In this small transparent room of 10 square meters.

Kane stood in the center, the golden light on his right hand was constantly shining.

The energy in the golden magic stone is still maintained in Kane's hands.

At this moment, Kane was stretching out his right hand and placing it in the void. With his eyes closed, he felt what he could bestow on this space.

Give this piece of space power?


The difference between bestowing environmental gifts and bestowing objects and life is extremely obvious.

He needs to re-understand and get familiar with it.

Kane first needs to see the space in this room as an environment, and his blessing can only change this space.

The blessings that can be given to the environment feel a bit too abstract.

Compared with equipment and life, the simplicity and directness of blessing.

For the blessing of the environment, Kane needs to carefully consider and choose according to the size of the environment, as well as the intersection of a certain range and the surrounding space.

If you don't think carefully, and adapt yourself to some elements and objects in the environment.

This kind of blessing to the environment cannot be preserved forever, but will be apportioned by the surrounding environment as time goes by, until it becomes nothing.

To put it simply, it is whether the environment is closed, and whether the blessing to this environment is reasonable.

Among the options that Kane can bless, it is the easiest to turn this space into an extremely active magic space.

And because of Kane's familiarity with magic power and the surging magic power in his body.

Blessing this space, using a golden magic stone with active and overflowing magic power is also completely achievable.

This will cause all spells with magic power, or any behavior related to magic power, to be strengthened in this space.

And it's surprisingly smooth when it's done.

It is also easier to perform any magic-related rituals in this space.

This is a blessing to the environment.

With the abundant and active magic power, there will be various miraculous phenomena, which can only be known after the real blessing.

After all, magic power has very magical characteristics, and the full magic power has an extremely exaggerated impact on the environment.

This is the simplest one, and the easiest one to understand.

With Kane's perception, he found that he can also give this space the rules he knows.

Let this space be filled with this rule to create a kind of connection in the dark.

As long as life is in this space, it is easier to feel the rules, and it is easier to learn and master them.

According to different rules, this space will also have different functions.

The blessing of the environment is much more complicated than Kane thought. It is a gift that takes time to research.

Specifically, it is still necessary to really bless this space and bring him different changes.

Kane closed his eyes, and as he sensed the energy in his hand, he shrank the space.

It was changed again.

It became a transparent cuboid of two square meters and three meters high.

The previous space was still a bit too big. If the blessing was carried out according to Kane's idea, the energy transformed into the golden magic stone in his hand would not be enough at all.

Afterwards, the room was completely sealed, and he used his authority in the Platinum Kingdom to build the entire transparent cuboid with an extremely strong material.

And mixed it with magic-sealing materials, and then blessed the equipment with the energy of the silver magic stone condensed on his left hand.

The texture of this space has been gifted with characteristics.

With this series of actions.

What was itself nothing more than a small transparent room turned into a large rectangular container.

A rectangular transparent container of 2m×2m×3m.

After doing all this, Kane, who was in the container, stretched out his right hand that was shining with golden light.

He stretched out his index finger and tapped on the air in front of him.

With the click of a finger, ripples and undulations appeared in the air like the surface of water.

The space is distorted and changed.

Since this is the country of platinum, the most powerful rules that Kane masters here are the five powers.

Kane, on the other hand, added the power of harmony to this space.

It is not a single rule, but directly added with the authority of the harmony.

An authority can be divided into countless rules related to it.

It is an environmental blessing that can only be added in the country of platinum, and this blessed small room can only exist in the country of platinum.

It is equivalent to Kane using his authority and supreme control in the Platinum Kingdom to open a back door for himself.

Only one golden magic stone was used to directly bless this space with the authority of harmony.

Because the back door was opened, naturally they couldn't move outside the country of platinum.

Kane has little authority and control outside.

Afterwards, Kane directly stepped out of this small enclosed space and came to the side of Claire and the others.

"What did you do in there?"

Claire looked at Kane who appeared next to her and asked.

Now they look into the transparent room from the outside, although they can clearly see the situation inside.

But in terms of feeling, I always feel that the inside is gray and foggy, making it hard to see clearly.

There seemed to be something in it, but there seemed to be nothing.

This strange feeling made Claire ask curiously.

"That space has become a space linked to the authority of rules."

After speaking, Kane thought for a while, and found an easier-to-understand metaphor: "You can think of it as a space for comprehending rules with a normal flow of time."


Seeing a few people turning their heads suddenly, with shocked expressions on their faces, Kane quickly explained.

"Single rule means that you can only comprehend all the rules related to Concord in it, and you cannot comprehend other rules."

After hearing Kane's explanation, Claire finally calmed down a little.

If it can really become the same as the rule comprehension space, that would be too outrageous.

This is no longer a simple matter of hacking, it is simply digging out the roots of the fog.

If it was just a single authority, it would be much easier to accept.

Compared with so many and countless rules in the world, a single authority is nothing at all.

It's like a bowl of sea water in an ocean.

But after listening to Kane's explanation, Claire said: "That is to say, can you spend a golden magic stone to transform a small space into an existence similar to a rule-comprehensive space? It can only be from the kingdom of platinum." These five powers?"

Hearing Claire's words, Kane shook his head: "Not only these 5 authorities, but also the rules I know, but the rules I know are still far worse than the authority."

"And it can only be in the country of platinum, and outside it can only be the rules I know, and it needs to consume more."

After listening to Kane's explanation, Claire nodded in understanding. "With such restrictions, although it is still outrageous, at least it is more acceptable than before."

As for why this first blessed space is given the authority of Concord.

Naturally, it was for Metzker's consideration.

In terms of comprehension of the rules, Metzker is basically the lowest existence in the team.

Even Lumbe's comprehension of the rules was a little higher than him.

This is mainly because after the gold passed, Metzker basically put half of his energy on the research and configuration of potions.

His talent in medicine made him reach the peak that this stage can reach not long after the golden stage.

However, this is not only his peak, but also the peak of the entire foggy world.

There is no way up.

So far, there is no pharmacist above gold level. The pharmacists here are real pharmacists, not at the color level, but the refining and knowledge of potions may still be at the gold stage.

Before the ring of the world was opened, Kane accompanied Mezik to the Pharmacy Association, which was at the gold level.

There I saw the first bottle of color-level potion.

In Kane's view, that is a very outrageous thing that can bring about great changes.

But in Metzker's view, that thing is a bottle of raw materials.

There is no technology for potion configuration at all.

It is a fusion product that can be combined and matched with a variety of materials to promote it upwards and sublimate its effect.

That thing is just a three-color raw material, but it can be absorbed by the human body, so there is no problem in using it as a medicine.

From that moment Metzke knew.

The way up is gone.

All the medicines above the gold level that flowed from other worlds are all kinds of raw materials.

What world tree sap, spring water from the fountain of life, blood of divine beasts, etc.

It cannot be called a medicine at all.

Metzker needs to use potion refining to advance to color.

Since there is no road, he must travel alone.

As a result, he had to put more than half of his energy on the path of medicine.

The comprehension of the rules naturally fell.

That's why Kane first blessed this space with the authority of Concord.

I hope that Metzker can catch up with everyone, at least not too much behind.

Li Lulu has already advanced, and everyone else is not far behind.

After completing the annihilation of the forces of the undead this time, I believe that the harvest will be enough to push them to the three-color level.

Everyone understands in their hearts.

Then Kane said to Metzker next to him: "Let's go in and test Metzker, feel the efficiency of comprehension, how much it has improved compared to the usual comprehension of Concord authority, and whether it has reached the efficiency of comprehension space."

"it is good."

Metzke nodded, came outside the small transparent room, stretched out his finger and nodded.

Then he disappeared outside and appeared in the space.

Due to the narrowness of the space, there could only be one bed. Metzker sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes.

After a while, before Metzker came out, Lilulu suddenly appeared beside everyone.

"Dangdang! Lilulu is back!"

Along with her voice, rainbow-colored fireworks special effects appear around her.

The environment a few meters around her began to change uncontrollably towards a dream, and the flowers and plants began to change colors, becoming more emerald green.

Some fluorescent plants began to emerge on the ground.

Some are similar to fairy tale world.

Kane turned on God's Vision and looked over.

Lilulu is now like a divergent source of fairy tale rules.

Although she can feel that she is trying her best to control, but the rules she emanates drive the fairy tale elements, and the environment a few meters around begins to change towards the appearance of the fairy tale world.

But it can also be seen from the side, for example, the current strength has really reached the level of three colors.

The light emitted by the magic power source in the body is no longer golden.

It's three different shades of the iridescent, small but striking.

Seeing the changes she had caused, the excited Li Lulu smirked a few times in embarrassment.

"Hehe, Lilulu has just been promoted to Color, and she still doesn't control herself very well."

Kane nodded: "It's okay, the elemental infection is not serious, and it won't cause any major accidents."

He just felt the infection of this fairy tale element a little bit, although it was fast, but the intensity was very low.

Even for ordinary races with wisdom, it can't make much change, at most, it can change their physical quality towards fairy tale elements.

There won't be any changes in a short time.

It's just that the speed of the dipping is too fast, causing the surrounding environment to change instantly, and the changes are all some plants and soil.

"However, during this period of time, you should first control your energy before running around. After all, you have just reached color, and you need to stabilize yourself."

Claire came over, nodded Lilulu's head and said.


Lilulu smiled and hugged Claire's neck.

"No problem, sister Claire."

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