The early morning sun rises from the sky.

The golden sun shone with a little warmth on all the soldiers who were still alive on the battlefield.

This warm sunshine represented that they were still alive, and dispelled the cold from their bodies fighting all night.

It also made their hot-blooded body surfaces begin to cool down.

What followed was pain all over the body and a weak body.

And the huge stone wall that spanned almost 1 kilometer still didn't dissipate, and it still stood in place.

Lumbe, who had returned to his normal size, knocked on the stone wall, turned his head and asked Kane beside him.

"Didn't you create this thing with your original skills? It didn't dissipate. You wouldn't turn it into reality, would you?"

Lumbe had been looking at the stone wall for nearly an hour, and all the undead had been wiped out, but he still didn't dissipate his curious question.

Hearing Lumbe's question, Kane nodded: "I didn't construct this with my skills, but I lifted it directly from the ground.

It is equivalent to the situation where I controlled the soil in the platinum country, and naturally it will not disappear. "

Hearing Kane's explanation, Lombe seemed to understand and nodded.

This is an extension of Kane's current rules, as Kane comprehends more and more rules related to creation.

His original skills are also being crazily perfected. With the improvement of original skills, Kane also began to change his state from the outside world to the platinum country.

Although he can only control simple terrain changes through his original skills, this is still a huge improvement.

At this time, many temporary tents have been set up on the battlefield, and many wounded soldiers are being treated.

Metzker, on the other hand, ran across the battlefield, treating all soldiers who were about to die.

All the soldiers who were seriously injured and on the verge of death were able to escape the danger of their lives in a very short time under the treatment of Mezik.

As for the subsequent treatment, naturally there is no need for him to take action.

The rest of the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield.

Dig out huge pits one after another, throw these bones down, then light a fire and sprinkle some holy water.

Finally, the bones were buried.

Moreover, many undead still have usable equipment on their bodies, which must also be stripped off.

The corpses of comrades-in-arms should be preserved as well as possible, but it is no longer necessary to deal with the holy light.

Because they will be buried behind the front line, and the appearance of Kane and the others means that the scope of the undead forces can no longer be extended.

And the members of the Knights of the Lantern began to walk around the entire battlefield, picking up some shining crystals.

This is a scene that will only appear on the battlefield at the end of the battle with the undead.

Members of the Lantern Guild, throw those filled hedrons on the ground during battle.

With Kane taking control of the Adventure Book.

A blank spar will appear on the body of the guild members at any time, and it will fall out directly when it is full.

It saves them some effort, and they can be unaffected in the battle.

At this time, Abby was walking in front of Kane with some members of the Knights.

They got off their horses and placed the corpses in front of Kane.

This time, they are all members of the Knights Order, and there are 8 of them in total.

"Aren't there gold-level deaths?"

"Return to Your Majesty, no."

Kane nodded, and then performed the resurrection technique on the 8 corpses in front of him.

As for why there are only members of the Knights, it is because the members of the Knights always charge at the forefront and face the most enemies.

There are always some unlucky people who are besieged and lose their lives.

But at least the comrades around will know how to preserve their corpses.

As for the ordinary soldiers who came with the Lantern Knights, why didn't they die?

It is because almost all the weapons they use now are various launchers and long-range individual weapons.

Completely entered the era of thermal weapons, which also led to a great reduction in their casualties.

He had been attacking on the city wall before, and then followed the Lantern Knights in pursuit.

Naturally, there were no casualties.

And since Kane and his side had more gold-rank powerhouses than undeads this time, there were also no gold-rank casualties.

After the eight members of the Knights of the Lantern were resurrected and rejoined the team, the bishop also walked over with a few soldiers and a few corpses.

"Your Majesty Kane, I entrust these brave soldiers to you."

Kane nodded, and also resurrected the five fortress soldiers.

Although the magic power and various skills in his body can allow him to resurrect more dead soldiers.

But he didn't want to. After all, these soldiers who died in battle were soldiers from a fortress that he didn't have much to do with.

Willing to pick out 5 people to spend magic power to revive is already the greatest kindness Kane has made.

All help and gifts must have a degree.

He has not been kind enough to resurrect all the dead soldiers.

That's enough.

Not far away, Milarina, who was about to come to find Kane, stared blankly at this scene, with the same expression, and the two gold-ranked guards who followed her all the time.

If they read correctly, the corpses that were just carried over should have lost their breath.

However, with Kane's waving, these corpses came back to life.

As the bishop left, Miralina walked over immediately.

He stared at Kane with wide, bright eyes.

"It's just resurrecting some heroic soldiers, don't be so surprised."

Kane looked at Milarina's expression and said with a smile.

He knew that Milarina had been watching from the side, and this was not something to hide.

"Just? Resurrection? Don't be surprised?"

Miralina repeated some key points from Kane's words.

Is this something not surprising?

Although the territory of the Bihai Empire is vast and the country is rich and powerful, it has never seen anything like this.

Is resurrection a very normal existence in the foggy world?

Listening to Milarina's words, Kane said with a smile: "I still have some magic power, do you have any lost subordinates? If the body is well preserved, I will not be stingy with this little help."

After hearing Kane's words, Milarina immediately came back to her senses, and said to one of the mermaids behind her, "Do it, Dole, and bring our sacrificed people here."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

As he said that, the mermaid immediately controlled the sea water under his feet, and quickly surged towards the distance.

Afterwards, Miralina turned her head, stared at Kane and said, "You really can surprise me at any time. Is resurrection in the outside world such a common thing?"

In the previous chat with the members of the Kane Guild, she knew that there was resurrection in the outside world.

But whether it was from the members of the guild or her own understanding, resurrection should be a miracle that would cost a lot and was not easy to accomplish.

Hearing Milarina's question, Kane thought for a while and replied: "Although resurrection is not common, it is not a rare thing. It is very easy to see hard work, and maybe you can experience it." Woolen cloth."

Kane's answer made Milarina couldn't help lowering her head and thinking.

Then he said: "It seems that we have taken advantage of the cooperation with you. I really look forward to the outside world after the ring of the world dissipates."

Kane just smiled and didn't answer much.

After a while, all the gold-ranked mermaids brought by Milarina followed in the sea water under their feet, dragging three mermaid corpses.

This corpse was dressed exactly like the Siren Singing Troop they had brought with them.

"Then His Majesty Kane, show me the miracle you have."

Kane looked at the three corpses in front of him, and said to one of the corpses that had lost more than half of its waist.

"This corpse is too badly damaged, let him be buried."

The large missing piece of the corpse's waist has very obvious bite marks, and there are various gaps all over the body besides this.

Hearing Kane's words, a surge of sea water wrapped the corpse and dragged it back.

Then a spot of light appeared in Kane's hand, and he resurrected the two mermaid corpses in front of him.

After the resurrection of the mermaid is a classic again, who am I? Where am I performing?

After careful inspection and questioning by a mermaid general, he nodded to Milarina when his subordinates really came back to life.

Now there is no doubt that the resurrection is real.

Looking at his actions and behavior, it seems that for Kane, this is a rare and common thing.

Kane was too relaxed when resurrecting these corpses, as if he was treating a wounded person.

The only loss Minarina felt was Kane's magic power, which had a very noticeable reduction upon resurrection.

She can also feel that this process consumes a huge amount of mana, although it seems that this mana is nothing to Kane.

The magical power in the king's body reached a very amazing level, beyond her imagination.

But the more important thing is.

resurrection? Is it such an easy thing?

Milarina couldn't help but look up at the human male in front of her.

"Your Majesty Kane, is resurrection really so easy? Is there no price?"

Milarina couldn't accept such an easy resurrection without a price, just consuming some due mana.

Kane looked at her, thought for a while and said: "Of course resurrection is not free, even in the outside world, it is not an easy task."

Then he walked forward with his hands behind his back: "It's just that, for's easier."

Hear Kane's words.

Milarina smiled and couldn't help saying: "It seems that this trip is really a lucky one for me. It is my honor to cooperate with His Majesty."

Hear Miralina's words.

Kane said with a smile: "No, no, it is also my honor to get your help.

It's a win-win thing. "


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