpose of coming here.

After coming for so many days, I only saw Kane and the others constantly attacking. Even in order to be able to kill more undead, they work in three shifts throughout the day and night.

This is no longer the level of help. Those who don't know think they are undead. What kind of enemies are Kane and the others?

This made the Bishop secretly admire him.

But at this time, Kane was talking to Claire through the ruby ​​collar on his collar.

"Claire, how is the operation going these days?"

Then came Claire's voice: "It's not bad, it's still in ghost form, it's really no different from an undead."

"All kinds of powerful undead have also summoned a lot, and they are attacking a small territory with a good location."

"It shouldn't be long before we can win a territory."

Yes, Claire is currently fighting in the territory of the undead.

Relying on the soul form and the rules of death, Claire can perfectly transform into an undead, and there is almost no possibility of being seen through.

The rules of death can make Claire look more undead than undead.

Coupled with the strength of the black and white flames, and Claire's own strength.

Within the scope of the undead forces, it can be said that there is no opponent, and there is almost no one that can threaten Claire's life.

Unless the top few gold-level undead join forces to besiege Claire.

But Claire was just doing the most normal thing for a gold-level undead.

Recruit ordinary undead, lay down a territory, and become an undead lord.

For a gold-level undead with wisdom, this is nothing more than a normal thing.

No one will doubt it, and no one will stop it.

Claire has such an advantage, it would be a pity not to make good use of it.

So before fighting the undead, Kane discussed with Claire for a long time.

And the result of the final negotiation is that Claire will develop and grow alone among the forces of the undead.

"It's progressing very quickly, but be careful not to expose yourself, and ensure your own safety. Remember to notify me of any danger."

Hearing Kane's concern, Claire's tone eased a little, but she still said: "Okay, I understand, and I'm not weak, the undead who can pose a fatal threat to me, it's okay to fight alone. exist."

"Okay, that's it, we have already started to attack here."

"Well, good, be safe."

After hanging up the communication with Claire, Kane began to think about some information brought by the undead maid.

According to the information of the undead maid.

The entire power of the undead can be roughly divided into three parties, and they don't cooperate much when they are peaceful with each other.

First of all, it is the side that is attacking the Holy Light Alliance.

Among the three undead forces, the strength should be ranked in the middle.

They are responsible for the attack in this direction.

On the other side, the undead forces held back by the snowfield and those races on the snowfield. It is the weakest one among the three undead forces.

After developing to a certain strength, he also encountered tough bones.

was also held back.

The most powerful forces have stopped expanding outward.

Occupying all the area that used to be the valley and the area that went towards the wall of mist.

It accounts for about half of the entire undead force.

The reason why it is not expanding outwards seems to be the reason for the joint restrictions of the other two undead forces.

And what Claire has to do is to become the fourth force, not necessarily stronger than the other three forces, but must confuse the water among them.

Only in this way can Kane and the others have a chance to defeat them one by one.

After all, it is really unrealistic to face the entire undead force at once.

After all, the current undead forces have already expanded to an exaggerated level.

The best option is to eliminate them one by one.

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