next day

After Kane and the others gathered at the entrance of the tavern, they started to head towards the entrance of the dungeon. Today, they are going to fight until the last boss.

When Kane and the others came to the hall at the entrance of the dungeon, they looked at the crowd of people inside.

Somewhat confused, why are there so many explorers today?

"It seems that the last magazine has been seen by more people," Claire said suddenly.

Only then did Kane come to his senses, and he actually forgot about this.

When Kane and the others lined up and entered the dungeon following the flow of people, there was a sudden noise from behind.

Kane turned his head and looked behind him. There were several squads coming from behind. These squads were obviously a group of people. The equipment on their bodies and the color matching on the equipment were basically a series.

The main equipment is a combination of purple and black, and the equipment also reflects metallic luster. From this, it can be seen that they have good equipment forging technology or transformation technology.

Other explorers around also saw these teams and began to hear various discussions.

"It's them, they're here too?"

"Looks like the news in the magazine is true"

"I didn't expect that the weak warriors would also come to explore this dungeon."

Kane heard the discussions around him and realized that this was a battle group.

There are all kinds of official organizations in this world, and of course there are all kinds of world-class private organizations.

The earliest explorers explored in teams, and some teams performed extremely well, and they were also outstanding in strength and other aspects.

This attracts other people to want to join them, so they gather and help each other. This formed the earliest chapters.

As more and more people joined, people of various levels from weak to strong also joined, and people with various skills and craftsmanship were among them.

The more people there are, the more conflicts will naturally arise. In order to constrain these people and cultivate them better, these chapters were gradually upgraded to guilds.

The latecomers also gradually followed this process, with the increase of such chapters and guilds.

The Mist Council began to formulate rules and regulations. To form a chapter, you must have more than 20 explorers, and the main leader must be gold.

And if you want to form a guild, you must have more than 300 explorers, and the main leader is the color level.

Both conditions must be possessed together to be the corresponding level.

Of course, the Mist Council also provides these organizations with corresponding levels of convenience, as well as various help and privileges.

At the same time, they also have to shoulder some functions.

Powerful chapters and guilds, their power is even greater than some cities and countries.

Or that they can really build a city, or even a country.

Of course, if they want to be really established, they need an opportunity, a good opportunity that is rare in a century or even a thousand years.

Kane looked at the members of the chapter behind, and suddenly turned to Claire and asked, "Do you know this chapter?"

"Know," Claire whispered against his ear: "This chapter is famous for its members, most of them are orphans or people with unfortunate childhoods, they also established many orphanages and relief homes. They I despise those who abandon their wives and children, and they will not respect local laws and punish all crimes against children."

Hearing this, Kane couldn't help but admire him.

The world's orphans, or single-parent families. Arguably a very common phenomenon, these are problems due to the high stakes of the explorer.

In addition, the world is very large, and each region has its own local government and power.

Although they all belong to the Mist Council, they still have a high degree of autonomy. Such a policy of treating orphans can only depend on the local civilization and cultural system.

Some countries have entered the system of government, some countries are still monarchies, and even the culture of tribes exists.

The Mist Council will not interfere with these things. Coupled with the extreme expansion of personal strength, some backward systems still exist safely.

However, there are battle groups to explore this dungeon, which shows that the information of this dungeon has been well known by many explorers.

Finally, after a period of queuing, Kane and the others entered the dungeon.

Standing on the floating platform of the starry sky, Kane and the others were conducting the final equipment inspection.

After waiting for the inspection, the captain entered the fog gate first.

After passing through the familiar dark corridor, I came to the hourglass in the center.

The surrounding scene did not change much from when they left.

Now the two doors in the front and the right have disappeared, and in the rear and left, there are still two doors painted with orcs and barbarians.

After waiting for a while, the roars in the stands calmed down, and light began to flicker back and forth on the two gates.

Finally stopped at the gate of the orcs.


Kane quickly rushed to the gate of the orcs, followed by Claire and the others.

After installing two steel walls at the entrance, they were ready to repeat their old tricks.

The gate of the orcs rose slowly, and no one was seen yet, but their wild roars had already come out.

The figure has not yet arrived, but an axe has been thrown out first, hitting the steel wall, making a sound of iron.

Finally the orcs rushed out, still not wearing any armor, holding all kinds of rough axes and blades.


The orc, who was about to rush to the wall, suddenly stopped under this roar.

They stopped in place, quietly waiting for the owner of the roar to come.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and in the shadow of the door, a sturdy figure wearing a simple armor came out. Behind him is a flag with a bird painted on it, which appears to be the totem of their tribe.

This is a kind of Orc Overseer that Kane and the others have encountered before. Seeing that the armor on his body is very intact, it seems to be stronger than the previous Overseer.

I saw that he took a flying axe from his waist and threw it towards Kane and the others.

Then the throwing axe hit the transparent steel wall.

Wisdom flashed in the Overseer's eyes, he waved his hand, and said something they couldn't understand.

Then the manic orcs began to gather around him.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lombe said, "It's a little troublesome now. He seems to have sensed our intentions, and he's not as stupid as those green-skinned dwarfs before."

Kane did not speak, but continued to observe the Overseer's behavior.

The Orc Overseer kept taking out the flying axe from his subordinates and threw them at Kane.

The location of each investment is different. He is looking for the invisible wall in front of him, where there is a gap.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Kane knew he couldn't wait any longer.

"Lombé is going to turn into mocking him, remember to mock only that Overseer, and make sure to mock him."

Lombe nodded after listening.

"No problem, leave it to me"

As he spoke, his beard began to burn, and his figure began to grow.

In an instant, he turned into a little giant more than two meters tall.

He yelled at the orc warlord inside, "You green-skinned jerk, come and play with Daddy."

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